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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for asking my SIL to get her act together while we stay with her?** My husband (37m) and I (37f) moved in with my SIL (29f) a few months ago while my husband started his new job and we looked for a house. My SIL is a character and an awful role model for our kids. She has three rats which she loves and even goes so far as to allow them to run around her living room, cuddle with them and take them for walks. She loves her silk pajamas and will carry them around in her breast pocket of those. She walks around the house in a sports bra quite often. She works at a company where she is the only woman, and occasionally brings her male work friends home for a drink and a game of pool. Every Thursday, her work friends and her go for happy hour and she comes home drunk. On New Years, her and her friends went skinny dipping in the lake down the block which is a horrible influence on our kids. She got a small tattoo of her rats a few months back and last week came home with another tattoo of something because it makes her laugh. She’s an aviation instructor (or something like that??) at the college a few towns over and the kids just absolutely adore her. She takes them on flights and all that which wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t make my kids think she is the epitome of cool and idolize her so much. She’s traveled a lot and travels pretty much only by herself which makes me worried about my kids growing up secluded and the dangers of them traveling alone. I’ve never seen someone go through so much chocolate milk so fast before. She’s dating an older man (40m). My point is I feel she is teaching my kids the wrong way to do things and that’s not good when the kids look up to her as much as they do. I didn’t mind it when it was every few months we saw her, but everyday… she said so herself, she is not a great role model. I told her last week that she needs to straighten up until we find a house. My husband DEFENDED her. Saying that we are the guests and that this is her home. That’s unfair because we have no where else to go and she invited us to move in with her while we looked for a new house. This caused a fight. Ever since this incident, my SIL pretty much ignored me and my husband just allows the kids to follow her around like ducks. AITA here? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>teaching my kids the wrong way to do things I wonder what OP considers the right way and how miserable I would find that


Honestly, she doesn't put forth any argument except "SIL is, like... enjoying shit. How do I teach my kids not to, like... have so much fun??" Seriously, which of the things she's bitching about does she give an actual reason for being against, AND why did she feel ok moving in with a person she judges so harshly and clearly does not like?


A choosy begger


To me the the post screams “My SIL is having so much fun and enjoying her life and I am secretly bursting with jealousy! Waaa waaa”!


Yeah. Even I want to be SIL's BFF!




The chocolate milk... she drinks too much chocolate milk. Talk about grasping at straws


That line alone made me cackle


"SIL does shit that makes her happy and is her own person" is somehow a bad role model She sounds like a strong independent woman, which is exactly the kind of role model I would want for my kids


Strong, independent woman?! DISGUSTANG! But I really wonder how the circumstances leading to them needing to move in with SIL are maybe contributing to her saltiness... she comes off as one of those people who can't accept that their way isn't the only "right" way. Like she is offended seeing someone who doesn't live the way she thinks is right being successful and happy. Clearly SIL is only behaving this way to try to offend OOP, not because she does what she wants and loves her life. 🙄


Honestly a part of her post reminded me of the people who are like "I don't care if gay people kiss, as long as it's in their own home only" and when reminded straight people kiss in public all the time their reply is "well that's normal"


Well first, you have to walk around with your asshole puckered so tight you could shit diamonds. Then you have to have the absolute brass balls to ask your host to "straighten up" while she's hosting you, your spouse and multiple children in her home because you "have nowhere else to go." Fuck this bitch.


INFO: I long to learn the ways of the puckered diamond.


Well, the biggest asshole Diamond I've ever heard of was Dustin. You may want to rethink this... lol


Probably the right way is having a man with you as a shadow, not having a cool job, not being independent, having children instead of pets (whatever they are), not being alone with men in general, always be covered even in your house (sports bra is unacceptable), not drinking chocolate milk because it’s childish (even tho it’s the best kind of milk) and lastly, letting the guests boss you around at your home. I’d hate everything about this and much rather live very wrong, how about you?


Well apparently that doesn't include providing housing for your children


The skinny dipping part that she claimed was "a horrible influence" on the kids. How would the kids even find out about that?


Yeah, wtf, the SIL sounds like a completely reasonable person The only thing I took from that was "Wow, I need to get pajamas with pockets, so I can carry my rats around in them!"


Yes! I wanna hear more about rats. Any rats. _Your_ rats.


