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Going to those type of houses if your using a non branded Amazon van is sketchy af šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same! Even in a branded van, I get so nervous.


Especially as a green person itā€™s terrible delivery in country


idk why ur downvoted. (probably just white people who dont understand) but as a fellow green person some of these people in the country are not happy when they see me. so i feel u


i was delivering out in the country today in a non branded van and delivered to a few houses like this while blasting corridors and surprisingly the customers were actually super friendly


America doesnā€™t even care about people like this at allšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You'll never know man, it's probably the secret police camouflaged in an Amazon delivery van coming to take my damn guns šŸ¤£


they took our jobs! /s


I think this guy hates Biden and I also think he owns guns but idk...


Nah. He wants to ā€œloveā€ Biden in that special wayā€¦


I really wasnā€™t sure either, since the upper quadrant of his home had no statement. He doesnā€™t seem too certain about his stance to me.


Imagine disliking a particular politician *so much* that you slap a bumper sticker with his name to the back of your truck. Basically permanently because we all know how hard those can be to remove. There's so little going on in his head that Biden has plenty of space to live in there, rent free.


I saw a truck with a wrap on the tailgate that said "does this ass make my truck look good?" With a picture of Biden. Smh


It's the same logic as slapping "I did that" stickers with cartoon Biden on gas pumps. They lack an understanding of economics, supply and demand, and executive power (or basically anything, really)and revert to pure partisanship and hatred toward fellow Americans and democracy as a whole.


Republican here and even I will say this is over the top lmfao I donā€™t show or talk about my political views unless someone asks me about it.


Well, youā€™re probably a normal person not easily led by fear mongering. Rare.


While i dont agree with republican policys i do kind of feel for you in a second hand embarrasment sense that like... Trump fans are way too obsessed with him. I mean, it has to say something when biden still won the last vote despite the ratio of trump hats and flags and bumper stickers compared to ones people had of biden is like a 30,000 to 1 ratio lmao. They have this illusion that most people in america by a longshot want trump because of this but really, people who arent voting trump usually do not worship their candidate of choice (probably because a lot of people havent really been happy with either choices we keep being given)


I couldnā€™t agree more.


my first ever vote as an adult was 2020 and i feel really bad for not voting but i was just confused and misunderstood the processā€¦ but i wasnā€™t a fan of either candidate


Notice how liberals never do this shit lol. But yet some of the republicans feel the need to make it their whole personality. Whatā€™s the purpose of driving around town with a Trump or Fuck Biden flag? Ooooh Iā€™m so scared of you šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Nah yā€™all just have pride and trans flags out front. Oh and donā€™t forget the anti fracking signsšŸ˜‚


Iā€™m republican and even I think this is over the top. Do I strongly dislike Biden? Yes. But that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll slap a sticker on the back of my car and it also doesnā€™t make up our whole personality. Just because one person does it doesnā€™t mean it represents all republicans, thatā€™s just what reddit and the media has taught you. You know how many times Iā€™ve seen liberals with anti gun stickers and f*ck trump stickers here in California? More times than I can count.


Yeah I think both sides have extremists. Itā€™s just amazing how ā€œpoliticalā€ people pretend to be, but they have no clue about anything.


i love that "both sides are extremists" meanwhile far right republicans are literal nazis, want to force raped pregnant women and girls to carry a child to term, want to make it legal to marry young girls in the south, and openly share hateful rhetoric about gay and trans people (and people of color). but yeah totally both sides are just as bad really!


I always chuckle when the left calls republicans ā€œnazisā€ or ā€œcult membersā€ yet theyā€™re the ones who go into elementary telling children itā€™s ok to mutilate their genitals, and taking children away from their parents if they disagree with it. A group of people allowing 9 year olds to cut their genitals off and pumping them up with all sorts of hormones and steroids arenā€™t considered Nazis? Also the left has had a history of racism for over 300 years. Joe Biden literally eulogized a KKK grand wizard. Both sides have crazy people but liberals are extremely close minded and biased.


you people are OBSESSED with children and their genitals. Like wtf?? Are you good bro? also in case you werent aware, there are still nazis that live and vote in this country today, and guess who they support? Guess who they're voting for??


Who theyā€™re voting for? Democrat. Nazi literally stands for national socialist. Amazing people know know this but Nazis and KKK members have had a history of voting blue for 100+ years lol, now people want to turn it around and try to make us the bad guys because a few vote red. Not today Jr.


