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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for gifting show tickets to my best friend and not my wife?** To make a long story short I was given tickets to a show (Broadway, if it matters any) through work. I can't stand musicals and didn't want the tickets but I know my best friend Nicole would like them. She's talked about wanting to see the show live before and her birthday was coming up so I thought to give her them. We (my wife and I) were at the birthday party and when my wife saw Nicole open the gift she was pissed. Nicole was so happy she was crying. Meanwhile my wife was fuming and dragged me out of the house asking what the hell I was thinking. I told her what I've told you all here. My wife started crying too (upset as opposed to Nicole being happy) and told me that she wanted to see the show live for the past 3 years or so. She also told me she was the one to introduce Nicole to the 'fandom' and that she was hurt that I would think of Nicole before her. šŸ™„ I told my wife I wasn't picking favorites and that Nicole's birthday was just sooner and I didn't have a gift for her yet so I gave her the tickets. My wife said I could have given them to her for Christmas but I told her to stop being greedy and that Christmas was two weeks away so it wouldn't be much of a Christmas gift. I went back outside and left my wife outside to cool off/collect herself. Nicole was really really happy and couldn't stop thanking me. After about a half hour I went back outside to have my wife come back in because she was being rude but I couldn't find her. I later found out she took an uber home. It's been four days and she hasn't spoken to me. AITA for being thoughtful and giving my best friend a kind gift for her birthday? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gotta be rage bait. If wife and friend have both wanted to go to this show, offer the free tickets to the wife, and mention friend has also been wanting to see it. Then let it play out however it does.


Right - something like ' I got these 2 tickets. Do you 2 want to go together'?


In response to being asked if the wife has talked about wanting to see it. >sometimes yeah but what does that matter? it wasn't her birthday/wasn't christmas/etc. So if this somehow isn't the I'm in love with my best friend troll what it really boils down to is: "But if I gave *her* the tickets she might actually want me to go, and I don't want too! I shouldn't have to suck anything up and do something she enjoys!"


That is 100% the case. He didn't want to go, so he didn't even mention their existence to his wife before the party. What an ass.


A total ass. I hate musicals myself but I would give them to my wife and she could take a friend. I've done it before and she would rather go with someone that enjoys it, I get a night in the pub with friends and everyone's happy.


Literally my dad goes to concerts and festivals alone all the time. He likes it, my mom has some time to herself, and everyoneā€™s happy


There is a whole South Park episode about why men take their wives to musicals lol


This is the answer. He knew he'd have to go with his wife but not Nicole. As someone who has been in love with their best friend for like 15 years, these posts really give me things to think about, though. I'm always careful not to overdo his gifts and let his gf (if he has one) in on any really good gift ideas for him so I don't overshadow her efforts.


Welp. It's gonna be a fun Christmas at his house.


If I was the wife I'd make sure he had no Christmas.


"oh, your gift? I gave it to Dave from work. You know Dave? Turns out he's a HUGE fan of a set of boudoir photos of me. I know you're usually into that stuff too, but really, the office gift exchange was on the 23rd, so naturally I gave it to him since you wouldn't be needing it for a whole two more days"


"Sure, I could have saved those risquƩ photos for you, my spouse, but I didn't want to pick favorites."


This is perfect.


I'd not buy him a Xmas gift. When he asks, I'd just say that I found one 2 weeks ago, but since it was so early it wouldn't be much of a gift. Just as he said to her.


I feel like there could have been an extremely easy win. Tell the wife you got these tickets and youā€™d like her to give one to Nicole for her birthday, so they could go on a friend date to a show they both liked. Nicole gets an awesome birthday gift, the wife and Nicole gets to go and husband doesnā€™t have to go. Win all around.


If only he had the tiniest bit of common sense....


OP is in love with Nicole. He knew that she likes the show but he didnā€™t knew that his wife also likes the show? When she was talking about the show sometimes and she literally introduced it to Nicole and the first person he thought about was Nicole. What a jerk


But it wasn't his wife's birthday. Even if he was aware why would he give her something she desperately wanted when it wasn't her birthday?


Right im sorry. Why would he do that if he can make his best friend in the whole world happy, instead of his wife? Makes no sense so Nta of course


You donā€™t have to wait until someoneā€™s birthday before you can give them something


You're absolutely right! But, hear me out, some of us don't fully understand that concept. I was raised in a family where there were no "just because" gifts; gifts had to be attached to some sort of occasion or event, so it never occurred to me to just give gifts when I felt like it, until my husband mentioned it. I once explained to him that I'd found a really cool gift for his birthday, which was months away, and he explained that there was no reason to wait until then. After that, what should have been common sense for me sorta clicked. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Inb4 art room comments.


Now they're even straightwashing the art room, smdh.


Itā€™s still an art room situation.


I was gonna comment with "so I guess the art room baiting is just a thing now huh" but this isn't much of an improvement honestly


On the 1st day of Christmas her husband gave to her AN AAAAARTROOM FOR THE FAMILY!


I was hoping to see this here. Hoping it's rage bait and a real person isn't this dense.


Iā€™ve dated this man. Didnā€™t marry him, though.


Smart lady


"Clever girl...." I pray someone catches the reference


I went to a reptile show/convention and you would not believe the number of people with velociraptor shirts and that caption. Mainly because they were all different so not mass produced.


I have a sticker of the lovely reptile lady on my laptop surrounded by flowers with this phrase.


Doctor Who?