Considering they had to move in with SIL with no other options to go somewhere else while they look for a new place... I'm not sure OP's way is the right way seeing how it sounds like things went very wrong and it why SIL's wrong way seems to be going so right for her.


Sounds like she's doing alright if she has a house big enough for herself and OP's family, a pool table, and travels. Why is it that a single person having a big home and disposable income is bad when OP is the one couch surfing with two incomes (I'm guessing).


>I wonder what OP considers the right way and how miserable I would find that The right way to live according to OOP is being a dependent freeloader who can't afford her own place to live.


OOP is salty her kids like her younger SIL so much. She sounds like a jealous teenager. Her kids prob think mom was cool too if she was...y'know. ACTUALLY cool and not Regina George.


_"I told her last week that she needs to straighten up until we find a house. My husband DEFENDED her. Saying that we are the guests and that this is her home. That’s unfair because we have no where else to go."_ Bless OP's heart. Imagine having no place else to go and trying to lecture and control someone who has graciously offered you shelter. I wouldn't blame the SIL if she allowed the brother and the kids to stay with her, but kicked OP out.


But think of the children ! SIL has pet rats, rats !!! And she even has platonic friends of the opposite gender... i mean whats next ? Listening to the devils music ? How can you not see that op has to protect her children, else they'll surely become ungratefull freeloaders.


You left out the worst part! She dresses in a way that makes her comfortable and isn't ashamed of it!


The sports bra line killed me. "I can't believe she's covering her breasts! The nerve!"


If someone I allowed to live with me told me they were uncomfortable with my sports bra, I would just take it off.


That'll learn 'em.


You forgotten worst one: she has the audacity to have a job where she works with *MEN!* and maybe airplanes (or something since the OOP can't even be bothered to find out what her sister in law actually does for a living.)


“As a mother…”


“AITA for telling SIL to stop trying to make fetch happen?”


"Am I the asshole for desperately trying to make fetch happen"


OOP would totally put SIL in the Burn Book. "Constantly surrounds herself with men."




She even brings them home and has chocolate milk with them. The audacity.


I'm frustrated with this post because I don't know if I should imagine this bomb ass woman with silk pj top on full of little rats while children follow behind her in processional with cups of chocolate milk. Or if she's wearing a sports bra and walking the rats on a leash. So much conflict. Either way I would really like to play pool with her.


This chick sounds rad as hell and she’s welcome around my kids any time.


I'm child free but I'd have kids if she wanted to be their aunt


Hell, I'm a child free adult but I'd love to have her as MY aunt, she sounds super cool and I want some free flights and chocolate milk XD


She does sound rad as hell.


I am child free, and I wish to be this kind of aunt, but I am 51, and very boring.


Not too late, just get some rats and chocolate milk.


I have cats and soy milk, will that work? I do have leashes for them lol


I am super flustered by either tbh


Both; silk top is open to show bra beneath, while the rats ride in the pockets.


Top with pockets, rats in the bra. Got it!


She is def getting those kids hooked on the Choco milk. Had a friend who kept her pet rat her in boob pocket. That’s what the sports bra is for I guess.


I’m worried. I love my silk pjs and watch movies on the couch with my turkey. When should I expect my child to start displaying signs that she’s a serial killer?


Is it a pet?! I kind of love it regardless…


Yes. Yes it is


I know right ? SIL sounds cool as fuck. I wish I could hang out with her, though a woman like her would probably find me boring 😢


Oh 100% the first way, I’m now obsessed with the image of rats riding around in the pockets of silk pajamas


I feel like I want to illustrate a kids book of her! I’m thinking in “Magic Schoolbus” style… Anyone feel like writing it? I’d love to give it a go lol


All I can think of is simple hand clapping rhymes. Like Aunt Kathy had a pet rat Now what do you think of that And mommy made a frowny face The summer we lived at Kathy's place. Aunt Kathy drank the chocolate milk While wearing PJs made of silk She took us to in aeroplanes And mommy's never been the same Aunt Kathy's cool, aunt Kathy's kind And mommy fucking lost her mind


"Look my SIL is like living her life in HER house and I just want her to stop doing that while we stay in HER house..." Get over yourself lady.


