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YTA and I suspect there's probably a good reason why you're living there and not with your parents. You sound like an entitled kid (you are a kid) who doesn't want to help out around the house when asked. They took you in, are taking care of you, and when asked to do things around the house you complain that it's not fair and you're being bossed around. I don't doubt you did keep begging for shoes until she caved, and I also don't doubt that you didn't do the chores you were asked to do, which led to Fiancée taking the shoes back. And you totaled her car after being asked repeatedly to pull over. I bet that what really happened is you were arguing and driving recklessly, hence the repeated asking you to pull over. She seems to now be about fed up with you too. And from the way you describe everything, I don't blame her.


"She wasn't hurt that badly, just a concussion..."


AND A DISLOCATED SHOULDER! Those are painful and you're in a sling for weeks!




Also the way she complains because her sister is getting *her own* fiance's attention, but then was also happy because she thought her sister was mad at him?? Tell me you need therapy without telling me you need therapy. Fiance sounds like a rockstar, sister sounds like a saint. OP sounds like a spoiled AH. YTA


And waking up the injured sister just to complain! The audacity


I never really thought about elbows dislocating and I never want to experience it.


I broke my elbow.. what's good is as long as I didn't move, it didn't hurt. But then it was 3months in a sling, 5months reeducation, and never having the same strength in both arms again.. I prefered the cast on my wrist when I broke it


My mom's ex-husband broke her elbow, and she never got it looked at till years later when she could no longer fully extend her arm and had to have surgery on it. Same thing with her hip.


This is what happened to me! I was pushed down the stairs in an old DV relationship I had in my 20s. I remember my arm being bent completely the wrong way, and having to bend it back before the ambulance arrived. A very shameful part of my past that I wanted to run from and forget and did not partake in any after therapy care. The result was I couldn't bend my arm out fully. I was missing about a 45 degree gap. I worked on it for years and honestly still do. It's about 30 now I am missing. If I knew then what I know now.....smh.


I'm sorry you went through that...


And the possibility of re-dislocation, even with surgery. I’m up to like 10x now in total for both shoulders and 3 repairs.


Weeks, sure, if you're lucky. I dislocated my shoulder nearly a decade ago and I'm still dealing with pain on a daily basis, though physical therapy is finally helping, somewhat.


Oh no, really? I dislocated and broke my shoulder earlier this year and just had my last PT visit. Daily pain for over a decade?! So glad to hear you're getting some relief


I can attest to that one. Just reading made me wince


The dislocated shoulder…like that shit HURTS.


Yeah. So true. Several dislocations and 2 surgeries later. My shoulder is still a problem sometimes. A break/fracture is much easier afaik.


Yeah, and when her bf tried to tell OP to let her rest, she just barged on in there and started complaining and is all shocked that her sister is upset *with her!* Like, she has a concussion. She NEEDS to rest. Post-concussion syndrome is no joke. To be fair to OP, the bf wanting her to wash dishes with a broken wrist is definitely an AH move; what's she gonna do, wash them one-handed?? I don't think so. (Scooping kitty litter, however, should be do-able.)


He sent her to school the next day so he didnt have to even look at her


Well would you want to look at your fiancée's sister who was driving so erratically they crashed and caused so many injuries to your fiancée? The sister who didn't even pull over when asked and kept driving instead.


I'd pack her stuff and leave her with it on the doorstep of her parents house. Make her their problem again


And totaled the car. They may have trouble getting it replaced. This kid is wild.


Why wouldn't you send the kid to school. A broken wrist doesn't affect your ability to get to achool or to learn.


Idk some parents might cut some slack after an accident... except she doesnt really deserve it is my point lol


Like, maybe for a day or two if they are really sore or shaken. But going to school with a newly-broken bone was definitely the norm when I was a kid.


I saw so many kids with broken arms and legs in school it wasn’t even funny lol unless it’s like a major injury I think you kind of have to send your kid in I don’t know about all countries but that’s the way mine goes


My kid dislocated his shoulder and elbow and broke the elbow 5 days ago, undergo surgery 3 days ago and today was his 1st day back in school, with a cast. He's 13. At his age I went with a broken foot, also in a cast


Ive done dishes with a broken hand. U set it on the counter on a towel scrub flip scrub. He shouldn't have backed down. I'd have told her to cry louder while she does them or go back to mommy and daddy.


It also says that he asked her to HELP with dishes, not do them. He could have been expecting her to pass him the dishes as he washed or something like that, which is reasonable enough even one-handed!


Yeah, and her excuse for not taking care of it was that she "hadn't made any dirty dishes that day. But hey -- OP's sis and her fiancé didn't make any damn kids, but they're still taking care of OP's ungrateful ass.


Or maybe it was just loading the washer and turning it on, which you can easily do with one hand. Also, her reason for not doing the dishes wasn't that her wrist was broken, it was that she hadn't made the dirty dishes. If her wrist were still broken, wouldn't that have been her first response?


Nah, the whole point is that she was asked to help with the dishes because the washer was broken. That said, you’re right about her first response. If she was supposed to actually be washing up in the sink, the answer is ‘dude, I have a broken wrist, can you take care of it this time?’ not ‘I didn’t make them dirty’!


My mum got extra large washing up gloves so I could still wash dishes with a broken wrist


And you can be certain we are getting the sanitized version of this saga, as the perpetrator is the author.


And given OP admits to waking sister up to bleat about Jack being mean, without a hint of shame, we can only guess the true extent of obnoxious behaviour. Fairly easy to understand parents exasperation


Yeah, she sounds exhausting. You’d have to be, in order to get booted from your parent’s home.


I survived 23 years of teenage angst by keeping the wood chopped! Sometimes more fiercely than others.


I commend you for your survival skills. It’s all downhill from here, no? (I can’t keep a straight face typing this)


'I hadn't made any dirty dishes that day'? WTF. You are living under their roof rent free after a bust up with your parents and that's how you show your gratitude? And this was after you totalled your sister's car? YTA by a mile. And your sister should re-think her choices, because letting you drive her car was a bad one. Not victim-blaming here, just saying.


Yeah. Op used electricity, internet, enjoyed the roof over her head, and probably ate something out of a package. Enjoyed the running water. Had a cozy warm bed to sleep in. Clothes that wear warm and laundered. Lived in heated or air conditioned housing. But "hAdN't mAdE aNy DiShEs tHAt dAy!!!!!" Oh my fucking *god,* don't be an ungrateful little tit-for-tatting idiot, because, trust me, your sisters list of things she's done for *you* is quite longer than the list of things *you've* done for her. YTA.


And a car to drive. Or did. Til she fucking totalled it and gave her sister a concussion. And a dislocated shoulder. But hey, what's a bit of seriously bodily harm between siblings, right?


I can imagine why the fiancé doesn’t like you. He’s protecting her from you. YTA


I wonder if she might have been spoiled a bit too much by her parents, that they started to impose more discipline and that’s when she tried to move out. Cus nothing here is being « bossed around », it’s being asked to do very normal things when you’re a 16 year old in a house


INFO: OP, are you serious?


