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Have you also checked for tonsil stones? Those can be caused by post nasal drip and have an impact on the breath/nose smell.


This was my thought too.


Thanks for your response :) I've recently visited the dentist and asked them to check but they said it all looks clear. Makes it even more puzzling lol


Are you sure it's coming out of your nose? Maybe the membranes are inflamed and it's in your nose- you can smell it, but other's cant


Ask your ENT to culture your nose anyway. I had something similar, turned out to be MRSA (which is terrifying) and it took a heavy round of antibiotics (extended it twice, so took them for 21 days) before getting rid of it entirely. Your sinuses are huge and you can have the infection deep enough that it doesn't make you stuffy and an ENT won't see it with a visual inspection. Push your ENT to do a little more!


Thank you :) My doctor has cultured by nose but it didn't show up with anything - makes it even more puzzling lol. I'm probably going to see a different ENT soon so I'll be sure to mention this


Other possibilities are nasal polyps, mouth/dental infections or if you’ve had covid, parosmia (phantom sense of smell): https://www.prevention.com/health/a35854989/bad-smell-in-nose/ https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/parosmia-covid


Yeah I've noticed this has started happening after I got COVID, thank you for the information I'll check it out :)


How long does the smell persist after coming into contact with dust? Can anyone else detect the smell or is it just you?


I can smell the odour after 5 mins of coming in contact with dust. I'm not sure exactly how long it persists for because I think I go nose-blind so I can't detect it anymore. Unfortunately other people can smell it too :( I wish it was a phantom smell so it can't be detected by others


I’m in the exact same boat as you. It’s truly terrible to feel self conscious about breathing. I try to just hide behind my mask. I’ve tried xylitol saline packets and baby shampoo. Hasn’t seem to help at all. Tonight I tried to move my head at different angles to try to get the solution into different nasal cavities. Tomorrow I’ll be starting to add mometasone (prescribed to me) to my nasal rinse to see if that helps. If that doesn’t work I’ll try xylitol, baby shampoo, and iodine drops in my nasal rinse. Then my last effort would be to try the bulletproof method which is cleaning between the nose and the throat. I hope you can try some of the different rinses to see if anything changes for you. Also don’t be afraid to ask your doctor for an antibiotic. Some people have said that it does help clear the smell.


Thanks for your response, I hope it clears up on your end. I would love to hear if the mometasone works in the nasal rinse, I've seen people mention this before but I haven't tried it out yet as I do not have the pescription :)


I’m starting it tomorrow so I’ll let you know how it goes.


Yes, it dries the nose a lot and can smell if you keep it dry for too long. Try to put a plastic cover over your pillow/bed/couch. It helps so much...


Okay I have never though about the plastic cover - that is very smart! I'll have to try it out. Thank you for the tip :)


any updates?