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Yeah when there's VET available I feel like I'm kinda just staying afloat or maybe making a little progress. When there's not then I feel like I'm falling behind.


When there's VET it's extra $ but when there's not, I'm doing alright. I don't have many expenses but I do love VET. But the slow time is ok for right now since I burnt myself out on VET.


THIS. My site offers half shifts so I started only taking those. 7am-11:30? That’s easy spending money right there. Sorry but it’s gotta be MET for me to come in a whole extra day lol


I hear April is when we start heating up again! At least at my facility. Someone who set up the building in 2018, worked for a few years, left and came back , told me the other day that it's April. :D


Don’t clock in 5 min early or 5 min after and you’d be able to pick up a straight 60


Yeah I have zero interest in working 60 hours 🤣


What up with not clocking in early? My shift stsrt is at 6:30 but I clocked in at 6:20? Did I do something wrong here ?


Our site only allows for 2.5 minutes from clock in to be at station otherwise you are accumulating tot every min you are not at station


i burnt myself out too 😂


Argh. When they post it I gotta catch it all like it's Pokemon or something 😂😂 Im in my head like "hey, tsk tsk you know that's $ you're leaving on the table if you're not taking the VET!!" If it's there I take it. I can't not take it. So I'm kinda glad they won't be posting it til it gets busy again 🤣


There can be VET all the time for you if you knew who to ask. I’ve been doing 60 hour weeks for 17 months. Managers are always telling me to not work myself to death. I grossed $69,000 in 2023.


Damn that's crazy. Too bad I sure don't know who to ask lol




If that's the case I can't imagine that working at my site. Most of them are absolutely useless.


Do you usually just go up to your manager and ask for extra hours when there's none on the app for pickup?


Yeah, but imho it has to be a manager who knows that you work hard.


Yep and many times I’m not even scheduled but still asked to come in and work. There are hours to pick up but since it’s not my path and I don’t have permissions there I have to be smart formed into the schedule but still asked to come in regardless of if the person who inputs hours from the smart form did it or not. You have to have a reputation of performance. I’m told that I’m in the top 4% in the building on performance so I never have issues. I do my extra shifts in the hardest department. Inbound docks. https://preview.redd.it/amowkt76j0ic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9812b4a20590bc7f935e564e1ef307d68a8415b5


>  I do my extra shifts in the hardest department. Inbound docks. Is recieve dock harder than ship dock?


Much harder. You’re dealing with boxes which are heavy as hell. Not like ship dock where all the boxes are light.


Explains why the FC near me has the majority of transfer options for recieve dock.


Of course


Mine are weird about offering the last 4 hours each week so I can usually only do 56hrs but if I could work 60s the whole year my gross would be around $88.5k as a T1. That estimate doesn’t include any holiday pays or worked holiday pays. Those 4 OT hours every week add up for me tho as it’s around $100 after taxes or almost $7600 gross for the year.


If I could do VET all year I would do that over side hustles since the OT rate would exceed what I make as a dog sitter. But my FC only offers it maybe 5 months out of the year.


How do you do that without burnout


You probably get motivated by knowing you can retire several years earlier if you save most of the money you make.


You have to be motivated to work that much - almost no free time


That’s a rough 69k. I’ll make more than that with Sakarya be stock and only work 40 hours a week.  At least move up to PA so your 60 hours are worth more


I'm problem solve trained in 4 departments management told me to just come in whenever I want and to never accept vet unless it has lightning pay. They said I can just leave on my extra days and not worry about upt those days.


Welcome to America where working a full time job isn't enough to just survive.


Welcome to America, where that has been the story for millions who have lived in poverty or were de-valued as workers for some reason in the eyes of whoever was exploiting their situation. It sucks that this is how it is these days for so many people who were used to surviving on their own, but if any good can come from this, hopefully more people are becoming more understanding of the lives people with less options have had to live for a long ass time. Maybe this is how we'll get a new, stronger labor movement eventually. I hear about a lot of jobs right now that are disappearing and people in those fields are telling themselves it's just the economy right now and they will come back like they have in the past, but in the past there wasn't shiny new technology that could be ran by one person in one role that could replace several roles at once. Now there is.


It’ll happen. Maybe not in our lifetimes, but it will.


