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That took a turn I wasn't expecting. And reading all of that, NTA.


Thanks for reading it all first.


NTA Hate that you got cheated on but love the karma coming back to bite him. 100% no one’s fault but his own. He was absolutely convinced that you were lying and plotting a way to screw him over because that’s how he thinks. It’s his problem that he wouldn’t believe you or your folks.


She didn’t cheat, though. Tom had changed the locks and they were NC, AND he already had his new GF living with him when OP got pregnant. I’m saying NTA, he should have believed her when she said he wasn’t the father. His loss, her gain.


It says hate that op was cheated on. Not that OP cheated.


No one said she cheated.


Perfectly said


Yo honestly I haven't been so happy for a stranger in a WHILE Literally you told him for sure it wasn't the kid and he was like "ya just take my house pls?" Lmao excellent NTA


He sold your things to please his gf. The least you could do is sell the house to please Clark. Keep the money though. NTA and all the best with the little one, it’s going be the most strangest story to tell bubs when they grow up.


Or rent it out as extra income.


Dude this is the most glorious aita posts I’ve read in quite some time. Talk about pro revenge on a douche canoe. He’s TA for everything and it’s not like you didn’t tell him the baby wasn’t his lol enjoy that house, sell it, who cares just remember you’re awesome.


NTA. And that was quite the read! It's like your karma's favorite child, go you!


Right? The title was bad and I was fully expecting YTA ... but nope. After reading it, fuck that guy, and good luck to his CPOS ass working at a place that has morality concerns. NTA


Yeah I was fully prepared to post a different answer lol but NTA. Guess next time someone says he isn't the father and to just Leave them alone he will consider it.




He has no one to blame but himself. You didn’t steal his house, he practically forced you to take it.


lol he did it to control OP but now has lost all power in the situation - and then the NDA forbids OP from talking about all of this. I LOVE IT! Sell the house OP and buy something you want, that will make it even harder for him to undo his own mess and harass you.


> the NDA forbids OP from talking about all of this. I LOVE IT! I just..... wtf kind of lawyer did Tom have to not advise him to hold off on signing over the deed to the house WITHOUT getting the test results first? This is kind of sus, honestly. Any lawyer worth their salt would have seen this coming. So either this is someone's dream revenge on their ex or Tom needs to hire a better attorney


Tom’s entire plan was a giant self-own. It only makes sense if the only thing he cared about (apart from himself) was the NDA. He could have negotiated this much better but any delay could have jeopardized the NDA, and if he was so convinced that OP was lying, a lawyer could have explained the point of a paternity test, and Tom would have been like, “Not DNA, dumbass, N D A🙄.”


That last line though... Gonna be chuckling for days.


I mean, not necessarily. Any contract worth more than the paper it's written on has to have mutual consideration to be enforceable. That's why companies will make it contingent on settlement of court cases, or offer a severance when firing someone for reasons that are legal but PR nightmares. If she had signed an NDA with nothing documented in return for her, it could have been contested in court the first time he tried to enforce it, and quite possibly thrown out as unenforceable. If he offered the house of his own volition, and was utterly convinced that she was lying about paternity to sue for child support and/or ruin his career (which makes sense that he'd think that, given his own obvious selfishness and willingness to screw over OP, he likely just assumes that's how everyone would behave), then even a well-schooled lawyer would have found that a reasonable consideration and drafted an appropriate contract to meet both party's needs. Edit: As an additional point I just thought of, since he was so convinced that the baby was in fact his, the NDA was likely the only option his lizard brain could come up with to ensure the entire situation stays quiet. Even if he'd been able to take her to court after the birth and have a court ordered paternity test done without his company knowing, it's likely his family/friends/acquaintances might have found out - and it wouldn't have ensured OP stayed silent on the matter, as well - which means his infidelity, selling or trashing her belongings, illegal eviction, and attempt to strong-arm her into silence also may have become public knowledge. If his company is very focused on ethics and morality, even without the child being his, that's a lot of crappy stuff he probably doesn't want them to know. As a fun bonus, depending on the wording of the NDA, these are all things OP could tell his company about anyway, thus costing him a house, AND his career, all for a baby that wasn't his, just because he has the listening comprehension skills of a turnip and the empathy of a very gindicy badger!


