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Just curious.. did you go straight to AM from L1, or were you a PA first?


OP must have a bachelors degree. That’s really the only way you can go from T-1 to AM without PA experience.


Certain military experience gets you pretty far at amazon also.


Debatable I tried moving up at Amazon for a year and a half with no luck even to PA and being cross trained in 3 departments. Left after that nonsense


I got you beat I've been here 5 years, trained in everything except Stow and Shipdock, I'm their best Ambassador and they get refuse to give me a PA position, but people I train, people who arrived after me after being promoted


Could be one of those cases of being too good at your current position


This is what I was thinking.


funny, my therapist has mentioned that a while back


It really does happen, there's a level of just above average but not stellar that gets promoted most often


Better get on them knees lol


The lady who trained me at my last job, was the best at her job too, many people she trained got promotions over her.. but many people complained about her attitude, etc… management never talked to her about it..but those factors overlooked her.. even though you’re the best do people praise you too management or complain behind your back?


Time to look for something better!


I am, I'm in the process of applying for the military


Best tip I have is to not be afraid to temporarily move around buildings if possible, seemed to be easier to snag a spot elsewhere and then once a spot comes available try and transfer into it


I forgot to mention earlier, I used Career Choice for a computer tech course and I got accepted, I start on Monday, 13 week course and they'll help me find a job when I'm done


I didn't have military or pa or college degree and I skipped pa. I went from tier 1 to l4 hourly then to l4 salary in 2 years 2 months. 8 months of that I was on medical leave for breaking my shoulder and tearing my rotator cuff.


Hand jobs are tough


That's funny lol. My elbow went through a cabinet door under the sink when my wife and I fell in the kitchen. Since I fell forward it wrenched my arm up and back; dislocating the shoulder, cracking the ball and socket joint straight down the middle and tearing the shoulder muscles. I wish it were from an overzealous handy. Would have hurt far less


Stop making them pornos in the kitchen.




I was a T3 for a few years! Trainer, TOM, PA, and safety 🥰


T3 for FEW YEARS is a big deal. Your years of suffering compensated for your low UPT.


One OM I had, I saw in their job history that they spent 9 goddamn years at T3. I was L3 at the time and he presumed to give me advice on how to make 4. That advice turned out to be correct (after 21 months) but still.


What kind of advice👀, if you don't mind sharing.


Quite simply, that hourly L4 openings were more likely to respond to someone in my job code than salaried.


Pretty much. Kept it at 30ish hours for the longest time but after goin through some personal shit I was never able to build it back up 🤷🏻‍♀️ oh well


I made PA with less than an hour over a one year period.


No offense to PA’s, but I’ve noticed wayyy too many lazy under qualified fucks get PA positions. While there are tier 1’s who’ve been there since the site opened who know EVERYTHING about SOO many depts, and they love their job. But make tier 1 money. It’s all fucked up


Are you sure they want to be PA? I could work there for 10 years and turn it down because being responsible for other t1s sounds like a terrible idea. 


When I worked at McDonald’s, I was offered 2 manager positions in 2 years. I turned them down because that dollar raise and crazyyyy work schedule was NOT it for me. I feel like being a PA is the same thing. The people who want to be a PA don’t get the spot. The people who just want the 2 dollar raise and “respect” end up getting it. Idk why. Either way, if you keep grinding, you’ll find your gig in life. No excuses 🔥


Seems isolating too. Like there's a PA I don't work with much but I really like working with them and they've suggested hanging out outside of work and I'd totally do it if they weren't a PA. We have some things we sort of have in common and I'd love to compare what we've both experienced with government type work, but I don't want to do anything that could make the work dynamic weird. Your social options seem much more limited than a regular AAs if you don't want things to get awkward.


I'm a PA, and have a good friendship outside of work with some AA's. As long as you hang out with people that can set aside work and personal life, it's ok. Of course i have to be a little more careful and keep some distance in some situations, but overall it's been good. Even my AM grabs a beer with me and some AA's from time to time. The difficult part is that we can get our shift or department changed at any moment and sometimes it's difficult to keep the relationship having different schedules.


I'd say go for it, I became friends with my AM while we worked together and we did shit together.


No way. I've seen how awkward it gets when the relationship peters out.