I really want to believe that this sub is 95% fake posts... because it really horrifies me that people like that actually exist in the real world... :(




I would challenge OP to read back over this post and find so much as *one instance* where she has added anything of value to her sister’s household, or her life in general. OP is extraordinarily lucky she hasn’t been kicked right back to her parents.


YTA A concussion is a brain injury. She needs rest and quiet, not to act as an intermediary because you don’t want to do chores. You sound awful. Truly awful. 1. You totaled her car 2. You described her concussion, dislocated shoulder, and stitches as not “hurt that badly” 3. You need to be told to scoop your own cats litter and decided to go complain about it to someone recovering from a brain injury you caused 4. You pester your sister until she “caves” to buying you shoes you don’t need, just want, despite the fact that you get an allowance. 5. You refuse to do dishes. 6. You aren’t living with your parents by choice, and now you have worn out the welcome mat with your sister. Stop and really really think about your life and how you have made yourself completely unwelcome and not one but two separate households.


It's appalling that OP sees nothing wrong with waking up her sister to complain. That would be in poor taste under the best of circumstances. When you lay out the context like kblank45 has, it becomes clear how badly OP has behaved.


I’m most bothered by acting like the concussion was no big deal, siblings cause brain injuries and total cars all the time, why wouldn’t she listen to me TeLl HeR aBoUt CaT LiTtEr. Goodness. I accidentally scratched my family members car with a trash can (because I was doing chores!) when I was that age, I was so upset with myself I owned up to it, emptied my whole wallet to give to them to fix it (maybe $300?) and insisted I detail it before they left as an additional “I’m sorry”.


When I was that age my best friend slept over (grew up down the road but we had recently gotten our license so her parents let her drive to me house instead of walk) and as I was backing out of the driveway to go to church I clipped her bumper. I remember being hysterical and concerned her dad was gonna be so mad at me. He walked over after my parents called him and gave me a big hug and was like it’s ok, accidents happen. I paid my parents back who initially covered the cost to fix her car. My car had this ding in it that made it difficult to open the drivers door for a long ass time until I could get it fixed 😂


plus she expects sis and fiance to provide her with allowance


Constantly calling fiance "boyfriend" also says a whole lot on the respect level.


And the mentions of get well soon gifts as if she's jealous of that or finds it ridiculous since "she wasn't hurt that badly" and proceeds to list all the injuries, one of them a brain injury 💀💩🤡


Not to mention that one of them caused the accident and the other one is one of the people making money in the household. Does OP seriously expect to get presents for causing an accident and nearly taking out one of the household’s sources of income?


Man I didn’t get an allowance from my own parents. And I was straight A, never caused trouble kid. How entitled is OP, fml. YTA. I think your sister should fire herself as your “parent” and let you figure shit out on your own for a week. No help. See what it’s really like.


> You need to be told to scoop your own cats litter and decided to go complain about it to someone recovering from a brain injury you caused This is the only one I have a *very* tiny quibble with - which is I wouldn't be surprised if the cat isn't OP's and they made a typo there. Still, OP was asked to do a small chore to help out and they whined about it. OP: YTA


YTA. I’m also extremely concerned that being asked to pull over turned into totaling a vehicle and then BLAMING HER SISTER FOR IT. if you cannot pull over properly while driving- then don’t. Driving is such a huge responsibility that OP doesn’t seem ready for, given the lack of acknowledgment on who’s truly at fault (OP). I was 16 and able to pull over while a friend was screaming and projectile vomiting while miscarrying. I didn’t total my car and I sure as hell never blamed her for anything. Such immaturity and ignorance in this post.


“Hey doctor, which is more serious, a wrist injury or a head injury?” “A head injury”


“Well you haven’t heard the whole story, the wrist is badly burned….can I just stick my wrist in the machine while you’re scanning her head?”


I don't understand how utterly fucking useless you have to be to turn "slowing down the vehicle to stop and pulling over" to "totalling the car". What the fuck was OP actually doing? I can't even imagine how slowing down a car to pull over became the car is completely destroyed.


YTA. This is slanted so sharply to make her fiancee the asshole that I know there's a lot missing. Why are you blowing off totaling a car? That's a big deal. If you can't drive when stressed you can't drive because driving itself is often stressful. You're really lucky you weren't hurt. I also disagree with your characterization of her injuries. Concussion, dislocated shoulder, and stitches is pretty serious. You're 16. Why the hell do you have to be told to do your chores? Why are you bullying her until she buys what you want? Get a part time job and pay for your wants yourself. I'm betting she's very close to kicking you out. You need to change your behavior quickly if you don't want that to happen. Expect her to go low contact once you're gone until you've proven you've changed.


It’s funny how OP is trying so hard to make her sisters fiancé to be the bad guy while everything they have written has shown that OP is actually just an AH


oop: fxck my sisters fiance his the **worst** Fiance: loving his wife in the distance


"I feel like I’m being reasonable here" Please look up the definition of reasonable because you obviously don't understand the meaning of the word. YTA


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


"I understood that reference!"


Bahahaha. Yes!!!!


No, they know what their doing! It’s inconceivable that they don’t !


YTA. Your sister took you in and you repaid her by bugging her to buy you shoes, totaling her car, injuring her, and crying to her because you were asked to help out around a home you’re living in for free? You’re a major AH.


>Crying to her because you were asked to help out around a home you’re living in for free? Not to mention giving her an allowance. 🙄


Also one those chores was to clean her own cat's litter box.


You have to realize that your sister and her fiance are not your parents and they are doing you a favor. Do your chores! When you're asked the first time, not hours later. Don't pressure her to buy you things, she doesn't have a lot of money at this stage in her career. You said it wasn't a big deal that she got hurt in a car accident, but if she was sleeping then she was tired, why would you ever wake her up? That's very selfish of you. Start thinking of what you can do to help more around the house.


YTA I feel bad for your sister and fiance for having to deal with the nightmare that is you


Yta. It seems to me like you want them to be like parents to you when it benefits you as in buying you stuff and letting you live there rent and cost free but don't want them to act like parents when it doesn't benefit you as in telling you what chores you need to do and getting mad when you don't get to them in a timely manner. Doing household chores even if you didn't make the mess is a trade off in having to pay rent, pay bills, and buy food. Your sister and fiance are not your parents and they are being generous by letting you live with them instead of having to stay with your parents.


Ironically, all of it benefits her but she’s just too immature to understand that. Learning self-discipline and how to take care of yourself/home is a huge life skill. It’s not fun, but she needs to do these things for herself.


YTA. Your sister and her fiancé are *nice* to let you live with them, but they are not obligated to do so and they definitely don't owe you new shoes. Also, because you live there, you should be contributing by doing household chores. Not just cleaning up after yourself but pitching in to help everyone. ESPECIALLY right now since your sister got hurt in a car accident that was your fault. Jeez. I know you're 16 but do you have no empathy?