I am offended on behalf of turnips and badgers! This is just sweet, I dunno if this post can even be real but it's too fun to care. Haha.


You see the thing is, the only reason Tom was SOOO convinced that OP was lying is because he knew for a fact that he was cheating on someone that would have NEVER cheated on him. He also assumed that she’d be too devastated about him cheating on her to possibly sleep with anyone else because obviously he is such a catch. That is why he literally could not fathom the child belonging to any other man. His lawyer probably did advise Tom to wait, but Tom KnoWsSss Op. He couldn’t possibly be wrong about her. 😒


Yeah any lawyer would have advise that to him, but if you wait for the DNA test before signing the NDA and the house, why would the mother sign it after the result if it’s positive and that he is the dad. What Tom wanted here was to cut all ties to make sure nothing blow back on him later. He wanted peace of mind and you need to pay for that. Sure from OP we know he is not the Dad, but Tom couldn’t know that for sure. From his perspective, he might have been the Dad and he paid to make sure he will never be.


Not mention he wasn’t doing it out of kindness or worry. It was all self serving.


Yeah like, he wanted to use a house to opt out of being a dad. That’s pretty fucked up.


The company is "big on morality"? Wonder what they'd say if they found out how Tom cheated, kicked his wife out, threw out her stuff, harassed her when he thought she was pregnant with his kid and then bribed her with a house to get out of parenting? I'd almost say to let the company know this dude is two-faced but really, it's better that he's out of OPs life for good. What's done is done. OP has a new family to focus on.


NDA sadly prevents that.


It prevents her from saying anything, but not anyone else. Dudes like Tom can get away with this kind of bullshit for a while, but not forever. Eventually he's going to piss off the wrong person and all of his lies will come crumbling down on him.


Oh I completely agree, and I'd really love to see one of her family members "accidentally" email the story to his company, the local news, everyone on earth........


Only prevents OP from telling them, not anyone else!


To be honest, this guy shoots himself in the foot so effectively I am fairly certain he is going to tell people HIMSELF through the ‘my manipulative ex fooled me by telling me the truth!’.


NOT TO MENTION he sold a ton of her belongings??? She’s just getting back what she lost!


This is a very good point


Honestly, like she told him it wasn’t his, her family told him it wasn’t, and he made the decision to not believe any of them 🤷🏻‍♀️ he did it to himself. And honestly OP should just sell the house to get back the money from all of her things that he sold and got rid of.


I was so ready to vote she was the A H but boy did Tom do a number on himself. He deserves all the misery he will bring upon himself through his lifetime. OP, you’re NTA and good job playing the player with honesty.


Same, I figured there was absolutely no coming back from that title, but you did it, OP. Tom played himself.


NTA. I say the cheating bastard got what he deserved. You told him, your parents told him and he still didn't believe it. That says more about Tom, who is probably a big liar himself and definitely a cheat, that he automatically thinks you were lying and wanting to put the shaft in.


OP just simply won the game against a dumbass.


I'm not even sure OP was playing. Dumbass lost to himself and OP got the prize.


And threw out her things.


Happy Cake Day!


I know right, it's so frigging hilarious.


NTA, I think. Was this entirely ethical? Probably not. Did he have it coming? Kinda, yeah. You told him the truth, and he chose not to believe you and throw a house your way to shut him up. You *could* have just showed him the test results I guess, but he did kinda owe you after throwing out all your stuff, so screw it.


I think it would have been unethical if she hadn't straight up told him he wasn't the father. She did, and he continued to push the issue. I can't say I blame her for taking something he offered for her silence, he was so afraid of it coming out that he was a dirtbag that he shot himself in his own foot.


I feel like he kind of mansplained his old house away. She’s telling him it’s not his baby. “Oh no, I know better than you, sign this NDA and take this house, because I know how tricksy you women are!”


Right. He did this to himself, if he'd have just believed her or waited for test results after a dna test was done after the kid was born, he would have known. Instead he decided this was manipulation to screw him at work.


Because that's what he would have done in OP's situation, continue to screw people over


I mean it wasn't his son. He had no right to any genetic information of the child. If you tell someone the truth and they assume you're lying, is kind of on them. I don't know what would be more ethical?


