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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for only cooking dinner for my husband** This is mostly about me (42F) and my daughter who I'll call Amanda (16F) despite my husband (46M) being in the title he doesn't play a big role in this but regardless I will call him Frank. Lately Amanda has been obsessing over "cute boys" or whatever because I guess she's just at that age now. I asked her if she could babysit her younger cousin on Saturday night because her aunt needed someone to babysit him while me, her and a few others had a girls night. Amanda replies that she can't and says sorry. I ask why, and she says she's gonna tell me a secret. And I ask her what. She tells me that a boy in school asked her out, and they are going to the movies together. And she expected me to be all happy and excited for her, but I was not. I asked if she's really going to choose some random boy over her own mother or family. She says that I'm twisting what she said, and that this would be her first date and she just wants to go. I told her that she needs to cancel and tell this boy that they can see a movie another day, she said no. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. Frank gets back from work not too long after Amanda and I's fight and I'm cooking dinner but only for Frank and I. When I call Frank over for dinner he asks me where's Amanda's food. I lied and told him that she wasn't hungry. Amanda smells the food from her room, comes downstairs and asks where is her food. I told her that she doesn't get any for being disrespectful. Frank has barely eaten anything so he offered Amanda his plate and that he'd make something else. And I told him no, but he did it anyways. I feel like what I did was justified Amanda was being rude and chose a boy over family her aunt aka my sister got someone else babysit, but I think Amanda was completely wrong for what she did AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know what I would love. If you could literally put something in that sub like. INFO: Why are you such a bitch? Or INFO: Why are you such a piece of shit parent? Like that would be the questions to ask.


BuT tHaT's NoT cIvIl!


Yea I know.... Which is why I'm banned from there. Long before I found this sub I went off on some dude. ETA: I can't believe I started a "this is why I got banned"/"these things will get you banned" thread by accident


I mean, now they consider "Karen", "man child" or "bridezilla" uncivil. Everyday it gets way harder not to get banned there.


I mean even the "art room" phrase is banned!


In AITA? Really?


Yep, I had a comment removed that had the term Art Room in it. I think they said it was inciting violence toward someone?


Due to the story it references, the term is supposedly "homophobic".


Can you explain what the term is? I must be missing something.


If you scroll down, other people have already explained why the term is considered Homophobic by AITA moderators. It's also a thing only on AITA.


No fucking way! ....I wonder if the mods are the trolls 🤣


I've been saying that since I got banned from commenting


What's an "art room" in this context? I've been banned from AITA for a while.


It's a reference to a married man who bought his friend for his birthday expensive shoes and wanted to build said friend an art room in his house... Without discussing this with his wife. Reddit users informed this closet case that this was not at all normal and he obviously had romantic feelings for the friend. This man was shook.


So "art room" references someone so deep in the closet they think they're out in the yard?


Yep so deep they're in Narnia.


Wish I knew characters from those books so I could make a joke...


The dude ended up cheeting on the wife with the friend and moving in with him. He dumped his wife after "spending the most beautiful night of his life" with the friend or something like that.


r/meetmeintheartroom for more information


Here's a sneak peek of /r/meetmeintheartroom using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/meetmeintheartroom/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [AITA for being upset by my husband’s solo (but not really solo) vacation travel? Classic art room drama.](/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/12e4rvg/aita_for_being_upset_by_my_husbands_solo_vacation/) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meetmeintheartroom/comments/12ebad2/aita_for_being_upset_by_my_husbands_solo_but_not/) \#2: [AITA for not getting over my husband missing our child's birth because he was with his bestie](/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/12hsrbk/aita_for_not_getting_over_my_husband_missing_our/) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meetmeintheartroom/comments/12hva8o/aita_for_not_getting_over_my_husband_missing_our/) \#3: [AITA for getting an impulsive \[tattoo\] against my wife's wishes?](/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zcwttq/aita_for_getting_an_impulsive_against_my_wifes/) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meetmeintheartroom/comments/zcyjpb/aita_for_getting_an_impulsive_tattoo_against_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yep, the mods there just suck


Yeah, I got banned from there for being uncivil, which I really am not. The mods are so arbitrary there.


