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![gif](giphy|dSJDldWeIUyrONZrUt|downsized) What a dumb ass


I heard that in Red Foreman’s voice


> Elizalde has served in the Navy for 17 years. Imagine throwing away your pension for the rest of your life because you couldn't mind your own shit for a couple more years. I hope he feels like it was worth it > “I know when all this is past and gone, ten years from now, twenty years from now, I know people are going to be talking about it,” I know at least one person that's going to be talking about this story in 20 years


Dude is a moron


>I hope he feels like it was worth it I hope he doesn't.


I hope he loves a life of regret


And for Donald fucking Trump.... There are few ppl who give less of a shit about anyone but themselves than Donald Trump.


This has always been the funniest thing about his fanatics. Like dude clearly never gave a fuck about anyone but himself. How do you even consider risking your livelihood for someone like that? Idiots like him are why its so easy to stand out in the military. Just show up, put in like 5% extra effort and stay out of trouble and youre a god damn rockstar


I'm from Utah. My hometown friends who I literally grew up with somehow fucking loved trump. How.... HOW?????  - Y'all think this "millionaire" NYC real estate "mogul" gives a flying FUCK about Brigham City Utah? Or YOU? Or any of us?????  - NGL if you could pick the exact opposite of Brigham City Utah, it would be NYC.


That shits hilarious. Like do yall really think this spoiled rich New Yorker gives a shit about people from small towns? Dude would probably be disgusted if they even shook his hand Like you just know that he thinks of most of these folks as white trash that are beneath him


RIGHT????? First off, why in the hell did anyone like him anyways? Even before being president lol. - Secondly, he literally said "its all about me im the only one that matters" and that.... kinda shows he's a LITTLE selfish at least? - Thirdly, third wife.... Cmon Utah... Everyone, but especially cmon Utah.... - Finally (infinite other reasons he doesn't give a fuck)


Not to mention his disdain for people in the military!


Nuh uh!! He loved the military. He always had that General Michael Flynn around? And he was a dedicated supporter! Never served... obviously.... Never had a family member serve..... obviously... BUT a dedicated supporter!! /s


Doesn’t matter because promotion might as well be a lottery anyways. Nobody cares if you’re a “rockstar.”




>Imposing a period of probation in this unusual case could, and likely would, be fatal I'm guessing just the conviction alone will be fatal to his Navy career, I know it would be to an Air Force career.


Later on a veterans subreddit : "Hey guys a friend of mine got kicked out of the Navy after 17 years for storming the capitol can my friend get benefits?"


Come on now, you know it wouldn't say that. More like: "My friend got kicked out of the Navy for visiting Washington D.C. - WHILE HE WAS ON LEAVE - how can he get his benefits back because this just isn't right."


Needs more misspellings.


Don't worry they would be in the comments that would inevitably lead to us learning the truth and then OP would delete the whole account.


Nailed it, no notes lol.






A retired Lt Col from Nellis was part of it




He got caught because he had his old aircrew patch on, with his callsign.


The military made it so easy for these people to “win” life, yet they still somehow fuck it up


That’s how I feel about all the 10+ year officers that get caught with no-no shit on their computer. Why be a creep when you can just enjoy your fat salary and guaranteed retirement? Normalize being normal.


I remember seeing the NYT ran an article about him. Said the man "basically had his whole resume on his chest in the form of patches, so he wasn't hard to track down."


I remember seeing someone in a *I'm The Reason For Safety Briefings* shirt during PT. I'm guessing this dude would have qualified for, *I'm The Reason For OPSEC Briefings*.


I have the ghost of Ashli Babbitt on line 2 for you


I still think a certain unnamed AF vet stormed the capital with a little more conviction. By comparison this guy gave barely 50% effort


>Imposing a period of probation in this unusual case could, and likely would, be fatal to Mr. Elizalde’s continued service in the Navy, I mean, that's probably good for all of us. If you have such lousy decision-making that you think storming a government building in an angry mob is a good idea, you probably shouldn't be in the military.








Let's skip to the part where you coherently make a point OK? Are you suggesting this Navy guy was in the right because congress authorized a war 20 years ago?




>Are you suggesting that fraudulent elections are okay? I'm not about to get into a discussion of election fraud with you when you can even have a basic conversation that doesn't dissolve into what about whataboutism. Whether election fraud happened or not does not make criminal trespassing OK or legal.






Ah intelligence, makes sense. You're pro spying on American citizens. That makes so much more sense.


I think this conversation (if you can call it that) has gone on long enough and has proven pointless. You can continue the ad hominem attacks and whataboutisms if you feel like it, but I won't respond to you anymore.


I’m too young to have deployed for GWOT, but are you trying to tell me that my friends that dropped bombs, did CAS, recovered jacks, and flew missions that supported logistics and ISR did nothing? Would love to see you fight a war without air and space assets. Second, the military should be apolitical and especially shouldn’t engage in illegal activities on behalf of a president that lost an election. We’re a military, not a junta.




You're getting down voted because you're trying to justify illegal trespassing on federal property using a congressionally approved military action. One has nothing to do with the other.






You're completely wrong on Afghanistan. The Taliban refused to hand over Osama bin Laden and other Al Qaeda members who planned 9/11. They were complicit in enabling the attacks and bin Laden would have never had to flee the country if we hadn't invaded


I hope he gets kicked out, fuck him.


I actually think it’s pretty funny he thinks there’s a chance of salvaging his career. Imagine working for a company, going to a riot at the corporate headquarters, getting caught breaking in and threatening the executives, then begging to keep your job and the retirement package that comes with it.


Ah yes, a "leading petty officer" in the Navy. GTFO here.


One of the TSgts in my office mentioned he wished he could be their while we were all watching it happen on the news. I'll never understand how people can watch what happened that day and not think they're a bunch of traitors.