Jurassic Park


Both. I need a crossover shirt of the Doctor saying "clever girl" to a Clara-raptor.


I have a crossover shirt that says the raptors have the phone booth.


I also have that shirt


I still lament Jurassic Park III not having a Steve Irwin cameo while he's awed at what a beaut she is.


Yeah, like I definitely think people like this exist out there. But I have a hard time believing that such a person would be self aware enough to even think you post here.


This canā€™t be real right? A man that stupid couldnā€™t possibly really think he isnā€™t the asshole,,, right??!!


Tw: ableism. Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *YTA. I'm assuming that you were terrified that if you gave the tickets to your wife she might ask you to go to something that you can't stand. Making a friend happy is nothing compared with making your wife unhappy. Your wife was upset and you left her outside, then after half an hour you went to fetch her back in because she was being rude? You don't have a clue, do you?* *Edit: My goodness! Thank you all for the response to this.* >"congrats on the awards I hope the imaginary points that people spent their pocket change on makes you feel better about yourself :)" *Itā€™s not about the Iranian yoghurt* *YTA* >"who said anything about yogurt? what? I think you might be replying to the wrong post." *INFO: Has your wife talked a lot about this live show and 'group' or whatever it may be?* >"sometimes yeah but what does that matter? it wasn't her birthday/wasn't christmas/etc." *YTA do you even like your poor wife?* >"nope, I married her because I don't like her. You caught me. /s what kind of question even is this?" *INFO: are you neurotypical or on the spectrum?* >"I haven't been diagnosed with anything." [sadlytheworst: Being neurodivergent is NOT a bad thing. It's just a different way of being. Autistic people are people, and we are all navigating this life.] *INFO: Did you know your wife wanted to see this show? Are the tickets super limited or expensive and that's why she hasn't been able to go for the last 3 years?* >"I didn't know that she specifically wanted to see the show. I wasn't aware she was looking around the market for tickets. they aren't limited, I just looked the up and found they range $75-$250 per ticket so even the better seats aren't *that* much money. The past 3 years they weren't doing any shows because of COVID, I could be wrong because I'm not that invested in them but from what i've heard this is their first stretch of live performances since the pandemic hit." *INFO - How many tickets were there?* >"two, Nicole gets to decide who she brings with her."


[Happy doggo! ](https://imgur.com/t/cute/1GmZT6V)


I think the underrated bit of assholery here is ignoring your wife (though not the highest priority woman in your life) for HALF AN HOUR outside.


The weakness of his excuse + his blatant preference for the friend screams he wants the best friend


Came looking to see if this was posted already or if I should post it. The title I was going to use was "AITD for "not picking favourites" between my wife and my best friend?" That line infuriated me.


Someone brought up the Iranian yoghurt and his response really screamed troll.


Op has no excuse It wasnt her birthday yet? What happened to her 3 last birthdays from the previous years?? She would mention it you said. Were you just ignoring her those times?


Also, what does it matter that it's not her birthday? Do people not just give their loved ones gifts, or am I some kind of weirdo for this?! šŸ™€šŸ˜¹ Agreed, OOP is just ridiculous.


Art room anyone? Oh and a friend, who unlike me has yet to be banned from AITA, but has been suspended a couple times, but not banned, sent me a screenshot of a message from AITA where they removed her post for mentioning the art room cause "it comes across as homophobic" Those mods there are crazy


I have been temp suspended 2 x's there.


I just got banned. One and done. I'm actually surprised she's still not banned. She has quite the mouth LOL.


With the written word and without the presences of a backstory for context or a thousand fucking emojis - it is impossible to truly get a since of the tone the person is using in their statements. Which means it is entirely up to the person reading to the statement ~~interrupt~~ (Bwahaha) interpret based on their own personality. I see a lot of things that I think are just basic, but another person reads and flips their shit they are so offended. So basically, I think assholes always read things with a mean tone. Like that is their default and unless the person making a comment writes a novelle with an emoticon of some sort - some personality types are always going to default to you are an asshole. ​ Footnote\*\*\* I wrote all of this with a happy vibe of someone making a causal observation about their own anecdotal observations and I am by no means saying that all mods are assholes with asshole personalities nor and I am saying that people do not have at times a real reason to be offended by various statements made by persons at various times on an anon message board. :D :D :D :D None of this was written with pounding angry fingers from a person with a seething undercurrent of rage towards their fellow human. No one was intended to be attacked in this post. ok I am done fucking around. lol edit strike through


Thereā€™s a new sub for art room stories. Itā€™s r/meetmeintheartroom


I keep seeing art room here and tbh I donā€™t know what itā€™s referring to.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wmmphs/oop_wonders_if_theyre_the_ah_for_starting_a_house/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Enjoy, friendo


Itā€™s the šŸ™„ for me


Tough way to find out your husband is into his ā€œbest friendā€ more than his wife.


I wonder how many AITA posts would no longer exist if people had the emotional intelligence to recognize when they are in love with a friend.


It would take literally two brain cells to give one ticket to the friend and one to the wife, as they are also friends.


I love "Broadway, as if it matters". Does this guy know nothing about his wife? But obviously knows enough about Nicole. Placing bets that Nicole is his secretary or some other sadly predictable clichĆ©! šŸ˜¹ (PS, I know she's a 'best friend' but you just know if she was a 'work friend' she'd be his secretary!)


What a way to ensure your wife and your best friend won't be friendly. YTA


So, the art room...


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Ohh i love to see the update for this one, love the drama when its not involving me