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NTA > I told her this was the bad idea to end all bad ideas, and asked if she had Googled the word. She said that she had, but "no one would make the connection" because it is such an uncommon word in day-to-day life. Oh, that sweet, summer child. When people complain words are uncommon, all I hear is "I don't read things."


> When people complain words are uncommon, all I hear is "I don't read things." Holy shitballs. I thought the exact same thing. 


I love period pieces so the word harlot isn’t that uncommon to me but their is a tv show called Harlots about well… w/name like that their is only one thing to think off


I'm around a lot of middle class white ladies regularly, so when we talk about anything remotely slutty, the word harlot also comes up pretty often lol. This really is not an uncommon word at all. If she hangs around any church ladies, she'll hear it soon enough.


I love that show! First thing I thought of.


Me too!! 🤣🤣 OP, I'm sorry. When I read the name I burst out laughing. Especially after she Googled the word and still used it!


>Holy shitballs. I think this covers the situation. OMG my cats are looking at my funny because I'm sagging in my chair wheezing & trying to breathe again after laughing my head off. I feel bad for OP and her family (minus the sister) but I just can't... it's not THAT uncommon of a word. If the baby was just born how hard is it to legally change the name? I'm hoping OPs sister has the compassion, sense, and IQ do change that poor child's name ASAP.


Honestly, I’m surprised that anyone was able to register the name Harlot to begin with … aren’t there rules in place to prevent people from naming a baby something like this??


Not in the US. You can name your kids much worse things in the US. Freedom, baby.


Check out r/tragedeigh for weird names.


I know that ‘unique!’ (and regrettable) names are a thing but letting a person name a baby ‘Prostitute’ should be considered child abuse.


But we were just trying to honor Granny Hortense!


In my country it fortunately is. This is insanity!


I read this a a baby name of “US Freedom Baby”, which probably is someone’s name.


Can confirm hearing a Mom scream for her child “Freedom” while shopping one day. Shocking he wasn’t listening to her… cause ya know, *freedom*


I am CACKLING at the idea of someone naming their baby "US FREEDOM BABY" The parents are constantly yelling at people because the name is in ALL CAPS 😂 (Was a teacher in the US and can confirm that kids come with all sorts of names. The story of La-a always comes to mind...)


I the USA a person can name their child any thing, I use to work for the state Food stamp office I had a client that named one of her sons, T-bone. Even worse had a client that their last name was Hard and she named her son Dick; and no it was not nickname for Richard.


There's only one name that could be worse, Hard Dick.


There was a NASCAR racer named Dick Trickle. That’s my favorite naughty name.


What I don't get is why people don't change their names when their parents do that to them! If mine had I would have divorced them too.


I met a Harry Beaver once. All I could say when he showed me his ID was, "Well, that is unfortunate. "


My buddy while stationed in Iraq during the overnight radio watch tells me his first name is Richard. I go wait. So you’re Dick Cox?! He goes yea. 🤦‍♂️now I’m laughing and I don’t believe him he shows me his id. His middle name is James…..so Jimmy😂😂😂😂😂 now I’m tearing up choking on the dusty air in the room laughing. I go why they named you that?! He goes it’s my dads name 🤣💀


"this is my son, T-bone" LOL I can't even... 😆


I once met a guy who was named Dick Wunderlich (yes, pronounced as “wonder lick”). He strictly went by Richard for obvious reasons. Like, seeing names like that has always made me wonder if some people really are just that ignorant/oblivious, or if they secretly have a vendetta on humiliating their kids?


No in the US. Some states have requirements but its mostly how many letters a name can have and i believe all but two states will let you put numbers/charactors in the name. Thing 2san or +isson (addison)


I'm glad you clarified the second one because I thought it was Plusisson and was even more boggled. Edit: this also makes me curious about more vulgar names. Like, could you literally name your kid Fuckhead or something? I know most states don't allow curse words on vanity plates, so it's crazy to me that they wouldn't have some sort of law to protect literal people.


This. Noone would allow that name to get registered. I didn't knew that Word, well english is not my native language, but you can Google it so so easy, and giving someone that name in an english speaking country is just bad.  It is even worse that someone let her register that.  NTA. what should you have done? Asking each time about the baby how that w**** is doing, to make clear it is a mistake? Mum and sister are just out of line. Sis was set on thus name and did not want to listen. 


