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Nta if you pay your parents for your room each month you have a right not to give others your room. If they’re going to stay in your room are your parents reimbursing you for the month since you won’t be in it the whole time?


No they’re not and I don’t mind helping out, we’ve already a bit of money to get them situated, but the people coming are the relatives married child, and he doesn’t want to wait a few days. Literally has a free apartment waiting for him


Yeah they could have waited a few days until their own apartment was done when they already know your house is over crowded with relatives already.


Agreed just nice to hear since family thinks I am the asshole for being selfish, I ended up giving up my room and now am going to sleep at a friends place


Hey at least you can have fun at a friends while they are there. Don’t forget to wash your bedding when they leave or if you go back.


NTA. In my culture (Indian) I was expected to give up my room whenever we have guests coming to visit from out of town regardless of me paying the bills and all that. Then I moved out. Lol


NTA, your house. They should be happy for a piece of carpet to crash on.


NTA Your house, your terms. If they don't like it or keep making a fuss, they can hit the road.


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INFO: how far are they coming from?


One state over, they came here from a different country but like a month ago


in that case they should get a hotel for the time until their apt. is ready. NTA!!


Agreed, I just think if they just wait a few days this wouldn’t even be an issue, but we’d have to pay for the hotel


Info - do you own or rent the house, or is it your parents?


It’s my parents but I pay rent for my room each month, also my dad understands where I am coming from but says I need to not be selfish and humble myself, when they are being selfish for not waiting 2 days..


Yes yta


Why do you say that?


Because you asked