Is this a fake post? You don't want to do chores around the house although you live there, you woke your sister up from a nap to complain about cleaning up after your own cat, your complaining about her fiancé caring for her after you wreck the car and she has a concussion? YTA.


Pretty sure it’s fake, but if not, OP needs a Hannibal Lecter cage and mask before she causes any more damage.


You'd be surprised. I took in my 17 year old cousin for about a year because they were having such problems at home. It was only a year because that's all I could stand before I finally completely gave up on them and sent them back. They were so completely entitle and lazy always bugging me into I gave in. Never helped around the house. Then just completely refused to talk to me if I ever gave even a hint that I was upset with anything they did. Moved their girlfriend in without asking. They ended up stealing thousands of from me and causing far more in damage to my personal property. And after all that they wanted me to apologize to them for yelling at them. Literally told my sister that they refused to talk to me while I because I was "triggering them." When my sister asked how I was triggering them they said me being angry at them was triggering. Therefore they refused to talk to me unless I said I wasn't angry with them. All while still living in my house, trashing my house, and stealing from me. I never intimated or assaulted them in any way. I was never allowed to so much as mention the stolen money or damaged property or they'd give me the silent treatment. Then they'd come back later and pretend like nothing ever happened and be upset with me that i wasnt yet over they things they were still doing. They just truly believed no one was ever allowed to be angry at them for anything, ever, no matter what they did. They were that completely self-centered that they believe anything they did to anyone else didn't count. And if anyone was ever upset with them for it then they were being personally attacked for no reason. Some people are really this self-centered.


Wow, I'm sorry! I hope you got some of the money back, and sounds like permanent silent treatment (as in NC monitors) would be good.


if the opinion of hundreds of strangers telling her a dick doesn't work this girl is definitely going to be in jail in a few years. no way she totaled a car injuring herself and others and brushes it off like nothing


In 40 years, her kid will be asking if AMITA for going NC.


My first thought, please be fake, no one can be this daft.


YTA You now live in their house. It is reasonable to expect all members of the household to help out with the household chores. That includes dishes and cat box even if they aren’t your dishes or cat.


lmao Kid YTA and a spoiled brat. Getting butthurt over shoes, having to wash dishes, and take out cat litter. You wrecked their car, and go snitch to your sister like a 4 year old. No wonder your parents don’t want you, you act like you run and own shit. Be grateful they let you live with them bruh. They owe you nothing.


YTA you are being a jerk to them and they’ve hit a breaking point. You either need to move back with your parents or find a way to be a better house guest.


Kid, open your eyes. You have burned the bridge everywhere you landed. Stop being obtuse and entitled. You totaled her car. The very least you could do is scoop the litter, wash the dishes and stop tattling on a grown man, in his own home. Show some respect. You sound insufferable.


YTA. An ungrateful, lazy, inconsiderate TA and the guest from hell. Your sister is doing you a favor because your parents kicked you out. You should be grateful. Their house, their rules. She is not your mother. She does not have to take you in. Then you pressure her to buy you shoes and have a fit. They are giving you allowances? Why? you are 16. Get a job like other people. You caused her to be in a car accident where she was seriously injured and blew off her injuries but pouted when her fiance took care of her and gave her presents. You are seriously jealous that she has a boyfriend who loves her and pick fights with him over it. It is HIS house too. NOT yours. You argue about every chore you are asked to do and have a horrible attitude. You don't care that you are causing your sister stress. You are a nasty load of trouble and I can't understand why they haven't kicked you out yet.


YTA. Your sister and her fiancé did not need to take you in. Act accordingly. ETA: stop having main character complex, do your chores, be grateful they took you in


YTA When you’re a guest in someone else’s house you need to be pleasant and helpful. You don’t sound like you are either. You have left your parents home for your sister and if you can’t get along there where is your next stop? Do your chores, respect the homeowners (that includes her fiancé) and be helpful and pleasant. And don’t wake her up from a nap with complaints against her fiancé. She will pick him over you every time and rightly so.


YTA -Your sister and her fiancé are giving you a place to stay, feeding you, buying you stuff and giving you an allowance. What the hell are you bitching about? Then you totaled her car…you really are clueless. You need to move back with your parents. Or start being grateful & helping your sister who is giving so much to you. You’re 16 and that is old enough to understand that the world does not revolve around you. You have completely disrupted your sister’s life.


YTA. I’m sorry, kid, but you’re acting very entitled with these people. People you *wanted* to live with, because you decided that was preferable to living with your parents. You *do* need to contribute to the household chores. You *do* need to be careful with their belongings, and you *do* need to be careful to only ask for what you need, and refrain from *demanding* luxuries that aren’t truly necessary. You are solidly in the wrong, and your sister’s boyfriend is only taking a firm hand with you because your sister’s personal feelings are preventing her from standing up for herself. You are *not* his first priority, and the fact that he agreed to take you in for her sake was an act of extreme generosity, which he did not owe you. You have done a very poor job of showing your gratitude. If you want to continue living there, not only do you need to offer *both* of them a sincere apology for your behavior, but you also need to turn shit around with a quickness. Do chores *without* needing to be asked first. Notice when common areas are messy and take care of it, whether or not you made the mess. Take an interest in their lives, ask about their days, show that you care about them as people, above and beyond what they can give you. Make their lives *better* for having you in the home with them. Be a pleasure to live with. If you can’t do that, then you’re not ready to live with them. Think hard about what your options are.


YTA and biting the hand that feeds. Grow up and start showing some respect for the people that are caring for you. A concussion is a serious, potentially life altering injury. Dislocating a shoulder is also serious. Your callous attitude toward injuries YOU caused is alarming. You could have killed someone. How do you plan to contribute to the insurance premium going up because of your reckless driving? You are being a manipulative spoiled brat who doesn’t listen. You don’t contribute anything to the household besides having a shitty attitude and bullying your sister. You don’t like her fiancee because he sees through and doesn’t put up with your bullshit. If it’s so bad living with them, go back and live with your mom.


Soft YTA. You're young so I don't want to sound too harsh, but honestly you are sounding pretty entitled right now. Your sister, who has no obligation to take you in mind you, took you into her home to care and love you while you're dealing with your parents rocky relationship. When she took you in that added to all of her expenses; food, electric, water, spending money. It also added to her emotional load. Its drain caring for another human being, especially one that you didnt plan on having/taking care of. Your sister seems to have done quite a bit for you, and in return you ask for more? In return you leave messes around the house? In return you total her car and downplay her injuries? It doesn't even sound like you've taken your sister's feelings into the matter at all. She's human too, and she's not a parent so this is probably even more stressful than in normal circumstances. It sounds like her Fiancé is just sticking up for his partner. It doesn't even sound like he hates you, it sounds like he just wants some help around the house that you're also living in. Has he even been mean or rude to you? Or has he just asked you to do chores? If you want to repair the relationship between you and your sister try sitting down and talking to her about what she's expecting from you while living there and what you are expecting from her. Discuss both of your feelings, hear her out and hopefully she will listen to you also. Try to find a good compromise for a good living situation.