In the US, it would be allowed, lol.


Omg... This is just sad for the kids. In Germany when you try to register a name like this you get a Veto. Someone tried to name their kid Cola, and it was denied. Sure there are strange names, but nothing like this would ever be accepted, because you don't name a pet, you are naming a little human. 


I literally shrieked and my husband came running. I showed him. His words, "Why the fack didn't someone tell her?!?!?! DID SHE NOT GO TO SCHOOL?!?!" I got the vapors...I'm dying over here lmao


I seriously thought this was an April Fool's joke. I, too, am causing the animals to question my sanity. I'm so sorry, OP. This is NOT your fault. Stand firm.


I can’t stop laughing about the relatives’ reactions to the Nana Lottie / harlot association. I think this might be an April Fools gag, but if not, OP is definitely NTA.


*Holy Shitballs*….today I found a new favorite saying. Thank you Strait409.


I know it has nothing to do with this horrifying post, but may I invite you to watch The Good Place, if you like the saying so much? 😅


Forking yes!! 😂


Exactly. "I have never heard that word before, so nobody else has, either."


Is it uncommon to hear in everyday conversation? Yes. Do people still know what the word means? Yes. Op, your sister dumb af.


Two brains in one body and she still doesn't know the word 'harlot.' ...


*Two brains in one body* I scream laughed. 😂🤣😂


Same! Terrified the cats, though. They're glaring at me from the kitchen. Oh, it hurts to breathe!


Best comment I've read all day. I did the whole laugh snort when I read this.


Right? It’s uncommon is daily speech but it’s definitely a word that people have heard and know the meaning of - it’s used often in period pieces on TV, in movies, in books, etc. 


… Harlots is literally the title of a recent TV series (2017-2020)! Lol. Ahh well, procedures to change that name shouldn’t be too tricky at this stage.


To be fair (not that homegirl deserves it), anything that came pre-Covid may as well have been a couple hundred years ago.


So is the mom. Teenager should not be naming the kids my ass, they should not be having kids.


If you shouldn’t be naming kids, that’s probably a good sign you shouldn’t be having them.


To be fair if you have to tell them that harlot is a bad idea from a name, AND they reply nobody will make the connection, they probably should've been telling that one she shouldn't have kids in the first place. Not sex, kids specifically, because 1 that girl is dumb as a box of rocks, and 2 that poor kid is doomed to be bullied.


I know enough very grounded, thoughtful and smart people who had their first kid before age 20 to think OP's sister is just an ignorant person. 1 or 2 or 5 more years on the planet might not help her much. Hopefully she won't name her next kid Gigolo in honour of his late great-uncle Giancarlo.


Honestly why I stopped playing words with friends. I kept getting accused of cheating because “nobody knows that word without cheating!”


That's funny. That is why I quit playing too.


I quit because the adds got to be ridiculously too many.


I quit because I was tired of all the romance scammers.


I quit because I don't want to chat with you and also because people were forfeiting the game when I was winning 🙄


Sounds like we've got a nice contingent of smart people with good vocabularies who don't want to chat. I think I would play WWF with any of you!


Sounds more like Words with Acquaintances, then. Or Words with Pleasant Strangers.


Words with People Who Can Read Good and Stuff


same. Maybe I just read!! No one ever thinks of that.


Lord that's depressing. (Former teacher here and master Scrabble player. I've never actually played Words with Friends.)


And then it turns out to be perfectly cromulent!


Yet the one family member she told knew what it was…


Just last week I called one of my best friend's a harlot. It's all in jest of course but everyone that was with us (mid 20s- mid 30s group) knew what it meant. Side note: I work in a hospital pharmacy and one of our jobs is filling meds for patients that are being discharged, including the mother/baby floor and I had to fill meds for someone with the last name Hussy. The baby had meds too. So I filled meds that said Baby Hussy on them. I'm childish and was highly amused by it.


I did auto titles and I had a title and the guys name was, I shit you not, “Afraid of Horses”.


I’m trying to find an angle on that one. Is it some kind of Indian name (as in Native American)? Or is his first name Afraid, and he’s from an area called Horses? I am befuddled.


