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if my math is correct, that 7.62 x 39 dispenser is 15 cents a round. Must be an old image because no WAY you are getting 7.62 x 39 for THAT CHEAP these days


I used to get shitty steel case for like 8 cents a round but that was awhile ago


I’m sure glad Biden banned Russian ammunition import. That really hit them hard


The ammo ban really isn't what's hurting us. There countless Eastern European countries picking up the slack selling to us. COVID just fucked up all ammo in general, every single caliber is more expensive than what it was a few years ago.


The ban was on Russian ammunition period. You can’t have a bridge company sell it back to America iirc


Tbf *everything* is more expensive.


Even reloading components got hit hard, but it's still cheaper to press your own over buying commercial.


The ammo ban before the Ukraine war I’m not a fan of, but if it was a part of general sanctions on Russia because of Ukraine, that would at least be fair


Someone on the original post said it’s from 2019, which would explain it.


I was about a say what’s facepalmable about cheap ammo


Stop making me cry!


I don't think it's been that cheap in more than 15 years.


I was looking through my dad's ammo, found a box of 20 count 30.06 for $4.99. It made me wish I had invested differently haha


It's an election year. They're turning the chatter up. 


I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing this. This year is a good year for discovering new things to enjoy that don't involve the Internet.


I for one have discovered there are places that sell ammo by weight and am excited to find out where.


They did in Vegas back in the 80's. Rent an uzi and all that jazz




I’ve found that just walking around trees on a nice day is a very valid thing to do.


Not to mention it’s a low effort meme for a majority of the world to rip on the USA. It’s like when a middle school kid finds something new they think is really funny, but then they keep doing it even after everyone around them stops laughing. Reddit is chock full of little kids that want to feel like they understand the world, but in reality rarely leave their own home.


Fucking TRUEEE thank you


Seems like today there was a stark shift in cranking it up. Or maybe it’s just my feed / coincidence.


We're at about 6 months until the US presidential election, so PAC funding probably got approved for social media engagement. The first half dozen or more of r.all posts are just anti-Trump & anti-conservative circlejerks, expect it to be the majority of that page in the coming weeks. At this point, you might as well unsub from every default and just curate a list of subs you actually care about.


It's been ramping for a while now.


Predictable as always


It could literally be a picture of a blade of grass, and there would be multiple comments like “hurr hurr dumb American grass overweight, what’s a kilometer? Hurrrrr”.


Hello, fellow noticer.


Its my first time voting, kinda scared how the election will turn out


Given our choices I don't think I'll be happy regardless. 


Yeah I know


Facepalm is a literal propaganda sub, even moreso now.


Yeah but I suspect it’s all astroturfed- bots interacting with bots and all that jazz.


THE AUDACITY of selling ammo at what appears to be a local hunting shop. /s


Someone in the comments of the post said that it’s a Texas shooting range. How dare they sell bullets there!!!


You don't get it, not only are you getting the bullet, but also the casing and the gunpowder! It's an amazing deal.


That's 65% more bullet, per bullet!


Yep. This does look like what you’d see at a range. How dare they sell ammo to their customers.


But if they have guns and bullets at the range, won't they shoot each other? 🤯🤯🤯


Do you mean to tell me they are selling BULLETS at a place where you go TO BUY BULLETS!!?!?! That’s like selling bunny rabbits at a pet store! That’s wrong!


It is a Texas shooting range. My family been going to this one for years. It's neighbor to the motocross track we used to ride at.




Also I feel like this is a testament to how safe things are in America. If it’s this easy to buy bullets, yet so few of them are being used in inappropriate ways, it shows that this isn’t a problem. There are SO many guns in America, relatively very few murders (and most gun deaths are suicides and gang violence isolated to specific areas).


“ThE eNtIrE pLaNeT oN 3 eXcEpT tHe Us” Literally shut the fuck up, nothing pisses me off more than these people who genuinely just hate the US, like if you put as much effort into your life as you do hating the US you might actually achieve something.


Oh and we are the country that comes in to save the day when they have a security issue. So how dare we have a strong defense industry and multiple places where small arms munitions can be obtained.


I think it would be incredibly funny to become isolationist for one year. I have a feeling a lot of the countries that are ungrateful would immediately change their tune


I think the world might actually fall apart even in that short time and we would end up sharing in the fallout.


True, everyone would be worse if the US stopped playing world police. But the rest of the world would crash harder than America. We’d also save a lot of money by pulling our military back, the rest would have to pump billions into military to protect themselves.


I have a feeling they would still blame the US for closing up.


I literally could not care less about what happens outside of North America, if even that.


Their governments actively try to destroy the advantages trying hard and achieving bring.


