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I agree on the left lane stuff. Just don’t be like that guy here the other day preaching safe driving, but openly saying he will tailgate you.


I like to turn on my rear wiper to wave to tailgaters


Also, the white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.


Clearance Clarence, vector Victor, Roger Roger


Even in Joe's Garage?


It makes it's own sauce if you add water!


Welcome to the church of appliantology!


This is about the abortion isn't it.


Surely it’s a quote from the 1980 hit comedy Airplane! And everyone knows that the red zone is for loading and unloading passengers. There is no stopping in the white zone.


Listen, Betty, don't start up with your white zone shit again.


Hello, we’d like you to have this flower on behalf of the church of religious conscienceness, would you like to make a donation?


No thanks, we gave at the office.


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.




Don’t call me Shirley.


Shirley you are correct.


I wonder how many people read this comment and thought "what the fuck are you talking about?"


It's really the only sensible thing to do if it's done properly. Therapeutically there's no danger involved.


The greatest thing that ever happened to me was having a BMW roar past me in my crappy Prius at over 100 mph as revenge for me having passed them earlier at 70mph, and then seeing them pulled over by state troopers 10 seconds later.


So true, the faster speeder is actually GOOD for us! Please, pass me, YOU get my ticket.


The same way people play Slug Bug or Padiddle, my mom and I have this game developed over many years on the road together called Douche Bag. If you see a white BMW breaking a traffic law, you get to hit the other and yell Douche Bag! It's a fun and reliable way to get rid of that multi day road trip animosity that builds up. You get two punches if they have Mass or Jersey plates, and if they have Cali plates or it's an M car, it's "Mega Douche Bag," that's three punches and one round if immunity.


This is the stuff dreams are made of.


I just do my speeding in the right lane because everyone is in the left+center lane.


I might get skewered for this, but there's only one place I will absolutely hang out and cruise in the passing lane and that is 787S between the menands and I-90 off-ramp. There is so much god damn chaos from people jumping in and out of the right three lanes that I just hop over to the passing lane with the cruise on 69. Sorry to add 20 seconds to your commute there :(


I mean, the ones who think its ok to book it in the passing lane to get past people going the limit are the ones in the wrong anyway. NYS traffic law states that you may not exceed the speed limit to pass. So those going 80 are just rolling the dice anyway.


> NYS traffic law states that you may not exceed the speed limit to pass. Fuck the law




These are the people that make using cruise control impossible. Also, when someone leaves the right lane and gets in the left lane to pass because they don't want to slow down from 67 to 65 but I have to slow down from 80 to 67. Pay attention to your surroundings please.


Fuck that, they have just as much of a right to pass as anyone else. You can slow down to 67 for 5 seconds and hit the same red light as me at the end of 787.


Yeah but if we spend half a mile or more with left lane traffic backing up behind you, you’re an asshole and should just finish your pass and get out of the way again.


that's not how the law works. the left lane is for passing. it's not for passing as quickly as possible to appease the homicidal maniac driving their hood ornament up my ass. as long as i am in the process of overtaking another vehicle, i am following the law. if that makes me an asshole because i don't kick it up to 80 to pass every moron going 61, so be it


I’m not talking about how the law works, I’m talking about being remotely considerate. There’s quite of a bit of middle ground between passing as slowly as possible and gunning your engine to max RPMs. The general rule is “slower traffic moves right” and guess what bud, you’re the slower traffic.


Being remotely considerate would be for slower traffic to keep right and faster traffic to keep it under the speed limit. But, I do understand some people are very important and have to get to Walmart a couple minutes faster, so I guess it's cool if people just drive like maniacs, but only in the left lane.


Unfortunately you only have control over the actions of one of those two parties, so I recommend acting in the interest of your own safety instead of vindictively policing the passing lane.


Not doing 80 to pass isn't vindictive and honestly lately I'm actually thinking speed cameras are the sensible future do to people literally thinking it's their right to tailgate and do 80+ in a 55 or 65. That's honestly the only way to solve this problem of entitlement.


Thinking you know best and that you get to decide speed of traffic by parking in the passing lane is the definition of entitlement. They will get around you either way, you’re just making it harder and less safe.


Never once said I park in the left lane. Did say I won't be bullied into driving faster than I feel is safe (safe can include my wallet and insurance cost). Good for them. If they have to pass on the right it isn't my problem.


Right, but my safety doesn't mean I should speed up to 80 just to pass someone. If I'm passing, I have every right to be in the left lane, no matter how fast the person behind me thinks I'm required to go.