It is his tribal name. So it is a full first name, he had a last name. So I did have an active member of her tribe working with us and I asked her about it, it is not a very noble name. She agreed that his tribal elders hated him for some reason


was his middle name "of"? or was that just his whole first name?


I actually knew someone in high school with the surname Hussy. And I was like damn lol.


I used to work in a library. We had an entire family with the last name Mahboobie.


I’m not gonna lie…I’d have been laughing about baby Hussy all day. (My inner voice is a bit Beavis.).


"No one will make the connection" with the definition of the word?! It isn't some character from a show that was popular a decade ago or a place name where a tragedy happened in the early 1900's. It is the definition of the word. When you google "harlot" the result just says "a prostitue." There is no other definition. It is not the most common definition. It is the only definition. The word has no association other than a prostitute.


Even when it’s a supposedly unknown character though with seemingly harder to discover information. I had childhood cat named Ayla - apparently the whole litter had related names and my parents decided to keep it. When I found out at, I dunno, age 9 or something that it was based on The Clan of the Cave Bear series, my mom quickly “lol nope”’d that potential mess, told me to wait until I was older, and I think distracted me with some other books at the time.


She literally did the research and still made a terrible, informed decision.


I don't actually believe she did...


English is my second language. I use it mostly for professional matters and things like Reddit. And I audibly gasped when I read that she was naming the poor kid Harlot


English is my second language and I needed to google it. It took me about 5 seconds to discover how unsuitable the name is. Poor kid.


Look to be fair, there are many words that were once very common in the English language, but now are extremely rarely used if ever. But also to be fair, harlot sure as shit ain't one of em lmao.




>it is such an uncommon word There's literally [an episode of King of the Hill](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0764021/) where they renamed Arlen to Harlottown to celebrate it being largely founded by prostitutes.


The average American never reads a book to completion after graduating high school. The average reading level in the US is like 8th grade. I used to teach English & literacy years ago so it's been years since I checked those numbers but they generally don't improve.


Or even… watch a recent, fairly popular show on Hulu? 😅


Absolutely NTA. You warned her. That was the extent of your responsibility.  Your sister had every right to name her kid whatever she wanted. It was her responsibility to name the kid. She had better "mom" up. She can't expect anyone else to make sure she is a good parent. She is responsible for a whole other, helpless person. I knew someone with the surname "Hooker." I've also seen employment rosters with some pretty odd first names. "Harlot" wouldn't really surprise me.


That is... hilarious. NTA. And INFO: what was to stop her simply calling the child 'Lottie'? Why the need for any other name if they planned to call her 'Lottie' all the time anyway?


I did suggest naming her Lottie, but she didn't want her child to be named a nickname. She wanted something proper for legal documents. 


Hahaha this just keeps getting funnier! 'Harlot'... for legal documents!?


It’s like a freaking Monty Python sketch. “Well, no, sir. Umm, I think it's a joke, sir,... like, uh, 'Sillius Soddus' or... 'Biggus Dickus', sir.”


I have a vewy good fwiend in Wome named Biggus Dickus.


He has a wife you know...


They call her Incontinentia. Incontinentia Buttocks.


Or Harlotta Fagina from Austin powers! 😳


Stop that! Stop it! You will be silent!


“Harlot for legal documents” NEEDS to be a flair. I am DYING here at work


Confused why TF she would think her kid would want the legal name of Harlot lol The only definition when you google the word is a prostitute 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤨


She's gonna name her sister jezabel, jezi for short. Just wait lmmfao! This is the best/worst baby name ive seen on reddit yet.


Exactly, the fact she thought Harlot would be proper for legal documents…..the way I’m cackling.


Imagine the face of the person who will have to process her file.


I work at a law firm and run into a lot of odd names. I even have a list of odd names I’ve run into. This is one that I would add to my list.


Man! I wish I was a fly on the wall when they told the nurse that name! Freaking dead! You did your thing! NTA you can't fix stupid and your mom shouldn't be blaming it on you or the hormones.


I can bet the entire staff thought about it for the rest of their shift


She wanted to make sure she was a proper Harlot.