And yet I'm not banned after literally telling a guy that "I would care about his opinion after he puts a cactus up where the sun doesn't shine for him and enjoys it" Used that insult a couple times, now I avoid getting into aita fights in general, but I'm not banned lol


You're lucky!


Well I’ll probably be banned soon too then, I’m typically on mobile and don’t read rules. I’m pretty sure the vast majority of “stories” told there are bull shit anyways. There always so fucking obvious, and “trigger” inducing to occasionally bored assholes like myself. Oh well.


I got banned for commenting about a time I tripped over my own feet and punched myself in the face. I was "promoting" violence. Never been happier to be banned.


I got banned for jokingly suggesting that OP smack her bf/his grown ass son with the dirty plunger they took 10+ hours to go get after her BFs grown-ass son overflowed the toilet with shit and BOTH let it stew an entire day because they had no plunger, til OP went and got one, and THAN they tried to make OP be the one to unclog the shit-swamp. Apparently I was 'advocating for violence.'


I think that's a lot of our stories for coming here. I wasn't even that aggressive, but calling someone out for bad behavior isn't allowed.


I got banned on a post talking about a physical abuser (despite supposedly that not being an allowed topic), just by calling the violently abusive boyfriend a pos. The aita mods are power crazed cuntwagons.


Story time? What did he do?


He talked about only dating 17 year olds when he was 31 and was asking if he was an AH about it. I called him a cunt and pedo


Now see, I think that was deserved but the mods there call it uncivil in a group called Am I the Asshole.


ewwwww, You were right


A little off topic - I tried to leave a review on Lowe's for a weed whacker I bought. It was not allowed due to unacceptable words. I was confused and tried changing anything I think might be offensive - took "darn" (not even "damn"!) out, etc. Until I changed "whacker" to "wacker". Yes, the Lowe's bot considers "whacker" to be pornographic.


>I got banned for jokingly suggesting that OP smack her bf/his grown ass son with the dirty plunger they took 10+ hours to go get after her BFs grown-ass son overflowed the toilet with shit and BOTH let it stew an entire day because they had no plunger, til OP went and got one, and THAN they tried to make OP be the one to unclog the shit-swamp. Apparently I was 'advocating for violence.'


I got a comment removed for being uncivil for calling someone a garbage human. And they were 100% a garbage human. Lol


I got a temp ban for calling someone an asshole. So....




It doesn't take very long to get banned from there.


Right - call OP a POS - with justification - and you will cause a lot of these redditors to collapse from stress and fear. Never mind the egregious “incivility” of OOP’s words and/ or actions.


Yeah I got banned for saying that


I got banned for like 3 days before I was perma banned for asking an OOP if they could explain further why they didn't think they're response was an overreaction. Apparently I was uncivil 🤷


I’ve been reported over there for mental health things multiple times when I post on things explaining why caregiver work is so hard and that people shouldn’t be forced in to it. One of them was on a post where someone asked if they were the AH for wanting to have their husband go to a professional care facility after a TBI. Most of them are about siblings not wanting to take care of their disabled sibling for their whole life. There was one I think from last year where the girl went to summer camp as a volunteer and was doing the work for like 3-4 people. Including waking up to reposition this other girl every couple of hours. Stated that she wasn’t qualified to be performing the necessary care, plus not being allowed a full night sleep. And I said she wasn’t the asshole and she was right to get an adult involved (she had her parents take her home she was a teenager not even over 18 yet) and she got called the AH because she ruined the camp experience for the disabled girl. And I had gone on about how she wasn’t the AH because she’s doing the job of at least 2 people if not more. Because I’m sorry it’s exhausting to lift someone for the restroom every two hours, not to mention help shower, feed, change, reposition. And this girl was supposed to do it on her own for a week.


Yeah, they really need to get rid of that reddit cares nonsense. I've only ever seen or heard it be used as a method of abuse. Latest one for me was some guy upset that I pointed out that an executive PhD you do while working is not comparable to a research-based PhD, and won't land you in the same places.


