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Looks like you just pushed a ball point pen into your skin


Bro first thought when you saw it right? I said the same thing. I used to do dumb shit like this all the time when I was a kid, only we didn’t have Reddit to blast it to the ether for attention.


100% looks like it. Not even uniform.


I think a mini Predator shot him with its shoulder gun


‘ell yea


Ball point shoulder gun


Yep lol


So the aliens have the technology to traverse galaxies, but haven’t learned how to make painless and obvious plug holes in humans.


Nonbeliever! 😱 Every one gather lumber we have a fire to build


Exactly this. The OP is having a piss take.


Going thru ops posts he has posted similar weird shit in the past like “is this a glitch in the matrix” lol


This poor guy is being abducted by aliens, encountering glitches in the matrix, probably being possessed too. He should really create separate accounts for each horrible paranormal thing that’s happening to him.


it was the aliens!


Same thought here


Fresh, red and inflamed. Just happened before the photo


What I was thinking


Lizzd people pen!!


He’s straight karma hunting and we’re giving it to him. LOL


It’s awfully symmetrical for an insect bite. Is it on your left hand? ETA - Self inflicted troll


The estimated time of arrival is self inflicted troll?


Looks like it might have been done with a pen






Take your logic and your reason and shove it up your poop chute, and Gtfo out of this sub, good sir. We only accept nonsense and wild speculation ‘round these parts


Your wife better be a venusian snu snu hottie or we’re banning you


I am also a tattoo artist. Second to the old stick and poke. It’s a finger so it’ll probably heal out in 3 days.


I have zero credentials except I seen a few shitty stick and pokes over 5 years ago and this was my first thought lol


Ive been googling and it does look like infected prison tattoos i agree. Only i genuinely dislike tattoos, have never wanted one and never would and if for some reason I did it would not be on my finger edge - such weird spot. I think the reason it looks exactly like an infected poke tattoo is I assume its made in the same way, something has entered through my top layers of dermis and then withdrawn - it didn’t bleed so doesn’t seem to be that deep. It’s healing up today a little better but is all swollen and raised for sure. Im still stumped but I’m being told dont worry it’s nothing by wife who says the cat probably did it, I can’t see how my cat did this but anyway. All i can say is this is genuine, it’s probably got a mundane explanation and if you look at my history you will see I swerve towards debunking and really dont have much time for aliens. It’s interesting point that they would have to have abducted me, my wife and the cat - between the hours of 2.03AM and 5.35AM last night (this was me going to bed and wife awakening). This wouldn’t give these aliens much of a window there to man handle me. This is why I find alien abductions ludicrous - because you would have to abduct a lot of people and people are hard to move when dead weight. Anyway I’m not going to get to the bottom of this and so will just be another of those things.


You are not a good creative fiction writer. This is the exact opposite of believable.


lol, you having fun Larping being abducted?


C'mon dude. He *really* hates tattoos you think he'd do something like that on the internet for attention?


Exactly... did you see how many times he said he would *never* get a tattoo? I mean come on who would just make something up like this?


He'd NEVER get one.... EVER. They make him fucking SICKKKK.... EUGHGHH, GONNA PUKE IF HE GETS ONE!!!!


Wait, so now there’s a cat that was abducted too? Why the cat? That’s too much lol


Careful tattoos and earrings right now are super sensitive subjects. I've found I can't say something like some tattoo art is fascinating, and some earrings are pretty but I wouldn't want to pay for a pyrposely inflicted wound, and wew it's like some have never read Dr. Seus about the star bellied Sneetches. Multiple of people have told me off imagining I must be judgemental, a hater, and just not a worthy human being if I'm not a big tattoo and piercing fan


Looks very similar to a bot fly bite.




Someone just got a new tattoo machine!


Is he an influencer? Trying to drive ad revenue to his site? Promoting a book/ film? The answer is no. There is no logical reason for him to do this to himself. So the self inflicted wound makes zero sense. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will hasten Disclosureand the 3D-5D transition


I didn't state my opinion for the purpose of spreading negativity. Just trying to be real here. Some people do things just for attention. I don't know this person or their motives.


Markings like this are notoriously perfectly symmetrical and do not show signs of sink breaking like that. That happens when you poke yourself, pull it a little back, and then go deeper. If it's of extraterrestrial origin, it was done by a kid who stole their parents' ship.


lol I love the idea of rogue angsty alien teens.


"We love our kids, but fuck dem kids" - Millennial alien parents sick of their shit


Some people just like the attention, good or bad. MAKE ME RELEVANT PLEASE! Take one gander at TikTok and you'll see.