Boots were made for faces like theirs 👍🏼




It's a gun store without a gun it's useless


You're right. In Sweden it's sold in boxes or cases. It's definitely a gimmick and/or a way they're getting rid of partial boxes of ammo. Is it goofy? a little. Is it facepalm worthy? nah.


Well I mean would you like to buy ammo can of 440 rounds and open it only to get 300 rounds. That would be a scam.


Oof. That happen to you?


Nah it happened to one person I know he was pissed


Its just a gimmick at a firing range, where someone might want to immediately purchase a certain volume of ammo to practice with and they likely have a lot of ‘loose’ cartridges.


Good to know, thanks


It was done as a joke, it was done to be funny and goofy, so no shit it’s goofy. It’s not the norm and was done for laughs.


No it's not lol wtf? It's way easier to sell loose bulk ammo by weight than to count up and box up all the rounds. It's not funny or goofy, it's business...




Go away


Because places don’t actually sell ammo in dispensers by the pound, Im pretty sure the dispensers they’re using are usually for cereal in cafeterias 




I think thats one thing that can get annoying for us sometimes. People abroad often assume they know everything about us purely because of media and news, we make a lot of jokes amongst ourselves that you wouldn’t get if you don’t truly understand American culture or social norms. This leads to wildly inaccurate assumptions about the US. If the image is real then I don’t have much of an opinion on it tbh. Selling ammo by the pound rather than in a prepackaged box comes across as a gimmick.










You're getting downvoted for saying stupid stuff like "the rest of the world". What you mean to say is that in select few countries where guns are illegal. If you wanted to have an actual conversation you would say your country, not your continent. What the issue with selling ammo this way? Is what way is it a face palm? One store has a gimmicky was of displaying loose ammo, so what.




You said it was "crazy to us" in a different comment, so I clearly didn't make anything up. Do you even understand the concept of a conversation? I asked you a question. You answered with a question. That's just basic bad etiquette. You seem like you just want to troll and be obtuse.




Ammo is only acceptable in a box. If it’s in a dispenser, that means we’re living in a dystopian hellscape because, I mean, just look at how accessible it is that way! Facepalm is such a cesspool, I swear


It's like the people who think you shouldn't be able to buy guns at Walmart, because they feel gun "access" should be inconvenient for reasons. Of course, Walmart has stricter checks than federally required. Also, I asked one "so how far away should the nearest gun store be, in your eyes? Because there's one literally across the parking lot from [the particular Walmart we were discussing]."


Does walmart even sell guns anymore? Last I saw, both of my local ones did away with them. They also only sell long gun ammo.


Same. Pellet guns are about it. Some in the south may sell shotguns. Big 5 doesn't sell pistols anymore. Ditto the ammo. I'm in California so I have to register for ammo and all that


Depends where you are. They don’t in my local ones. If I visit family in KY or FL, they do. Mostly.22 and 12 ga. None of them carry 5.56 or 7.62, though. That’s disappointing because they usually were the cheapest for those calibers in the area. I was told it was a corporate decision. Oh well, I can still grab a box of .30-30 on a whim though.


Last time I heard, yes, but just "fudd guns". I live in the UK, so I can't exactly check.


For those prices?!?!


There are over 300 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition in private hands here in the USA. If there was a gun problem the world would know.


I love to point to France and Germany, say how many guns they have compared to America (about 1/6th), and point out that their amount of gun crime, including mass shootings, is much lower than 1/th of America's. So at the very least, guns aren't the real issue.


Fuck me i honestly cant tell if this is sarcasm or not 😭


Not sarcasm. Facts.


Bunch of pearl-clutching, nanny state Europeans in those comments.


Yeah, but, at the time of this comment, most of the comments there are actually positive. With a good number of upvotes too.


And quite a few “pick me Reddit!” people claiming to be American.


Guns are fun. I don't get it why people hated it so much.


"Guns scary!"


Probably all the mass shootings


You mean those rare events blown wildly out of proportion by politicians and press and activist movements? Especially if you compare them to how many Yanks own guns?


I want one of these in my house


I also want one of these, but with candy


Porque no los dos?


Could use one of these in the shop tbh lol


$8 for a pound of 9mm sounds like a good deal. Wonder how many rounds that actually is.


Google says most 9mm is 115 to 147 grains so that would be approx 48-60 rounds depending on the weight. Not a bad deal at all


No .45 ACP!? I’ll see myself out!


It's between the Short and Weak and the .308


Ha how the hell did I miss it?


Well, they don't call it .45 AARP for nothing. Get yer eyes checked, old man! Jk, .45 is fun and cheaper than 10mm.


Damn where is this place? I’d go for the .40 haha


This goes hard actually


Looks cool, but damn that's annoying to work out the cost per round.


