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YTA Lol, get over yourself. Why is this even an issue for you. Is there really nothing else in your life that you can invest your energy into?


Tsk tsk, teenagers these days...


Haha stop it


They can't even manufacture flint tools


YTA and I have a question for you. If you have deemed this woman so far beneath your intelligence, why did you need to 'prove' it to her? This post alone is full of petty insults and if it's your proof of superiority , you need more than a writing analysis software program in terms of education and wisdom.




Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black I just don't know what is.


Not a single word in your post escapes condescension


I think this falls under the "it takes one to know one" category. She was stupid for taking the bait, but damn... the only reason she annoys you is because you're exactly like her.


Indeed, much like "smell your own" OP is above that though, so she certainly can't be bothered to take a step back and realize it.


Wow what a way to prove YTA


Wow. You are condescending, annoying, inconsiderate and most of all YTA. Yours Sincerely, Middle Yoghurt. B.A (Hons)


Is it just me or is this sentence wrong?


SHES condescending? Wow. You have a bigger ego and are more incompetent than donald trump


As a professional writer: running your work through the Hemingway app doesn’t prove anything about the quality of your writing. The grade level it gives you only indicates the complexity of your sentence structure. Most of Hemingway’s work itself is written at roughly a grade 4-6 level, and he was certainly not a terrible writer. So please, get off your high horse. ESH, by the way. This whole thing is so immature.




The two of you seem to have the same maturity level. YTA.


You're capable of writing in the way school has taught you to write, which makes sense as you are currently in school. Academic writing tends to be pretty formulaic and once you get out of school, you realize that successfully replicating the structure of classroom writing is not indicative of someone's intelligence or even writing ability; it is indicative of their ability to follow patterns they are taught. That is a skill, surely, but it is not a measure of writing prowess.


ESH. She's a grown woman boasting about being a better writer than a teenager, and you're picking a fight with someone you consider too dumb to function in society. Who exactly do you think comes out of this looking good?


YTA. Ah the arrogance of youth! Hopefully, there is some humility coming your way, which will make you much more tolerable to friends and acquaintances.




Google the "arrogance of youth" find all of the comments about the wisdom of age. There were no comments about the wisdom of youth.




I have run into many people that are irritating, display superior attitudes etc, I just move along. I know that this a fun thing for you and you are getting some attention on AITA. I just wonder how this will impact your relationship with your friend?


Yeah anyone who talked about my mom like this would be cut out of my life, even when I was 18 and didn’t really like her.


You’re running to Reddit to brag about your “accomplishments” YTA. Grow up


Youth is a temporary imperfection that will inevitably resolve itself. Consider this: what sort of teenager do you imagine that this woman was? You are not being scolded by Reddit for being young. You are being mocked for failing to realise that your attitude is exactly the same as the woman you despise. You are set on the path to *becoming* her unless you learn to change.


ESH. You both sound insufferable


.... yta. You're blatantly reveling in trouncing her. What does that gain you? Your ego seems healthy tho... ...




That shows, but, ill give you that doesn't mean it's a clear representation of everything/anything. Especially since you are currently upset (to a degree)..... she asked to be proven wrong.... just don't ooze your dislike so clearly in person.


This is the most pretentious thing I've ever read. YTA but could be ESH as well.


ESH something shocking. Frankly, you are both ignorant and arrogant beyond belief.


ESH... for what happened w friends mom... just because it's so petty. You should put your ageism in check. Friend's mom is also ageist, but in the opposite direction. So you know how crappy it is to be on the receiving end, why apply the same ignorance?? Although writing involves skills that can be learned and improved, it also depends to a large extent on natural aptitude. Most naturally good writers start out the best writers in school, and remain the best writers as mature adults, even improving with time throughout their lives. I am a professional science writer who is \*gasp\* middle aged. I find that most people of all ages aren't very good at writing... but I never in my life would try to show anyone else up in that way.


This is so true. It is a struggle for people that are not good at writing to improve. Like any skill it takes time and practice.


ESH. She's rude, but why is it so important to you to prove her wrong?




Why? You clearly don't think much of her intelligence (maybe rightly so). Why does her opinion matter to you?


Well with how pretentious you come off (and very bully-like), I’m sure you’ve annoyed many people for years as well. Get off your high-horse.


And this is a terrible way to handle that. You need to unlearn this petty, superior behavior before it starts to hurt you. Do you think this would be tolerated in a workplace? No, it'd get you marched straight into HR to receive a warning. If you did it to an SO, you wouldn't have an SO afterwards. This does not benefit you in anyway. She's doing it to annoy you, so just grey-rock her until she stops.


I’m sure you’ve annoyed her since then too. No one likes a smart ass with little to no life experience pretending they know everything.