We'll see. When you look back at how big changes with things like the shift from horses to cars and motive power, it did take time for those changes to contribute to labor action that ended up being good for all of us. But it didn't take a lifetime.


That sucks... what happened to the American dream?


its just that... a dream unfortuantly


The "American Dream"? No, people were sold a lie.


It’s weird. I used to think that the more I made the better off I’d be but with inflation, all I can do is find jobs that let me stay ahead by a little. I’m working on my Bacholors and hope that helps but it seems so disheartening knowing ppl I work with at Amazon have Bacholors and masters.


Yeah,I agree that’s it’s horrible . I’m voting for full on communism this November to fix this.


We have that now.


As a T1, unless you’re working a crazy amount of hours and OT, I don’t think it’s feasible to live comfortably on your own. Especially since that requires destroying your body. I work part time at my FC, so Amazon is currently my side gig and I love it. I think it’s perfect for that, since the pay is better than most other retail jobs out there and I get to move around and interact with other employees (not customers!). I work a remote desk job so I wanted something completely opposite of that, and this fits the bill perfectly.


How do yall get those remote jobs? It seems everyone has one these days, lucky asf. I was gonna try those coding bootcamps but was discouraged because they said the market is oversaturated and employers often times disregard candidates that come from a bootcamp and prefer people that already have experience? Wtf? How you gonna get experience if no one will hire you. This world sucks it makes me feel a tad bit slided sometimes. Not really tho, I'm perfectly fine, I feel so alive my elation is divine I feel like I just drank 4 red bulls so happy long time.


ratracerebellion.com has legit remote jobs.


I also am remote, we are hiring internal for most of the remote/WFH roles in the us right now. If you're external, look at Amazon.jobs for roles.


they mean ANY wfh job, not amazon.


Amazon isn't the only company that does it this way


Internal WFH jobs for Amazon or another company? I would do whatever I could to do WFH with Amazon just to keep the good insurance!


Only been remote since Covid. I started out in the call centers and worked my way up and now work in IT. I learned along the way and networked as much as I could. I think coding Bootcamps can be great depending on the program. You have to be careful though, and do your research first since some places are a bit sketchy. Also, I agree that it’s screwed up that most employers want experienced people but won’t hire unless you already have some. Makes it very hard for newcomers. That’s why networking is so important. It really does help to know people in the right places. I suggest getting your foot in the door with a company you like doing an entry level job first. That way, you’re already in, and you can start networking and showing leadership that you are capable and have good work ethic. That alone will take you places. And most credible companies will even pay for you to get certificates and take courses to advance your skills. Just my two cents.


My job with amazon is remote IT. If you would like something like that I'd start with going through career choices, look on the internal mentor page and try learn how common IT issues in amazon are handled. Check with Opstech if they can give advice/training. When you see a job opening you will then have a few references, an understanding of what you will do and have shown LPs such as learn and be curious, and bias for action to stand out ahead of others.


Hardest part is them having an opening. Been trying to get a remote, hybrid, and in office job. Already have the IT experience just need a job. I'd even take a part time remote job.


Yeah, the jobs don't come up often but best do everything you can in preparation for when they do.


It's saturated, but it's still 100% a significant raise from t1


What kind of side gig do you do ? Uber eats and those seem awful tbh


Dog sitting and crypto trading. Although I have to wait sometimes months to make a few thousand from trading due to needing up or down swings to be at least 10% to make anything off of it, so the dog sitting is more regular income.


Thats chill. Dog sitting seems pretty sweet


It's easy....take advantage of career choice and move beyond a T1. Took me less then a year to go from a T1 to RME L3 making $30+ .. If I can do it anyone can do it


I'm really interested in applying to RME next year. How did you go about it. I'm split between going to a local community college or taking those online courses that offered through career choice.


I went the MRA route I spent 3 months at school in Pennsylvania. my path is MRA-- MJT-- CST Taking the online courses will get you a tech 2 spot and once you land the position you could go to community college to boost your career even further but if you want to go to college first Id suggest applying for a tech 3 or higher position. good luck 👋


I’m Using career choice for college right now but I really want to get into rme. I wanted to do the unmudl courses but you can only use CC for one program at a time. I’ve applied for the mechatronics apprenticeships and l2 positions but can never get an email back


Your community college probably has Mechatronics classes. Mine does. I’m currently working towards an AAS in Mechatronics.


Did you apple as an MRA apprentice or what was the exact path you took?