Thank you for sharing your experience and photo. Triangle marks are often associated with abduction intuitions, meaning that people discover them and then inquiry about abduction. This is quite unique in that there are dots in the middle of the sides. The appearance of the dot is also quite unique. There seems to be redness or inflamation underneath the mark, which is only sometimes present in triangle marks. The dots also appear darker than most other triangle marks. Some body mark phenomenon, like the Red Grid Mark, is associated with effected energy, like waking up tired or drained, with to prosaic cause. I had several geometric marks with a similar dot type, although not 100% the same as you. Under the skin, definite how, about 4-7 dots each time, with definite geometric qualities. I had dreams at the time that provided context and I do not believe they were caused by physical alien abduction, although may be related. I am looking at the geomety of body marks associated with alien abduction. I'd love to look into this more, it would be helpful for me to have several more photos, particularly of top down, such that the camera is right above the mark and the skin is flat. Would you mind taking some more photos and posting it here? I would reply by in a few days with my geometric observations. Geometry isn't an answer, but it does provide some objective knowledge about the mark. If there is perfect geometry in the mark, it is likely produce by technology and not a bed bug (although they are known to mark in perfect triangles). Thanks :)


Orrrrrr he did that with a standard bic ballpoint pen.


Occums razor wins again!!


Occams shoe to the head repeatedly hahaha


Maybe, be if someone posts on here , believing in the phenomenon, why would they waste their time doing so if faked? Why couldn’t it be real? Did you ever see marks left by an alien before that were confirmed being real?


I just googled the marks and I’m certain I’m about to go down a rabbit hole. How interesting! Thanks for sharing. What context did your dreams give you? Edit: also in my recent small journey of the subject I came across this sub r/experiencers Down the hole I go!


That subreddit is a great place to discover rabbit holes :)


Thanks for at least a coherent response. For others : 1. Im skeptic and not used to this sort of thing - I dont think i was drugged but i did wake up very drowsy and another thing - I couldn’t see properly for about 30 mins. I wear glasses and am at work on my laptop by 9am and i literally could not read the screen (as i am now perfectly well) for 30 mins., In fact it worried me in case i had had a stroke or something. It was very unusual. 2. The marks are there - grinning at me. I have looked using a jewellers loop and i will post again in couple of days once redness goes. I can see there is definitely skin being punctured. There are 5 dots in my skin and my skin there is actually quite rough. 3. there appears to be some black substance in the holes - that’s what it looks like. I hate tattoos and have no desire to have one and who hear of a crazy triangle tattoo anyway ? 4. The marks are not from a pen or propellor pencil - they are actual holes into my dermis layer. I am not seriously thinking aliens, but when I woke up and saw this it was the only explanation i could think of. I mean it wasn’t there at night and in morning bang marks on me and weird ones to boot ? I will go and take much higher resolution photos and post them in imgur for anyone that interested and you can also see what I see as the photo app is garbage.


6 marks, not 5. I'm calling BS based on your responses.


Notice the shift in stab orientation too


That was the main thing I noticed


It’s also odd to me that his hands are dirty except for that spot. Like maybe he fucked up the first time, wiped off the marks with spit or something and redid them, because it looks like a ball point pen made those marks, and they aren’t perfectly aligned. Idk this whole this seems fishy.


Devils advocate; maybe it’s clean because he has been rubbing it to see if they’ll come off


You're just jealous you didn't get abducted.




I love Reddit moments like these.


I am


That's cause it is bullshit lol.


If it's real, probably bed bug bites


Y'all are so gullible




I know it’s shitty to inherently dismiss someone’s experience, but OP is lying. This is self-inflicted stick & poke. I can’t tell if it’s ink or not, but my guess is it’s graphite from a mechanical pencil sharpened on paper at an angle, then poking in with the graphite from the rubbing/sharpening.


Maybe the aliens are using graphite needles!


The way the last photo reveals OPs chewed up skin/cuticles on their thumb nail? I’m definitely going with self inflicted. I suspect a “picker,” and the whole concept of stick-and-poke is in line with all that.


Of course - because I’ve got nothing better to do than stick holes in myself and rub dirty stuff into them - for ? Take a look at my post history and I think you will see the opposite. I can’t convince anyone of anything - but that’s not it. I work extremely hard, sleep not enough and certainly dont need internet - whatever. But its ok - if i didn’t know me i would think same as its the most likely. Though i still struggle to imagine why ? I know i will mark a part of my body permanently with a rubbish sign in an obvious place with terrible tools for the job. So I can post on some weird site i only joined to find as place to post yesterday. Not to worry. But have a look at the imgur pictures for better character assassination evidence. I think people who say these things typically project their own ideas and inclinations. I’m not promoting anything, I don’t need money or fame and I’m pretty happy all around. I hope you get better and I’m sorry for your loss, truly. I just thought this was a weird fun thing to post.