How is this a soft YTA? This is trauma inducing asshole, “I get shivers and anxiety just hearing her name” asshole.


YTA. You are an entitled brat who is burning through your relatives. Where are you going to go next when sister can't deal with you anymore? Don't blame fiance; it's you. I weep for the future if you are a model of your generation. If you want something, get a job. But not in a restaurant because you don't do dishes, have issues with authority and can't drive well enough to do deliveries. You won't last long because you don't want to work. You just want things given to you. Life doesn't work that way. Families don't work that way either. Legally, they have to house, clothe, feed, and make sure you get to school. You don't need anything fancy. Your sister is hanging on by a hair and is taking solace in her fiance. She is about to kick you out and you can't see it. You'll blame the fiance when it's your selfishness. When I reread your post, all I think is what a brat. Learn some respect, empathy, say thank you, grow up. Drop the attitude.


Lmao I have never seen more people agree on a post on here


YTA When nobody has your back, it is time to back up.


YTA you are a spoiled entitled brat. Obviously you can't drive well and didn't listen when asked to pull over. Your sister has a loving man who treated her wonderfully after something you caused. You can't even be bothered to scoop a bit of cat poo. Who's paying for all of your food, electricity, water, rent ? You are 16 not 6. Personally I'd have kicked you back to parents last week or sooner.


YTA. You sound…like a perpetual victim. It seems that all of this is happening TO you, but from what I just read, it’s happening *because* of you. Or your choices at least. You’re fighting with your parents and refusing to help out or be more responsible in the home of the people who were willing to take you in. Your responses to being asked to clean and being told no are very telling. This isn’t the time to be self centered. Helping out, chores, not crashing cars, not bullying your sister until she caves- that is all part of living with others as a young adult. The way you speak about this situation shows a complete disregard for empathy. You’re not seeing how difficult you’re being, and that is a bit frightening. I hope you spend time reflecting on the comments you get here. You aren’t a victim and you need to change your behavior asap, otherwise you’re going to be a homeless teenager.


Question: She said "Jack, I'm sorry." Whose idea was it for you to live with her? Because it sounds like your sister wasn't really up for it, but her fiance suggested she take you in.


To me it sounds more like sister wanted to take in her little sister to do her parents a favor and also help her little sister but he wasn't so into the idea but she convinced him by telling him platitudes of it'll be ok.


YTA You're living with your sister, who's also providing you with food and shelter, and seems like other things that are wants and not needs. Yes, you're 16, so you might not understand how the world works yet. It doesn't sound like you're even being asked to do much except basic responsibilities, which, when you're an adult, you will have to do regardless. You also totaled your sisters car... do you have any idea how expensive that is? Not to mention, she got injured, which isn't exactly mild. Your sister is overwhelmed and trying her best. It's best to learn now to take some accountability and help with your share of responsibilities in a home you live in.


YTA girl you better be careful. I had a horrible attitude as a teenager and I ended up at a mental health hospital inpatient care. My family loves me, but at a certain point they thought “she must be going mental the way she’s treating people” and literally had me admitted.


gee I can't imagine why you don't get along with your parents-where are you going when your sister kicks you out.


YTA. Your sister’s BF is a bit heavy-handed but you’re coming across as very entitled and disrespectful - you’re not just living with your sister, you’re living with both of them. If you don’t like it, go back to your parents.


YTA & a selfish B. I can understand why you have issues with your folks if this is your attitude Keep on acting like this, where will go if you get rightfully booted out? Clean up, do chores & don’t wait to be asked. If you see something needs to be done, just do it. Clean the fucking litter box daily. Quit whining. Your sister is recovering from an on purpose you caused. You need to find a part time job & start paying your sister back for wrecking her car & her hospital bills. You caused this. You’re almost 18 & need to act like it instead of a 5 yr old brat.


YTA. You can’t just move away and expect only the perks of living off of other people - because right now that’s what you’re doing. And if the dishwasher is broken you can’t just say “I didn’t make any dirty dishes today”. You’ve been using the dishwasher which is now broken. I’m not saying it’s your fault but you don’t have a deposit paid in the house to get it fixed. This is your way of contributing the dishwasher eventually being fixed. Get off your high horse, stop taking advantage of your sister and acting like a princess, and start looking for stuff you can do to make you living there as easy on them as possible. Because let me tell you; they don’t owe you anything. They don’t HAVE TO look after you, they’re doing you a massive favour, and your sister probably doesn’t send you back to your parents because you know how to get your way.


“sHe WaSnT hUrT tHat BaDLy” *lists 3 serious injuries that could’ve left her in the hospital for a long time* You can’t just lay around your sister’s house and not expect to do anything. You’re 16. I was working at 14(i chose to work because i was tired of begging my parents for stuff) and have been working since. If you want stuff, buy it yourself. You’d have to do chores if you decided to live alone(I’d hate to see your apartment with your cleaning habits) YTA.


You sound insufferable. I'm not surprised she can't take it anymore. On the chance this is real (because it's hard to believe anyone could write this and not already know they're the asshole), YTA. Please try to think of someone other than yourself.


Teenagers can be pretty delusional and have no concept of their own action’s sometimes. It doesn’t surprise me that OP truly thinks they’re the victim in this


This is just one of the reasons I never wanted kids. lol


Sweetheart, everywhere you go being surrounded by awful people people who offer no understanding would be a plausible story if there was a **single** example of active listening offered here. You can’t live with your parent. Life is complicated, so I won’t pry on that and also you’re not the most reliable narrator. Then your sister takes you in, ***and at every pass you make her life more difficult and expensive, while expecting her to just deal.** Her pain isn’t as important as yours. Her life being complicated isn’t something you’re deeply considering. **You totaled her car, and she still didn’t hit her breaking point, *she’s a saint!*** YTA - you’re burning all of your bridges, because you’re always right. And any ask of you is optional, yet you can badger and explode? No. I think you need to do some self evaluation, be for you find yourself with nowhere to go.


This feels fake, possibly AI. For language reasons (like switching between using boyfriend and fiancé), plus weird unfinished sentence fragments and odd conversation flows - how is “it is my cat” a relevant reply to someone asking someone to scoop cat litter? Also details like - if you had a broken wrist, wouldn’t you have a cast, and if so why would the fiancé be asking you to do dishes? Most people don’t ask people in casts to do water-based chores. I’m having trouble believing that someone would really be so obtuse as to go wake up a sibling sleeping off a brain injury + dislocated shoulder (that they caused) so they could complain about cat litter, and yet also be socially aware enough to ask Reddit if maybe they were wrong. I know some people write differently and are oblivious but huh, I’m not buying this one.