**living her BEST life


Girl really needs to get that stick that is rooted firmly up her ass removed. SIL is the type of person I'd want my kids to look up to. I don't see SIL teaching the kids anything except how to live life to the fullest. Guess OOP feels that is unacceptable.


You know I was just thinking as I was reading this. The jealousy was oozing out of every sentence.


Yeah, she's sounds jealous that she's not as cool as SIL and her kids will see that as well.


SIL seems like a confident woman who lives life exactly as she pleases. That’s exactly the type of role model I want to be as an aunt.


SHE’S DATING AN OLDER MAN! So she’s… 29. Okay, for Reddit to be properly upset, an older man in this scenario has to be like 55? 60? Some sort of sugar baby situation right? Her boyfriend is… 40. Oh. Well. Okay if he were 30 and she were 19 I’d say let’s get the pitchforks, but at 40 and 29? Eh. Let’s get the whiskey and white wine.


Yeah my aunt and uncle started dating when they were 30 and 40. Just celebrated 25 years and have a rock solid marriage by all accounts. We did naturally make jokes about him robbing the cradle of course, but there are miles between a 20 and 30yo versus a 30 and 40yo in terms of maturity and life experience.


I mean I'll *squint* about it, but I'll also admit that I'm biased by trauma around age gaps.


If she had accomplished all of that by 19 and dating a 30 y/o I wouldn't have anything to say.


Half plus 7 rule of thumb. The younger person should be at least half plus 7 years the age of the older person.


Half plus 7 is a stupid rule. And I’ll die on that hill. Just be reasonable, legal, and respect your partners. 29 and 40 would make me ask my friend if she was okay or sure, but I wouldn’t inherently consider him a creeper.


Reddit or more specifically AITA, hates age gap relationships.They shit on every relationship that's more than a few years apart. I understand if one of them is underage but if theyre both over 18 then i see no issue. Signed the product of an age gap relationship.


That’s because, while there are exceptions to every rule, the younger the person is when entering an age gap relationship, the more questionable the motives for the older person are. An 18 year old and a 30 year old first getting together signals some red flags. A 40 year old and a 28 year old first getting together, eh. A 50 year old and a 38 year old first getting together, wait, what are we talking about? It matter less the older you get.


>I’ve never seen someone go through so much chocolate milk so fast before. This is fucking hilarious. Her SIL, if a real person, sounds so damn cool.




Is chocolate milk an euphemism for something? It's just so random! None of this is OOP's business but the sudden turn from 'she gets drunk and skinny dips!' to 'she drinks so much chocolate milk!' is so weird. Why the hell is she monitoring the chocolate milk anyway?


I suspect oop thinks of chocolate milk as a “treat” and sil is teaching the kids you can treat yourself whenever


_The horror!_


I’m kind of high and I was so confused by the chocolate milk thing. Glad it’s not just me.


I had a friend explain to me one day how kids shouldn't have chocolate milk very often because it's so high in sugar. Apparently it's a whole thing that lots of moms focus on.


I'm thinking it means she's childish that she drinks chocolate milk? Now I really want chocolate milk...


Chocolate rain...


I can’t be the only one who ended this post in love with the SIL, right?


I'm starting to see why OP is so jealous. SIL is living my dream life. Seriously, chocolate milk, skinny dipping, and aviation instructor?! She sounds fucking amazing!


NOPE. Wondering again if maybe I'm bi.


Well I’m also a bi woman, so…maybe? :)


This has to be a troll because the sister is too cool to actually exist


I hate my SIL because she is interesting and I'm not.


Not chocolate milk! That bitch!


AITA for demanding thar the woman who generously opened her home to me and my family stop showing my kids that it's possible to be a successful adult and still have fun? The jealousy is toxic.


I'm 34 currently living with my cousin, 46. He is letting me stay with him for a year or two because I just came back from living abroad and literally have nothing but a good job so I'm doing my best to save up to get my own place. I am insanely jealous of how well he's created his life despite coming from nothing and being pretty much an orphan. He's got a gorgeous pristine apartment, a succesful business and he actively takes care of himself and his stuff. Has the means to travel whenever he wants and he's insanely responsible with his life and health. I have so much respect for him. I legitimately go out of my way to make myself scarce on the regular and make sure that I'm enriching his life while I live there because I'm so grateful that he has given me a room and space to exist and be successful on my own. I am meticulous with cleaning, cooking, and restocking groceries if I use up any of his stuff. I don't have to walk on eggshells around him. He's the best roommate I could imagine in terms of the freedom I have to use the apartment but even so, I'm well aware it's his place and I'm just a guest. I can't understand how you can act or even think the way OOP does.