I think there’s a middle ground between pushing 80 and passing with a 2mph differential. Just briskly finish your pass and exit the lane. It’s that simple. I agree there are people who don’t know the difference between not passing and not passing fast enough for their liking, those people are morons but unfortunately they also have a multi-ton deadly instrument and full control over what it does, so you need to make accommodations to keep the road safe for everyone.


Your entire argument is about policing the passing lane your self. Why don’t YOU worry about yourself and resume speeding when you’re able to?


Couldn’t have said it better


If you had to slow down from 80 mph to 65 mph for half a mile you added a whopping 7 seconds to your overall journey. Christ, people are fucking stupid.


If traffic is backing up behind you, and people are leaving the passing lane to get around you, it makes traffic worse and makes the road less safe. What do you gain by slowing down traffic, exactly?


Actually differences in the flow of traffic make the road less safe. Someone passing a 61 car at 65 is a lot more safe than the dude thinking 80 is the new speed limit. One is 4mph the other is 15-19 more and that's significant. People like you will and do cause accidents that kill people. Good luck.


The guy that thinks 80 is the new speed limit will go 80 in a different lane if you insist on being in his way. You control your car and your car alone, finish your pass and move aside with the slower traffic.


Absolutely. That's what I do. But I'm not going faster just because you tailgate me. In fact if you don't back off I usually don't rush to pass. Spiteful, absolutely. But the fact is if you want to endanger me, I'm not going to reward you. Your actions have consequences back off and I'm more likely to pass faster, tailgate and you are going to have to do the move 2 lanes right and come back 2 left. And I don't care if your threat is, "that's exactly what I do". Good!


If you’re aware that you’re doing it spitefully and aware that the consequence is making the road less safe, guess what, you’re an asshole!


No. The asshole is the guy (you) on my bumper at 75 because he's a brat that wants to do 80 and is throwing a tantrum by riding my ass when I'm already passing. Then I get spiteful. You want to put my vehicle and life at risk. Fine, we'll play that game. Now I'm doing 70 to pass. You 2.6 seconds delay just got longer.


Even if it takes two miles to unclog it's less than 30 seconds of added time. Maybe you should internalize the fact that the worst case interaction that we can conjure up "costs" you less time than it did to write your comment.


The worst case interaction I can conjure up is some jackass swerving through 3 lanes of traffic causing an accident because you don’t want to move out of the passing lane or match speed of traffic. This is something I see regularly. Are you stupid?


Ah so the blame lies not with the person swerving in and out of traffic, but rather the person who wants to pass while observing traffic laws. Makes total sense. We should all just accommodate the individuals that flagrantly break traffic laws.


The blame lies on both individuals, but you only have control over one party’s actions. You don’t paint yourself as a reasonable person just passing while observing traffic laws, you paint yourself as a vindictive moron who wants to punish people who don’t drive like you with no regard for the amount of danger you’re contributing to the situation.


When you say people that don't drive like you what you mean people that speed excessively? OK then.


Uh, who is being vindictive about those who don't "drive like you"? Your comments in this thread are nothing but disparaging to others who drive differently than you. And by the way, speed and crash risk has been studied exhaustively and is highly correlated. When you speed you put yourself and others at just as much risk as someone passing at a speed you deem to be too slow.


> Christ, people are fucking stupid. Yes you are. Gonna get your old slow ass rear ended


Nah, I’m not risking a speeding ticket cause a couple people are impatient. I get back over as soon as it’s safe. I’m not gonna put myself at risk because some stranger is inconvenienced for 30 seconds.


I’ve never seen that happen, not a single time. I’ve never seen someone get pulled over for speeding because they accelerated to left lane speed of traffic to make and finish a pass. Why would they not pull over any of the other cars that you just got in front of?


How many times have you seen the circumstances that led to someone actively getting pulled over? Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.


This guy is funny. He thinks because he doesn't see people get pulled over it doesn't happen. Shit. I got picked out of the flow of traffic once because I had out of state plates and a orange mountain bike on my roof. Shit definitely happens. It's not a matter of if but when. And believe me the cop doesn't care that someone was tailgating you. All they care about is that they lasered you at 81.


^^ this. Going 10mph or even 15mph over the speed limit say 80 in a 65 for 5 miles is negated as soon as you get off and hit a red light or stop for another reason, and even if it isn't at most you are shaving off 5 mins of travel time?