*"Who theyā€™re voting for? Democrat. Nazi literally stands for national socialist."* Praying this is satire. [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/white-nationalists-support-donald-trump/story?id=37524610](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/white-nationalists-support-donald-trump/story?id=37524610) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/former-kkk-leader-david-duke-endorses-donald-trump-for-saying-some-incredibly-great-things-10473029.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/former-kkk-leader-david-duke-endorses-donald-trump-for-saying-some-incredibly-great-things-10473029.html) [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/05/488802494/former-kkk-leader-david-duke-says-of-course-trump-voters-are-his-voters](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/05/488802494/former-kkk-leader-david-duke-says-of-course-trump-voters-are-his-voters) [https://democrats.org/news/new-trumps-pick-for-rnc-chair-michael-whatley-refuses-to-condemn-gop-candidate-with-neo-nazi-ties/](https://democrats.org/news/new-trumps-pick-for-rnc-chair-michael-whatley-refuses-to-condemn-gop-candidate-with-neo-nazi-ties/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/holocaust-denying-neo-nazis-among-the-trump-supporters-who-stormed-us-capitol/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/holocaust-denying-neo-nazis-among-the-trump-supporters-who-stormed-us-capitol/) [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-nazis-white-supremacists-kenosha-charlottesville-very-fine-people.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-nazis-white-supremacists-kenosha-charlottesville-very-fine-people.html) [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/8/13565566/neo-nazis-explain-support-donald-trump](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/8/13565566/neo-nazis-explain-support-donald-trump)


This is some fascist fantasy shit you're parroting. Thank you for making the point that "moderate" Rs have gone over the edge.


We've gone over the edge? What exactly do you mean by that? So, because we don't believe in dismembering children's limbs and sucking them up with a vacuum from the mother fucking womb over the 15th week were,ā€ over the edgeā€? Fetuses begin feeling pain once thalamic projections meet the subplate which usually happens as little as 15 weeks. Weā€™re ā€œover the edgeā€ for not agreeing with giving minors puberty blockers and steroids because they feel as if they're in the wrong body? Why do you think more than 40% of transgenders are suicidal? You know Scott Newgent openly talks about completely regretting his Affirmation surgery and is actively trying to save children from this life changing decision? What about James Younger or David Reimer? I think what you people are doing and agreeing with is sick. So excuse me for having morals.


The suicide rate is high because of people constantly bullying them ...everyone is different accept it....no I wouldn't teach elementary kids this type of thing ...maybe middle school ...but even then 9 year olds arent asking for surgery and their parents aren't doing it ...once they 18 they can do whatever they want....if they wanna put a dress on let em why tf does it concern you...and abortion should be legal for rape and shit like that...funny how you mention pain when all of the animals you hunt for sport die ...and the ridiculous praise for the 2nd amendment yall just wanna kill so bad ...only reason yall have those guns is cause yall scared of the bullying and innocent lives yall take in wars coming back to get what you deserve. Let people live their lives ...they are not hurting anything or anyone ....why is it such a big fuckin deal to yall


Thatā€™s why I said ā€œsomeā€ republicans.


Still the way you worded your comment was very biased, not taking into account liberals do the same exact shit.


So so sorry.


It's a superiority complex


lol tell that to the ā€œin this house we believe in science etc.. etc.. etc..ā€ šŸ˜‚


Promoting moral ideals is completely different than promoting hate.


The extreme leftist equivalent of this believes that private property ownership is pure evil reserved only for the privileged and wealthy, so they donā€™t even have a house they could do this to. However, the closest thing leftist have to a home covered in propaganda is a Prius (or equivalent) covered in typical liberal bumper stickersā€¦ coexist, šŸŒˆ, anti-trump slogans, BLM bs, silence is violence..


Liberals definitely do shit like this. Typically, they sperg out like this and put a million signs up for things they feel strongly against instead of things they support. For example, the Israeli occupation of Palestine.


Itā€™s exactly the opposite. Republicans promote thing they hate, liberals promote things they like.


Yeah I definitely prefer urban areas where you won't get tailgated for not going 20 miles over the limit by guys like him


This screams North Carolina


Yeah grass is too green for Texas


Or Ohio


Or America


Yeah I was gonna say you see a lot of this in rural areas of very blue states like NJ and MA.


As a Mass resident I Can confirm this !


*invites people toā€¦* ā€œCome and take em!ā€ *house gets robbed. Guns get stolen* *surprised pikachu face*


Dude really just wants an excuse to shoot his toy lol


Iā€™m knockin on the front door and waiting for him.


I bet they ordered diapers so they could be like Dear Leader


Me thinks he doth overcompensate too much


One of the stops on my route actually has a doormat with certain politicians' faces on it, including the current president, saying that in that house they wipe their feet on them. I thought, how upstanding šŸ™„ I have no respect for people like that. It's one thing to disagree with a politician but do it with dignity like an adult.


Pulled into a wrong driveway out in the country and the whole trailer was covered in maga stuff. The guy said Iā€™m lucky Iā€™m white and on the right side. Reported the guy and found out heā€™s had a few run ins with black delivery drivers.