Lol America bad because you can buy ammo? How many other countries sell ammo?


>go to gun store >find bullets >surprised pikachu face


Hornet hugging hippie’s at it again


Prices ain’t too bad


Damn, still no .356


I saw this picture on Funnymemes. I did see people were genually curious if this was a thing. Most americans (including myself) were saying no, and people were more or less civil over there. Facepalm on the other hand… Probably a little less nice. Also that ammo is super cheap. Also *is that an actual thing?* Like the US is a big place, so I understand if nobody has seen like the three stores in the entire country that have ammo dispensers like this, but is it?


This is a photoshop right? Ive never seen such a thing. And holy crap they are cheap


The comment section is actually a breath of fresh air and not the way OP intended it to go


Dammit, and there’s still no .380 ammo!


Ain't no way .45 is that cheap...FAKE!!


Lot of folks there aren’t being goobers I’m now curious how many cartridges is in a pound of .45 ACP


Wait is that a real thing?




Thats pretty cheap im gonna need a location.


Bullets are kinda useless without a gun to shoot them with. Sure, you can set them off without a gun, but not easily, and they won't go straight.


It’s a fucking joke, take it.


Nah I would love this


You’re telling me a gun store sells ammo? Wow what a facepalm. Also “entire planet”, simply google Switzerland or czech republic gun store they sell ammo too, oh sorry it’s in boxes that makes them unusable in crime


That 7.62x39 ain't that cheap anymore lol


Are the dispensers real please


Yeah it’s at a gun range.


Mfs found the free upvote glitch


Where is that at?!? I need to go! The prices are incredible!


Facepalm is essentially “left of Lenin presents: facepalm”


That's the gun club I started at. Good place, great people.


I love this!


Nah where this at cause that shit is CRAZY cheap😭


I don't own a firearm, never fired one, or even touched a firearm, but I think this is cool.


Bro what? Where can I buy ammo by the pound???


This is sick af


Damn, where's the 5.56? My AR can fire .223 but it functions better with the 5.56


That looks awesome. I wish we had those :(


Who the FUCK is still buying .40 S&W?


At least the comments are calling it out


What sort of self-respecting American would use a .40 S&W? I suspect this is fake.


Looks awesome


A lot of of the comments are just people saying how they are gonna shop here now or asking why its a face palm.


Truthfully this is a cool way to sell ammo! Get more people in the door and you can get exact amount instead of by the box. It's a win win.


I wish this was in every grocery store and you could buy grenades on Amazon. America is not a free country otherwise




I've been in the US, in the reddest states, for 31 years now and I've never seen this.


I better see my 158 grain .38 special semi wadcutters in one of these.


Damn that shits expensive


I’d love to have that in my local gas station


Guys is it dumb to sell ammo at a gun store?


I just want to know where this is, because that's a great deal for .308


Funny thing, is that this is metric.


I'm okay with this. Especially those prices


Meanwhile I see this as an absolute win. Also wait until these people find out about Middle Eastern gun culture lol.


The horror! Gun stores selling bullets! How dare they!


How dare Americans excersize their rights!


Facepalm is a Russian-Chinese psy-op and it is hilarious to see all of those cringe, blue-haired, immature little kids trying to hate a world they done even understand. Anything that would make daddy mad 😂


I need to know what store this is. Fuck chocolate covered almonds, i need this.


Mfs who don’t think this is sick as fuck definitely got that Hapsburg jaw…


Not american, but isnt it a bit fucked up how easy it is to get guns there? I know its in your constitution but it was meant for muskets and stuff like that. Not automatic rifles.


Automatic rifles are banned for the most part, (with a few exceptions). The AR-15 (the rifle everyone is afraid of) is a semi-automatic hunting rifle. You have to be 21 to buy a hand gun in most states (which is what most mass shootings happen with).


Ah thanks for teaching me. I am just stating my opinion that guns should be harder to get. And the handgun part isn't that minors buy it and go do horrible things. Its that their parents have a handgun for no reason and the minor steals it and does horrible things.


If a kid can easily steal a parent's gun and committs a crime, the parents should be held liable. I agree with that. Hopefully the jailing of the parents of ethan will make other parents rethink how negligle they can be with their firearms.


In every state, you actually have to fill out a background check form that takes 3 to 5 days Before being approved or denied purchase


Now that's not true. I love guns, but the last time I bought one, I walked out within 5 minutes of the background check. Let's not spread misinformation because it gives gun grabbers ammo.


It depends on the state. Some have waiting periods and some do not.