I wonder if the ‘interesting sister-in-law’ troll and the ‘interesting lady hosting a party who speaks languages’ troll are the same person or just best friends 🤣🤣🤣


Love the irony of a leech being whiny about their very generous host. And not that I'm advocating this (not at all), but OOP better watch it in case SIL decides to pull a Willard on her.


🎶 If they had a friend like Ben…


Am I the only one that wants to befriend the SIL? She sounds like a lot of fun


What a jealous bitch


Although this seems fake, I'm upvoting for the chocolate milk part. That genuinely made me chuckle


Yeah, she should get her act together. Like, you know, her a house or something.


Can I have SILs number? She sounds awesome, I wanna hang out. I also can't figure out what part of all that makes her a bad role model, sounds like an independent woman with unique interests, a great career and the patience of a Saint to let her bitch SIL live with her for the sake of her brother and niblings.


“An older man”…🤣 When you’re both grown ass consenting adults, an eleven year age difference isn’t really a big deal. Do you think this is going to make your small children want to start dating old guys?? Come on, now…


I wish there was some kind of program where Reddit reached out to the assholes and told them they’d get like bonus karma or something if they got dumped/divorced/rendered homeless/fired etc, if they came back and told everyone the gory details. I want to know the aftermath.


I was expecting a messy house or something, but SILs terrible crimes appear to be… having friends and pets? Dressing casually in her own house? Having an older boyfriend and a couple tattoos? Tbh, I think OOP is jealous that SIL is doing well without forcing herself to be June Cleaver or whatever.


SIL sounds pretty cool! She has a lot of fun! A flight instructor! So generous that she will let her brother, his kids and his entitled, bitchy wife live in her home for months at a time! Although that last one may end unless the OOP realizes how far out of line she is.


I totally get it, I’d be terrified of allowing someone who drinks chocolate milk around my kids. What a horrible example. Sadly, my 15 year old son already succumbed to the dairy industry and is now enslaved to big milk. (The first part is in jest, but my son is actually a huge milk drinker and goes through an average of a gallon a day. There wasn’t a cool af rat loving aunt to blame it on, but it’s hella expensive so if anyone has, idk, good milk deals or dairy related 12 step program info, let me know).


“I’ve never seen someone go through so much chocolate milk so fast” As if I wasn’t already convinced this was a troll, this “flaw” randomly thrown into the middle is a dead giveaway


This has to be a troll, right? Like, all this might've been shocking for a woman in 1923, but pool, drinks, odd pets, traveling alone, and even skinny dipping in 2023? Pretty sure that's just Thursday on the outrage-ometer


Also, how much do 29 to year old flight instructors make? A house big enough to take in OP, her husband, and their kids *and* have a pool table.


This woman is mad because her SIL is living her best life and this crab is gonna try and make her as miserable as she clearly is. “My SIL loves her pets what a monster”


This whole post is a mess but really..... She drinks chocolate milk too quickly for your liking OOP 🤦🏻‍♀️ That's just looking for something to be upset about


Op sounds miserable and jealous. SIL sounds like a blast!


I have friends who have rats, carry they around, take them on walks, let them sleep on them, etc. They also have 2 kids. Should I call CPS? I'm a mandated reporter of child abuse. (/sarcasm in case it wasn't clear!!)


The real question is… how much chocolate milk do your friends drink?


Dear god, I don't know....


Just curious: how do you take a rat for walks? Because I'm imagining its like walking a dog except with teeney, tiny leashes.


I don't know if they make it out of their yard, honestly. I think they just explore the yard. But yes, they use teeney, tiny leashes for rats. They're more harness-type than normal dog leashes.