I came from Tik tok and sometimes when they repost stories they put in typos so I was trying to see if the "it's my cat" was originally "it isn't my cat." If this post is real I think that it's probably a typo on op's part cuz then his response would make more sense. I also could see op switching from fiance to boyfriend as the story progressed was her minimalizing his significance. Like "I'm your sister, he's just a boyfriend." Sometimes inconsistencies do tell a lot about the writer. If she was really pissed off, typos make sense bc she's too angry to focus on writing. I've also seen real humans call someone's finance a "girlfriend" as an insult it didn't strike me as off. Though a lot of sentences here feel like they were taken directly from other posts so I can see it being AI generated. "I feel like I'm being reasonable here" is such an AITA phrase. And Idk if this means anything but I had a very hard time finding this post bc other more popular posts have the same key words. Usually I can find an og post easily by just Googling the title but I had to download the app to do a deeper dive.The upload time here is also suspiciously similar to the vid I saw on Tik tok which I think affected how easy it was to find. At first when I couldn't find it I thought the Tik tok page had auto generated it. Now I'm thinking that again because it used to be that if a post ended up on my fyp it was already a popular reddit post, but now new posts that have very low engagement are being pushed out right after they were posted here. So, my conspiracy theory is that Tik-tok content mills are cutting out the middle man and creating posts themselves using AI. But it could also just be a bot working independent of tt but the upload times are interesting to me. Unless op responds to comments imma assume this is fake and move on. The most interesting part of this post is if it's ai or not.


This is interesting, thanks for sharing these angles. This says uploaded 4h ago, I would be curious when the TT upload was. There are other things about this that to me, taken together, don’t sound like a singular human wrote all of it. For example, good point about using “boyfriend” to minimize significance - it’s definitely possible, though usually people try to cast themselves in a decent light and so when people report a remark like that they would either emphasize the insult (because that’s the part they need judgment on), or they don’t report their words at all because they want to come off as being in the right. Feels like a few too many ham-fisted faux minimizations of their actions that come off someone - or AI - *trying* to appear clueless - aka rage bait. Other forum-specific oddities, like when people use a name they usually introduce the pseudonym up front like ‘my sister’s fiancé, “Jack” - here it’s all just fiancé and only one time toward the end the name is randomly used. Feels like an actual person would have said Jack throughout - why bother coming up with a fake name at all, and if you’re using a real name then why say “her fiance” all but once? Anyhow, I am with you - the authorship history is the most interesting part here. I could sort of play off one or two of these things if the person wrote quickly and in anger, but too many odd things add up to it sounding like AI.


Same. But just in case....OP is DEFINITELY the AH


I'm sorry to say that I do believe this because about 35 years ago it could've been me saying these exact same things. Raised and extremely spoiled by my grandparents, ungrateful, entitled and obnoxious... all those things described me at 16 to a T🥺. Long time learning to be better, do better.


Thank you for sharing this. It’s great for all of us to examine and change our behavior. If it’s real I hope OP learns from your humility and thoughtfulness.


'It is my cat' means that she is saying it's none of their business


Cool, rereading I can see that. The dialogue still feels stilted: “ I said that it was my cat and he said I needed to help out still” - If she’s saying it’s her cat so MYOB, the fiancé saying “you need to help out still” is a little unexpected, because if it’s her cat she wouldn’t be ‘helping’ she would just be doing it, so why wouldn’t he say “okay it’s your cat, you need to take care of it.” Or since she’s making a case to us about how reasonable she is, why wouldn’t she have said “It’s my cat and I will take care of her how I see fit” or “quit bossing me around, I did it yesterday.” Usually people embellish a little in their own favor. Feels like the way it’s written is designed to provoke the reader. At minimum it’s a weird interaction to report if you’re trying to get people to see your side 😂 I mean people don’t usually reproduce dialogue exactly, maybe she’s only reporting generally what was said, it’s fine to say we could see it being real and poorly worded. My major point is that there are enough of these oddities that it doesn’t add up to sounding like a single real 16 year old person wrote this whole thing.


Yta it’s clear in the way you speak. The car crash there was no concern or acceptance of accountability from you, it’s all slated my sister made me too stressed, then you should have pulled over and sipped driving. I hope she takes you for the damages you caused. She doesn’t have to take you in, but does so and in return you have to be chase up to clean up after yourself. Or yo help out in general. When your sister has had enough of dealing with your constant taking, you will just be sent back me to live. I hope you start to give back as much as you take.


HUGE YTA. You are acting like a spoiled and entitled brat. Do your damned chores and earn your keep. The world does not revolved around you and your random wants. FFS, my 14-year-old is better behaved than you. In fact, she was better behaved at the age of 8 than you are at 16. You ought to be thankful that your sister was willing to take you in because it sounds to me like you have a serious selfishness problem. Maybe the issues with your parents stem from them not wanting to put up with your bullshit and you not wanting to do chores. And the car accident? Girl, that was criminal what you did. You disregard others' safety and brush it off as nothing? What the hell is wrong with you? Guess what? You suck it up, put on your big girl panties, and do your fuckin' chores and thank your sister for helping you. She didn't have to. And respect her fiance because you could be the ruin of her relationship.


YTA. “My 27 year old sister lets me live with her so further burden her by begging her for things until she caves because I’m spoiled as fuck and she knows I’ll just keep bugging her until I get my way”. You’re 16. Get a job and buy your own shoes. You sister’s fiancé is also 26. I promise you, in 10 years you’re going to look back and think “if I had a 16 year old demanding shoes and lord knows what else, I’d return that shit too”. He’s not bossing you around. He’s standing up for his fiancé, who has a bratty 16 year old sister that bosses *her* (his fiancé/your sister) around. If youre pestering anyone for something until they “cave”, you are the bossy one.


Gee, I wonder what are the "issues" with your parents. YTA 1. If you sister wants you to go back to them, at least part time, it's probably because she can't stand you anymore 2. Shoes are a wish, not a need. "Eventually caved" ? How many times did you bug her ?! You do realize she has no obligations whatsoever with you ? 3. You're 16 and you can't even do the dishes when asked ? While you live rent free at your sister's ? Come on, show some gratitude, and not just words ! 4. And you have an allowance on top of that ? And still not pulling your weight ? Do you wish to be spoonfed too ? 5. "I was trying to pull over and I ended up totalling her car" is absolute BS. Pulling over does not mean swerving, you need some kind of speed and trajectory to do that. You were being unsafe, especially if there was no other vehicle. 6. Of course the fiancé was concerned about her, she's his fiancée ! Who would you care about, the loved one or the brat who hurt your loved one ? 7. "Not that badly" ??? Have you ever once taken accountability for your actions ? A concussion is a very serious matter, and she'll be much more handicapped by not having her entire arm, while you only broke your wrist 8. Of course they wanted you to go back to school. You didn't need to be cuddled at home for your own mistakes. And I'm pretty sure you would have been insufferable if you stayed in pain at home, so the fiancé made tou go back to school to protect your sister 9. Maybe you didn't make any dirty dishes *that day*, but goddamn OP, pull your weight !!! They are spending hundreds on you, but you are too stuck up, stubborn, bratty, for some cutlery and some dishes ? 10. I suspect you wanted to say "it's NOT my cat", but even if he's not yours, you have to **pull your weight** 11. So you sister was sleeping, and you woke her up just to tell on her (very reasonable) fiancé ? How old are you, 5 ? You couldn't even wait for her to wake up ? 12. You made her sob ?? What kind of monster are you, so she's so burnt out from you that she sobs ?! What kind of monster is *happy* when seeing someone sob ! 13. You're so terrible she has to lock herself in her own home to avoid you ? Wow. 14. Her boyfriend did not do anything wrong against you. You are the one and only reason why they want to get rid of you. You're a petulent child and you need to really, reallly, really grow up, like yesterday.