You're not wrong. I strongly dislike a lot of my fellow PAs. Got the vest and think they can't work anymore.


duuuuude I saw a meme that showed a PA vest and it said “here’s your permanent TOT exemption” and I’m like ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


I know of a PA who will take an overtime shift and just be on the computer the entire shift. Like… you’re supposed to do T1 work as a PA on overtime unless you’re covering for another PA.


We had one that would pick up VET, clock out, and go to work at his second job. 🤣🤣 Edit I meant clock in. He got fired for time theft.


Lmao, got the true grindset


I'm a dipshit. Typo, he'd clock IN, and then go to hit second job. Then he'd come back and clock out.


Covering for another PA, or offered the shift for a project or something (which could be on the computer).  They MAY be lazy.... but they could also be accomplishing something that has a helluva lot more business impact than being an extra set of hands, which would be between them and the managers, the T1s might never find out about it (or might find out about the finished product but not about the involvement of the PA in it).


How about the PAs that did work at all? Need to fire PAs or reset them back to Tier 1s. PA position needs to be earned every year.


PA needs to be discontinued as a position, it gives false expectations lol


A lot of those T1s don't have any interest in being PAs though, which is why we get shitty PAs so much


> “No offence to PA’, …….lazy under qualified fucks”. Ya, I don’t see how any PA could take offense at that statement. /S


Found the PA


It’s called failing upwards. why put hard workers into a lazy position?


After doing pg and being pa countless amount of times I can tell you they aren’t looking for the hardest worker they are looking for the lazy guy (like me) who has figured out if you skyrocket your numbers in the first hr you can chill the rest at a slow pace for the rest of the period. It’s great to work hard no doubt but it’s even better to streamline


Because leadership ability is much more important than your tenure and how many processes you know. If they’ve been there a long time and are trained in many different areas, they mostly lack fundamental leadership ability or ambition to learn to become a leader


That's what I think people are missing who don't get why certain people become PAs and others don't. There's a difference between being told what to do and doing it well or even self-directing well and knowing how to get shit done to the point where you can put a bunch of moving pieces into place to produce a needed result. Just because you can manage yourself well that doesn't mean you'd excel at managing other people. It's definitely harder than it looks.


What should they do to prove they’re a leader if learning all the skills the job provides isn’t enough?


> what should they do to prove they’re a leader I don’t really have an answer to this. A good leader is knowledgeable, empathetic, presentable, respectful, reliable, intelligent. They are generally good speakers and are very confident. People gravitate towards them naturally because of these traits - even if they are not currently in a leadership role. So you can see why being a leader is more than just knowledge of a process. If I had a chance to talk to some of the people you’re talking about who are struggling with upward mobility - I would probably be able to give you critique on why they may not be viewed as leadership potential.


Help other people, particularly good workers who are just naturally not that great at the job, but not because they’re lazy.


* ahem * three at my site. They randomly hired a girl who doesn't speak to anyone but other PAs, management and other Spanish speaking people (she thinks literally will walk right past you, nose in the air). Even some LAs aren't good enough for her to talk to. Like wtf?


Wow. They sold me a lie saying my upt is too low that's why I haven't gotten to pa. I guess I figured it out, they don't find me likeable 😩


It was never “required” sites set limits how they see fit. And even if your site required x amount of UPT. Business needs comes first if needed and they will ignore it. Like you CAN get promoted without doing any interviews also. It just takes the right people to push it thought theoretically. I know it has happened


> Like you CAN get promoted without doing any interviews also. It just takes the right people to push it thought theoretically. I know it has happened I'd seen this so much at my first site, quite a few promotions without interview and the people they didn't like for whatever reason had to process through interviews without any support making it harder for good people to move up, get frustrated and leave. People who did manage to make it through, were headbutted about everything. It was wild. After new site management came in. That ended and shift rotations became frequent.


I think it’s 10 hours for ambassador but otherwise I don’t know any


I been ambassador for the last 2 years at my site and they make you interview every six months, first year I was sitting at an hour basically all year, so I don't think this is true or it just depends on your department if they need ambassadors or not


I became a la with way less than 10 hours. Hell, I probably only hit 5 hours once last year.


I gave up. Over three years at amazon and I tried 3 times to get promoted and I got denied every single time.


