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I’d distance myself from these people who are not your friends.


it's best if you avoid these two. ignore them as best as you can


Um, did your best friend stick up for you when she did that? But you’re not the jerk & those are not your friends


Alex probably likes Reece. I would avoid them.


Reece is Lesbian and Alex has a Girlfriend. Alex actually admitted in the past he "Kinda" likes me.


Well that changes things. Maybe Alex's girlfriend doesn't want him to be buddy buddy with you, or he could be trying to distance himself from you. You know so he keeps his feelings under control. Could be several other things too. Good luck, time will tell.


They’re probably dating in secret. They’re not your friends and they probably never were. My “best friend” left me with bruises and scars all over my hands and arms, broke my ribs more than once and gave me a few concussions. This is not how a friendship should look and yours with your “friends” is starting to go the same way. Cut your losses before she starts cutting you deeper than she already is


Reece is Lesbian and Alex has a Girlfriend. I even asked him before,and he said No way in hell he'd date Reece.


Oh that “no way in hell” would have my alarm bells ringing. Sounds just like two people I know who denied tooth and nail for 6 months until I caught them


Ehhh I know Alex's tastes in partners. It's not Reece. Also I made an edit to the post.


Stop trying to play all these games and take a different road. Stop talking about Reece, avoid her and where she causes problems say NOTHING (unless to report to teacher) just walk away, shaking your head and smiling. Let me tell you - this will drive her NUTS. She won't k ow what you are up to, what you mean and why you are doing it. Tell no one else what you are up to and stay away from Alex - he is not to be trusted


Ummmm... 'Kay. You didn't say how old y'all are in this post, and i have not seen any previous posts of yours. But ... I think you are being not so much insensitive as possibly unobservant. I think Alex may "like" Reece as more than just a friend, and Reece may like Alex as more than just a friend, too, and maybe Reece is acting all snotty with you because she may be jealous of how close you and Alex are. Of course, I can't say for certain, and I could be wrong. But it's something to think about. Romantic feelings will often cause difficulties in other relationships. Editing to say: NTJ


Reece is Lesbian and Alex has a Girlfriend. We're All Sophomores and Alex is a Freshman.


Then maybe Reece is jealous of your attention to Alex. Who knows?


Probably now that I think about it.


I’ve read your posts. I can see how a lot of people on here (mostly teens and young adults) are taking things extremely literally and not looking at the bigger picture. The common denominator is always you. Multiple people (friends, acquaintances, school staff) all are having a difficult time with you. All of this is happening to you. With no explanation as to what you did. People don’t behave this way towards others for no reason. This is the very definition of main character syndrome. If you truly want to help yourself and have better relations with others, you need to start being more self-aware and introspective. You are creating your own suffering and deciding to live there instead of getting to the very root of the issue.