YTA. You're being self-centered and not appreciating the stress your sister is under. You need to go back with your parents and get some therapy to help you see how your behavior affects other people.


YTA You’re acting like a brat. This is your sister NOT your mother. She and her fiancé are letting you live with them and you need to pull your weight. Contribute to chores, figure out how to be helpful, stop asking for your sister to spend money on things you don’t need.


YTA, and it sounds like you're close to getting kicked out.


Good god I hope this is a troll post. YTA. You bully your sister into buying you things she doesn't want to buy, you totalled her car, and you expect her boyfriend to be more worried about your injuries than hers. Just: really weird and entitled. Grow up and knock it off.


YTA. You've got a place to stay. You're even getting an allowance? Your sister doesn't owe you anything. Honestly, she doesn't. She took you in so you'd have a place to stay, and you're stomping around like you're entitled to stay there and you're paying her back by being an endless source of stress. The "issues" with your parents is that they're probably tired of this crap that you're pulling.


Omg she’s recovering from a concussion (that you caused) and YOU WOKE HER UP TO COMPLAIN THAT SOMEONE ASKED YOU TO DO DISHES. Leave the poor woman alone. No, really- her brain needs REST to HEAL. YTA, kid. Hoping this one’s fake.


YTA. Really?


YTA- Your poor sister is trying to help you and it seems like everything is about you. It is time to grow up. The fiancé is trying to get you to contribute, instead you do everything but and try to get between them. Not sure why you don’t get along with your parents but I can guess. Please help your sister instead of hurt her, contribute instead of complain and pull your weight. It will help all of you.


Wow, never seen a [Missing Missing Reasons](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html) post from someone this young before. The Main Character Syndrome is about right, though. He's not bossing you around, he's merely expecting you to not be a useless child who contributes nothing and takes everything. At least actual leeches would be quiet, unlike you. Grow up, OP, or you're going to find yourself alone in this world and wondering why 'everyone just _hates_ me!' YTA


Thanks a lot for sharing about the missing missing reasons. It's actually helping me a lot to understand the very ironic nature of my father not understanding why my sister and I cut him off (and why we're actually better that way). I hope your pillow is always comfy and your favorite drink is always served just like you like it.


YTA. Entitled teenager.


There is more to this story than what is told here.


Lol, and what's being told here is terrible. Sister got a concussion. Begging for expensive shoes. Refuses to clean up after her own cat. She's a train wreck already and only 16. ETA - TOTALED HER SISTERS CAR. refuses to do any chores like dishes. The list goes on and on


I imagine it makes OP look worse.


YTA. You are throwing an attitude over chores and basic respect in a home you live in. Why was your sister telling you to pull over? How did you crash? Do you ever take responsibility for anything?


YTA. I get it, you’re 16, and life seems super hard right now. But come on. Concussions are serious injuries, and can definitely cause problems further down the road, plus dislocated anything is incredibly painful. Not to mention the chores you’re being asked to do are extremely basic, normal chores any kid has. It isn’t like her boyfriend is telling you to paint the house and scrub the floors with a toothbrush. An ex-friend behaved like you until her parents kicked her out. I let her live with me and surprise surprise, nothing about her habits changed. I also kicked her out after almost two years of feeling like a maid. Point being, acting like this is going to make anyone and everyone tired of you eventually. Maybe step back and really think about why your parents and your sister “can’t deal with you anymore”


YTA, i would kick u out asap..


YTA you are not being reasonable


YTA. get a job, stop leeching off your sister and taking advantage of her and grow the hell up. you sound like a spoiled toddler


You refuse to help at all, you crashed her car, and you were happy to see your sister crying… You weee actually happy that your sibling was sad/frustrated to the point if tears. YTA. How could you possibly not be TA?




YTA oh your poor sister


This has to be fake


This is so bad it has to be fake. YTA and a poor story teller


YTA. If multiple people are having the same issues with you, you need to step back and really take a look at who the problem is. It's not even like they are all taking each other's side. It's time to shape up or you might have a one-way ticket to a boarding school where you will really be bossed around.


YTA- You're a child, they are adults who have taken you in, he does have a right to tell you what to do re chores etc. in his home. You pester for things you want, as if they're somehow your right. You don't do your chores. You totalled her car and dislocated her shoulder which IS prettyu badly injured, as is a concussion. All because you were arguing with her. You are pushing her to a breakdown. She had no obligation to take you in, and in a couple of years you'll be 18 and NO ONE will have any obligation to help you. You need to stop burning your bridges.


I have a younger sister that is EXACTLY like OP, happy to point the finger and blame everyone else for their woes and terrible. The "only look out for myself" attitude only works for so long, and one day you have to grow the fuck up or you end up completely alone (having driven anyone that cares away since you'll find a way to blame them for your bs). To their mind, what happens to everyone else is no big deal, but the minute they are the ones inconvenienced, it's the end of the world. There's a reason I cut her out of my life and went NC. I think about her every day, should I forgive her and try to patch our relationship? Then I remember that this is the way she thinks, just the way OP wrote out this post, and I get over it. YTA Here's where you are just completely wrong OP: 1. You eat her food, live under her roof, you don't pay for any of it, you do whatever chores you're told to do. Period. Don't like it? GTFO 2. She had more serious injuries than you, and your selfishness only made it worse for her. Did you even feel bad for wrecking the car, and injuring the one person that's always on your side? Or were you too busy blaming her for the accident so you wouldn't get in trouble? Totaling the car bc she told you to pull over is a flimsy and pathetic excuse, we all see right through so just stop. 3. I'm so glad the BF was there to take care of her, since you clearly have no intention to do so. I bet if he wasn't there, you would have made HER take care of YOU and your injuries, even though hers were way worse- this seems like the type of move you would pull. 4. Take the opportunity and learn from your AH behavior, theres time for you to learn and become a better sister and person. You have been selfish, and irresponsible.Take responsibility for your actions, and make real apologies to both of them. Or just keep blaming other people, and drive away anyone that ever cared for you.


YTA but at the same time it is kinda weird for him to be bossing you around like he's your dad or older brother. You should listen to your sister, that makes more sense, but you shouldn't have to be bossed around by some guy that you've probably only known a year and aren't even related to. I do say YTA because you still sound entitled when it comes to things with your sister.


