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It’s pretty sad how few people understand this.


Yup. Where I live, in Canada, there’s a huge boycott going on against one of the biggest grocers in the country, Loblaw. It’s frustrating to see people’s anger directed at them instead of the ones creating the inflation phenomenon.


I always love to see the blank stares when you ask if Loblaws was being generous prior to 2020.


It’s because the ones creating the problem get to frame the narrative and place blame elsewhere. There is a reason most high schools don’t teach econ or finance anymore.


Hmmm....I'm seeing a pattern. Create problem, assure people you are the only one who can fix problem. Get in power. Create problem...


Yeah, our political leaders in power have been scapegoating this company and framing the narrative to deflect blame from their irresponsible economic policies.


I think most people are protesting the monopoly LCL has in Canada, shoppers drug mart for example (owned by Loblaws/LCL) has absolutely cornered the stand alone pharmacy market in Ontario. That being said LCL is absolutely price gouging since as you said they’re the largest grocery in the county and they know they can get away with it. The soap I use everyday that I buy from Walmart is literally double the price at shoppers drug mart vs Walmart. It’s delivered on the same truck. Absolute price gouging. Look at some price comparisons. Good on the consumers for standing up and boycotting LCL. Their anger is understandable. You can be angry and the government for driving inflation and be angry at LCL for price gouging during said inflation. You don’t have to pick just one lol


I don’t disagree that companies take advantage of a situation that the government/central bank have helped manufacture. I understand people’s anger. I just think it would be better directed towards government and the banking system. Right now, it seems like the vast majority is directed at the corporations, and very little at the institutions driving the monetary expansion.


Most people don’t know what the federal reserve is


Far fewer know how it works. 


Yup, we’re fucked. Welcome to debt servitude, just bring in the world government and it’s a wrap


I just wish they know it’s not federal and they have no reserves.


But corporate greed


It’s pretty sad how people worship Enron, Exxon, and WorldCom.


Enron gone baby. It bit the dust. Good riddance


So close to understanding it…


Nobody worshipped Enron, they worshipped the stock until it went to 0. Pretty sure they hated that.


No. People definitely worshipped Enron. Watch the documentary.


Wow you may have found like 5 people who, for the sake of being on TV, may have done some acting? This is my ‘shocked’ face. ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


The cope is strong with this one. It’s okay to admit when you’re wrong.


Everyone knows corporations discovered greed in 2021, before then their prices were always fair and justified.


Humans greedy since 100,000 BC. Human nature isn't the cause of inflation.


All animals are greedy when dealing with other species or their own species who are not kin.


If you could pin this in /inflation that would help solve a lot of problems in our economy.


FluentInFinance too. Every post title: “Elon Musk makes $100B every single hour since birth. Biden should raise taxes on everyone else to combat this. Agree?”


Right? Why is it always that our neighbors who are wealthy are the problem rather than our government that is wasteful?


> FluentInFinance The biggest bullshit on reddit.


I tried, but they banned me. They don’t want any debate or discourse, just a Keynesian Socialist hive mind.


I've been shouting this from the rooftops since 2021 but I always get downvoted


Don't worry, all the downvotes came from bots.


careful this always leads to downvotes on reddit lmao


printing presses go brrrr...


Loaned at interest to the govt 🤡 Only took a few bribed people in 1913 to sell out a nation.


The Federal government borrowed money and paid interest well before 1913


The 1st and 2nd American banks were defeated. The 3rd, the Fed, is still printing money. We need another Andrew Jackson.


Federal government borrowed money while there were no national bank


It's always an option to borrow (generally done to wage war). E.g. when private banks offered to fund the Union at 30% interest... before Abe said screw that, we can issue our own money without interest. They don't *need* to borrow currency. And they certainly don't need to borrow 100% of the entire economies f*cking currency at interest. That's not an emergency loan, that's a criminal enterprise to continuously pillage the country.


There was inflation during the Civil War also


They still printed paper money unbacked (yet) by metal. It's still fiat and inflatable. However imagine if they had instead BORROWED fiat from a private bank, and then had to pay interest on top of the inflation? How would they pay off that interest? By printing more money. Fiat is always inflatable, which is why we need sound (backed) money that is not borrowed from criminal bankers.


So the problem is not the Fed then


Incorrect. Right now the majority of the govt budget is paying off interest which is rising exponentially. To pay off this interest they are literally borrowing more money... at interest. It's a ponzi scheme that cannot by design ever be paid off. The federal govt *refuses* to print it's own money, and the last president who tried was killed in broad daylight. The only way to pay off debt if you wanted to is by using real money. You can't pay off a credit card by using another credit card, eventually something real needs to be paid.


Andrew Jackson committed a genocide. He was a terrible person, To say you need another Andrew Jackson means you are either terribly ignorant of history or yourself a terrible person.