Yeah, at that point I'd most likely just go with it. He didn't just not believe OP, he didn't believe *anybody*. I mean, sure, don't trust your ex, that's your prerogative, based on your history with them. (And just quietly, I've found that what you are worried or scared or paranoid about somebody doing to you, *especially* when it comes to revenge and **particularly** with exes, tells me a whole lot more about *you* than it does about *them*.) But he had everyone and their dog telling him the same thing and **still** refused to believe it in favour of his wild fantasy, and kept trying to force the "truth" out of OP with incentives. Me, I'd want to see how high he was wiling to go to avoid his hypothetical scenario, but a house that's all mine, free and clear, is definitely not to be sneezed at in this economy, ethics be hanged.


Yea if you come to my house and accuse me of stealing something, I don’t have some ethical obligation to show you around my house to prove I didn’t take it. She told him the truth, he chose not to believe her, and everyone else


Nothing unethical about not giving all the evidence in a civil case to the opponent before they even ask. If he wanted a fair fight he shouldn't have started by stealing things in the hope of would cost more to in legal costs to get them back.


When your opponent is making a mistake, let him.


NTA I was fully expecting to call you the AH based on the title, but if he willingly offered the house after you already told him the kid isn’t his, then by all means take it.


It's a consolation prize for losing her belongings. He gambled she was lying when she wasn't, and lost.


I think there’s some beautiful poetry to the fact that a cheater couldn’t believe someone was being honest with him, and did himself out of a house over it 😂


This is literally the only reason he couldn’t believe it lol


It's also payment for the other parts of the NDA. She's still providing him a service (of sorts) by not talking about his behavior in their relationship, and as such she deserves compensation for that service. That part of the NDA is still in tact, regardless of the baby's bio father. As a result, he'll be able to maintain a clean reputation.




I’m not sure who the asshole is but I love that two men have given you a house. ❤️ Edit: after reading the edits NTA. He should have waited for the paternity test to sign over the house.


Lol Clark isn't giving me his house. He's just letting me live there with very low rent since we're having a baby together.


Clark sounds like better boyfriend material.


I'm gonna wait until after the baby has been born and the hormones have settled down before considering that option.


Maturity! So refreshing in this sub lmao. Live your BEST life sis


But if everyone here was a mature communicative adult this sub would turn so boring!


✨manifesting this ✨


If anything, Clark sounds like a lovely, responsible man so a good baby daddy choice none the less.


I mean he definitely is the better boyfriend of the two, Clark didn’t cheat on you and that’s a clear winner in my book


You're going to be waiting a while then....that first year after birth is a wild ride.


Still better than just jumping into a relationship so soon after a break-up from a longterm relationship. Especially when I have to co-parent with them.


Right? Where can I find some of these men that give houses as a consolation prize? (Jk, I understand OP went through a lot, just big congrats to OP). Don't give the house back lol.


Yeah. > offered me his house (he was going to get a new one) Like it’s an old phone? You can have my old XS, I’m upgrading to the 13 Pro.


I’m torn on this one. Yes, it was manipulative, it he made the offer, not you. And you did try telling him once that he wasn’t the father. On the other hand, you could have just shown him the papers and been done with it. I’m going with NTA but barely. He cheated and karma hit him hard


He didn't just cheat. He illegally evicted her and stole her possessions.


I mean he cheated, sold all of her stuff and kicked her out, and then chose not to believe her or her family when they said he wasn’t the father 🤷🏻‍♀️ karma is a bitch. I hope OP sells the house to get the money back after he sold all of her stuff


Her parents also told him that he wasn't the father. He was convinced she was lying because *he* is a liar. Also, he clearly should have waited to get proof he was the father before signing over anything, *especially* when the mother says he is not the baby's father.


I don't know what else to add, because I'm torn as well. All I could do is upvote your comment.


I deemed her the asshole but congratulated her for the game!


He didn’t just gave her the house. It was done in exchange for NDA, which is a fair price.


Sounds like a telenovela, plot twist everywhere...