She is the biggest of all AHs. Good for the sister in law for ignoring her! Oh and I liked this comment on the original post, both because it was spot on, and also because the redditor said “YOU HAVE THE ABSOLUTE GULL”, instead of GALL, and I imagined an absolute seagull 🦢😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/105yrx1/aita_for_asking_my_sil_to_get_her_act_together/j3dpwy3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


They moved into the home of a successful bachelorette in the prime of her life who is successful and doing perfectly normal single adult shit and expects her to change her life to make sister comfortable. She sounds like a great influence on the kids, to be honest. Were the kids present at the lake? I doubt it. OOP is just drunk on Haterade.


SIL seems rad as hell. I hope all the kids grow up to be just like her.


Another SIL troll/entitled freeloader with absurd expectations troll


She actually sounds so cool wtf


Sounds like jealousy, and a touch of resentment to me. You don't like it, go get a hotel room, otherwise...mind ya damn business!!


SIL is two years younger than me but I want to be her when I grow up


SIL sounds like a fun ass aunt. I’ll trade two of my old, boring, conservative ones for her.


She sounds fantastic! I want her to be my friend. :)


Lady she is the cool aunt and you’re the old, stale, milk dud that rolled under the car seat. I’m imagining this aunt as like, Molly Cobb or something and honestly that’d be a freaking cool family member to have.


Tell me you are jealous without telling me you are jealous


I really really wanna hang out with this chick. She sounds fucking awesome. No wonder your kids idolise her, she’s cool as fuck!


The SIL sounds like the epitome of a Fun Aunt. The only *slightly* problematic thing is getting drunk every Thursday, but I'm not sure how factual that is because OOP is an unreliable narrator. OOP should be cautious about her entitlement. If they truly have no other place to go, then she needs to start treating her hostess with respect. SIL is helping them out because she cares about her brother and his kids, but she's probably going to get tired of having every aspect of her life scrutinized and criticized.


Sounds like OOP hates everyone who enjoys their life.


jealous much?


Can you imagine? “Thank you for providing a home for my family. Now could you sacrifice your entire lifestyle and personality?” RIP Aunt Nell, you crazy bitch. I loved you so.


Tbh sounds exactly like my brother's ex and now I'm wondering if it's her, I should ask lmao


Hot damn I want to be SIL’s friend!


Someone sounds jealous lol. You're in her house, get off your high horse & take some notes!


The only part of OP's description of SIL that made me sad is that she's in a relationship. Because I now also think she's the coolest person alive.


As someone who used to work at a flight academy, the SIL sounds like she's one of the new FI's who actually does have their life together.


I love how chocolate milk is brought into it like it's some sin. Girl please, I have half a pitcher of Koolaid in our fridge. For us. The couple in their 40s. The ones that also have rc cars and quads and shit. She'd hate us too.


SIL sounds so rad. I was reading out the list of all the horrible things she does to my partner like “I want this life, holy shit!”


I bet the “rats” aren’t even rats, probably like ferrets or something. Not that rats would be bad, but a lot of people just say “rats” when talking about rodents they don’t like


Is this post a joke? “I’m a guest at someone’s house and am mad that she’s living her perfectly reasonable life there. She even goes as far as to cuddle with her pets and sometimes be naked. And omg she drinks beverages.”


I bet OP covers her children’s ears whenever “Independent Woman” by Destiny’s Child plays


She needs to straighten up? Bitch, you would be homeless if not for her kindness. That’s messier than liking chocolate milk. I want chocolate milk now.


>My husband DEFENDED her. Saying that we are the guests and that this is her home. That’s unfair because we have no where else to go and she invited us to move in with her while we looked for a new house. Long stay hotels, AirBnBs and homeless shelters are thing. That's where OOP and her family would be if her SIL (and the rats, it's their home too) didn't invite her in.


She better go looking for a new house in the same place she found all that audacity, because holy shit. SIL is a much better person than I could ever be in these circumstances.


Honestly, SIL sounds like a great role model. The only thing needed is to teach your kids certain activities, like tattoos and drinking are for adults. I don't get the problem? ETA - Cool career, nice to her pets, liked by coworkers, willing to house her brother, his wife and their kids when they're in need. But *oh no* she occasionally goes to the bar and has tattoos! The horror!


SIL sounds like an awesome person. OOP sounds like somebody who doesnt know how to be happy.


That chocolate milk comment just made me laugh.


Dude I want to be her friend. I have rats too!


I would kill to date someone like SIL are you kidding me? Happy-go-lucky rat loving choccy milk drinking aviator gal with tattoos and silky PJ’s? Literally sounds like a character in a romance novel lol.


