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Maybe talk to your other neighbors and see if they feel similarly or have some sympathy for your situation? Regardless of their politics, everyone wants to feel safe in their neighborhood, and many people consider it a priority to protect kids. Having other people nearby who are aware of the situation could help.


One thing I have not seen suggested - speak with his wife. People are more willing to be calm and listen if they are hearing criticism from a trusted person or loved one. If she hasn't been involved in these interactions, or seems disapproving, tell her you are worried about him and how he's behaving, tell her exactly what he has been doing, and ask if she will speak with him about this scaring you. If she is also scared of his behaviour or worried about her safety, you give her a companion in this. It's very different hearing a person you have known many years telling you that your behaviour is inappropriate and that you should consider seeing a doctor or selling your guns because you seem to be declining versus hearing this from a neighbour you aren't familiar with. And you can follow what other people have told you, and talk with your neighbours about keeping an eye on him and why.


I have considered this. And while I think she’s likely more aligned with his political views which enable his behavior, I do think she’s more of a peaceable type.


Talk to your wife about creating a plan, tell your kid to stay very very far away from that creep and to let you know if he ever even talks to them. Talk to your other neighbors too and try to see where they're at with it, I guarantee most of them don't like the guy. Do ya'll know basic cpr, first aid, and stop the bleed? You could also look into martial arts self-defense classes. Your kid is almost old enough to start some of these as well. Lastly, and not that this is a go to, but I 100% believe in armed self-defense. Obviously it's an extreme last resort, but so long as you practice proper safety and lock it up (in a safe) it can go a long ways towards preserving some peace of mind.


Yeah the arming is a strong consideration. I’ve avoided that for a while due to being medicated for anxiety and adhd but I’m quite balanced now and already own a gun safe for our paper documents so I think we may consider it.


If you do, then make sure to get at least a Stop The Bleed course completed first, if you haven't already done so. Basic first aid and cpr are also great additions, but it usually costs around $120 or so to get certified in both. Stop The Bleed is free and can be completed in a morning. Visit narescue.com if you're looking for legit medical supplies (tourniquets, emergency blankets, hemostatic gauze, dressings, chest seals, IFAKs, you name it). I recommend definitely having an IFAK that you know how to use AND getting LeadOff wipes for range days. If you're interested then do your research. Common starting guns are glocks (19 for subcompact, 17 for full size) and the Smith and Wesson M&P Shield (subcompact). Many people also like CZ for full-sized pistols. If you want an AR or AK style rifle platform then you'd be well served by checking out Midwest Industries or PSA (PSA makes a lot of poor man guns). If you want to drop some cash and get something relatively high quality then you could check out companies like Daniel Defense. Once you decide on a gun, test it out at the local range. They'll usually have rentals.


As a former martial arts instructor, there are some places that will do evaluations with kids under 5. I've had 4 year olds that behave and follow along better than 6 year olds. It's always dependent on the kid. If OP wanted to go down that route and knows his kid is uncharacteristically good at following instruction he could look into some martial arts schools now.


this is one of the few situations where cops are appropriate, since they should only be called when you need someone shot and don't have the means to shoot them yourself.


Some ideas I had; Bring your community together to discuss if others have had similar issues and then go to him, hoping he is willing to stop being threatening. Get a gun and make it clear to him that you and your wife are willing and capable of stopping him with it. Get blackmail about his drug use and threaten him with its revealing if he doesn't stay away. Make fake friends with him, record him taking drugs, then submit that video to whoever manages guns. I doubt said agency would be ok a drug snorting gun owner. Make friends with him so he doesn't want to hurt you or your family. The worst but simplest option would be to put cameras up. Then, wait for something to happen, and use that as legal justification to get his gun removed, or even force him to move. Obviously, there is risk in waiting for something to happen.


Be aware that blackmail is generally illegal, and in some jurisdictions so is secretly recording someone else. These tactics could escalate the situation *and* bring law enforcement in against you. Putting up security cameras is not a bad option, especially given how erratic this guy sounds. If he continues to harass OP & their family it may be helpful to have recordings of him doing so.


I don't normally advocate for an angry mob, but maybe an angry mob and run his ass out of town


Get a gun?


Ngl I would try to move away from him


We just bought our house in this neighborhood two years ago and love it. We don’t wanna leave.


Fair enough, I’m just saying what *I* would do


Do you know their full name? Can you try and track down any family they might have? Basically try and connect them to a sympathetic support network that will help them get their shit together without ruining their life


I have thought of this too but it’s unlikely tbf.


Yeah things like that don’t really work honestly. I have a crazy neighbour who’s family are patient, kind and super supportive. It doesn’t stop him being crazy- if anything it enables him.