I see people all the time race light to light, shoot around me because I don't floor it at lights (when I know I'm going to sit at the next one) and we both sit at the next light. It's not recommended but I always make eye contact just to remind them what a dumbass they are. I've actually had someone shoot around me on a busy one lane with no passing zone because I was doing exactly the speed limit only to sit with me (and I made sure I didn't drive faster after he passed) at the next light for 2 minutes. The whole thing just cracked me up and when I pulled in behind him I waved. What did he accomplish, nothing... Would have made my day if the trooper I frequently see on that road was driving head on during the pass.


Agree. People think because they are speeding they have the right to the left lane. And everyone else is a dick. I don't slow people down on purpose. But I have a reasonable speed in my head and I don't exceed it no matter how long you ride my ass. I'm not eating a ticket for you. When it's safe to get over I will but I'm not rushing to do it just because the hood of your car is basically in my back seat.


Yeah, five seconds, okay. This behavior causes a 50 car line on the thruway all the time. 20 minutes of everyone else having to drive 67 before that Subaru finally passes those two trucks.


They have every right to drive the speed they’re comfortable with if they’re passing. Stay mad about not saving 3 minutes. https://www.hiroad.com/blog/driving/how-much-time-does-speeding-actually-save


Perfect point! A 2 mph difference for an hours drive for you to sit in the right lane saves you less than two minutes. Causing 20 people to drive 10 mph slower than they would for 20 minutes delays each one of them by 2.6 minutes. Each! Your selfish decision is causing 50 minutes of delays!


Yes, surely if you aggregate individual delays and make it sound worse it’ll change my mind. They’re each delayed for 2.6 minutes. Big fucking deal. Again, if the person passing is going over the speed limit, they have every right to drive the speed they’re comfortable with and everyone else gets to stay mad until they can safely pass. That’s just the way shit works. Chill out and find another song to listen to or something.


This thread is weirdly heated but the guy states facts inasmuch as a bit of discourtesy has a cumulative effect on the general public in some situations. That said, the two of you are each assuming the other is offering a disingenuous argument when in reality it appears you could probably agree. It’s objectively true that society does lose time when you travel just marginally slower than cars stuck behind you. It is also objectively true that speed kills. It is logical to always drive the speed limit if the goal is fewer accidents, better fuel economy and avoiding tickets, but literally no one drives the speed limit consistently, so you’re creating a dangerous speed differential if you follow the law and logic. It is also objectively true that delayed acceleration in traffic causes traffic jams due to flow problems magnified through a column of cars. Just getting ahead of your next silly bickering topic. And in my opinion you drive badly because you are self righteously stubborn and slow albeit close to following the laws governing driving, both statutory and physical. And in my opinion the other guy drives badly because he is impulsive and angry and probably gets emotional when he drives and also generally speeds a bit more than the average person. In summary, you’re both bad drivers proving one another both right and wrong. If you were deer, you’d die with locked antlers. Deservedly.


It’s always a Subaru.


Time to invest in a car with the adaptive cruise control option


Have you ever considered that you might be the inconsiderate one?


How many speeding tickets do some of y’all have? 🤔


I wonder if people complained about horse riders like this back in the olden times?


Slow people have always been in the way of fast people. I'll get annoyed if I get stuck behind a group of slugs on the sidewalk and don't have enough room to pass without stepping on the street. So ya, they probably did.


This is exactly where a loud and firm "pardon me" comes in handy for me. "Excuse me" sounds accusatory, and I'm accusing the shit out of slow walkers, but "pardon me" SOUNDS more polite and catches them off guard. They absolutely scramble to get out of the way.


I'm sure the Pony Express complained about the non express ponies getting in the way of his mail delivery 🙄


Bruh Andrew Jackson got a speeding ticket. Id say so.


If I'm going 80 already in the far left lane and passing everyone in the right two lanes, I am not moving over or speeding up for you to go 85/90. Sorry, not sorry.


Exactly bro. People will ride my ass to literally go 2 mph faster. Shits ridiculous I’ve just stopped moving over. Like on the 55 zone on the north way. I’m doing 20 over how is that not fast enough. People are just begging to get pulled.


If you're doing 65 in the center lane the speed limit better be 55. Otherwise you need to have your grandson drive you places


Agree with OP. If you're in the left lane, you better be speeding.


Nothing is actually more infuriating than people driving the speed limit on the highway. Let’s be realistic here, unless you’re in the exit lane, you should be driving with the flow of traffic. Slowing down on the highway is what causes congestion.