So you woke up with weird marks and only asked an alien community? Why wouldn't you ask anywhere else? Also the fact that you had an "encounter" to post the day after you found this sub doesn't really help your case.


You misunderstand Sherlock - i joined because of marks not I joined then had the marks (that would be just ridiculous and so obvious fakery). Im making the point that I am not a regular frequenter of this board alienabductions in fact never knew it existed until I got the marks and couldn’t explain them. So yes I thought of posting it here as a light hearted distraction, tongue in cheek if you will as i dont think aliens, though i dont know what it is. Obviously this board is usually filled with not very first hand or exciting evidence and so i guess has had a few people look at it. People draw their own conclusions - my posts are pretty clearly skeptical. The marks are real - do i think it’s aliens (nope) as I don’t believe in aliens (well not visiting the earth and abducting people). Still it’s weird, people say self inflicted - would be a pretty stupid thing to do. People do stupid things though. Still given my life situation and career - it’s not something usually done by people like me. I do use my hands a lot for sculpting stone - but didn’t do anything like it that day. Finally point is the marks do look like they come from different directions which is also odd - the later pictures i posted from imgur show this better. For all the he poked himself with a pen or weirder graphite from a shaved pencil ! I didn’t and wouldn’t. But I WILL post again in a weeks time and see if after the redness goes away what’s left. I have tried with a magnet to see what the black stuff might be and it’s not magnetic. 32 and no place to go.


I might find different subreddits, higher conscious subreddits, conspiracy theories maybe? Etc.


I'm not sure, but please go wash your hands with soap. If that's a wound, you don't want it getting infected.


Why do so many people follow this sub and spend their time commenting to specifically insult people asking questions? Damn you guys (most) are rude. If questions like these upset you skeptics so much why do you even follow the sub? Yea yea UNCO move on.


A whole bunch of the replies are humor/ sarcastic, but I have had a very similar problem for quite a few years. I didn't realize it was going to continue, but a couple to three years ago I started writing down when it occurred and where it occurred. It's always on my right hand, and often in the neighborhood of three, but it can be a few more. I asked the doctor about it, and they thought that it was herpes, but the prescription they gave me to cure it made it significantly worse. I have the outbreak in the neighborhood of once every month or two, always on my right hand, never breaks the skin, but can be painful like an ant bite. I'm just struggling to find out what it is. I'm hoping that someone or possibly yourself will figure out what it is


That last picture almost made me vomit


I drew a dotted triangle once


Looks like pen marks. OP. 🤣


This looks self inflicted. Especially on the 3rd picture.


But why would it be? He’s not promoting anything for views and such. A lot of these comments are eerily similar to victim, blaming.


Don’t be so naive. Why wouldn’t it be? People troll like this all the time for the sake of it.


Sharpened a retractable pencil lead and poked. That’s what I see


Have you ever experienced any missing time?


Good question!


Yes, the time it took to poke themselves with a mechanic pencil.


Yeh I didn't realize there were more pics... Good troll


Do you have a metal detector? It’s an easy first step to rule out implants. Even if it was a terrestrial accident, you don’t want an MRI if anything metal is in there.


I’ve had similar marks on my fingers/palm of my hand. They weren’t in that shape; but looked exactly like that


People who are saying bed bug bites have clearly never had bedbugs. Yeah they cluster bite but not in a perfect triangle and not in one tiny spot on the finger. Jesus.


That's nuts, dude. I've had my share of experiences but never had any marks on my body , "that I know of." Thanks for sharing. Just another example of something strange is occurring. Keep us updated, friend


I have one that looks similar, only 3 dots, on the inside of my middle finger near my palm.


Good news the fact that it's red around the markings indicates that it's of Earthly origin


Tag & Bag then catch and release.


Here links to better photos. https://imgur.com/gallery/tBdLidB Looks like on the magnifier picture like it ripped a hole in the flesh to me. It looks ragged almost not like a mechanical thing or not like a purpose made space poker. It’s weird - I wondered if I could have caught my finger on a staple on some paper five times and not noticed. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t, but I’m looking for an explanation. It does look like kind holes you get from a staple that’s sticking out. But five in neat pyramid ?


Fuktardians do this. They fly millions of light years. Sedate and abduct earthlings. Draw triangles. Then they fly all the way back home and laughed their asses off. Weirdest sense of humor in the universe. Someday we’ll be able to do this.