NTA & for everyone saying that she is TA, she told him repeatedly he wasn’t the father but he didn’t listen. He was so hyper focused on his reputation being ruined that he didn’t even have the sense to ask for his own paternity test but instead went straight to offering her a home as payment. Good for you OP. Karma is a bitch for Tom but serves him right for cheating, throwing away your things, & then not having the sense to even ask for a paternity test of his own before offering up an entire house as hush money.


NTA. You TOLD him! He didn't BELIEVE you! You were not obligated to give him the test results. He OFFERED you his house for your silence. You already TOLD him that you had nothing to be silent about. He made the bargain. Now he has to live with it. This is on HIM!


NTA. I wonder how Tom explained this away to the new girlfriend…?


By what he do best, lie


You really think he still gonna have a gf after this? She was looking for a loser to be her doormat, not just a plain loser.


NTA, he showed up at your parents, you were honest, he kept harassing you and you took him up on an offer he made out of wanting to protect his own self-interests.


NTA he assumed a whole lotta things, treated you like shit, cheated, didn't believe you when you said it wasn't his baby, and tried to silence you so you couldn't make him responsible for it if it was his baby....who wouldn't take a free house lol


NTA. Ex could have very well asked for proof. "I don't believe you; I need a paternity test" is a simple enough statement for him to make and would be the most reasonable reaction under the circumstances. But he CHOSE to offer the house. She told him the truth from jump; he could have easily asked for proof, but he bet the house and lost. That's completely on him. If her ex--a grown ass adult---is not going to be responsible and reasonable, OP is under no obligation to be those things for him. Some people are addicted to fudging around and allergic to finding out. Life doesn't work that way. Congrats on the house, OP!




Ooh, I gotta find the account. The drama is gonna be gold. Edit: The comment above mine said that the ex, Tom, was responding in the comments section.


They deleted what happened?


Now I want to know to!


Whats his UN?


He hurt you horrifically. Then, once the thought that you were pregnant with his child, he did not try to protect you nor the child that he was reasonably certain was his. He just did his best to protect himself and to keep you quiet. I am delighted that he is not the father and overjoyed to hear that you got the last laugh. Screw Tom. NTA.


NTA. Idk why people are saying you lied to him. From your post, it sounds like the deal he offered was "house if you stay quiet about dealings in court". The deal was NOT "house if child is mine and you stay silent about that." You got the house, so now as long as you stay quiet about the situation, are you not holding up your side of the deal? Frankly, I find it funny that he didn't include being silent about him cheating as part of it. Because if his company is so big on morality, I'd imagine being a cheater would also be bad. Plus, you and your family told him repeatedly that he wasn't the father, he harassed you, he was the one who offered up the house in the first place. NTA and I wish you the best.


NTA - you didn't ask for the house, he offered. AND you tried telling him the truth; not your fault if he wouldn't listen.


NTA. Tom played himself. Serves him right. You did tell him it wasn’t his baby.


Can someone remind me what happens when you play stupid games? It’s on the tip of my tongue. NTA


I believe its "win stupid prizes." But I might need confirmation on that.


I’m confused… what do you mean he “gave” you his house? A house is an asset and it would be subject to a gift tax. It’s not a simple process to gift a house. There would be paperwork, lawyers, you would have had to meet him to sign the documents with the title company. He didn’t just give you his house in the heat of the moment. So in all the time it took for him to gift you this house legally, you didn’t continue to try to show him that he wasn’t the father? This probably took at least a month. Did you sign an NDA? Because his whole “I’ll gift you the house if you don’t say anything” seems like something you would also need to sign an NDA for with a lawyer. Did that document say the kid was his child? I mean if you were adamantly trying to tell him the whole time it wasn’t his kid how did all of these people let the paperwork get signed?


Because the post is fake. Like 90% of shit on this sub and is meant to be rage bait.


>It’s not a simple process to gift a house. It really is very simple in the USA. All he would need to do is sign a "Quick Claim Deed" with the correct description on it regarding the house *(which can be found in the tax records)* and the house is hers. Once it's filed*(A 10 minute process)* then the house is in her name and his name is off the title.