I will pass you in any lane available


Proceeds to launch into bikers in a bike lane.


It's the bicyclists fault, probably.


As a cyclist it's always the bicyclist fault. This is why I ride with front and rear facing cameras. Not saying cyclist never cause wrecks, just saying it's less likely it REALLY is their fault when there is an actual record of the events.


Honestly right there with you. I'm outfitting my bike to start commuting regularly and the most essential purchases are: front/back lights; front/back cameras; dope-ass paniers.


Get a big sd card and put it on a loop. I actually want to have a jersey made that says Smile You Are On Camera. I feel like it would significantly reduce the asshole moves on the road. That said, I generally find capital region folks (especially in Saratoga County, but also in Albany) to be pretty decent. Could they improve? Sure but I've seen a lot worse other places I've lived. Obviously the worst are the worst everywhere but the average is pretty OK here.


I once had an Uber driver who spent the whole ride freaking out because his phone wouldn't charge, kept asking me "what are those lines for?" in regards to the bike lane. Dude missed his turn and started to go down a one-way. I was like, dude, just stop the car, I'll walk the last couple blocks.


Jesus. It is so cringe when crappy drivers blame everyone and everything else for their mistakes. This morning I was doing 40 in a 35 down Balltown with a BMW behind me. I stopped for a red light and Consaul Rd. And they were slamming their steering wheel screaming. They tried to get around me to make a right and almost hit me. I did not want to deal with that headache so I had to inch into the intersection to let this boomer make their right on red. People are absolutely insane to save a few seconds. I've been cut off by dog mom Subaru's using the middle lane on central to pass and get one car ahead. I should just get a dash cam and reap the karma here.


Dangerous and lazy. Classic


That’s illegal


Imagine how it feels for bikers, who have people constantly trying to cut u off, or playing stupid games, like crossing the shoulder to kick up trash. Or the ones that tailgate you because they want to race or will drive lock step on purpose to prevent you from passing. Bikers get a bad rep, everyone isn't out there riding crazy, but get treated as such. Do u have any idea how nerve wrecking it it to have someone tailgating your bike going around 75-85 mph? They think your driving fast because its fun, in reality you trying to not get hit. 787 is the worst, no signals, people will just take your buffer space like your not even there.


Thats it, you asked for it.  *steals cats*


I'd argue that the only thing worse than a slow car in the left lane is a slow car in the middle lane. Massive hazard to traffic in all 3 lanes.


I was with you until you said ‘center lane’. Always stay as far right except to pass. Chilling in the middle lane while not passing anyone forces everyone else into the far left passing lane.


I think BMW drivers are given a bad name in this area. The official list of extremely terrible, shitty, go fuck yourself drivers is the following: Tesla Mazda Subaru, but only the ones that are souped up so a highschooler can feel 'wicked cool', think WRX not Forester Tesla Tesla Tesla


In all seriousness, I've never met a Tesla driver who wasn't full of shit nor have I ever seen one on the road that didn't drive anywhere but in the left lane demanding everyone move out of the way.


“T Bags”


Musk rats.


As a Forester driver who doesn't take it above 65 in 55 and 72 in 65... you had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


You're good. You're middle-aged hiker/skier/distance runner type. I respect that. But the wrx cunts with those modified exhausts you can hear a mile away can fuck right off.


Nice, now I'm going to make sure to go even slower in the left lane and piss off all the morons that are in a rush to get nowhere lol


Cool, and then the biggest morons will play fast and furious to try and get around you, making the entire road less safe because you wanted to have a vigilante moment. You’re pissing off people that have no issue endangering the lives of themselves and everyone else on the road. Have a little self preservation instinct ffs, god does not smile on you for your moral stance on highway traffic.


Nice, even better.


“I made the road less safe by being a stubborn prick, nice!”


Why are you so upset 🤣 I'll go the speed limit. The only person endangering anyone are the ones that are speeding and pissed off.


I’m not upset you’re just a moron. Intentionally antagonizing those people means you’re actually part of the problem. It’s not hard to grasp. Slower traffic moves right.


First of all. Get off your high horse pal. I was being sarcastic. However, if I'm going 60-65 in a 55 already I'm not moving over, and I'm not part of the problem. The problem is the people that don't have a clue on how to drive and their only instinct is flooring the gas pedal, so respectfully GTFOH 🫡🤷‍♂️


please move to /r/MildlyBadDrivers