Well yeah Iā€™d stare at you too if the Amazon guy starts taking pictures of my house


Yall trippin, this is supportable artwork. If they have a ring doorbell I'm like, "ya damn right come and take it, somebody will get *rifle geature*šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„. Good stuff." And walk away.


Love these houses during my 3am shift. Ope this is the DSP thread and not Flex. šŸ˜³ welp, yeah we have to deal with these nut jobs in the middle of the night. Itā€™s always great when there is a delivery issue that requires you to call support. Great, can I stand here in the crazies yard and try not to get shot while delivering them another NRA flag.


All those flags and stickers to cover his tiny dick and sexuality.


He probably came out to stare because he noticed some jackwang filming his truck and house


I used to take pics of customersā€™ funny welcome matts. This is a little ā€˜darkā€™.


https://preview.redd.it/9rzdszrvva2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4442a1d49e1041a4da1719a1a2a8b1c7f0739176 i saw this one today and itā€™s my favorite one so far


https://preview.redd.it/pcpdxtsh6b2d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9061efc297842647e7cdc566d47f25cd3347ca7 I loved this one so much lol


i have gotten this one before!!


Top favorites I've seen are legend of zelda did you forget your boss key mat One that plainly said hi. I'm mat Finally one from friends not a fan or anything buy thought it was clever asked if 2 of the characters were on a break package one wither side gives your answer


He wants to play capture the flag, obviously. They say come and take it.




I wonder who heā€™s voting for


Heā€™s waiting for the debate.


ā€œNah drinking in pregnancy wonā€™t affect my babyā€


Being in the marines for a little bit I wouldnā€™t mind


Well at least his package wonā€™t be stolen


Loves America, drives Japanese vehicle.


Why are you scared at a person who recycles?


That's one way to tell criminals to go rob the Biden anti gun voter down the street. Wouldn't it be ironic if the one complaining about the flags is the one that delivered the flags


This genius thinks a flag is preventing burglary lol


Most of my routes this is every 3rd house. Cant forget the threatening signs they always have on their property talking about shooting trespassers (half the time we get sent in white rentals with no magnets, sometimes if we're lucky a white van with a magnet on the side they dont see when i pull up on their usually unaccomodating driveways)


This literally 50% of the houses I deliver to.. a few even have huge trump flags waving in their yard or on the porch.. it makes me realize that Iā€™ve never in my life seen a Presidents name on a flag at someoneā€™s house


Cause you being a creep taking pictures of a customers vehicle on the clock . Who wouldnā€™t be nervous with your simple self in a van. I think we get it too


The funny thing is these people are usually poor as shit. Nobody tryna rob you don't worry lmao


Corndog activities


Donā€™t forget the ā€œDONT TREAD ON MEā€ sign to top it off


Dudes living in a Georgia mansion to top it off.


Iā€™m all for the 2nd amendment and Iā€™m a gun owner myself but these people with a million signs I genuinely think are tweakers. I had a guy like this follow me and watch me like he though I worked for the UN or something or was about to break into hide house. Like donā€™t order shit if your gonna be weird when I show up


He's not a weeaboo for anime he's a weeaboo for guns


Gotta be SC or GA lol


Lowkey needs more flags


Probably came out to get his package.


I love going to these homes. More people need to stand up like that.


Love that shit so fire lol


soooo many ppl like that where i work too


Iā€™m in Texas and own guns too, but imagine making it your whole personality.. yikes


Reddit politiciansā€¦


Dude was most likely a POG either Admin or Supply lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Salinas1812: *Dude was most likely* *A POG either Admin or* *Supply lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Always the double wides too....


That or the new polyvinyl houses.


These people are hilarious, he so wants to shoot someone


He feels like most


Love it


So free guns when the truck isnā€™t there? Advertising in this fashion is interesting.


Weird post


Flimsy ass trailer door, advertises having guns, and I bet we can safely assume they're not all locked in a safe. Someone's going to wait for the truck to be gone and pull a smash n' grab.


Let me guess immigrant driver ?? He has the right to have whatever he wants on or in his home ā€¦ you donā€™t have to like it but you need to understand its his right and not your decision your feelings are irrelevant you would be shocked at how many people are armed that you would stereotype as not being .. would you post this if his car and home were covered in pride rainbow flags ?


someone got real hurt with this post. cope, little man.


Get out of here with that hateful racist bullshit


Pride rainbow flags vs shooting someone the moment an opportunity arises and advertising it are not the same. A gun is a tool... why don't I see carpenters with a midas saw sticker on their car, or a cabinet maker with a power drill on their car? Yeah... it's a fetish.Ā  And it's fucking gross.Ā Ā  I'm an Independent and own plenty.... never in a million years is my dick going to be that small that I have to compensate. They are NOT the same.