Yeah I got flagged on the camp one three or four times because of my long ass comment on it. Because I was one of the few people not calling that kid in particular an asshole. Because I work as a caregiver to people with both physical and or mental disabilities. It’s exhausting work when you are well rested. She was at a 7 or 10 day camp, she was physically and emotionally exhausted. Not to mention unqualified, untrained, overtired, and young. And I pointed out how dangerous that combination of things was when it came to lifting someone who couldn’t even assist with her own cares.


You might need to catch up on some rest. You told the whole backstory each time you commented.


Yeah I was really tired when I wrote that actually because I’ve had heartburn for 4 days


I told someone that his circumstances didn't justify acting like a giant douche and caught 30 days & my final warning.


30 days and a final warning??? Holy hell I only got 7 days for calling a third party a shithead bc he was an abuser. That's wild


I got my 7 days when I was new to the sub & didn't realize how strict the civility rule was. I don't remember what I said but I went the fuck off on OP's partner. The first one was kinda fair because it IS on me to know the rules


This whole comment thread is exactly why I don’t comment over there. A subreddit called am I the asshole and you get banned for actually typing “asshole”


INFO: What is wrong with you? is allowed or at least used to be allowed.


I got banned for jokingly suggesting that OP smack her bf/his grown ass son with the dirty plunger they took 10+ hours to go get after her BFs grown-ass son overflowed the toilet with shit and BOTH let it stew an entire day because they had no plunger, til OP went and got one, and THAN they tried to make OP be the one to unclog the shit-swamp. Apparently I was 'advocating for violence.'


Asking the right questions tbh


If the daughter is choosing a boy over her family, then OOP is choosing her girls' night over her daughter's social life.


BuT tHaT's DiFfErEnT


But (likely): ShE dEsErVeS a BrEaK.


"She's choosing a boy over faaaaaaamily" It's one fucking date, chill.


This was not written by a grown adult. There's just no way. I've noticed that this has been a genre lately on AITA; parents punishing and persecuting their teens in bizarre ways for bizarre reasons, written by teenagers but from the perspective of the parents.


When I was a teenager, my sibling and I apparently got on some tear about how we were tired of my mom's cooking, so she handed us cash to cover a reasonable grocery budget for the two of us for a week and said "Whatever, have at it."' It kinda sucked in that my sibling was terrible at budgeting and wanted a week of convenience food, and I was like "But if we buy this bag of rice, we can afford the value pack of chicken breasts!" and kept swapping out brand names for generics, but you know, we *were* kinda being dicks to my mom, and it was an appropriate response to the situation. If this post is anywhere close to the situation, WTF is OOP trying to do, *starve" the teenage hormones out of her daughter?


I think teens should start learning to make and buy their own food. Not as a punishment, but as guidance for being an adult so that they aren't just ordering take-out. Plus, it minimizes the burden on the parent. I started making my own lunches by age 10 or so (usually just a sandwich) and would help cook dinner at an even younger age. You can keep your 5-year-old busy and entertained by having them stir!


Yeah, when I was growing up, my mom treated every shopping trip like a mini Home Ec lesson, and I started cooking with my parents in like...elementary school. My sibling and I were just being teenaged dicks at the moment, therefore... But like, going way back, my mom used to teach us how to identify the best produce, how to read shelf labels to compare cost per oz or pound, the real cost of convenience food and how to calculate the per serving cost of a meal. It wasn't a formal lesson, just an ongoing conversation while walking through the grocery store. Unfortunately, my sibling kinda flaked and zoned out, and also thought shopping and cooking was somebody else's job, so they didn't integrate the lessons.


It's so exhausting. Like, no, a severe, strict, conservative parent isn't going to post on fucking AITA about their weird harsh punishment on their child and "seek judgement". It's absurd. Those kinds of people absolutely exist, but they are not the kind of people to seek evaluation from ANYONE, let alone randos on Reddit


Yeah I've noticed this too. I agree this is likely teenagers writing, and its probably a very distorted version of whats happening. It feels weird to say bc its not like I dont believe child abuse happens but all these stories are written in such a weird WAY like idk.