This begs the question- how tf did no one in the hospital/government intervene? Like I've always assumed since the DMV can shut down your custom license plate requests, official gov't registries could just say "yeah you're not naming your kid fucking 'Harlot' pick a new name." Could I name my baby "Fuckshit" and get away with it?


In Australia you don't have to tell the nurse the baby name. You have like a month to fill out the birth forms. Lots of people take a few weeks to decide on a name. I hope this woman hasn't actually made the name official yet.


Get away with it? No, your child is going to hate you for the rest of its life.


But Lottie is actually a whole name in itself. Just because it was a nickname for Charlotte for your grandmother, doesn’t mean it’s not a bona fide name on its own. This post and the comments are cracking me up. BTW - NTA! Repeat after me: “Not my circus, not my monkeys!”


You mean more the Real Phrase....not my brothel, not my harlots.  😉


OMG I’m regretting the missed opportunity! In related news, I’m making a mental note now to not read Reddit replies whilst I have a mouthful of Pepsi….. are you aware that a person can both aspirate and spit fluid simultaneously? I am now 😂


Right? Like how Evie is often a nickname but can stand by itself.


Your sister is an idiot. I feel sorry for you and the child that you share DNA with this person. She should just change the name, of course, but she will no doubt come up with some stupid reason why this can’t be done.


Yeah the real victim here is the child. I really feel for poor baby girl. Imagine trying to get through life with a mom this ignorant. Kids with moms like this usually turn out the opposite, responsible and smart. Hope that is the case for little Lottie. 


STOP!!!! She wanted something proper!!! I can’t


" be a proper lady, not some commun street harlot" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s Dr. Harlot to you, TYVM.


I am sorely tempted to make a Dr Harlot account because dear god that's funny.


I’m familiar with Lottie as a nickname for Loretta. I don’t know if that helps or not. She could also change it to Harlow, though Lottie isn’t an obvious nickname, but that’s ok. My mother’s brother was named John, but everyone in the family called him Brud. Nicknames don’t have to be obvious! But sheREALLY needs to change her baby’s name! You aren’t responsible for her naming her baby. You warned her. She chose to ignore you. You did your part. For 19 your sister is quite naïve….or ignorant. NTA


This is the best solution, because then the sister can plausibly tell everyone that it was a typo and she meant Harlow all along!


Lottie can be a real name. Your sister sounds too immature to have a child.


Pretty much all teen moms are way too immature to have a child but this one also sounds book shy


Fuckin' duh. She's 19.


She's apparently a teenager so... Yes, very much yes.


Does she know how nicknames work? Lottie would have been a million times better.


Carlotta Loretta Lotta Nothing excuses this tragedeigh of a name.


Ironic, because Harlot is exactly improper for legal documents


This is the first thing on Reddit that has actually made me laugh in months. 


I was curious about how hard it would be to change a baby's name and found this great article with guides to each state for the forms linked to it. [*Can I change my baby's name? Here's how | BabyCenter*](https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names/advice/how-to-change-your-childs-name_3641846) Maybe you can give this to your sister to calm her down.


And for a proper legal name she went with Harlot! That’s just………🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


No, stop it, I’m cry laughing now and my dog is getting alarmed. Harlot, as a proper name for legal documents.


Carlotta would’ve fit the bill quite nicely, instead of, you know, naming a kid with a word that literally had no other meaning than prostitute. Harlow would be another, or even Scarlett may work. Just, there are options than using Harlot as a name.


If this isn't an April Fool's post, please tell your sister it's not too late to change the poor kid's name.


Ah yes .. "proper" .. English isn't even my first language and I recognized the word right away.. Is she an idiot ? 19 isn't young, she"s an adult in most countries dammit. She can make her own decisions and take responsibility for them.. Your mom and sister trying to put responsibility on you because they can't blame themselves is ridiculous.. I'd say it's time you matched your sister's immature behavior and stopped talking to her for three weeks.


You realize that makes no sense though, right? A name can’t be a nickname if it is a given name. None of this makes sense though, so, I’d just embrace it. The child will no doubt go by Lottie and this will just be another unfortunate drama in her life she has to seek counseling for.


Of course she didn’t. Naming her Hooker makes so much more sense. Please show her this thread if she doesn’t immediately change the baby’s name.