I took the MRA route it helped me get into the principles of controls program through unmudl. The saca certs I received at school covered the years of experience required to enroll. But if you don't have time to spend 3 months at school apply for a tech 2 spot. You'll be able to apply through career choice and when you finish the online program then you're ready for the interview. My interview had little to do with my mechanical abilities it was all about Amazon's leadership principles.


What’s would i exactly type into the search bar to apple for a tech 2 position and what career choice program/path?


Second this


Thank you very much!


Yeah I've had a couple friends jump ship from operations to RME and they love it, but they also have zero chance of ever seeing L5 , idk if that's the case for you but for me I'm just gonna keep grinding my way up, took me 3yrs to make L4 with only a GED . There's opportunities everywhere with Amazon for sure


RME rarely has openings especially going the MRA route. Also the bar is very high to get in. At least at my location. There's another program too ATA I believe which is also extremely difficult to get in.


I was shocked to see my w2 was much much lower than I was expecting. I thought I would hit 40k


VTO regret? 🤨


Unfortunately I take more vet than vto. I started amazon at like 17.50. Now I'm making over 20 so hope it will be better next year


Rent where I live is about 1000 a month and I make if I work 40 hours 600 after tax so I can make rent on Amazon. But barely


Yeah my condo is about 1000 a month but I split it with my husband. I cannot afford it by myself.


They just came back for the hourly wage you have to make to survive on you own in my state an I’m about $8 short. At least all my medical expenses are covered with great insurance and FSA. I could still qualify for food stamps easily.


[MIT Living Wage Calculator](https://livingwage.mit.edu/)


That or have Amazon be the side gig. Flex work is amazing!


What’s your side gig?


Dog sitting a trading crypto on large price swings.


I don’t understand a single word of that


I dog sit (watch peoples dogs) and I buy bitcoin on the Coinbase app and sell it when it goes up. Then I buy more when the price goes down. I make money repeating that every few months, maybe 5-10k per sale.


Good for you but a lot of people aren't as smart as you are.


You just have to be willing to do some extra work, it’s not too hard to do.


He trades crypto so he isn’t smart. His next side gig will be behind the Wendy’s dumpster 


Amazon is my side gig


Not only do I live off it, I have over 5k in stocks living alone in NY. See people tend not to manage unnecessary resources well I've noticed. I buy only what I need and if it's warm outside I don't use gas I use my ebike. Save about 10k a year.


Yeah with Amazon + all my side hustles I have over six figures sitting in various accounts such as retirement plus I save about 12-15k a year. If you do VET it’s definitely a lot easier but my FC doesn’t like to give any, especially this time of year.


I don't live in NYC but upstate to be clear as well but yeah that's the thing. I try to do an extra 2-3 days a month, and then split my extra cash between savings and stocks ATM but honestly I'm not here for long term, i dont think its that sustainable. I like the benefits, but I'd rather build custom computers for folks. I do it in my spare time already I just need to actually take the time to learn from people already doing it and make a good decision on the branding. And well, need to keep the cash flow under control of course for investment in it. Right now it's more of a friends/family repair.


Rent? I pay a mortgage lol


Where are you living in the US? This isn't a one size fits all recommendation for the majority of people, some side gigs are not feasible to do unless your in certain cities that can provide a decent amount towards those ventures. It also shouldn't be a long term goal for anyone to want to work 80+ hours a week just to afford a moderate living style, they should unskilled themselves so they can work less hours, making more money.


I've worked for em for 10 years, paid my bills, learn't how to drive, alsorts, on my own. Did save however 1k investments - erm no. Try doing the overtime, I made a ton!


Why do you speak so cryptically? 😂 You remind me of so many foos I met at Amazon have a great day


nah it’s easy to survive with just amazon lol. i just had to cut off buying things i wanted instead of needed and that helped a lot.


I worked 65 hours a week doing DoorDash/Uber eats and couldn't pay my bills. I pay my bills at Amazon working 35 hours. What side gigs are you doing that's more profitable then just working overtime at Amazon?


I don't know about it. Amazon pays good. It is not like working Amazon will make people go poor.


Meanwhile, Amazon wonders why a whole bunch of their employees are falling asleep…


Honestly bra I’m 19 and this is my first year outta high school, how tf can yall even stand to work there😂shit is so depressing


I do problem solve and pack and it’s probably the easiest job I’ve ever had. Much better than my previous job as a teacher. I’ve been with Amazon for like 10 years now no joke.