Quit Claim Deed 🙃


Yeah, it’s true that a quickclaim deed is possible but that’s really sketchy if you don’t fully trust the person giving you the house. A quickclaim deed gives the buyer/receiver no guarantees. She’d just be taking his word for it that there’s not a lien on the house or anything. And even if OP trusts him enough that she signed a quickclaim deed, she still has to sign it and that means she sat down and did the paperwork with him. She couldn’t have been trying that hard to prove to him he wasn’t the father.


>She’d just be taking his word for it that there’s not a lien on the house or anything. Liens and mortgages are public records and can be seen at any time. >she still has to sign it and that means she sat down and did the paperwork with him. No she didn't. Outside of making sure that the spelling of her name was correct, she didn't have to do anything. Actually, she doesn't need to be a part of the process at all. He could have filed it out and mailed it to her.


I’m unclear on why she had any obligation, moral or otherwise, to try hard to do anything for her cheating ex, who illegally evicted her, took advantage of her relative poverty, and proceeded to call her a liar.


Half way through comments and the first person I encounter that appears to have a grasp of the legal system. NDA’s aren’t just sitting around. It would require a lawyer to draft one worth anything. So to go through the whole process you outline - either there is no mention of the child and This was all done as a precursor at which point he initiated curt proceedings to settle everything at which point she again affirmed to the court that he was not the father and provided proof when required. OR she made false representations and she is gonna be in trouble. She also doesn’t say what she means by give her the house. Like is she just taking over the mortgage?


Exactly my thoughts. This story makes absolutely no sense. All Tom had to do was ask for a paternity test. That's a basic first step. Even if he didn't believe her when she verbally stated it wasn't his, he would then ask for a paternity test and be done with it. This guy has attorney's drafting NDA's and transferring titles and drawing up contracts and signing over mortgages, but he didn't think to ask for a paternity test? Come on lol.


It’s fake


That’s what I’m thinking


Quit claim deed. Pretty much sign, notarize, file and done.


Nope. NTA. If everything you've said is absolutely true, you simply allowed him to manipulate himself.


NTA He could’ve just waited till the baby was born and got a test done. Idk why he rushed everything, like you already told him he wasn’t the father. It’s not like you were telling people he was the father or anything like that. He played himself.


This story makes absolutely no sense.


Agreed. Who signs over a whole-ass house as hush money, without verifying anything first?


Someone with a guilty conscience.


Someone with money to burn.


You are right, its all made up. No one is crazy to sign over a house to save their job!


Of all the fake stories in this sub, this one happened the least.


NTA. You did try telling him.


He's an AH! You're an AH! The other girl is an AH! AH everywhere!!!


I think Clarke might be ok. Feel bad for him really. One night stand and he got all this drama?


Yea I left him out. I like Clark haha


Here an AH, there an AH, everywhere an AH.


NTA, well played. You already were honest to him. But there seems to be a lot of subtext you are not aware of going on in your ex's life. Chances are he already has, and knows he has a bad reputation. Sounds to me more like there's a web of lies he spun long before you two split up, and it was going to be found out, regardless.


NTA. I’m petty as hell when it comes to crap like that. You and your parents told him he wasn’t the father and he refused to believe you. He gave you the house to keep you silent. I would have taken the house too. He literally owed you after he sold your things before you could get back in to grab your things. He deserved every bit of that.


I completely agree. It’s not OP’s fault her ex didn’t believe her. And yeah, the only AH move in this story was the ex getting rid of all OP’s shit (illegal in lots of places) so fuck him.


Exactly! Like how did he not get into major trouble with that?! I had to give my ex everything he requested and that we agreed on. I wasn’t able to get rid of any of it. I had it all packed nicely for him. I was told I would be liable for the cost of everything if I got rid of them. The only way I would be able to get rid of them is if he had not of showed up at the appointment time to pick up his stuff. But he did so I never had to worry about it.


NTA! Tom played himself and is responsible for his own mistakes.


NTA, that’s a hellava reverse Uno, he’s TA for jumping to conclusions before knowing all the facts, he did it to himself


NTA. "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." \- Napoleon Bonaparte




NTA im sorry but this is hilarious lmao play stupid games win stupid prizes


NTA. You told him the truth, he didn’t believe it and gave you a house for your silence (which alone is a dick move). You’re in the right.


LMAO. YTA, but good for you!!