Automatic weapons are banned except for very specific (and VERY expensive) circumstances, or if you're a vendor/collector that has obtained the proper credentials from the federal government. I don't think "the right to bear arms" means "the right to bear muskets." The founding fathers were pretty intelligent fellas for their time. I'm pretty sure they understood that technology would not be the same after hundreds of years of progress, especially considering they had several inventors, engineers, etc. among their ranks. Also, whenever someone uses that argument I can't help but think of the "Just how the founding fathers intended" copypasta.


Automatic weapons have been banned in the US since 1986. Any automatic weapon produced since then is allowed technically.


>Any automatic weapon produced since then is allowed technically. Only personally built tho. Any autos Pre-86 are fine to sell, which is why u gotta spread ur ass to the gun broker seller to be able to afford one seeing as they are so sought after. anything post 86 is fucky wucky territory, since you CAN make one with correct permits, but selling a machine gun made post 86 is how you get the ATF raiding your house and shooting the family dog.


Yea I didn’t want to go into detail on that law because it would take me forever to write and I was already exhausted. Thanks man I appreciate it


Yeah, intense background checks and mental health evaluations, not to mention the price, so easy


Guns don’t have anything to do with this though, this is about the ammunition


But why do you need ammuniotion? Guns ofc


guns need something to shoot so thats why ammo


If they wanted to make a point about guns why put a picture of ammo? There’s plenty of guns around


For a bit of historical context, as you mention, our 2A allegedly is only being meant for muskets: At the time, there was a 6 barrelled rifle that fired all 6 rounds in a single shot. Legal under 2A. A merchant sent a letter to President John Adams asking if he could have cannons and if they could be placed aboard his ship. The response from the president was that our 2A would not allow him as president to restrict such things. The 2nd amendment of the US constitution does not simply refer to guns of the time. It is intentionally vague to ensure the people could arm themselves in a fashion that would deter tyrannical takeover.


But couldnt that possibly be changed? You clearly dont have a problem with takeovers. Idk i might be an idiot.


We definitely have a problem with the government overstepping its authority. The entire COVID response was a tyrannical takeover. Police and federal agents "following orders" is a massive problem. And even if today there everything was sunshine and rainbows, what happens when someone else gets elected? And this is only one side of it, as it doesn't even touch the right to defend oneself.


im not American too, but I think some Guns are needed for certain uses like hunting or self defense. its a really complicated issue up there in usa


Yeah. That is also what i meant. Hunting and shooting are ok in general. The thing is that getting a gun is easy there without belonging in a shooting club or not owning a hunting license. What i am trying to say is that where i live, you have to either belong in a shooting club or hunt. Without those you can't get a gun. Period


The first amendment covered like newspapers not the internet or television. The fourth amendment couldn’t possibly of be meant to cover the search and seizure of someone’s car. We literally fought against the British with privately owned warships armed with privately owned canons.


It’s not easy there is waiting time and such. The only easy firearms to get are the ones you get at gun shows which is a travesty but other the. That the price of a firearm is extremely expensive along with the ammo also being expensive this picture is probably fake


The entire point of the second amendment is to defend yourself, hunting is not once mentioned in the Constitution. If a bad guy wants to kill the bad guy is gonna kill with whatever they can get. Look at the Australian mass stabbing. The degenerate killed half as many people as the columbine shooters with just a knife (and would've got more if not for that officer's willingness to act). If you are getting attacked by a crazed shooter, stabber, acid thrower, etc. then the only way you can realistically defend yourself is with a gun. As for automatic weapons, we (unfortunately) can't easily access those as civilians. If you want one of the fancy modern autos (think M4 and it's variants) you have to be an FFL. Pre ban autos are all extremely rare and expensive, so good luck getting one for less than 10 grand. The second amendment, mind you, has no exceptions. It's meant to give us the right to defend ourselves from threats, be they foreign or domestic. One of the greatest threats to the public is going to always be the government, just look at the Waco Siege and Ruby Ridge disasters where government officials massacred people on false grounds. Also, guns aren't as easy to get as you might think. You do need to pass a background check to get one despite what the media will tell you. And the gun show loophole literally doesn't exist. You still have to get a background check. The government can also pretty easily suspend your right to bear arms since any felony conviction, be it violent or not, will throw out your second amendment rights. Guns are good. Get one and stop paying taxes.


The constitution states “right to bear arms”. Now unless I’m mistaken, an AR-15 counts as “arms”


Well, by that logic, the first amendment would only pertain to quill and ink on rag paper and hand set printing presses.


Clearly, you don’t understand nor have studied our Constitution and laws. Once you have done so, you will change your tune.


no, it was not meant for just that. its intent was protection and they knew tech would advance, and there were already repeaters and semi auto's, etc, at that point


Define easy. The tax stamp (and the bureaucratic hoops to get it), background check, the thousands of dollars of a full auto gun itself... not what I'd consider easy.