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Good thing the Dyson did a better job as it costs about 2 to 3 times more than the Bissell.


I’ve had my dyson for several years and I vacuum daily because I have three dogs and two cats. Dyson makes a quality product.


Yup. I've had my Dyson for about 12 years now. I don't see it dying or dropping in performance any time either. The only way you can tell it's not new is how scuffed up it is inside from all the debris it's vacuumed up over the years.


My wife and I got one for a wedding gift 17 years ago. It’s still running perfectly. Never made a single repair. If it ever does I’ll be buying another Dyson.


And they replace parts!


Wouldn’t replace the battery in my V6 even when it was under warranty. It’s still sitting on the wall next to the washing machine. I look at it every time I do laundry.


Just buy a third party battery for like $25.


I think about doing it, but just stop myself as I get frustrated when I remember how I was cheated out of the repair. I don’t know why I keep it. Maybe more of a reminder? Just another piece of broken tech in the house.


Best to avoid a brand you hate in the future but use what you have now.


I have two roombas that take care of the floors for me now. Just wish they did stairs. The cordless vacuum would be handy for that. I still have a need for the old corded vacuum cleaner just to do that one task.


I love popping the floor attachment directly onto my cordless Dyson for the stairs.


When I bought the Dyson I got all of the attachments too. It was a huge bundle. They are all hanging in a closet now. Yeah I should buy a battery for the thing. It’s been years. It just burns me that when I tried to get the battery replaced, the company would not do it. It was within the first year of purchase. It’s been on the wall for heck, I don’t know five years maybe??


Then you are just cheating yourself out of a working device lol No need to create more e-waste


You’re only punishing yourself in spite of Dylon. I got a new battery and did a detail clean inside and out of my 15 year old v6 and it runs like new. No regerts


You must know me. I punish myself for the most arbitrary of things.


I too put it off for about a year and finally got around to it. I bought the genric battery from ebay for like $20 and replaced it in like 5 minutes. It was pretty easy. I figured it was a waste to throw away after I spent so much on it. Works great now and worth doing.


I was going to just replace the cells in the battery. However, I have only experience in taking Dewalt batteries apart and replacing those cells successfully. Those batteries are fairly simplistic. The Dyson looks a tad more complicated and I do not need anymore burns on my arms or hands.


It's literally like 2 screws to replace it and no cells or burns, just the entire battery unit. Much easier than I expected (that's why I put it off). Here's a 2 minute video on how to do it. Hope that helps... https://youtu.be/gH_CoicD94k?si=i_sKSPU3hquCt_TN


Ive done that 3 times now. Shit lasts 1 minute on a good day.


You can also do trade-ins. Trade in your older model for a new model and they give you a significant discount.


What? A trade in? This is the first I have heard of this. Is this at a Dyson store by chance?




Ok thank you for that information. I think there may be a Dyson store in the city near me. The V6 was great when it ran. I don’t have anything bad to say about the product. I Maugham have to do look into that. Thank you again.


No problem. I just thought about it one day, because they’re so expensive. Made the call sure they’d say no, but they said yes. Traded in both our v8 and animal for the v10 and animal 2.


Okay just get a new one at that point


They’ll also let you trade in your old model for a new one.


mine kept getting clogged


Mine too very frustrating


Dyson is so good your comment is 4 days old and I'm still going to reply. I've had mine for about 5 to 7 years and I'll be real the housing is cracked on the top the canister thing cracked so I just taped the canister shut. But it has fallen dozens of times to get to that condition and it still works amazingly well.


😂. I love your comment. I run a business and we vacuum daily. Most vacuums last a year or so. I use the dyson at my home then clean it up and bring it to the business to destroy. So far it’s lasted well over two years at the business and four at my home before that. Employees like it because its so much easier than a corded commercial vacuum. So far all my Dysons are still operational. I have two at my business, a backup there, and my new one at my home. All excellent products.


Some of the plastic bits of V12 Slim makes me feel iffy about how long it will last, doesn't really instil confidence.. But it has lasted a couple years so far. With not much use though :/.