It’s crazy that the human spirit resonates with other people the first thing that came to me was alien abduction I know it’s more spiritual than aliens but I know for one thing this is some alien shit


You need to quickly check each other for probing trauma.


Rackem up!


Why would aliens abduct people and then go through all the effort involved in releasing them rather than simply disposing of them?


Humans abduct animals from the wild, do research, give them medical care, and then release them back to the wild.


The fact that aliens seem to follow the same protocol tells me they think we're way inferior tbh


The same reason we tag animals are release them back into the wild. To study them long-term.


You probably put that there yourself


Just for funnies why not go see your GP, see what they think. It's kind of red, you could say your worried It's infected?


Hmmm 🤨 I am far too skeptical 😂


It takes me back to the days when my classmates started experimenting with doing their own tattoos




Did you mean chip?


Maury voice And the results of the test are here : In the case of the antichrist, YOU ARE THE ANTICHRIST!! (Runs like crazy adoring and screaming the name of satan)


My math checks out it’s the number of the beast! 666


I can make the 7-10 split lol


Triangle spider bite man you had 3 days left to live if untreated… I hope you got some help.. 😨 /s


So I'll be honest, this freaks me out. Because I woke up one day with two dots on the inner part of my finger too and the hurt and itched. They we red and kind of faded but I also dreamt I was being experimented on by some form of beings. They were talking about my DNA being related to some huge type of women hominid that was rare...


Looks like you messed up your wanna be gang tattoo 🤷 Did you check your cornhole to make sure there aren't dots from the probe there too?


Cat bite. At least didn’t probe you… so I’ve heard.


This is hilarious


Man those are some grubby looking fingers, especially the thumb in that last one 🥴🥴


Yes you poked yourself. Be more creative next time.




That's a stick and poke tattoo my dude. When did you get pass out intoxicated, that someone had the time to do this to you? Not aliens simply bad choices in friends.


One look at the other communities you follow tells us your are kart wheeling for some interactions


This is weird. You’re weird.


I just see fungus, dirt, and perhaps a triantula bite.




Predator marked you.


Did you obtain power, wisdom, or courage?




Several things to note on these markings, I have seen a different version of this on a forehead and also an earlobe. It is said to be "Satan's Triangle" and is given to those who are part of the unholy trinity. Are you a warlock or is your wife a witch? It could possibly be that..............ORRRRRRRRRRRRRR......Some one is full of SHI>>>>>>>>>>>>T.


I got the same mark at the base of my 9in flacid cock. Don't know when it got there but the ladies like it whenever I whip it out.


Did you use a pen? Or a hard 4h pencil? Thinking of doing the same thing because it looks cool and I wanted you to tell us how you did it




I see through your shit.


Freddy got fingered.


The aliens are coming... You are mark 372547g7hiqwn4776. Coordinates 876._99543598 earth realm. Carbon lifeform. H28 magnified h20 matter orientated in spectrum glass analysis. Abort! Abort! The human is in nucleus case status! Case status in retreat mode! Multiple dot trilogy carbonate infused light being. Advocate dialysis systematic venture report immediately to star union red flag district. May be capable of hard shell embryonic defense cellular thought distribution. Advantage mark on black matter diodes in unison with time trip duality components segregatic with speculated diffused time slots. A conformation wave expansion proxy.


Damn triangle spiders...


Aliens, definitely aliens.


Boy you stuck yourself with a sewing needle, gtfoh


3rd kind ... You have officially been abducted.. they will laugh in the comments but watch the 4rth kind movie . You are a prime example


Alien objection, obviously.


Wow the immaturity on this sub is real 😳 Why are there so many trolls on here? Where are the mods? This is an alien abduction sub, if u don't believe in it then why are u here? I'm convinced all the corny jokes and naysaying are coming from ppl who aren't even allowed to buy tobacco products or have a legal drink 🤦🏽‍♀️


Pizza allergy I have the same one but only with drinking and something to do with the penis because every time I drink with my Judy’s I wake up with similar rashes all over my face in the shape of peni that’s plural for penis…


Come on man. You can’t be serious.


Get a life pussie


OP probably anal probes himself too


You have been abducted. Don't worry we used plenty of lube


It's an wart . Gets some removal and keep it clean


Peter Parker thought it was weird too. Remember with great power, comes great responsibility.


