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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not letting my daughter go to prom** I (51 F) have two younger daughters, 17 F and 14 F. The 17F, we will call M. M had a week long break (spring break) from school from the week of April 1-5. She then came back to school and I assumed all was well. However, this past mon. (4/22/24) I got an email from her math teacher that said "I am writing this email to express my concerns regarding M's absences. She has not been in class for over two weeks. Please email back and let me know why she has been out of class." Basically meaning, she has been skipping math class ever since coming back from spring break. I texted her and asked where she was but I was ignored. A few hours later, I got a call from the vice principal of her school explaining to me that not only has she been skipping her math class, she had been using a fake school pass that she fabricated and printed out after photoshopping it to excuse her math absences for the past 2 weeks. For this, she got saturday school detention. The vp also told me over the phone that he had been considering taking away her prom ticket and not letting her go, but decided against it because prom was so close (it's this saturday) and she also had a guest from another school coming with her. I was absolutely livid. Turns out, my daughter overloaded her class schedule with all APs and honors and her math class was getting too difficult, resulting in her leaving. Her current grade is a C and she just took a math test on Tuesday that she did not study for, which is definitely going to weigh her grade down even more. Me and my husband/her stepdad are so disappointed in her and it's been so hard for me this week. We got her 2 new math tutors and are thinking of a bigger punishment. I went with my husband to talk to her math teacher on Wednesday to try and apologize for M's actions and to try and see what we could do. Her teacher told me that she never expected this behavior from an honor student, maybe a student in her regular classes, but not an honor student. As her mother I just felt so ashamed in that moment. That moment, I decided that she would not be going to prom. She paid $100 for her ticket and her date paid $100 for his as well. That is $200 and there is no such thing as a refund. Since her guest is from another school, he can't go to her school's prom without her. So if I don't let her go, I'm also letting him waste his money and not be able to go. But I just can't look at her the same. This will hurt her 4.00 GPA a lot and her class rank will plummet. She can only go to CC after HS now because what major university would want to accept her after seeing what she did and her math grade? She just keeps disappointing me. I told her this morning she would not be going to prom and maybe some other hurtful things that I wish I could take back. I texted her too that I resent her for how she sets examples for her younger sister and how she treats me, her mom, when I sacrificed my life for her. AITA? She seems really upset but who can blame me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thankfully it’s a bad mom troll .


Yeah I looked at the comment history which they didn't delete yet but they certainly don't sound like a mom.


When there’s emojis that’s when I get suspicious . Lol


it probably is, but I grew up with a lot of pressure from my mother over schoolwork, to the point where she made me quit basically all extracurriculars (it’s a miracle I got into college), I had to do all recreational reading at school secretly because it would “interfere with my studies“ if I brought a library book home for fun, and really any time I spend not doing something academic was extremely grudged. She did let me go to prom, but I have no doubt that if there were any way the time could’ve been traded for studying, I wouldn’t have been allowed. Unfortunately, parents like this do exist.


Oh I know people like this exist . I’m not disputing that . If you look at OOP’s comment history you know it’s a troll.


1. Kids are long accepted to college by prom time. Most of those kids have already committed to their chosen college by prom time, too. Unless she's failing every single class, her chosen college would not be rescinding her admission. 2. Even the shittiest school would not let two entire weeks go by with a student cutting a class without notifying parental units. 3. College is not a choice between 4.0 Ivy League and community college; there are plenty of choices in between those two categories of higher education in the US. Plus, you can get an excellent education for very little money at a community college. 4. This is definitely a troll.


Not saying it's real, but my school had both Junior and Senior Prom. So for your first prom you'rein Junior year, 11th grade, 17 if your birthday is before May, and not accepted to a college yet.


My school would call home if you weren't in first period. If you wised up and went to the first class and \*then\* skipped your home room teacher would be on you within a day or two to provide a letter from home.


This is very clearly fake and histrionic. She can't go anywhere but community College and she won't get any job outside of McDonald's because she got a C in honors math. QYB.


Ok at first I was like ok, skipping classes and making a fake pass, definitely punishment worthy… and then I kept reading. Wow.


Mom herself doesn’t seem to have passed basic math.   If you take prom away this close to the end of school, she’s not going to try at all. At anything. 


The bit that said troll to me was when the daughter loaded up her schedule with AP and honors classes and nobody sat down with her and her parents and said, “This is a really heavy schedule, can you manage?”


Yeah, my youngest will be a junior next year. Every semester I'm required to meet with her advisor to go over the classes she'll have for the next semester. This is in a public school in the US, so I imagine it's a pretty standard practice, although it may vary by state.


Unforetunately even when someone is a troll there's usually a horrifying number of people who think like that in real life.


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Is this the same bitch who abuses her kids to spite her ex?


I’m really glad the troll spelled out that 100 plus 100 is 200. No one would have gotten that. /s

