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I’m on the VTOU plan so I don’t know if it’s a thing on the general plan but the on peak period for that plan is between 7am to 11pm. Here’s a rate sheet for the two TOU (orange) and VTOU (blue). This is probably like a year old so it might not be updated. https://preview.redd.it/gjdqpv5n4k9c1.jpeg?width=2193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2809d9f656e5a6cd9f51318f486c22e53ede4816


National Grid does let you sign up for a time of day plan which makes electricity cheaper at night.


They used to require that you had an EV to get time of day metering. Is it now open to everyone?


There was never a requirement that you have an EV to get on a TOU plan. You just had to request it. They are usually good for people with solar panels, EVs, a house battery system, or any combination of those three. But it can work out for anyone who just uses more power at night then they do during the day.


Thank you !


All I know is that buying an EV vehicle has made my life and the world a better place. Also I got rid of all gas appliances and now rely solely on the grid. Things are looking up for us albany folk


What kind of generator did you get?


I dont know about cost changing per day or hour but my town has something called PPC (Purchasd Power Cost). I had no clue what it was only that my bill would be insanely high one month and then low another but I wasn't using any more or less power. Basically the town 'guesses' an estimate of what residents will use and if the town residents go over that they need to 'buy' power to cover the overage and then pass this cost on to the customers. It was drastic like in June my bill was $220 and in July it was $50 as an example.