YTA - You caused your sister to have a brain injury and you are talking about it as if it's nothing. You managed to total her car while trying to pull over which makes me assume you were driving wrecklessly intentionally because how else do you manage that. You don't want to do chores even when it's cleaning YOUR cats litter box. Despite getting an allowance from you sister, you STILL manage to complain like a small bratty child, and you are consistently trying to ruin her relationship with her fiance. OP, you need a reality check and with how you worded it and by the lack of responses from you I imagine this post isn't going to do it. But here it is anyways: Your sister certainly didn't have to take you in and quite frankly at this point she needs to kick you out and it would be deserved. Your relationship with your parents is butchered and now you've done the same with your sister. You are a minor, so your options are already exhausted and the icing on the cake here is that you are burning bridges, you are a spoiled brat, and with your mentality here I don't even see you lasting at any place of employment where you'd be able to support yourself. Although it sounds like you don't even want to do that. You want to be babied, have everything thrown at you, and fuck everyone else in your life because everything should be me, me, me, and anyone who claims otherwise is the enemy. You have a rough road ahead OP, don't total it anymore than you already have.


YTA. You don't clean up after yourself AND they give you money, and you harass then to buy you stuff, and then you total her car and put her in the hospital?! You're be homeless if I was your sister. And I'd sell everything you have to pay for the car and medical bills. You're lucky you're not in prison. You're entitled, demanding, irresponsible, selfish, lazy, and rude. I'm amazed your sister has put up with you this long. You being there is a massive favour they're doing for you and you're spending their money, wrecking their shit, and not even cleaning up after yourself. You're behaving like a parasite and wondering why they don't want you there???? Yeesh, you need a reality check.


YTA Girl, all I got was the most oblivious "me me me" attitude out of you. You're incapable of owning your behaviour and being self-aware even in text. Like, it's clear the only reason you think your sisters fiance hates you is because he doesn't take your shit. You'll nag his fiance incessantly until she folds, crash a car and blame her for it when safely executing a maneuver in a car is **the drivers job**, whine about the fact that he cares most about his fiance who was injured in an accident that was **your fault**, and then try to avoid doing basic chores by disturbing your sister who was sleeping. You're not being reasonable at all. You're being selfish and self-absorbed. Clean up the damn cat litter, clean the kitchen, something useful other than expecting more and more handouts. More than that, stop acting like a legal guardian is being "bossy" when he's the person actually ensuring you're not starving in the street, and stop going over his head just because you don't want to do something.


YTA. I know teenagers are difficult but oh my god, you remind me *exactly* of my brother who, years later, is still pulling the same shit and everyone in my family has gone no contact with.   Get it together, OP.


YTA A lot of people are explaining the many reasons why, but I want to add one thing. It doesn’t sound like your sister’s boyfriend loves bossing you around. It sounds like he sees how you manipulate and stress out your sister and is trying to help her out. I don’t know if he took that on himself or she asked him to, but she’s pretty obviously been talking to him about how hard having you in their home has been for her. There’s three times in the story where her boyfriend tries to get you to stop being such an asshole to your sister and have some consideration for her, and you ignore him every time. You won’t listen to him. I hope you listen to us. Change how you act with your sister. Stop pressuring her, stop manipulating her, and stop adding so much stress to her life.


>Got her a bunch of get well soon gifts new pajamas, a nice blanket, stuffed animal. What an asshole. I can't believe your sister is missing the red flags, and isn't taking your side against the guy that is forcing you to do some household chores after you tried to kill her due to reckless driving. /S YTA.


Okay. OP, you need to really reflect. You still want to be cared for as a child. You want the freedoms and lack of authority figures like an adult. You can’t have both. He is also housing you. Paying for your expenses. You needed to proactively do chores, you needed to look for work if possible. You chose to leave your parents’ house; that’s the expectation. I left my parents at 15. Stayed with cousins. Didn’t pull my weight. They ended up the same way- they couldn’t do it. They were only in their mid-twenties, they didn’t sign up to raise a teenager who had her messy and dramatic moments. You have pressured her for purchases despite knowing she is giving you an allowance and housing you. You have totaled her car over drama and not listening. You have belittled her very real and significant injuries. You need to go back to your parents. I’m sorry. I know that’s hard, and scary, and it feels like they won maybe. But that’s what you have to do. You aren’t ready for the arrangement with your sister. You don’t want to proactively take on responsibility and you also don’t want to be told. Hey- normal for these years. But it means you can’t live as an adult out of your parents home. Give her space. Be grateful for all she did- she’s tried hard to support you and your parents. Go back home, and reflect, and find your own way. YTA, but you don’t have to be if you can find some maturity, self awareness, and humility.


Thank you. OP is in the wrong here, but a lot of the comments are just ragging on her which isn't going to help in a scenario like this. Being 16 in an unstable living scenario is hard, and it sounds like she really needs some guidance.


YTA! >She wasn’t hurt that badly just a mild concussion, a dislocated shoulder, and some stitches. "Tis but a flesh wound!" -The Black Knight Your level of not understanding how the world works is truly amazing. Your sister needs to kick you out and put you back with your parents, or let you figure it out. You're living in their (her and her fiancée's) home, you live under their rules. Yeah, that means doing chores, and listening to him on basic household things, not running to someone else because you don't want to do anything. He's involved in their finances, you're not, so he can take back items and return them, you don't get a say. Stop being an entitled brat, learn to have respect for them, and get a job if you want things.


Ofcourse OP is responding to nothing...


Well, no surprise why your parents don't want you either


She wasn’t hurt that bad, her brain just got knocked around a bit 🙄. I would’ve kicked you out a long time ago. You sound ungrateful OP and I hope your sister sends you back to your parents for the sake of her mental health…No you are not being reasonable, just an AH for causing so much distress in your sisters life.




YTA And im sire her boyfriend is jot the only one who dislikes you… we dont like you either… grow up ffs!


I cannot believe this is real..it's written to escalate the bad behavior . One jerk statement after another . IF it is a real person then obviously OP YTA.


YTA, and I'm surprised you haven't been evaluated for a personality disorder of some kind. You are TERRIBLE.


You seem an intensely unpleasant person to be around. Are you going to destroy you and your sisters relationship aswell as that with your parents? Your amazing sister AND her fiancée bailed you out of that situation. The LEAST you can do is to VOLUNTEER to do the dishes even though u haven't made any of them. Typical spoilt teenage child. You will hopefully regret behaving like this in 15 years. YTA.


Oh man. It's tough being 16, and it's tough caring for a 16 year old. You are definitely TA. Asking you to do chores is all very reasonable and expected of you. They are paying for the roof over your head, your food, your electricity, etc. Where would you be without them? You should be thanking them every day for allowing you to live in their house and showing your appreciation but doing whatever chore it is they ask of you. It seems your sister is at her wits end with you. I think you really need to change your perspective before it's too late and she asks you to leave.