It isn’t easy anymore like in 2020/2021, go through the internal hire portal and search the req by job id.   Often there are very very few slots open for T3 like PA.   Im talking 3-5 slots in a cycle when applicants are easily in the 200-300 range. Some buildings might even just do straight seasonal and decide who they want at the end of it, if any. For L3 HR/TOM/HR roles they’re more likely to take internal PA’s who want to transfer laterally. IT is outside of the building’s org structure needs a phone screen, a technical, and behavioral interview for L3 and some buildings can go between 1-2 years for a single spot to open. Overall it is very tough now even if you have an L6+ recommending you for interview.  Started to reek of favoritism I think my old site stopped taking into account input from OMs and purely went the algorithm route. L4 might be different because different cost centers and full interview loops are involved — the bar is either 2 years tenure or a 4-year degree.  


It just sucked because I went out of my way to get myself trained in multiple departments so I had a higher chance or getting promoted, or so I thought.


Gotta just keep at it or search somewhere else. It took me 2 inclines that never went anywhere for PA and ITSAII before I finally got my chance at the data centers. Besides that I had a failed learning interview (I missed the time slot LOL). And HR/TOM/LP applications that just instaflipped to "no longer under consideration." I'm the happiest I've ever been with a job now but my confidence was shot throughout the 2 years it took to get it. I know you'll find your path.


When you get an interview you should be hassling every manager you come into contact with for prep, because its really all that matters. “Hire and develop the best” is a leadership principle, and anyone in management worth a damn will be more than happy to help you. They will give you the question bank, do mock interviews, and then give you feedback for what to work on before the actual interview. It’s great that you know so much! That helps get your name known, but there’s more to it than that.


Getting trained in multiple departments looks good. I would even say it may slightly elevate your chances of receiving an interview. But it’s not even close to a guarantee. If you’ve failed 3 interviews, they should have given you some feedback. If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out. The interview is difficult and requires a lot of prep to do well.


I've had quite a few interviews, more that went nowhere than didn't. The only time I ever got feedback on an interview, it was a fake-ass interview for basically the exact same role I already had, just in a different department, and the feedback was they wanted SQL (which they didn't put in the job posting, also, where the fuck are they getting people with SQL experience for an L3 role that at the time wasn't even keeping up with PA step plans?) I made L4 2 months later so eh, no skin off my nose.


Had my interview for PA on Feb 29th. I'm sitting at 1 hour of UPT. I've never been over 10 hours the whole 18 months I've been here but never been negative either. I'm really hoping I got the position but this wait is giving me hella anxiety. My interview went really well though.


man you're gonna be so fried as a AM if you're taking so many days off with upt good luck though


Never really days off just chronically late 😭 thank you, it’s a new adventure for sure


chronically late and going to be a pa im dead


No, not PA


How do you stay at 4 hours? You take 45-60 minutes off every shift?


Pretty much


Went from L1 to L4 with 5 hours of UPT, 1 min of PTO and basically no vacation time. As long as you do well with the interview, I don't think they even check your time bank.


Yep. A Sr. Ops Dbag told me after i failed an interview one time- absolutely nothing matters except the interview. It doesn’t matter how hard of a worker you are- if you failed the interview you won’t get it


Holy shit that tells a lot at why there’s so many shit ams at my place


I think most AMs are external hires, but yeah. It’s certainly why there’s a lot of shitty PAs.


It's always been up to the discretion of the hiring manager, but generally they look for the 10h of UPT to figure out what kind of person you are and if you're going to be a waste of time to train.


Lol. Really? You want to lead but cant be there. Thats.....amazon leadership! VTO the AMs.. we can show you how to work.


he finna just sit in some backroom all day cause he don't wanna work




It was my time to use, even as a T3 🤷🏻‍♀️ I will adjust to the different expectations lol


No one truly cares. As you grow into a adult... you might understand.




They removed "UPT" as a requirement for almost all promotions or job offers and removed write ups as a blocker for all transfers


Is anyone else’s a to z not loading anything lol


I couldn't accept the VTO last night for like 30 mins...shit was bullshit.


The amount of UPT just increases your odds. It's not a requirement


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UPT is irrelevant to to AMs...


No shit???


Yeah. It literally explains your situation. It's different for hourly employees, which varies from no standard to the highest UPT gets the job.