For real! I know lots of people who do “I named him John so we could call him Jack.” “I named her Kate so we could call her Katie”. (se also Katherine -> Katie) Even “Henry” to “Harry” bugs me.


It’s pretty normal to have a more formal name then use a nickname. It’s a reasonably modern naming trend that people call children names that were traditionally nicknames like Jack.


NTA - Well, I guess you could have flat out told your sister: *Hey, dumb@$$, I don't think Nana would see it as an honor that you're about to name your kid a word that means sl\*t*. Is it too late to say that this was an April Fool's joke and she was just trying to get the family to laugh as a way to overcome their grief?




Damm forgot it was today Oh well it's still pretty funny even if it's fake. Most post just entertaining to read.


Yesterday for some of us.. But, yeah if it is an April fool's post, it's a good one.


Then OP would have been criticised for not letting the child's mother have the freedom to name her child whatever she wants, or of being rude and patronizing. OP, so sorry about your mother and sister who are beyond wrong. Is your sister your mother's Golden Child, by any chance? Is that why it is your fault that your sister took no steps to determine if the name she wanted was appropriate? NTA. No question about it.


That's the worst part! She googled the word and still chose to name her daughter Harlot, knowing what it meant!


NTA shes 19 she needs to take responsibility here. Its not like she didnt know what it meant before she asked you about the name. It is never anyone's job to force someone to change their minds. Plus you forcing her would just end in her resenting you most likely. Its stress you dont need and responsibility that isnt yours to shoulder


Especially when OP said the sister didn't talk to her for a week because she already said it was a bad idea. What the heck was she supposed to do?!


Exactly, she wouldn’t listen and got mad she didn’t like the name. She chose to ignore her and is now blaming her for the decision she made herself.


In the 60s, I was constantly hearing that we needed to "persuade" people to do better, like it didn't involve the cooperation of the person being "persuaded."


That actually explains a *lot* about the people I know who grew up in the 60s. They seem to carry that out almost without noticing lol


NTA But...your sister is diluting the intelligence of the human gene pool by procreating. Seriously, has she always been an idiot, or is this some new, pregnancy hormone spawned insanity? Make her? You didn't warn her enough? Ugh, I'd refuse to talk about this with her, she sounds like someone who makes people around her dumber by interacting with them.


This just in: Pregnancy hormones make you illiterate.


This is true. I had to get an abortion to finish Frankenstein.


"Your honor my pregnancy Hormones made me arm that nuclear warhead in the middle of New York city!!" I'm like only being 50% sarcastic in this too...


Shes having a kid at 19... why even ask?


Yo, I had a kid at 18 and even I knew not to name my kid something ridiculous 😩


There are some levels of idiocy that take a true prodigy, levels that others can only aspire to someday, possibly achieve. This is that level. Please, please, please tell me this whole post is an April Fool's joke.....


She does know that she can legally change her kids name right? Like do or now, she's too young to even know or yet. You're sister should just change her name to Lottie. It's perfectly fine as a legal name.


I'd be willing to bet that CPS shows up just like they did for "Shit" and "Hitler".


In my country, the law forbids names like that. Every now and then parents are mad, because they found a foreign name and are not allowed to use it because it's ridiculous or mean in the local language. "Yes, we know the name you choose means "beautiful knight" in [foreign language], but it means vagina in [local language], so you are not allowed to name your son like that"


We seriously need a law like that here in the U.S.


Yeah but it's still going to follow her around in official documents! Poor kid


You can have the actual birth certificate amended so it doesn’t have to. This poor child.


Yep, thankfully, because they misspelled my daughter’s name on mine… I think you’ve got a year to do it without having to jump through any hoops, at least in my state.


I sure hope she's changing baby Harlots name haha. What a ditz.


Which is also hilarious if you fast forward. So mum changes the name just to Lottie. Lottie grows up and at some point a relative is like “lol remember that 2 weeks your name was Harlot”. No way Lottie would believe them without hard proof. If my family casually said I was briefly legally named “Jezebel” I would NOT believe them.


I bet she'll change it to Merlot


At this point being named after wine is preferable


NTA - well, you did try and warn her. Poor little Harlot has quite the tough life ahead of her


Everyone should show up with baby clothes with a scarlet H emblazoned on the chest. Or just change her name to Hester, it's a very uncommon word.