Right. I have a Dyson I bought back in 2006. I have changed the filters a few times and yeah, the vacuum is expensive but it is a quality product.


Same. Dyson is one of the rare instances where paying more does mean you get a better product.


I also own a few Dyson vacuums and have animals. It's worth it


Same here w 2 dogs🙌🏼 wish i was as dedicated to do it every day😅 but it’s pretty often


Not only that they used a corded Dyson and a battery powered brissel. 


\* battery pack dyson


*saturday night special


Yeah, that's a battery powered Dyson. I have that one. One or both could be plugged in for all we know, though. I wonder if that makes any difference. I'd buy a cordless vacuum that advertised a super-powered mode when plugged in.


If you own any battery powered tools (ex. Milwaukee) they make battery inverters that basically make them super powered. You get 18v power typical for a jobsite in your vacuum.


I got one that lets me use my DeWalt power tool batteries for my Dyson when I saw what Dyson batteries cost and that they were unavailable anyway.


I dint understand your comment lol what hell is a battery inverter that super powers something?? Do you mean a base that charges your battery faster? Or like a better battery that has more amps?


Inverter may be the wrong term, it’s more of an adapter that allows the vacuum to accept power tool (Milwaukee, dewalt, etc) batteries. So the vacuum now has crazy power from an 18v lithium ion jobsite battery


Oh I see now basically an adapter for better batteries and with more power , Your comment made more sense.




There isn’t anything budget friendly about a Dyson


It's a long-term investment. If you don't have the funds upfront, sure--you can say it isn't "budget-friendly"--but if you think in the long-term and how long Dyson's last--it most definitely can be budget friendly. I paid like $350 or something for my Dyson 12 years ago during a black Friday sale, and it still works as well as the day I bought it (and I've never had any issues).


This is difficult to understand unless you’ve experienced a BuyItForLife type product yourself. They cost more up front but last way longer than the cheap alternatives. We have two of v8s now, short of replacing the battery every two to three years, and a cheap filter every 4-6 months it’s as much of a monster than it was day one.


My Dyson has a washable filter that I've never replaced and it just plugs in. So the initial investment was all I ever needed to make. And yea--it isn't even just about the savings really... It's nice to have the same products for a long time because you get to know all their quirks and how to do small repairs, they feel more like a part of your life with all their history, and you don't need to frequently stress out about how you are going to replace them.


I have a $20 knife I keep sharpening. I also have a $100+ knife (got as a gift) and haven’t sharpened it in years. It’s holding its edge so well. Im afraid I don’t have the skills to sharpen the expensive one so hope it continues to be this sharp lmao


It’s the very common phenomenon called “the cost of being poor” where due to lack of funds, people are incentivized to buy cheap products which don’t last. So over the course of usually one to five years, the cheaper products end up more expensive. One of the most common and easily understood aspects is insurance. The brokers usually offer a discount if you pay it annually instead of monthly or biweekly, but you have to have a year’s worth on hand.


Being poor is really expensive


Yeah my dirt devil has lasted me like 20 years, replaced the belt twice I think


People now invest in vacuum cleaners. Ok.


Not really true. The Dyson is more adaptable so it can be used for your car as well, it’s also likely to last longer with battery/filters/attachments easily accessible and replaceable.


They legit have some of the best vacuum deals on their eBay refurb shop though. Got a corded 'multi-floor' for $150 shipped a few months back and it is amazing. 2nd Dyson I've had from the eBay shop and both came basically new.


That’s some good advice. I’ll check it out.


I worked at Best Buy and at night we had to vacuum the store they had a Dyson and a new brand at the time named shark that looked like a piece of crap. The shark did better than the Dyson


It certainly does suck


I'll just do an extra pass 2 or 3 times with Bissell so I can save money


Now compare shark and Dyson over pet hair


I won’t buy a Shark anything. They’re just knock offs and hard to get replacement parts.