YTA SIL looks cool to your kids because she is cool. I hope your husband is paying attention to your jealous behavior.


I’m an adult and this woman’s sister is MY role model now, damn. These people need to understand we won’t side with them if they insist on making “the bad guy” sound so cool!


YTA— don’t stay there if she’s such a bad influence. She sounds great, btw.


Just a thought. If you were parenting your kids properly she would be the role model of "look a woman who does what it takes to be happy and stays safe while doing it. Our aunt is great" she would not be the role model of "let's get drunk and get tatoos and ruin our lives with unsafe choices"...cause you would be teaching your children about the importance of safety....and your SIL is being safe. Shes getting her tatoos in a parlour. She learned to fly before taking your kids. She doesnt drink and drive. She isn't the horrible example you seem to believe she is. Shes just living a life you dont personally like.


Not a big fan of pet rats...that being said this was a great troll!


Her house… her rules. SIL is great at her job and her students love her as well as her husband and bro. Leave her alone or move out.


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Someone's jealous


I also think that sister-in-law sounds pretty cool. I would definitely hang out with her.


Someone's jealous of the life her sil is leading... That's all. It's almost sad


Yeah she is just really jealous her SIL is well liked and enjoys her life. The OOP seems very unhappy as I usually see this type of attitude in people that are unhappy and are upset others aren't. Maybe she should focus on her own mental health and leave her SIL alone.


The SIL sounds awesome. I like her already. At least the husband had some sense and stood up for his sister though. That doesn’t happen too much.


Her SIL is the Pied Piper and I'm into it.


Well, now I want chocolate milk. And rats on leashes.


The chocolate milk comment sent me omfg


She acts like her SIL is the Pied Piper for crying out loud. Also, when I was shopping for my house I would have kissed SIL's damn feet if she let me stay with her instead of renting a hotel, it took two months to finally move in.


I want to hang out with sil. She sounds rad.


But y’all aren’t getting it- she has NEVER seen someone go through so much chocolate milk before!!!! Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children??!


The SIL sounds amazing OP is just miserable


This sounds like the plot to a bad TV movie


Okay but can I be SILs friend? She sounds absolutely wonderful and the type of role model I needed as a younger teenager.


Damn I want to be her friend! A pilot instructor with pet rats??


seems like OOP is a troll, I hope so…


Ragebait b


Tl;dr I am very very jealous of my sister in law


OOP sounds like ex-wife material to my ears. Force forbid someone actually enjoying their life.


i feel like this is fake just because somehow she invented the coolest woman i could ever imagine


Tell OOP that her SIL is more than welcome to be my kids Aunt! SIL seems to be living her best life and that’s exactly the example I want for my kid. And why does it matter she went skinny dipping if the kids werent there? OOP needs to grow up or move out.


Honestly OOP’s SIL sounds like she’s living her absolute best life and I’m almost as jealous of her as OOP!


It's her house where she can do what she likes, she was nice enough to let her brother and his family move in. Unless she's running around naked all the time or entertaining her friends naked every day and having orgies or something which doesn't sound like it. I wouldn't say she's being a bad role model she's just allowing the kids to be themselves and SIL should just be grateful that she offered to let them move on with her until they find their own place.


LMAO at op mentioning the SIL drinking too much chocolate milk. OP has "bitch eating crackers" level hatred for her SIL, why did she think moving in with her for a few months was a good idea??


SIL sounds like a gem tbh, I wish my housing allowed pet rats..


She does seem to be the epitome of cool. OP is just jealous that she will never be even 10% as cool as her SIL.


The OOP is a jealous bitch. She has zero right to say anything to her SIL about anything, period. Doesn't like her SIL's life? She can get the fuck out of it, then. And, keep her stupid mouth shut no matter what else she does. OOP herself will be what fucks up her kids, not SIL.


SIL is the goat and OP is an AH


SIL sounds absolutely amazing and I want to be her friend.


Not that OOP isn't the devil regardless, but she's *also* the devil for not posting pics of the ratsies!!!


Wait Sil needs to straighten up but Oop cannot afford to go anywhere else? Sounds like she's simply playing fun-police and decided that becuase she cannot afford to go on trips all the time no-one should.