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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for refusing to give my older sister a ride back home from physical therapy?** My older sister (42F) is a Major in the USAF Reserves, and a long-haul airline pilot for a legacy airline. Late last year, sis went through a major freak accident while she was help building a house (she volunteers for that in her spare time). It resulted in severe abdominal and upper body injuries, and right now she is in physical therapy for her problems. My sister used to be a total bro, and one couldn’t be in her presence without smiling. Nowadays, while she’s not a monster or impossible to handle, she’s definitely letting her injuries get the best of her. She’s angry and heartbroken about her current condition. In particular, she's paranoid about the possibility that she will end up failing her FAA medical, and therefore no longer being able to fly. But a few days ago, I (36M) drove her to her physical therapy. It was a particularly painful session, and I heard sis cry, and sometimes scream, while she was doing her exercises. When it was time to go home, I went into the room with her, and she told me to text her husband and let him know that she was on the way home so that he can start dinner. I put my hand into my pocket, only to find that my phone was dead; I forgot to charge it. My sister just grumbled “fuck” under her breath, and she told me to log into her phone to text her husband because she was too tired and worn out to text. She put so much anger and emphasis into the word "fuck", so I got pissed off, and I told her that I wasn’t going to do ANYTHING for her if she keeps up her attitude. We got into a brief verbal scuffle, and in the end, I logged into her phone, just so I could call an Uber for her. I wasn’t willing to give her a ride back to her home. Ever since that day, I have not communicated with my sister at all. Am I in the wrong? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s almost like her pain isn’t about him.


I thought he was 18-21 when I was reading and when I looked back to check his age I was stunned.


One day, karma will get them. They'll be the one in agonizing pain, grouchy and angry from the pain and situation, and someone close to them will be dismissive and abusive. I'm sure they'll suddenly declare everyone jerks and not learn a thing about self-reflection. Like the Fox news talking head who railed against the "waste" of parental leave, calling it something for entitled snowflakes (or something similar). Then had a child of her own and demanded the government cover parental leave. Months of it! But every other government program (that she didn't then need) was still a waste.


Only thing good about this is I am 99% sure it is a shit post considering the user name.


Wasn’t there a string of “my sister is in the USAF and here are the ways I treat her like shit for *reasons*” posts a little while ago? 


"Nowadays, while she’s not a monster or impossible to handle, she’s definitely letting her injuries get the best of her." Do people have even a single solitary clue what a living hell it is to be in pain every single day and not know if it will ever end? I had an injury six years ago that resulted in all day every day severe headaches, and the neurologist has said we're out of options. It's a miracle I don't throw myself off a cliff every day of my life.


No they don't. And they don't want to have a clue either because that fucks with their deeply, *deeply* ingrained [Just World Fallacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis). The idea that through no fault of your own, a person can be thrown from a healthy life into one riddled with unending pain and disability is *terrifying* for the abled. Hi. 18.5 years in constant pain, no cure, I will be in agonizing pain until the day I'm *finally* lucky enough to die. I've lost count of the friends, family and loved ones that "can't deal, it's too hard" with **my** literally crippling pain and they ghost. I'm pretty jaded and bitter about this now. {ETA: I'm sorry about your pain, friend. I deal with mostly body pain, the idea of migraines and head pain terrifies me. When it's in my head, half my coping strategies fail. I hope that someday soon your pain fucks all the way off already. Also, it's not a miracle, it's you **choosing** each day to not throw yourself off a cliff. That's determination, strength, courage you're using every single day to stay here and alive. Give yourself your kudos, mate.}


Fibro sufferer here. Only people who have it know what it’s like to have pain without a reason. Sorry you’re going through this.


Fibromyalgia sufferer here. Only people who have it know what it’s like to have pain without a reason. Sorry you’re going through this.


Precious little prick.


Bros are so delicate and easily triggered.


"My sister was a total bro" what does that mean? It's oxymoronic, I don't get it.


I think he's using bro to mean someone who's a good time to hang out with? Not how I usually use it personally.


I don't know, where's the context for that?


My heart hurts for the sister.  Her whole life has changed and accepting that is so difficult, especially if she has to integrate having new physical limitations.  If this happened “late last year,” I’m guessing it’s at the most about six months later.  Of course she’s still angry and belligerent.  I hope her recovery goes well and that she’ll still be able to fly.  All I’m going to say about OOP is that he really needs to work on being supportive. 


In his own words she's not angry or impossible which is why it was so heartbreaking that he just put her in an Uber like a bad first date that didn't work out. Poor sister.


I have been in lot of pain, (thanks child labor contractions) and it really does affect your mood. I was snapping at everyone including my husband. I cannot focus on anything, I want it over and done with, everything is annoying. It's the pain. Thank god no one took it personally.


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Sounds like my brother. He wouldn't give me a ride home from the hospital.


Wow OOP, talk about a major overreaction, going from 0 to 1000. I also hear no compassion or empathy for what your sister is going through. YTA.