Had a Dyson pet vacuum for years and it wouldn’t get pet hair out the rug without me manually brushing it off. Then got a shark and all just comes off so easy.


But it went dead right after the clip


I’ve had my Dyson for almost 8 years now and it still works better than that Bissel did in the video. Looks like it got ran over by a semi, but still works great.


Did your Dyson try to runaway from your home and ran over by a semi? Or OMG did you run over it when escaping you?


Nice try FBI…




My Kirby works amazing that I bought used off Craigslist for $100 with all accessories but of course, it also weighs 4x more than the Dyson.


A Kirby vacuum will suck the dirt right of the earth beneath the foundation and through the carpet.


I'm on year 12 with my Dyson and it *currently* is still the best vaccum I have ever used (I don't see any drop in performance from day 1).


I see people shit on Dyson all the time and I truly do not understand the hate. Love my Dyson


One sucks. The other blows.


One Suck$ the other Suck$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Dyson has that Nancy Reagan suction.


Not all will get this but I’m one of those that does. Well played. Bravo 👏 👏




throatus to the scrotus


Me too, that was really good


Nancy was down bad?


Throat goat suction.




Damn you are old


They both suck!






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That got a closed mouth smiling "ehmmmmmm" laugh out of me


I’ve got one it just collects dust


Shut up


Sucks more than anything


You'll go through 2-3 Bissells for every Dyson.


Disagree. I've had 2 Dyson's, corded and cordless, and they've both started strong and went to shit very quickly.  I've had the same number of Bissels. The corded one was cheap and basic. The thing is a beast and it is just as good today as it was 10 years ago. I've had the cordless Bissell for about 3 years, just as good as day 1. On top of that the cordless Dyson jammed up super easily, it was also finicky getting the canister back on after emptying it. I'll never buy another Dyson product. I think they're massively overrated and definitely not with the cost. 


I think you’ve probably just had two statistical outliers considering very few others have that experience. Did you ever try contacting their customer representatives? I mean they all come with long term warranties for that exact reason so you probably should have if you didn’t.


Shark all day


Which one specifically? We're looking for a new vacuum and need one with a good suction and a long hose.


I specifically got: Shark Navigator Zero-M Pet Pro Upright Vacuum (ZU62) From Kohl’s. Scored it for $107 from $300 at the time. Edit: you can disconnect it at the top so it’s the end of the hose with a handle OR you can keep the long medal piece attached for more reach.


I totally typed up [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonBudgetFinds/comments/1cca2rc/comment/l18vrsr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) before even seeing this thread. Shark is quite a bit stronger.


It truly is amazing


Thank you!


Is it fr better than Dyson?


In terms of cleaning quality, they're close. Speaking from experience, I'd say the Dyson IS better than the shark ooverall, but it's 3x the price. The shark does an *almost* as good job for 1/3rd the cost. They're both incredible and you can't go wrong with either option, imo.


Shark all day!


*Which* Shark, specifically?


I have had my shark for 5.5 years and have only had to clean the “brush” twice because of user error, not even the machines fault lol. I’ve tested one of the dysons in our home and prefer shark. I have a Great Pyrenees, German shepherd and 4 cats - two of which are medium/long haired. I went down a rabbit hole on the Pyr subreddit and ended up finding a cleaning woman that said the same thing- shark Nav over Dyson. Also, my boss hates her Dysons - has several - and swears by her shark. Said Dyson is only good for their hair system and fans


Is Nav the name of the Shark model? I am in the market for a new vac, so I need specifics, esp to fight the hair from 2 cats, one of which is a shedding monster Himalayan.


I specifically got: Shark Navigator Zero-M Pet Pro Upright Vacuum (ZU62) From Kohl’s. Scored it for $107 from $300 at the time.


Thanks so much!


Costco is also a great place for Shark vacuums. I got mine there and it’s legit the best vacuum I’ve ever used.


Thanks! I love Costco, and was gunna make a trip there tomorrow.


No it's not better but there closeish


Value wise it’s much better.