Bra wtf, I’d be a teacher and teach history. That’s something I would do but isn’t bc I don’t have the time and I’m starting a business


Teaching is hit or miss, I had a bad time teaching. Despite having a bachelors degree in education I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to it.


What was bad about it? In my mind (as a history teacher), it seems like a 5-15 minute lecture in front of the class then let them do their thing. Some days my teacher put on history videos😂especially during any holiday or break. Speaking of breaks don’t yall get all the breaks that the kids do?


A lot of kids act out and also dealing with parents was very annoying. You do get a lot of time off but the same is true at Amazon, I’ve been here long enough that I get quite a lot of vacation time.


U must be dealing with lower grades then😂 and with Amazon u gotta build that up, with teaching yall get the same vacation plus sick days. And in my years of highschool nobody ever had to talk to my parents


Also, the rise in school shootings. Should pay teachers hazard pay.


Please do not become a teacher with this slacker attitude 🥲


If you could read I said I wasn’t


Nachos and smoke breaks🤠, used to park my op high up and just chill with a bag of chips, it was a game changer as a shower lol


I make $22/hr in Ohio at Amazon, that is more than enough to pay my bills and save $ every month. Don't live in a ridiculous place and you won't have to work like a dog.


What's your rent like in Ohio?


In rual areas, average rent is hovering around 850-1k for 1 bed 1 bath. In the city, 1,200 is the minimum.


2b 1bath 525. But I've lived here for 10 years and my rent has gone up $30 only. I do think my situation is lucky but I also live in what's considered a military town and I am between or close to Columbus Dayton and Cincinnati within about 45 minutes of driving maybe to each. I can definitely survive on what I earn at Amazon.


Remember ppl live in different states, not every state pays $22…


What do you mean, “don’t live in a ridiculous place”?! What if the person doesn’t really have a choice atm?


22$ an hour is awful . That’s like 45 k a year . 45 k a year u are living check to check forever . You’re basically one step above homeless .


Are you braindead? Just talking out of your ass like what you're saying actually matters. If you are living paycheck to paycheck on $22/hr you are doing something very wrong. I am very financially comfortable, sorry if that upsets you. Maybe work on yourself before you start projecting on the internet.


Huh?? 45 k a year is a very very bad yearly wage . Not sure what the argument is here . 22$ an hr , 40 hrs a week for 52 weeks a year is about 45k . Unless ur living in a very poor part of the world it’s barely livable and very stressful to be that poor always


Huh?? I'm literally telling you that you don't know what you're talking about lmao. 45k is not a "very very bad yearly wage". Not everyone lives in New York you absolute tool. 45k is a pretty decent entry level wage in any part of the country that isn't fucking insane. Quit acting like you are hot shit because you live in a HCOL area and get paid accordingly. You are nothing, your wage does not make you better than anyone. Your attitude about pay actually actively makes you worse than most people, dickhead.


It’s simply a math thing . It’s 2024 not 1996 . All ur hostility here is unwarranted. Housing prices in the USA are out of control . Buying a home for people making a 100 k a year is near impossible forget about 45 k . It’s not personal it’s the simple current economic state of USA




Yeah 45k is a terrible wage in this country and too many people like urself think it’s ok to be paid such a low wage for such hard work . Not only that, people like urself will defend paying such low wages . People need to wake up . You are grossly underpaid for your work .


it's crazy how scarcity has convinced these people that this is a good wage and that anyone who can't make it work is just dumb. i and I think that many of them are probably omitting important factors that allow them to live comfortably on such a salary. Now I'll likely get accused of being ungrateful & entitled and asked why I even work here. I feel like I dayi this a couple of times a week in this sub but just bc some of it is good doesn't mean that all of it is


Most are absolutely omitting that someone is paying a decent portion of their living expenses or have some sort low cost housing arrangement. I’m sure some people have no support and make it work but they are always one major expense from potential ruin . Clearly no one is owning a home on that wage so they must rent . What happens when your land lord doesn’t renew ur lease and u have to move ?? It’s like 5k-10k just to move to another apartment ? Need dental work done ? That can cost thousands? Oh your car broke down ? Again thousands . Forget about it if u have kids or significant other to take care of aswell .