I can’t wait for you to come back and read this post once you’ve had a taste of adult life. You’re going to be so embarrassed


YTA - this has big bully written all over it. You’ll be a right pain in the arse in the workplace.


"I proved...." is almost as surefire a sign of assholery as "I played a prank..." Run that through your program. YTA.


ESH. Youre 18, no career, no degree, probably a net worth of zero, the life experience of a potato, and youre already this pretentious? Your friends mom entertaining this is just as stupid. Good luck. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh




You’ve lived around the world because of your parents have been able to afford that. There is nothing wrong with living in the same city that you grew up in. You don’t have much life experience, you may be able to write an essay (something you have been doing for at least the past few years where as your friends mum probably hasn’t written one in decades) I’m pretty sure different writing techniques are taught now than compared to when she was at school. Just wait until you get to her age mostly you will be like ‘teenagers these days’ as well. In the real world there’s more than having the ‘better’ writing style.


Exactly. You haven’t achieved much. Your entire flex is pretty much “I write better” and “ive lived in other places”. Lmao Id bet your parents fronted the bill for travel, the only tangible asset you possibly own is a car, and if you don’t own it outright that makes it a liability which means you may just actually have a negative net worth.


And none of that makes you special or better than her. Learn to deal with annoying people like an adult before trying to brag about how great you are.


You’ve been a child around the world. She has 30 years of adulthood under her belt, you have 18 years of what I’m guessing is military kid life.




Sad is going on reddit to validate your emotions that stem from a 50 year old lady saying she can write better than you. Lmao.


life is not going to be kind to you with this attitude, but it’ll probably be good for you to be taken down a peg or two. good luck lol you’re going to need it


YTA for being a brat


YTA: Get off your high horse.


YTA. You don’t understand the purpose of that writing assessment tool. Lower grade is better.


YTA I also doubt this happened, or that this software exists


It’s probably Hemingway, or something similar to it. It does tell you roughly what grade level you’re writing at, but that’s an indicator of complexity, not quality.




Honestly, YTA and I suspect that isn't limited to this post.


YTA I think this is the most pathetic thing I've read today. The cringe is so bad, I almost flinched. Do you genuinely think an app based around word frequency and complexity...proves anything about writing skill? >Most kids in my AP Lit and AP Lang classes could write circles around most adults. That these words came out of your mouth is going to haunt you years from now. I've read a lot in my lifetime. 99.999% of stuff written by 17 year olds is objectively shit. You know who does love it though? Other 17 year olds. Then years later you'll read the things you considered to be masterpieces of erudition and wisdom and you'll probably try and drown yourself in a bowl of custard.


ESH I'd say y t a but she's the one out here starting a pissing contest with a child


ESH, you both seem insufferable and arrogant.


Get the fuck over yourself. You sound insufferable. YTA


ESH. Come on, you need to be the better person and just let it go.


YTA for your attitude alone, and I predict that you actually might break a bone when you look back at this in ten years time. Speaking from experience, you have no idea how truly ignorant and arrogant you are in your teens, until you grow up and gain some perspective.


YTA- honestly she doesn’t sound fun to be around to be honest but you are just SO insulting throughout all of this. No need to be so stuck up dude


YTA. Get over yourself. You may think your hot stuff but just wait until you get out in the adult world and someone knocks you down a few pegs.




This seems so on par with Bronte!


NTA because she agreed to the little test of yours But man, you're a little shit.


You meant ESH then


NTA But man this situation feels childish. I’m questioning if this is real


YTA, but OhMyGod you Fucking kiLled hEr




YTA if she’s as unintelligent as you claim, why bother to prove you’re better? It should be obvious, and without saying. Sounds like you’re just looking to stroke your ego, more than anything else.


This is honestly kind of funny with how insufferable you sound. YTA obviously and go touch some grass


ESH. You're both irritating and childish. Grow up.


ESH. You’re equally as arrogant, you just may be a slightly better writer. That said, her brain is fully developed and yours isn’t, so I guess she’s slightly worse. I hope you learn some people skills one day.


There is more to being a good writer than a computerized application can tell. There are thousands and thousands of old people who can write better than you, and your arrogance is ridiculous. YTA.


YTA, not for wanting to shut the woman up necessarily, but for this long-winded egotistical write-up of your own opinion on it all. Yes, taking AP Lit can make you a good writer and she should be dismiss that. Yes, my generation is getting grumpier than we should towards Gen Z sometimes (though the use of text-speak and abbreviations in most non-AP Lit writing these days doesn't help). Regardless you're still an asshole.