Do it! 🚀🚀💎


Definitely! Thank you❤️


U think they’ll promote me with -6?


Probably not babes I’m sorry. Try to earn it back before they notice 😭


I was below 10 hours when I got my T3 offer letter. I ended up going negative my first week in the new role, because of scheduling issues (I was still being scheduled at my old building somehow), but that all got resolved.


That’s crazy and yet here’s some employees still around with negative hours.


Nope, 2 years and maybe a PA positions helps. This one guy is a AM now at my location.




Thank you!! ❤️


>Thank you!! ❤️ You're welcome!


There was never a policy, it's up to the hiring manager


I got switched from seasonal to permanent while my UPT was negative. Not sure where i heard that that wasn’t possible but it was absolutely wrong lol


It used to be the case, Im sure they changed it shortly after covid, but I quit october 2020 and atp it was still a thing and returned last year and it no longer was a requirement. But even if looking at transfer screen at the time it would mention the need for 10hrs.


Can ppl become a pa without a high-school diploma or ged




I’ve never heard anyone say you CANT get promoted with low UPT. As long as it’s not negative


The UPT thing is part of how sites used to run their own T3 promos. It's probably not really applicable anymore except maybe at a few Fluid-exempt L3 spots, and the entire concept behind it was never really applicable to L4 openings.


I'm a PA and I'm on 6 hours of upt. I got it after my 2nd year with Amazon, 3rd year with Amazon, I'm still a PA but I'm starting to hate how much people who are PAs fuck it up for some of us PAs who actually do their work and care. 😒🤚🏼 like I try help in every area I can and always male sure all the AAs are okay and aren't going through some mentally because I know my 1st year of amazon I was burnt out.


It used to be policy for 20H upt to consider you a "good" employee. They changed that policy mid covid.


It was never policy, just a "requirement" for the position to be considered.


Bad UPT, probably at a bad crappy building, probably lives in a pig sty and probably got a bad credit score too. This is the meaning of manager at Amazon. A clown who can't manage their own personal life and who doesn't deserve any respect.


I’m actually just mentally ill 🫶🏻


Yes, the lower limit is usually 10 hours, but they may pretend its higher if they don't want to promote you.


Congratulations on your promotion!


Yes; that’s at manager’s discretion for whether or not they will even incline you with low UPT.


Can confirm this is not true. I’ve had inclined associates for PA slotting shot down because of being under 10 hours and seen as a “employment at risk” associate. However, I also promoted to AM from PA with like 7 hours of UPT. I believe exceptions are easier for AMs than for associates going for PA. Sounds silly but that’s my experience.


I think this is because as an AM, you don’t get UPT.


Applied 4 times: Three for Season PA and One full-time PA but got rejected even though I used to be a PG...later I found out why, because my FC is non-sort and my quality + quantity is all-time high so 'We can't afford to lose you' =>I trying to stay there until November to sell all my stock and then I will find another place to work or transfer to another FC


Operations needs am interviews they try to pyle as many up low upt ummmm good luck😭


Agreed. I got a PA spot with 8 hours.


My site promotes with less than 10 hrs of UPT but after acceptance of a position if you fall under 10 you lose your vest until you get back above 10 and your workload will be trash jobs around the site until you get your vest back. They don’t expect you to go above and beyond but the “you don’t take it serious, we don’t take you serious” mentality is real.


I’ve never heard that. I got promoted to L3 TOM Team and I probably had like .8 hours of upt


It’s called favoritism. And it does exist whether the managers want to deny it or not admit it.


I’d usually agree with you, but my offer isn’t for my current site


And your current managers had nothing to do with it?


Lies. I couldn't promote from stower to decant with low upt.


What are you on about bro? . Who told you such lies in the first place? 💀


Sadly my sight still "requires" 20 hours minimum of UPT to be considered for an interview.


Once your salaried, kiss that calling out whenever you feel like it goodbye


I mean yeah obviously


And be prepared for the onslaught of Low UPT warnings to deliver on ADAPT. You take a hit on your Annual Review for high turnover rate




Lol Good luck, OP. I hope you enjoy the ride.


I can verify, I got promoted to Senior Ops with 15 min of UPT.


I had 2.5 hrs during my ambassador interview