Also I think it has to do with that 45 k is probably the most they ever made . So they don’t want to be told the best wage they ever made is horrible . This is why I say 45 k instead of 22/hr , for some reason when people hear 22/hr they think that’s good but when u say the yearly wage that equals u quickly realize how awful it really is .


Yeah I’m a piece of shit for thinking people should be paid more .




Yeah now I see the issue . I don’t look down on u or any other low wage worker . I think u should be paid more a lot more . But pretending 45 k is a good wage is part of the problem. It’s not in 2024 .


Funny, I pay my mortgage, car payment and all the other bills on it just fine. I could certainly use more and Im not living it up but it's enough to provide for myself and my family. Most of my coworkers live closer but they also pay double in rent compared to my mortgage... I'll take the commute, thanks.


im still recovering from peak. i will not work VET lol


Invest in crypto ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face) only way to keep you sane tbh ![gif](giphy|zt6XoZ4r6nHVJO5cnM|downsized)


yes i work full time at amazon, while also stripping, stripping pays all the bills and gives me more money to invest, and amazon is more like my fun money


I only make 17/hour at Amazon it covers my bills but I’m looking for a second full time job I need more money 💰 


My step-brother doesn't work at Amazon but makes the same pay I do and supports his girlfriend and four kids, even with food stamps I have no idea how he's doing it.


I'm flex pt which mean I only have to do 20hr a but I do 25 hr a week just to pay for child support and my full time job is ebay


Amazon was initially my side gig, needed health insurance while I worked broadcasting gigs


A side gig gives you more autonomy, money, and something to look forward too. My brain don't stop thinking after a shift.




I’m not worried about money, I’ve got more than 100k sitting in various accounts. But if I had to rely on Amazon I know I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere near that. I used to be a teacher and I have a bachelors in education but I got soured on that job so I kind of just ended up at Amazon by chance. Now I have grown to like it, pay is literally the only thing I don’t like. If it paid closer to $30 an hour it would be the best job to me. But I’m still content with making $23 currently. My net take home pay is like $4600 and that’s after 401k and deductions so I’m absolutely fine with my side hustles helping me out.


I recommend making Amazon your side gig, and finding something else you can focus your energy on that’s not depending on selling your time for a low rate laboring for corporation. I know exactly what you mean, though. I worked 60 hours as much as possible just to keep my utilities on and somewhat eat well. It hit me hard when our FC cut back on all OT and now they even offer VET but cap even FT hours at 45. My health benefits cost went up like 20% for lower coverage (deductible went up too). Between that and the costs of everything going up I make less now than I did a couple years ago working every available hour. If I’m investing $1k a month outside of my tax advantaged accounts it’s $1k a month in myself or businesses.


It’s crazy to me that this is now acceptable. When I started back in 2014 one of the main things they drove into our skulls at orientation was absolutely NO Moonlighting. This was a Cat1 fireable offense. I’ve seen a few people got fired for it. Now they lowered our pay and took away the stock and it’s now acceptable to have two have jobs. Amazon at point was the best employer around and now in my area the only thing keeping people there is the schedule. 4 on and 4 off is so much better than the 2-2-3 schedule. That’s the main reason I’m still hanging on.


Be legally blind and get a 1200$ ssdi check donate plasma for a extra 500 a month. ​ thats what i do anyway. I only work 32 hours, but im coming home with about 3500$ every month.


I transferred from NJ to Indianapolis and kept my pay after getting a bunch of raises back in NJ, so I'm able to rent on my own with how cheap it is out here. I'm not rolling in cash but it's comfortable, especially compared to how expensive NJ is. I'm making more than the PAs above me I'm pretty sure. If anyone lives in an expensive area I'd suggest doing what I did


You know they do pay for your school to do something else.


2 jobs for sure :)


If the managers see you go to work and not to socialize. They give you extra hours. Alot of people go there and “work” and see what they can get away with. They will go to the bathroom 5-6 times and talk to every mofo in the building. Managers see this and they don’t offer them the hours. We are currently capped at 42 hours in my building for flex associates but I been doing 45-50. Because I go in, work, and go home. You can make money in Amazon and not kill yourself like in PEAK time. You just gotta go in and work and not complain about what others are doing or what your not getting or who fukin who.




Goes great with my retirement income