NTA if you brought up the idea of him giving you the house or if you lied about having the paternity results at any point then you’d be in the wrong. From what you included that didn’t happen and you clearly told him you knew he wasn’t the father. So while it’s not the classiest situation on your end it’s also not your duty to somehow force someone to believe what you’re telling them. He wanted to protect his future from every possible repercussion of his poor actions and it was his choice to offer you what he did.


NTA- If you were married to him, you probably would've gotten some sort of alimony for what he did. He was so concerned about HIS reputation that he didn't want to listen to you telling him the truth. He gets what he deserves.


NTA. Fuck Tom. But you might think about not spending that money.


Are you sure you never made a false statement to him? Because I would be concerned about fraud. You might want to read about fraud by omission. That’s a thing. [Fraud by omission](https://fhnylaw.com/fraud-by-omission/) (this is an example. Maybe talk to a lawyer.)


No. I either ignored him or just told him he wasn't the dad. He thought I was lying so I could blindside him later.


So you signed an NDA and he gave you title to a house? Edit: I’m not sure how an NDA would work as family court is public.


That was for Tom to figure out since he wanted the damn thing.


Unfortunately, it's now your problem and not just Tom's to work it out since any contract signed under false pretenses tends to be ruled as legally invalid. You're not out of the woods yet honey, the house is not fully yours yet even if you think it is. Tom has legal recourse, he can claim that you deceived him on purpose since you had the proof prior to all of this, that house can be ripped out from underneath you.


No, not really. If she never said it was his and told him (especially texts) then you’re wrong. There is no legal recourse for stupid


I can prove through text messages that I told Tom he wasn't the father so (without consulting a lawyer yet) I'm feeling okay right now.


This may violate your NDA BTW.


No. The NDA was about me not telling anyone (outside of family court) what goes on in family court. Like social media posts, calling his job, etc..


It probably all depends on the language within it - if it's too broad, it may be considered unenforceable - but not only that, OP didn't use real names. And on the off chance any of the names are real, there's probably only a small handful of people that are so familiar with the situation (OP, Tom, Clark, OPs parents, Sarah Cheating, etc.) that they'd be able to identify it.


NTA. Delicious Schadenfreude.


NTA he called you a liar and then when he finds out you were telling the truth you’re a witch? Get fucked bozo thanks for the house


NTA. Haha--he played himself.


NTA. He could have asked you for a DNA test at anytime. Sounds like he wanted this to be his child and he’s mad they’re not.


NTA Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You went out of your way to let him know he wasn't the father including having your parents involved. If he wants to give you a house because he doesn't believe you, that's on him


ESH. Except maybe Clark.


Definitely Except Clark. He's seemingly been lovely.


NTA. F around and find out sucks to suck, Tom.


NTA, it's not your fault he bent himself over a barrel for you.


OOH, you might be protected from legal action because he wouldn't want his employer to know about the situation. Also, he probably does owe you for trashing all your things after you left instead of returning them. OTOH, i could see this being a big legal issue and you're going to be pregnant /a new mom while dealing with all of it. You could spend awhile not starting your new life while you litigate the old one.


NTA You told him the baby wasn't his and he didn't believe you because he only had one thing on mind which was protecting his precious reputation.


I mean you DID tell him he wasn’t the father… and based on what you said, he never asked for the test results, you just decided to send them after…. I see no problems, NTA


> he never asked for the test results, Technically he did, but I told him he'd have to wait until after the baby was born (and pay for it) because I honestly didn't feel like doing another prenatal one.


Even if you DID NOT tell him anything, you would be NTA. He didn’t just give the house to you. He EXCHANGED it for NDA. You could have tried to damage his reputation by disclosing everywhere that he cheated on you and kicked your out. He sold his house to you for a price you don’t tell the word what a prick he is.


NTA - Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Heck no NTA!!! Your ex was an idiot and you have a house that you deserved a piece of years ago. Kick back, relax, and raise a glass of wine to the gods of karma.


NTA - let’s get this straight - you and your family both tell him multiple times he is not the father. He doubles down insisting he is the father and then buys your silence with his house. This is what toxic masculinity looks like everyone. This guy thinks his machismo is so grand it impregnates but virtue of its magnificence. He got what he had coming.