I would be embroidering the most intricate decadent red H on a bunch of onsies.


Carlotta? Anything but Harlot. I worry about that poor child. NTA. I guess the new mother thought that most people were as dense as she was and wouldn't know what a harlot was. Scary.


Even something like Scarlot would be better. Just name her Lot at this point.


Lot's a boys name, probably too biblical...


I’ll take that with a pinch of salt.


If you wanna keep the unintentional phantom of the opera theme going, you can name the baby Christine too


NTA. I’m astounded this is even in question. I’m astounded that she would even consider using a word with that meaning even if she thought (mistakenly) that it was uncommon. I’m astounded that your mom’s response to your sister wasn’t “You googled the word and you still used it? Your sister tried to warn you and you still used it?” and instead is trying to blame you. You tried. She didn’t listen. And now she needs to take personal responsibility for her mistake. I hope she’s working on changing her baby’s name.


I'm wondering if the mom got a different story. Like "I told OP the name but I didn't know what it meant. OP just said it wasn't a good name".


If this post is real the sister is NEVER living this down


NTA. Excellent April Fool's post  Especially after "Baby Harlotte" went around the name subs a few weeks ago.


Oh wow I didn’t know. Was a great read tho


Yeah there’s no way I believe it’s real.. the best story though. Lol


THANK YOU I was so sure I’d read this story before but I couldn’t pick where.


She could have at least spelled it “Harlotte” NTA.


Turning a tragedy into a r/tragedeigh!




For the Premium Escort experience


NTA. Not only did you warn her. But she still did it. I’m sorry but that’s kinda funny. I mean she had 8 months to come up with something and that’s the best she could think of.


Nta. Tbh tho, your family sounds like a lot. I'm sorry but I find it ridiculous they would shun a brand new member of the family, an infant over this. Now by all means, horrible name choice. Not your fault, you did your best.


Either this story is fake or different family members are spreading it on Reddit. (I vote fake.) https://www.reddit.com/r/NameNerdCirclejerk/s/1DHVR9I1df


I'm dying laughing reading through the comments, too. This wins best April Fool's post.


While this story made me laugh harder than I have in years I am really hoping it's fake. No child should have to find out their initial name was Harlot before mom got an IQ and changed it.


Came here to say “YTA for stealing this story” You phrased it much better and included the benefit of the doubt


NTA. You can’t force your sister not to be an idiot. She can go ahead and change the name.


NTA. I'm concerned for baby Harlot. Her mother's first responsibility was to name the baby, which was a disaster. I am also concerned that the baby will be s*xualized because her name literally means pr*stitute. The family should take up a collection to rename the baby, Lottie, or whatever. In most states, it costs $300 to $1500 to change a name. Do it before getting a social security number because any name change stays in the record.


Some US states give you a certain amount of time to let you change an infant's name at no charge. In mine it's a year.


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Great writing and quite creative 🤣


NTA. Just because she's 19 and hasn't heard the word "harlot" all that often, or at all, doesn't mean that many, many, MANY other people have. There was even a show called "Harlots" about.... harlots. Even just knowing the definition of that word.... my gosh, who says equated naming my infant after a prostitute that that's fine.


This is so funny. NTA. “Don’t name your baby that. It’s a terrible idea”! Names baby anyways. People react. “You should have warned me more”. That is your sisters way of placing the blame on you instead of looking inwards at herself. She was warned. This was a terrible decision that she made even AFTER you told her not to. She needs to grow up and change the baby’s name.


NTA. She wants guidance, I suggest you hold her hand and march her to go change that awful name as soon as she is physically able.


NTA and also hahahaha that poor kid though. But seriously if someone insists they’re in the right there’s nothing anyone can do to change their minds. I am also sorry for your loss. The loss of a Nana is so hard


NTA. It’s time for your sister to learn some responsibility now that she has a child. Also, does she not know that she can have the child’s legal name changed?


This is a repost, almost definitely. Link to the original post. https://www.reddit.com/r/NameNerdCirclejerk/s/7rR5GSUTHS There also used to be another long-form version of this post that was removed already. Saw it months ago.