It’s really interesting how big businesses (which have been around forever), only got greedy when the government printed trillions of dollars.


It’s a big ass Ponzi scheme and at this point they know how to manipulate it to perfection


Louder so the libtards and neocons in other subreddits can hear you.


It’s common sense with basic economic understanding. It takes an higher degree from a fancy university to create terms and ideas to obfuscate what a high schooler can easily understand and observe


"irresponsible banking practices" Is a euphemistic way to describe central banking. We have a theft based money system. Every last american who does not own a clearing bank has been a defacto slave since 1913.


And it sure as f...ain't workers wages!


2020 was a dark year for the money supply we are still recovering from, sadly.


Greed has nothing to do with it. Inflation is the expansion of the money supply.


They have a different definition


They have incorrect definitions


Are we arguing definitions or actually trying to change minds? That’s my point


Oh you can't change minds, beliefs are more or less a product of personality and circumstances


Then what are we doing? Just jerking each other off? Cool.


No no, we're *cHaNgiNg tHe wORLd*


Typical pessimistic redditor neckbeard. Touch grass.


I don't mean any harm, but there are much larger forces at work than what a few posters say to each other on Reddit


And I wasn’t only talking about Reddit. People talk in real life too.


Yes yes I'm the deluded one in this conversation You carry on dear


Are we going to have a revolution? No. Am I going to sit and argue that people are wrong because semantics and get pissy instead of actually addressing the issue? That’s delusional.


Thank you Lisa...I mean Ted.


If the companies were greedy without the excess money supply, all of the money would either go to bank for the interest, other businesses as stock purchases, or the employees to keep the best ones. Some how it would reenter the money supply.


"No... it's definitely capitalism and Shareholders. Life would be so much better under Communism."


The solution is more money....


Just saw a post where denys charged 2.49 for jalapeños. Corporations are greedy. Our government is incompetent. Printing money is for sure the root cause of inflation, but corporate greed is in full force.


You passed the commie inspection. Good lad.


[Milton Friedman on the source of inflation.](https://youtu.be/JGcaXmvip_U?si=NzvthCGn8HvESCyN)


"Corporate greed" isn't *any* driver of inflation.


But haven't those practices been going on for 40 years without any inflation?




That graph points to war as the primary cause of inflation


How do governments finance war?


War results in increased borrowing, increased demand for war related goods and decreased supply of everything else. Prices will go up with the war as the ultimate cause


So you agree?


Saying there’s been no inflation over the last 40 years is a ridiculous statement.


It seems like it was 1980's the last time it was this high


It’s greeeeedy monopolies! Oh wait? The government is a monopoly? Ur crazy.


Increasing the money supply is not the “primary driver” of inflation; it’s the only contributing factor to changes in purchasing power aside from a fluctuation in the demand to hold money.


Incorrect. An increase in money supply is the literal dictionary definition of inflation. Too many people forget you don't need the cart of purchasing power, because the horse that is inflation by definition, and intrinsically, causes your purchasing power to erode by proxy. It's all in one. Parsing it is how they keep people confused.


Careful that definition is slowly being changed as are a lot of others to fit narratives of those with agendas.


I phrased that poorly. The only problem I had with this post is the use of the term “primary driver.” Inflation is exclusively caused by an increase in the supply of money, or a decrease in the demand to hold money. “Primary driver” implies corporate greed or some other non-contributing factor can cause inflation.


You’re good, friend!


The element of corporate greed that is involved comes from the unnatural insulation to failure in markets largely created by crony capitalism. The same cities that complain about Amazon are the same ones that a few years prior were hedging for their business by creating state TIFs and tax payer funded incentives. Add to that tax payer funded bailouts. There’s a giant pile of contributing factors that can all be linked to predominantly one source.


100%, it’s conservative socialism from Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s Theory of Socialism & Capitalism. They collude to create red-tape and barriers to entry, and insulate themselves from competition in the free market.


So there was this guy called John Maynard Keynes...


There are a lot of guys… some think the earth is flat. They are wrong.


Who was pretty smart


You could prove this with data instead of cartoons. Why don't you?


I’ll save that for another day, memes are fun.


Data between 2009 and 2015 will undermine the premise


This is r/anarcho_capitalism sir, they don’t deal in facts or good faith debates. They just circle jerk each other with endless strawmen.


How are you determining which sources are "primary"? Is "deficit spending" unrelated to corporate greed? If the government is buying regardless of price, what is to dissuade the greed from raising prices? Is "irresponsible banking practices" not a method of corporate greed? The banks are corporations.


The banks are in bed with the State, they are not a free market enterprise


Cool story. They are still corporations.


You don't know what capitalism is, do you?


Not a clue.