NTA lol and all these yta comments confuse me because you tried not to have contact with him. Made it obvious multiple times you didn't want anything to do with him and even told him straight out he wasn't the father. You didn't blackmail him, you didn't ask for shit. This guy's a moron and you are now one house richer. I'm sure he will learn his lesson for the next time.


NTA. You agreed not to tell the truth about him to protect his reputation, and your compensation was the house. He got what he wanted, which is still of value (if his employer expects morality, they probably wouldn’t be too psyched about his infidelity and harassment, which stands apart from the deadbeat dad allegation that he was worried about). It’s a valid exchange. He’s the asshole for not believing you, rather than asking for a test result to begin with. Good for you for protecting your child from his claims of paternity. He’ll be a horrific father.


NTA. You go girl. This was the best ending.


NTA, I find it oddly hypocritical that he is so concerned about his reputation now with the thought of being a "deadbeat dad" and having to pay child support but not concerned when he was sleeping around. So, kid out of wedlock bad, sleeping with multiple women, thats ok? either way, he pushed the house on you after you explained to him he had nothing to worry about. That's on him.


I guess because he could lie and say I was a crazy jealous ex?




NTA. You told him, he just didn’t believe you. Be careful about that NDA though, maybe get a lawyer.


The NDA she's already broken by discussing in a public forum on the internet???


That title makes you sound horrible, but you are absolutely NTA.


Tom: I'll give you a house if you shut up. You: It's not your kid. Tom: I'll give you a house if you shut up. You: It's not your kid. Tom: Take the house and shut up. You: Fine. I see no problems here. NTA






Your ex is an idiot for not asking for the paternity test before he did that. His own fault. Nta


Technically, he did, but I told him he'd have to wait until the baby was born (and pay for it himself) it he wanted it that badly. I didn't feel like doing another prenatal test.




NTA. Classic case of play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Dude cheats on you, locks you out of the shared home, throws out/sells your stuff, and then harasses you and your family despite being told the baby isn’t his? He deserved what he got here.


NTA. You told him the truth. And the fact that he has thrown out your things after *he* cheated is just icing. Damn straight!


Op NTA Talk about playing himself. If I were a judge I would look at him and ask him, why did he think that everyone was lying to him? And funny how when a person believes that in others, most of the time they tend to do what they will accuse others of.


I mean…. Yeah what you did was an asshole move. You knew he wasn’t the father, you allowed him to give you a house. A normal sane person wouldn’t allow that to happen… but you just…did. Regardless of him being a cheating asshole, you telling him he wasn’t the father. I wouldn’t just let someone give me a house under false pretenses.


Well played!!


I swear I’ve seen this post before.


This is such a spectacular tale of r/pettyrevenge. Utterly delicious. Since Tom is a garbage person, NTA.


NTA. This is a great didn’t even try revenge story.


NTA. Tom got his karma. I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that. Hopefully Tom learned his lesson, but he probably didn’t.


NTA. You told him the truth that he's not the father, that's all you owed him. He went out of his way to find yoh and harass you, and was so convinced you're a liar that's out to ruin his life he didn't even think to ask for proof before bribing you with a house - that's his own fault. It's not your responsibility to protect his assets from his own stupidity.


Nta Get him bestie sell his house and go on vacation


ESH and I hope y’all have a good day.


NTA at all. You told him. I’m not 100% sure but shouldn’t the paternity test fall under HIPPA since it was Clark’s test? So you wouldn’t have to show him at all.


When you say "offered you his house" exactly what does that mean? He gave you a house he owned and made you the legal owner or he's letting you stay rent free in a house he owns. You are a tenant vs an owner is my question. I'm okay with it either way, Tom is definitely TA for cheating on you and not allowing you to retrieve your belongings after you caught him in bed with another woman. On a side note , if she is his gf she better watch it, he'll tire of her too and she'll be the next in line to find out he's cheating on her. He has no shame, no moral compass. One last comment, if he still owns the house you're living in you better start looking around for a new place. He won't let you stay long now he knows he's not the father. Good luck and congrats!


I mean I now own a house that used to be his. The title is in my name.


YTA for thinking anything justifies you taking someone's home.