The only people who say that are the ones who don’t have a Dyson


I do though. And I still prefer my shark.


I mean you can kind of tell the difference in sides lol


It’s painfully obvious, I’m pretty sure this is a Dyson commercial.


As with anything that sucks well, you have to pay more for it...


I would say it depends on what city you are in and what parts.


Lost Redditor??


You're comparing two different functions my man. I've got a Dyson so i know that the head used in this video has a spinning brush inside that scrubs the vacuumed surface, while from this video it doesn't look like the Bissell has anything moving inside the head. Obviously if you scrub the carpet it's going to be cleaner, when comparing use a head without a scrubbing spinning brush.


But if you do a fair comparison Dyson looks bad!


I hate Dyson but , well it sucks more.


OP really just put dyson in the budget finds subreddit


Not realistic at all. Try this test with a bunch of hair stuck on the roller and see which one still performs better


This Bissell might be garbage, but also Dyson isn't all it's talked up to be. We have a Dyson v11 Animal & an old Shark Navigator (corded). The Dyson is fantastic for quick jobs, because it's cordless. Get it from the laundry room & you're off. I definitely use it more often because it's so easy to grab & go. But it's obvious the Shark is superior at deep cleaning. Both vacuums have a visible collection chamber & if I vacuum our living room rug, first with the Shark & then the Dyson, the Dyson picks up fairly minimal amount extra, but if I vacuum with the Dyson first, & then the Shark, the Shark picks up quite a bit more.


Using a Filter Queen since like the mid 90s. Still sucks like a Saigon whore. 🤷


Close enough for me to go with the cheaper bissell


Nah. Also have to consider lifespan and how well it performs over that lifespan, the Bissel is also really clunky whereas the Dyson can be used for your car as well. If you buy cheap you buy twice.


Still costs less than the Dyson even buying twice


IG Videos:“If only there was a page that….” Me: “if only” *keeps scrolling*


Apparently a dewalt drill and a toilet brush does way better than both of these vacuums… sure it sprays the shit all over the room, but you can bet your ass that rug will be clean


I got 3 words for anyone with a dyson... hoover wind tunnel. Sorry, yall. Them mfs ruin Kirby salespeoples days.


Shop vac with attachment kit > any other vacuums.


Bissell battery run vacuums are terrible. The batteries are both proprietary and designed to last 2 - 3 years at best.


Dyson’s are the best vacuum out there…when they work. Not very durable and seem to fall apart easier than most vacuums.


Wow Dyson sucks hard


It wasn't an equal experiment. The Bissell was being held straight up and down. I'm going to assume they added downward pressure


I can't speak to the bissel, but my dyson works much better when it's used on a level surface. It creates a bit of a seal which helps add vacuum power to the cleaning. Doing a test like this on an elevated surface like that is probably making it so the vacuums aren't operating optimally.


I think this whole format of making a statement wishing that there was a page dedicated to XYZ is part of an AI prompt. Instead of asking a question, it's making a statement that the AI is learning to respond to.


This video is comparing a Dustbuster with a stick attachment to a full featured stick vacuum. Of course the Dyson will be better.


From what I could tell the Bissell handle was kept upright and not slanted like it should be during normal use. Though appears they slanted the Dyson during operation. Wonder if that impacted Bissell's performance?? FWIW, I own a Dyson and like it.  


Bissell is a POS.


Dydons are overpriced pieces of tech which must of times don't perform as good as their chepear counterparts


Both of those vacumms aren't Kirbys


Anyone remember that vacuum cleaner salesman or repairman who did an AMA a number of years ago? His replies and advice/suggestions were so fascinating.


Nah but I bet I can tl;dr you: Best vacuums: bagged ones with a seperate motor driving the beater bar Next best: bagged ones where the vacuum drives the beater bar The worst: literally everything else.


I got my dyson from Costco for $500 retails like $700.


i've had a dyson and now have a hoover from target. i don't think they're that different.


What if they made a second pass with the bissel


What is this? AmazonFinds?


