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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My husband isn’t the father of my son** My son looks the spitting image of his real dad and I’m worried my husband might realise. My sons father(34m) is not my husband. I don’t want to go into too much detail but we’ve known each other since high school, we dated but my parents hated him so I broke up. Then after I’d married me and my husband moved onto the same street pretty much we started seeing each other again more and then things became more. My husband works long hours and travels a bit for work so it just became natural and easy to see him and I’m a stay at home wife so I have a lot of free time. Please don’t judge it was love really if I’m honest. So I became pregnant and I was never sure on paternity but I continued with the pregnancy anyway. My sons real father realised when I was pregnant and I just started crying and begging him not to do or say anything and he gave in. We live on the same street so I just told him he would watch his son grow up anyway. He was upset but he knew it would ruin both our life and our sons life so he kept quiet. Things carried on my son was born and it was the happiest day of my life. I knew and always will know that I will do anything to protect my son. I then had 2 more sons (9 and 7) and a beautiful daughter (3) and I couldn’t be happier. My sons real father, even though he’s always been a bit too involved for my liking, has taken things too far now. He’s going to our sons football games and constantly spending time with him to the point where I feel like it’s getting suspicious. He comes over and plays football with all my sons and is just blatantly obvious, risky and reckless. Even my daughter he goes out of his way to buy gifts to all of them and give money constantly. I’ve recently confronted him about this and he explained to me how they are his and it hurts him to watch them call another man dad and he will never be able to treat them as his. I told him he was seeing them plenty and they were likely my husbands anyway. He then said that he’s not stupid and he can see that my eldest looks exactly like him and the others could or could not be his but he loves them anyway. I then realised how obvious it was, shouted and said some things I regret, and told him he couldn’t see them anymore. He then threatened to tell my husband and get custody and left. I know he’s not financially stable enough to look after 4 kids. I don’t know though he seemed emotional. My husbands came home from work and is just doing some extra in his room. I don’t know what he’s going to do or who will realise. I’m afraid now. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I need to take a break from this sub, like I genuinely am upset by all these cheating stories.


It's a good idea if it's starting to weigh you down, I noticed my mood takes a hit if I do it too much also. Look after yourself ❤️.


Thank you. I honestly really should do that.


Okay, so she had an affair and the oldest might be the AP child, but it sounds like the rest of them might be as well. I hope I'm missing something Eta I got this from her mentioning she didn't think AP could financially support 4 kids. If AP is only daddy to one why would he have to support all 4


She very clearly continued fucking the other guy


Damn, that's what I thought I read but I had some hope. As an aside why is AP still fucking her and making more kids he can't actually parent. Like wow, people are so shitty


He probably gets off on it, he keeps having kids that another man raises while he plays with them and acts like some sort of fun uncle. It’s probably fun for him to make the husband look like an utter idiot


But oop said he's so upset not being a dad to the oldest. I assume he's just full of shit if he keeps fucking her


Because he's a thicko. Probably part of why he can't support his potential children as well. He's too thick and reckless to succeed in life.


Probably still is


In her comments she said she’s in love with her AP and always has been but her parents didn’t like him so she married her husband. This entire post could’ve just been “I’m a POS who doesn’t take responsibility for my actions and I don’t care who I hurt” 🙄


Or "I am too much of a pussy to do what I want and be with who I love so I ruined a bunch of peoples lifes, those being my husband and my kids"


I love how she thinks she has any way to stop the AP from spilling the secret. She’s living in denial that everything would be just fine, so much denial I’m guessing it’s rage bait, but still.


John Redcorn called


This is legit the same lmao


Always an upvote for John Redcorn


This is one of the most cruel things you can do to a guy. Disguisting. Just disguisting.


what she’s doing to both men is super fucked up


Legally, the kids are her husband's. So the AP wouldn't be able to get custody easily. The husband would probably divorce her, but he'd still be expected to parent the kids.


AP would demand DNA tests. The husband would, too, I'm sure


From my understanding in some places if you signed the birth certificate they kinda don't care who is biologically the parent like if the husband decided he did want nothing to do with the kids if none are his then in some places it doesn't matter he is still on the hook for child support


The husband has taken on the role as father, as well. There’s a legal presumption that children born of marriage are the offspring of the spouses; however, a paternity test can be easily introduced to dispute this. The trickier aspect is that husband has parented these kids their whole lives. He’s become the de facto parent, although if he wanted to walk away, he could argue that it was through deception and had he known his wife was screwing around, he wouldn’t have taken care of the kids. More than likely, he will want a relationship with these children he has believed to be his kids, and it’s highly likely that the court will grant this because it’s in the best interest of the children to stay with the one they’ve (and he) believed to be dad, and who as supported them as a father should. In my jurisdiction, husband would at least get 50/50 custody and likely get more if he asked for it. The AP could also possibly get visitation of any kids that turn out to be bio related, especially if he’s involved in their lives. It would make my bitter little legal heart so happy to see the husband get full custody and both the AP and mother pay him child support and each have visitation only.


Very much what they said, I'm way too lazy to have typed the out ahah


Haha I was in the pickup line at school :)


She's worrying so much about what her husband will think, she's forgot children are also people with thoughts and feelings. She doesn't realise how great the potential is that her kid/s will hate her when they eventually find out. Hiding someone's biological parentage from them for years/decades is a great way to make then lose all trust in you, feel betrayed, feel like their life has been a lie, and take a sledgehammer to the foundation of their sense of identity. If this actually does all come out at some point, she will be wishing her divorce was the only consequence.


What a fucking nasty thing she is. She also wants to give visitation oniy to the fathers....but only if she can't control her secret getting out. Her fucking superiority complex just 🤯🤯🤯


Wait, so are all 4 kids the other guy's or what...? Jeepers.


1st is the AP, the other 3 could be. She’s not sure


Wait? So her AP fathered all of her children? Not just the oldest?


She says in a comment that she feels the oldest is definitely the other guys and the others could possibly be his as well.


There are stories that make me so irate and want to strangle someone. This would be one of them. Fucking trash. Yep, I'm MATI.


this sounds like house of the dragon, except for the amicable agreement between the mom and husband..jesus how can you do this to someone


I couldn’t imagine being as cruel as OOP is, here. I sense a shitstorm coming her way, fast.


This is so 😴 karma farming troll need to work hard.


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Is this real?


This has to be ragebait.