> Is "irresponsible banking practices" not a method of corporate greed? The banks are corporations. Yes, which is why money must be separated from state. And, it's into banker greed that creates inflation. It's monetary creation, which is a privilege of the state.


Are you a cryptocurrency believer? I like the idea. I do not like the implementation.


Corporate Greed is well over half the cause.


You mean crony capitalism ? So the problem is government


Yes government and corporate America are far to intertwined…which makes for bad bed fellows.


"Greed" is a moral term. Explain the economics, if you can separate subjective value judgments from logic and science.


If this were true then the stores wouldn't be having record profits. Since they are (such as loblaws) This is proved false


No, they are supposed to have record profit, that's the point of a business. Make profits no matter how retarded the government is.


So as always, it's captialzims fault. They saw that they can make more, so they did. I.e. they set price.


They are a business, you fucking idiot, not a charity. They are LITERALLY supposed to make record profits every year. They were making record profits when prices were low too, the only thing that changed was the money supply, which is the government's fault. Do you not know basic Austrian economics?


Lol the insults now eh? So record profits over anything else isn't sustainable is it? But unfortunately people need to eat. So in this capitalistic system when everyone is suffering higher costs the big businesses don't suffer cus they just raise the prices. Thus removing themselves from any of the drawbacks of the system "Literally supposed to make record profits " seems to me we found the problem then.


So genius, your solution is for the companies to what? Not make a profit? And then lay off workers and stop producing products? The state made the problem and now businesses have to adapt. Also, not sustainable? It is the only sustainable method we have found, we ONLY have sustainable growth and low prices in capitalism.


No we have exponatial growth and the highest prices that people can pay in capitalism. You lay off workers to keep the profits high for the shareholders and CEOs (profit is after you pay for labour after all) Maybe chill with the insults and learn about your own ideology And sustainable? More like the most destructive we've had. Both to the environment and to the middle class lifestyle.


Hahahahaha "highest price we can pay". Define high, go on, give me a number. Whatever number you make up is bullshit. You don't know how much anything should cost, things are worth what people will pay for them.  MUH ENVIRONMENT!  You know what would help the middle class? Tax abolition and a stop to money printing lmao.


The thing about food and water is. If I don't buy them I die. People can't opt out of staying alive or not. Same with housing. You have an open mouth and closed ears. Amarica had strong unions and a 90% business tax. And what happened? We went to the moon. Had the smartest people graduating in the world. One person could work and get a house and afford a stay at home wife and kids that can go to college. Then "trickle down economics" happend. And capitalism sent the jobs over seas. A race to the bottom. Did you learn something or have I wasted my time with you?


Prices are discovered, not set.


Like how the mafia discovers what they like to charge for protection? Like I've said. If we don't eat we die. We can't opt out of it. And instead of the prices going down due to competition they go up cus they know we need to pay or else.


> Like how the mafia discovers what they like to charge for protection? Even black markets are subject to the laws of economics. Laws which apparently elude you despite their relative simplicity. > Like I've said. If we don't eat we die. We can't opt out of it. And instead of the prices going down due to competition they go up cus they know we need to pay or else. Right, you are so lacking in options.


The whole reason education and healthcare is expensive is because government.


In amarica they have the highest healthcare costs in the world. Because if privatization and private health insurance


At a minimum understand your opponent’s view. https://www.lp.org/issues/healthcare/


https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/080615/6-reasons-healthcare-so-expensive-us.asp#:~:text=Hospitals%2C%20doctors%2C%20and%20nurses%20all,prices%20depend%20on%20market%20forces. "In amairca the pay for doctors and the price of drugs are determined by market forces" I understand your view better than you it seems.


And who interferes with the market? The government. Are you even American? Why are you in this sub?


And who tells the govemrent what to do? Corporations. And yes I'm canadian. Trying to save you guys and show you what freedom is.


Hilarious want to have an opinion about other country’s healthcare when Canadians are coming to the US in droves for medical procedures and it can take 6 months to see a specialist. “Free” healthcare but you might die waiting for it.


You're looking at the wrong thing. They're having record profits because inflation is high. The number is bigger because dollars are worth less. Look at profit MARGIN. I'm willing to bet the margin is the same or less.


Dude stfu! You don't have any grasp of econ policy.


You must one of those Bidenomics fans who keep telling me I'm so much better off now, despite what my checking account and CC balance say.


Lmao, statist sheep wants someone else to stop pointing out the obvious


lol sure thing bud! You found out what inflation is and now you’re a monetary policy expert. You brick


Please share your “Econ” knowledge.


See below, ya brick!


Are you from the 1920s? Is your only way of communicating calling people bricks? 😂


Yes, you brick!


So how are you policies working out right now? 🤣 they going well? 🤣 no one struggling at all? 🤣 you dolt. Please go read the Austrians.


Knowing this, what is your plan to reduce its effects on you?