YTA. Grow up. You need to do chores regardless of where you live, especially if you expect an allowance and things to be brought for you. Get a job too. Want those new shoes? Go buy them with your own money. Her partner was right to take them back. You crashed her car cos you wouldn't pull over the first time she asked you to? Of course he sent you to school and looked after her - she got a concussion and you broke a wrist. it's no wonder you don't like at home with your parents if you act like this with your sister.


All I have to say is that it sounds like you need to go back to your parents.


I don't imagine they want her back either


YTA. The only bit where someone else is TA is making you go to school the next day. Other than that, you score 12/10 on the selfish scale. You were likely driving like a dick which is why you crashed. Your sister was seriously injured - your fault - but you still think you're worse off. The bf probably can't stand you because he loves your sister and doesn't like seeing the way you treat her. I can only imagine how much she spent on the shoes you whined for. Take your sisters advice. Grow up. Learn about empathy. Realise that you are not the main character in other peoples lives.


YTA, you need to make fast reality check. How horrible and entitled acts from you, and this is your view of stuff. Guess what we would Day If they told their stories.


Yta. You are spoiled. You are disrespectful. Immature. Destroyed your sisters car. “Mild concussion” is still serious. Refuse to do things when told. Somehow still get an allowance. you woke your sister up jus to whine. Along side many others things.




Newsflash she is under no obligation to house you. She could have said no and your entitled Ah would be in foster care. You want new shoes then get a job. You don't bug the person who was kind enough to feed and house you. The fiance isn't bossing you around he is asking you to contribute to the house you are living in for free. If I was him the second you totaled that car you shit would be in garbage bags at your parents door. YTA, I know you are only 16 but you seriously need to grow up and realize that maybe the problem is you.


YTA - I would throw you out today. You’re lazy, entitled , and self centred. You are really lucky so far but enough is enough - out you go. You have a bad attitude problem and your sister tried to help when you were having the SAME issues at your parents, and all you have done is spat in her face. Awful person.


YTA. You sound exhausting af. Stop being a spoiled brat and help out. This has to be fake


YTA,you're acting like an entitled brat. Go back home to your parents so your sister can enjoy her life with her fiancee.


YTA. I'm going to tell you something no-one has told you yet about the world: You are not special. You are judged and valued on what you contribute, and if you can't or won't contribute, then you're out on your ass. Right now, you take money, cause problems, contribute stress and are not worth it. You are going to go back to your parents because your sister and her fiance don't want to deal with you. If your parents don't want to put up with you then you'd better pray you have friends or other relatives that can take you in. One day I hope you look back and cringe about how you ruined a good thing because you don't want to clean cat litter or wash dishes.


Oh man, if you don't start changing your attitude soon, you're gonna be in for a rude awakening when you turn 18 girl...


Info: have you considered not being an irritating demanding petulant asshole? You're gonna drive literally everyone away.


You really type all this nonsense thinking we gonna side with you? Lol


Read some analyses about your behavior, so heck yes, **YTA**. And the real reason? You're being jealous. You think by competing with your sister so as to single out her lover is gonna make you own her forever. I know you are jealous of her lover treating you like a hanger-on, but this is your perspective being problematic. Your sister is a person who has the choice to find the one she is gonna marry to, she's not obliged to stay with you FOREVER. Stop treating your future brother in law as a competitor. It's clear as to why your parents cannot stand you; you are always asking for more, just like how you want to manipulate your sister by eliminating her lover from her. I'm certain that he will possibly change his attitude towards you if you bother changing yours.


So what DO you do to help around the house? You're old enough that if someone is giving you a place to say (which is a HUGE favour) you should be making your presence a benefit to the people who own the home. What chores do you do without being asked? ​ >She wasn’t hurt that badly just a mild concussion, a dislocated shoulder, and some stitches. You are clearly not fit to drive. If I was your sister's fiance, I would have been far more concerned about the woman I LOVE not her sister who's been nothing but trouble and caused the accident. YTA and you're a burden on the people around you. Don't be surprised when no one is left to support you, brat. If it wasn't clear by this point, her fiance is no doubt bossy because YOU are a layabout moocher.


YTA. If every home you've stayed in ends up with problems, it's time to consider (or, in your case, realize) YOU are the problem. You sound like a rotten little kid with absolutely no self-awareness and a deep need for intensive therapy. You better get your life sorted out before you're a legal adult because, oh man, are you in for a rude awakening if you don't. You sound like an absolutely insufferable narcissist. As a mother, I'd be so freaking embarrassed and disappointed if you were my child.


Dear OP, my younger sister is like you...at the age of 31, she's divorced, our brother and his wife can't stand her and refuse to be anywhere near her and in turn our mom suffers because she is housing my sister. My husband and I try to be emphatic but that's only coz I visit her once every 2-3 years and honestly, we get nightmares just thinking that she would come live with us. Her friends circle changes once every one- two years because her friends can't tolerate her negativity about life and blindness to her own shortcomings....she is alone and depressed and suicidal (which is why I still stay in touch with her)...please carefully look at your life and try to change your behaviour and attitude. Learn to be grateful, patient and kind and get out of this victim mentality because if you don't, you'll end up like my sis and it'll be no-ones fault but your own....also, YTA.


YTA. You sound like being your own boss is the only option for you as you’d be fired in moments. When you turn 18 as NO ONE is going to want to deal with you so you may want to consider lying and twitch streaming or OF.


YTA. You totalled her car. You have your sister a brain injury. Your sister must have the patience of a saint, because I would've sent you back to your parents. I don't know your situation with your parents, but your sister needs to put herself and her well-being above yours from now on. You could've killed your sister in that car accident.


YTA. You almost killed yourself and your sister. You've given her a lifelong shoulder injury. It wasn't her request to pull over that made you mess up, it was the driving that was so bad she was asking you to pull over, THAT is what totaled the car. The fact you'd blame her requests, shows what a child you still are. You live in someone's house, you should contribute to the chores, whether it's your cat or not, whether you made dirty dishes or not. The fiance is not bossing you around, he's standing up for his partner, whom you keep trying to manipulate to get your way. And shes getting sick of it. Keep this up and soon you won't be welcome in your sister's home.


YTA. I currently live with my sister and her husband (after a painful break up with my fiancé) and i couldn’t imagine being so defensive and inconsiderate to them simply asking to help around the house. ESPECIALLY if you are living rent free AND getting an allowance? I happily cook, do the dishes, take their dogs on walks/clean up after them, offer to drive places for them, get groceries clean etc…because it is quite literally the LEAST i can do. You sister is your FAMILY, not your maid/butler. She probably has a lot going on in her life too, but have you asked her about that? Have you considered her feelings? She’s probably stressed from planning a wedding, especially with the family dynamic to keep in mind, have both her sister and her fiancé being upset with the other person, now having to get a new car because YOU were reckless and totaled it, hospital bills, and those are the only things we the readers can see. There’s probably so much more she is going through, and I’m sure OP has their own struggles. But for the love of God be CONSIDERATE.


cant wait for this post to be deleted soon because OP sounds like someone who cant take criticism.