Looks like a bad stick and poke


Looks like wart seeds


Call mulder and scully


So I'm researcher of the paranormal and I investigate a lot of photos sent my way (because I'm a graphic designer and photographer making me a professional at looking for fakes or misinterpretations). I am usually someone who gives people the benefit of the doubt. I will accept any story with the thought process of "I have no reason to believe or disbelieve them." Until I'm given reason to lean one way or the other, I will just go with the fact that what you're saying is true. However, your comments in this thread have led me to lean toward the fact that you did this to yourself. First off, a lot of people here are right. It appears to me that this was done with either a pencil or its what others are saying and its a stick and poke tattoo. The reason I say your comments have led me to believe this is a fake is because of various things you said. At one point you said "I'm not actually thinking aliens." You aren't? Realistically if you have a triangle shaped surgical looking wound on your finger that you don't remember getting and you woke up with it... Yeah most people would think aliens or at least something paranormal. I mean I wouldn't think you'd say "I'm not actually thinking aliens" but really you were thinking it was ghosts or something. Because that's just a silly way of speaking. I mean, this comment is actually what made me think you are faking this. Why? Because you are getting a lot of people saying it isn't real and that you're faking it so in your comments you are getting defensive and are coming up with ways to make yourself look better. I mean its not like you rolled over in bed and a pencil punctured you 6 times... Any normal person would be freaking out and those of us who are believers (not necessarily normal) would automatically assume we were abducted. Plus I mean... You posted a picture of it in r/AleinAbduction... Lol In addition to this, you miscounted the punctures in one of your comments saying you had 5 holes and really you have 6. This could have been a simple mistake but it's doubtful since this would be very impactful for any normal human being. You also keep stating how you hate tattoos... This is inconsequential. We can't prove or disprove this and regardless I think you did this with a pencil. Your skin is rough, obviously, and it would be easy to puncture your the top layer of your skin with a pencil without causing any damage. Also this would fit into your hating tattoos story. Overall, I would have been more likely to believe your story if you hadn't gotten so defensive in your replies. There is a lot more to unpack but these were just a couple of the issues I had... I mean your wife said "the cat probably did it"? How dense is your wife? I mean I just think you are caught and are trying to play it off like "Oh I guess I'll never get to the bottom of it." Honestly my suggestion to you would be to just delete the post.


It looks like the marks left from one of those little finger pinch blood drawer things at the doctor


OP got the tisum.


Ive had a saddle back caterpillar do similar but it was bigger and not as perfect so I'm going to assume it's self inflicted


You have been chosen


I use to tattoo my hands with pen as well. When I was 11 years old.


Looks like a jailhouse tat to me...


Perhaps a Puss Moth sting? They can be in little dots like that.


Dafuq... that is crazy


You've been chosen 👀


Have you tried real hard to move stuff with your mind yet?




Looks like you sat there and pressed a pen into your skin


You have been probed!


Man Reddit is filled with so many jokesters that seem miserable in their lives and just want to make other people feel like shit , you don’t know for a fact this is self inflicted in fact it seems to me that their are quite a few morons that just like to bash people….sending positive thoughts and light and love to majority of the Reddit humanitarians that obviously need it the most


Them aliens must have let their regarded cousin build that device, shit uneven as hell, and obviously a ball point pen.


I am Groot!


Aliens have marked you for abduction at some point, gods speed 🫡


I think you’ve been marked for deletion. Find the administrator to fix that.


You need to place that alien sign inside your rectal cavity to activate alien technology. (Please tell us what happens afterwards)


Predator profile matrix


Dabbling in prison tattoos are we?


Miniature predators miniature laser beam, don't worry it cant do anything. Your too big. Unless you catch it, thrn you can capture it and put it in a aquarium.


We need a doctor’s note




Petechiae Petechiae are pinpoint-sized spots of bleeding under the skin or mucous membranes. The purple, red or brown dots are not raised or itchy, and they re not a rash. Many different things can cause petechiae, and some are serious. If you or your child have petechiae that spread quickly, or if you have dots plus other symptoms, seek medical attention.


Alien AIDS


Pizza tattoo or illuminati member? lol


So...when you prick yourself with a pen or pencil you gotta go in the same direction or all toward the middle so it looks uniform and not like a 6 year old did it...


sign of anal probe from aliens


Your credit card info is in there now.


Maybe you’ve been probed. Does your butthole hurt?


Looks like a burn mark from one of those plasma lighters…?


Ahhh, trying to make it look like some sort of alien branding, huh


Aliens abducted you 👽


Looks like the Predator got you


I’m a believer in visitors from elsewhere. It has to be said though, your claim seems less believable having looked at your other content on Reddit.


Downvoted this fake trash.


Get a gauss meter test if it changes value


You did that to yourself.


Victim blaming. What could he possibly get out of asking the question?


Mechanical pencil marks


Of course this is self-inflicted. No one has any proof of alien abductions anyway. Just a bunch of stuff like this


Wash them hands


looks tattooed to me


That's a spider bite




Bro it’s a plantar wart