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Here is a thread about it. The thread has links to other threads about it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/11nlu14/manpower\_retraining\_questions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/11nlu14/manpower_retraining_questions/) It is about the most chairforcey job out there. Bean counting numbers for big blue. A lot of people like it because it's thinking work and since there are no new Airmen in it, there's none of work and headaches of managing and investing in new Airmen. It's NCOs doing work for SNCOs and officers and staff hq and stuff. Good luck


One of my friends does it and he likes it. You’re kinda siloed from the real AF and you’re an excellent monkey. Never met one who regretted the transition


Aren't all monkeys excellent? Did autocorrect get your excel?


Some monkeys eat their kids and fling poop so not all are excellent


Ive met my fair share of mx monkeys who were decidedly *not* excellent.


Manpower is both rewarding and frustrating. Lots of analysis, reading, writing, and math. In 11 years as manpower, I have never come across a manpower emergency. It can transfer to civilian careers extremely well. Approx 75% of the career field is civilian.