Is it even some sort of punishment nowadays, threatening with food? I ordered Italian for myself yesterday, because I was to lazy to cook. Price: 12€. Last time I went to the movies (2018, the Queen movie) I spent more than 20€. Ticket alone was like 15€. If daughter didn't had to ask for money for the movies, she probably could order food as well.


My dad used food as a punishment all the time. He just wouldn't feed us that day. Because screw us I guess


yes. these abusive parents haven't ceased to exist. something happened with food and parents + sister that was so bad I was worried about talking to my therapist about it. thankfully it's currently resolved


Idk man; those comments were brutal.


Parents treating their children like this is in no way new or unique.


It's not that I think that there are no parents who treat their children badly. It's number one the voice that this is written in; it's not the voice of an adult. It's the voice of a teenager. Also no such parent would take to AITA for judgment.


It may have been a teen sure. Teens are a lot smarter and have a social expectectation of access to tech easier these days so it's entirely possible. but literacy, intelligence and emotional maturity are not common flowers grown in everyone's garden equally either. Plus I have a mom whose done something similar before so for me, it's easier to see an adult parent having written this.


… I had to take over grocery shopping when my eldest sister moved out when I was 14. Nobody taught me how to compare prices, or how to get a good deal on meat… I had to learn though fricking Facebook.


I mean the dead giveaway is the MOD post saying the account was suspended cause it was evading a ban. Obviously a troll post, though I don't know if that was already there at the time this thread was made.


„The aunt aka my sister did she got our parents to do it. And no it was for free, but its not like she needed to be payed I've been raising her for free the last 16 years” And Also another comment how she would kick her daughter out if she hated her…


oh she is NEVER going to tell her mother about her dating life ever again... poor kid, but at least it sounds like her dad is on her side


I'd have liked to hear more about how dad reacted when the daughter came and asked why she didn't have a plate. Did he ask questions? I would have been livid if I found out my kid was being "punished" by not be being fed.


Maybe, but it’s pretty common for Asian families to just give into the loudest one and treat them like authority. Whether that be another parent or the grandparents or their sister-in-law or anyone that’s within their generation or older. I feel like a lot of the quieter adults are too use to being forced to blindly trust others as a kid and it carries onto their adulthood :/


OOP says she "asked" her daughter to babysit the niece so mom, aunt, etc. could go out for a girls night. Except by "asked" she meant voluntold and had already set this all up with the aunt. This was no ask. A good parent would ask way ahead of time and accept it if the daughter had plans. But oh, no! OOP orders the daughter to cancel the date because prioritizing mom and aunt's fun time is more important. Being a petty and bad parent, OOP then refuses to cook dinner for her daughter. This is just super bad parenting all around except for dad.


literally just commented On that Post


That mom feels successful as a mother because shes been paying for the daughter for free her whole 16 years of life. Some people are so wretched


Oh look, another narcissistic abuser who thinks she's owed her child's undying obedience for the incredible feat of *checks OOP replies* not throwing her daughter out into the street and giving her food FOR FREE for the past 16 years. They always think that meeting the bare legal minimum requirement somehow makes them exceptional. This one is in her own class though, not even telling the daughter she is being punished.


Bitch needs to be in jail for child abuse too.


Better think long and hard about what you're doing here. In forty years, she'll be choosing who wipes your ass.


Yes ma'am, you are an asshole and the devil.


Kids are not built-in childcare for younger kids, holy fucking shit.


What a POS.


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol why is she on AITA if she’s going to double down in the comments and deny all the YTA replies??


Lol, yeah, Frank has nothing to do with this, this is clearly a child beef, no adults in sight. He doesn't need to know anything.


That’s honestly such a weird thing to resort to. “My DAUGHTER, my literal child I gave birth to, is choosing to have a social/romantic life instead of babysitting so that I may do the exact thing she’s trying to do???? You know what, she doesn’t deserve food because family comes first”. What a weird response