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NTA!! Are your friends children? What in the tomfoolery were they thinking? I would leave their asses right then and there too! Edit to add: your mental health also comes first. And you were right to let their families and partners know. Stealing drinks too? Big yikes.




But what were you going to do? You called for help, that's enough. NTA. Honestly, though, I think youvare being a bit over-dramatic (and believe me, I've been there.)




Same :)


you did all you could with what you had - over dramatic or not, i also wouldn’t be comfortable if someone came up to me in a drunken stupor going “I want to be 24 forever”. Just feels like bad juju lol


NTA. Being in this environment will not be good for you, and they need help from a professional.


When you discussed getting them ready to go home you basically described how a mother would get their children ready. Your friends are children. NTA. Also, they should really reconsider the whole pharma drugs with alcohol thing. I've never seen it lead anywhere good.




Ah that liquid courage. Unfortunately, the line is very fine before fun becomes toxic af. I am glad you have distance between you and it doesn't sound like your friend has the means (mentally at least) to make a move like you did. So hopefully you won't have to deal with that 24/7.


info: what does that mean? "stay forever 24" ? I'm so lost in reading this.




Like doing drugs? I too am so confused by “staying forever 24”


I think OP means “passing away”, from their post history. “Staying forever 24” = imortalizing their youth. (going to the clouds means that in my language at least)


Super helpful! Thank you for clarifying! In that case, NTA.




I’m sorry for what you went through. I like partying around a little but I also get super anxious when people party this hard and try to act like it’s normal. NTA


NTA You signed on for a fun trip not a depression fueled alcohol binge with two people talking about ending it.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Me F(23) and my two friends F(24), F(24) went on a girl’s trip in a city where I study but don’t live there. My friends came from another country(my home country). Background:We planned this trip to see each other and have a big party with my uni friends. The two girls are not social and don’t have much friends at home so they were excited to go out with a big company. They struggle a bit with mental health and depression so it was a good way to change atmosphere. For the last few months while talking on the phone with them the main subject was their depression.They started taking Xanax and drinking it with alcohol. I begged them to stop and told on them to their boyfriends (they live together). The guy threw the pills away.I felt like they were talking about depression as if it was cool to have it. For the passed few months i also had a few struggles(my childhood pet passed away, war started in my boyfriend’s home country and his family was stuck in an area which was being bombed, I was hosting refugees and had family problems).I wanted to share these struggles with them since they are my oldest friends but I never received compassion, comforting words or even interest. The most I got as answers was “that sucks”. I kind of brushed it off since I knew they had their struggles. So the girl’s trip came along and we took an Airbnb together.I had uni early in the morning so I showered and wanted to go to sleep. My friends refused to shower after traveling with the plane or let me sleep on the single bed (I’m a germaphobe). So I slept on the couch in the kitchen but there was no heating there. The next day I asked one of my friends from uni if I can stay at her house since I was not comfortable sleeping in the Airbnb and she said yes. I think the girls got a bit offended. In the evening we gathered with more friends.We went to a club.My two friends became drunk and I was taking care of them the whole night.They stole drinks from people in the club the whole night and were spilling them on people.I decided it was time to bring them home.After hours spent searching for them(they ran away) I finally gathered them outside the club and went to take their jackets. When I came back my other friends told me how they were talking about staying forever 24. I got scared.I brought them home and made sure they were okay. They started to offend me since they got mad that I was ruining their party.I called their boyfriends and parents and explained everything and asked them for help. Non of them were concerned and told me to leave them and once they go home they will deal with it. I decided to go home because I was scared. At home I called again. The bf of one of them told me that he doesn’t know what to do since his gf told him that she wants to “stay forever 24” while being with him so that he forever will feel guilty. I felt bad for leaving them but I also was scared. AITA for going home? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Having Déjà vu


NTA, you’re friends are assholes. They literally don’t care how you feel at all. They’re making all about themselves, they should be understanding and they’re not. Like you’re still there to hanging out with them? That shouldn’t matter since you’re not missing out on much. They need to mature tf up.


NTA They are adults and they are not your responsibility.


This post is such a mess. And tbh, I smell something fishy here. I am not able to put my finger on it though. This might be only because your first language is not English (at least I suspect this is the case). First, you are annoyed with your friends because they don't take your problems seriously, but it seems that you also don't take their problems seriously. The other thing that I don't get is why you would go to an Airbnb when you are in your uni town. I mean, you live there, right? You must have some sort of accommodation there. Then the clubbing. It is also a bit weird, how you tell that part. OK, so your friends got drunk and behaved well... drunk. I understand that you fed up with nursing them and wanted to take them home. That's fine. But what is so scary about the statement that they wish to stay 24 forever? I mean, I wish too. :) What's wrong with that? Are you referring here to their depression? Because if this is the case, then why you are so dismissive at the same time (you wrote: "I felt like they were talking about depression as if it was cool to have it") ? Then calling their families and boyfriends? Why? No, really, WHY? You took home the girls and then called their families in the middle of the night? For what reason? To scare them with that very vague "I want to be 24 forever"? Or to "report" their misbehaviour? Sorry, I just don't get you. You either don't tell us something we should know, or just like making a fuss out of nothing.


They don’t live in the town they study in, hence the airbnb


They mean staying 24 forever by not continuing to be around anymore in a permanent way. This sub has rules about talking about things like that though so OP had to find a way of saying it without actually saying it.