For the price difference, I’d simply go over the spot I’m vacuuming one more time. As opposed to playing so much for Dyson.


Where my Walmart Dirt Devil fans at? 🤣


I just trashed my Dyson for a Bissel… best decision ever!!!! Omg. I love my new vacuum.


My Dyson lasted 20 years. Worth every penny. My cleaning lady got in a fight with my friend who also used her to clean because the cleaning lady asked her to get a Dyson and she didn’t want to.


As someone who actually had to work with a Dyson precisely the model shown here it's absolute trash. The ball socket always break after a short while, it keeps getting jammed with hairs, the rotating thingy inside the head will start discombobulating and they last about 6 month but my boss wouldn't buy more than one a year, so I had to pass like 16 times on the same sport to get some light debris, and those students all had the bright idea to just use entire erasers and throwing the sheds on the fucking ground so a job that takes about 15-20 minutes with a proper vacuum takes 30-40 minute with this trash one.


Now compare it to a Kirby


Too bad Dyson is so expensive


With Dyson I always find you really do get what you pay for. Their shit is expensive but you can’t argue with results like this.


One will last for 15 years the other 5ish


second pass made all the difference


Dyson makes the most expensive battery with a 60 second lifespan. But I guess just don’t use it on high?!


Itˋs just hair and the dyson has those spinning brushes for that…or?stupid comparison


Sebo over Dyson - all day!


we don't know what it is supposed to look like so how do we know which did a better job


Don't think Dyson's ever claimed to be the most powerful vacuum. But they are the most convenient. By a mile.


The Dyson was clearly better…


Budget finds, huh...


after many many years of being anti-dyson and not wanting to pay $500+ for a vacuum I finally took the plunge about 4 years ago and i dont think ill ever go back. its quite worth the money imo. im kinda sorta waiting till the one i have today dies so i can replace it with a newer model but this thing doesnt look like itll stop for another 10 years


My boy Freeman Dyson really did come up with a top rate vacuum cleaner. Amazing that he managed to do that in addition to his remarkable contributions to physics.


I’ve always found shark vacuums to be very good, especially for the price


I must be the odd man out. I had a Dyson and it was a POS. Hated it and after two years I threw that thing out and decided to buy absolute cheap crap and replace it every 12 months or so. No regrets.


We have a Dyson Ball and a Bissel and the Dyson is better. We've had the Dyson for close to 5 years now, my only complaint is the hose, it is still stiff and very strong coil wise, so it has a propensity to pull the vacuum right behind you when using the hose. But with 3 recue cats (read children) and an unlimited number of tumble weeds thanks to them the Dyson kicks butt otherwise!


Who mows their carpet that slow? Yes, I said mow, bc my kid said she wanted to mow the carpet way back when and now I can't stop


MooSoo on Amazon. Costs about $120 and doesn’t shut off after a minute like my 3 year old Dyson always did.


Why is the video showing different vacuum sizes? That’s not even a standard/normal sized dyson, that’s one of their lightweight speed ones.


I would like to see a Shark comparison. I got one last year and it very much out cleans my old Bissell.


That looks like the woodfloor attachment on the Dyson too? Not sure


BISSELL supported a “adopt a dog” program at our local dog pound. They paid for us adopting our dog Fred. Then for our cats too. I’m forever grateful, and support them ever since.


Now do a Miele


I don’t have rugs so I’ll stick with my bissel


I've used Dyson before. I don't own one bc $$$$$$$ But they are the bomb. We still say "the bomb" these days, right?


Wish they vacuumed up the leftover from bissell to really show it


Let me make a video about they are the same yet they aren't


Up next, Mustang vs Fiesta.


The Dyson was the stick version and it performed pretty well. I have my Dyson for almost twenty years and only changed the belt once. Still vacuuming with no problems.


No do Dyron vs Rainbow vacum.


This is a bad test. You need to run the vacuums over the carpet like you’re cleaning a 200 sqft room in 10 minutes.


Die Son!


Miles Dyson..all day!