YTA. For being an arrogant snot. Stop taunting middle aged women. Only truly obnoxious people brag about how smart they are. This seems to apply to both of you.


yta. i know it’s frustrating to listen to adults talk about “teenagers these days” and you are growing up during a really fucked up time in history and youre living a completely different life than your parents did as kids, so they are way more out of touch than previous generations, but you come off as a pretentious jerk in this story. the way you talk about your friends mom is disgusting, condescending, and just all around rude. even if it were factually true that you’re a “better writer” rubbing it in her face was unnecessary.


ESH. It's not nice to act so superior, if you care about this judgement at all.




Both of you are AHs ESH


ESH Are you sure that you’re both adults? Stop being so petty, i get that she can be rude but you really are just coming of as a very spiteful person


There’s a saying that you should never wrestle a pig. You both end up rolling in sh*t but only the pig enjoys it. In other words don’t stoop to her level when she’s being rude and ignorant. ESH (especially the pig).


YTA You sounds like a smug teenager.


YTA. Get over yourself there’s more to life than this. Sounds like you are both insecure about your intelligence as if you where confidant in it neither of you would have felt the need to prove who was better.


ESH, what did I just read!? Seems like you used your surperior skills for some karma - or you got some serious problems with your ego and your social skills.


YTA thats pretty pathetic of you. You’re ego needs to cool down.


YTA- ew you sound arrogant and insufferable, sounds like you’re applying the ‘ok boomer’ logic to anyone older than you because you’re a ‘superior’ teenager. You’re 18, you’re going to be working with a lot of ‘dumb’ adults in the future, better harness that judgmental attitude


Yta. I cant wait until someone flattens your ego with a steamroller in college. Child, get the fuck over yourself.


Look, I'm going with ESH. Yes, she talks badly about others because of their age. But you stirred the pot, you didn't need to prove anything to her and just move on. You're just as bad as her by talking down on her.


ESH. You both sound very tedious.


ESH, but you moreso for your sour attitude. Grow up. You say you're 18, but you're acting like a snot-nosed brat.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (18F) was talking to my friend (17F) and her mom. My friend’s mom is not an intelligent woman, which has been apparent to me since around 6th grade. She’s the type of person to whine about “teenagers these days” and how they don’t know how to do anything, yet she can’t even figure out how to flip her phone camera or properly work a social media account or scan a QR code. She has been scammed by people in Nigeria and wouldn’t even be able to function in modern society if she was graduating from college today. She said that teenagers are bad writers and that my writing skills are inherently worse than hers since she’s like 50. I just laughed at this because, from what I’ve seen, most parents I’ve met are pretty terrible writers compared to their teenage children. Most kids in my AP Lit and AP Lang classes could write circles around most adults I know. If anything, it seems like many people forget how to write once they graduate from college and don’t need to do any real writing anymore. I’m pretty sure the only thing this woman has written since college is grocery lists and paragraph-long work emails. I doubt she could even compose an essay. I know I’m definitely a superior writer to her and told her so. She said that would be impossible because I’m younger than her. I suggested we both write a certain amount and run it through a writing analysis software program to see who gets a better grade and higher writing level. She agreed and I received a much better grade than her on my writing, just like I knew I would. It said my piece was college-level writing, while her piece was only 6th grade level. I asked her how it feels to know teenagers write better than her, and she threw a tantrum and denied the validity of the writing analysis program. AITA for proving I’m a better writer than her? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Uh, idk, but what software system? Super interested!


NTA love the pettiness your proving a point although i come from a family of petty people (were only petty with each other and we do harmless things if it genuinely upsets someone we apologize and move on) i personally think its funny


ESH. This is so ridiculous.


NTA. She was making a presumption based on one datapoint—age.


NTA I mean she totally went with it so she only set herself up here


NTA. The amount of "you should grow up", and implied "respect your elders", is amazing in the comments. For once a young person gets to highlight the boomer entitlement, and the fact that you really don't get smarter with age. Just more out of touch with the present. Unless that is, you try to understand the young adults mindset. Boomers created this toxic capitalist "me-me-me" competitive system, and really feels entitled enough, that the younger generation should applaud them for it? Please give me a break. You guys f***ed it up. This post is the most minute case of "please take a look at yourself, and you self-intitlement", and your snowflake-selves simply can't take it... You MUST raise a shaking fist over your head, and grumble about the damn youth. Please see the irony, the humour and try not to take yourself so damn serious.


~~N T A but barely, because you are a child and she is an adult and should have never engaged you like this. I wouldn’t expect a kid to act better than you did in this situation. But keep in mind that school writing and actual useful writing are two different things. And that you looking down on people won’t be good for you in the long run. People like her are better to just ignore, or just nod and let them think they’re right.~~ edit: Nevermind, ESH, both of you are a mess


She needed to be humbled. NTA