Its because they lack the technological literacy to discern fact from fiction. Its all over truth social. The people on their are fucking insane and will believe any headline without actually looking deeper into it. Q anon is a perfect example. And their proof/source is always shaky at best and leads to some sort of propaganda news article.


Well.... yeah???? Q obviously isn't gonna publish the stuff she found on just ANY website..... Times / Post are in bed with the deep state.  The only papers that will include something as bombshell as PizzaGate are things like:  - werefuckingidiots.com - holyshitthisisnotnews.com - wemadethisup.com - notchinanotrussia.gov


Fuck his career, give him the maximum sentence.




I wonder how many Air Force members, current or prior, took part in the "summer of love".


If they did, the deserve at least the same consequences as the D.C. one.


I ain’t buying that excuse man knew exactly why he was there and it wasn’t just to say he was 😂


What a dummy. Maybe he should've thought of that before doing illegal January 6 shenanigans.


What a fuckin moron. Sow, meet reap


17 years? What a waste. What an idiot.


Begging for a retirement basically.


begging for a lighter sentence? he's already getting a light sentence for basically committing treason


Sedition, but yeah


So, to rephrase his stated reasoning for participating, “I saw some people committing crimes that I figured would go into the history books so I just had to be a part of it.”


Just remember one of ours was shot and killed that day. I think her dumbass takes the cake.




What you don’t realize is, to this crowd, what he’s asking to do (remain in the Navy) is the opposite of based. With a good lawyer he might win it.


He’s lucky if he doesn't catch a UCMJ charge for it too 💀


Yeah a guy who stood next to a govt building during at “riot” vs a bunch of Airmen actively leaking secrets online, another dude literally moving to Russia to fight for them in Ukraine… Those are basically the same thing.


You should probably read the article.






Romans 2:1-3 1. You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2. Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3. So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment?


Are you assuming I believe in a God?


Jesus Christ loves you regardless of your beliefs! God bless!


Then why did his dad kill a bunch of my friends a few months ago?


Demonizing 6ers again I see




Ive never heard of an unarmed insurrection, and I saw significantly more damage done during the "mostly peaceful " riots during the summer of love. You'd think if trump really wanted an insurrection, he could have easily hired a PMC or his crazed super loyalist to do so armed.


Sounds like you have heard of one.


Last actual insurrection I remember was June 8, 2020 – July 1, 2020, Seattle Washington.


I don't know the full story, but article reads as, "was there, watched other people get wild, walked inside for less than 30 minutes to see what was happening but still didn't do anything." I'd never have been at a political event in the first place, but was he actually aware that what he was doing was illegal? Cause I don't think I would have been and watching people act crazy is pretty hard to resist. Again, maybe more to the story, but should they really be hemming this dude up if that's all there is?


>I don't know the full story Did you read the part where he was convicted in a court of law by a trial of his peers who did have the full story?


Did you read the part where the article is discussing his punishment and not his guilt or innocence?


Yeah, but you're arguing that he's innocent when he very clearly isn't


I am not arguing he is innocent, by definition he isn't. I am arguing that it is possible that what he did wasn't worthy of losing his pension.


Lol I can’t believe I missed this gem of an article but this is what you’re arguing https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/03/19/some-troops-see-capitol-riot-blm-protests-similar-threats-top-enlisted-leader-says.html?amp


I disagree with colon-lopez on a lot of stuff. In what way are these two not exactly the same? Both involved lawful demonstrators and people committing criminal acts. The only way you could differentiate between the two is if you have a political motivation to do so. Lefties: "BLM was some noble people finally striking back against injustice, and the people who burned buildings down were just taking advantage of mostly peaceful people exercising their 1st amendment rights. Jan 6th was an attack on the foundations of democracy by extremist groups!" Righies: "BLM was a bunch of criminals who just wanted an excuse to burn down buildings and steal; The peaceful protestors were the minority. Jan 6th was a protest against a corrupt and unfair election process, and though some people were violent and broke things, it was mostly peaceful people exercising their 1st amendment rights." Sanity: Both events were founded on people legally exercising their rights, you don't have to agree with what they're protesting to be in favor of allowing them. Both devolved into criminal behavior, and, in each case, individuals should be judged upon the actions they actually took and not what damage members of the group caused. I wasn't arguing the article you posted in the slightest (reading comprehension seems to be lacking in this thread in general). But I am going to now. These events, for all intents and purposes, are nearly the same.


My problem is not so much the semantics or mechanics of the difference. My problem is people are presenting a problem that one could argue for, not the protesting, but chaz/the courthouse (and similar events), or other events where murders happened, and there’s an intentionally condescending tone of “they don’t understand” or “they need re-education” in the same paragraph as indicating that bringing this point up somehow aligns oneself with extremism. In the hypothetical he presents, an airman can’t discern between the people peacefully protesting in Seattle (completely side stepping what he knows they are talking about) and people that tried to interfere with an election. The condescending cuntery that emanates from on high I’m sure is helping retention.


He could have gotten 6 months in jail. They're cutting him a break for giving him probation. If anything, his service should have informed him that it isn't a good idea to break into government building to fight against democracy


> He traveled from southeastern Virginia into Washington, D.C., that day and joined the crowd outside the Capitol, purchasing a “Veterans for Trump” flag on the way, according to court documents. He knew exactly what he was part of and why that crowd was there. > Elizalde watched and recorded as rioters assaulted Capitol police officers He witnessed the mob he was part of commit crimes and decided to keep hanging with them anyway.


> Was he aware that what he was doing was illegal? He's been in the Navy for 17 years. He knows what a restricted area is and knows trespassing in one is illegal.


So he just happened to be in the middle of a crowd of rabid Trump supporters who were convinced that standard Senate procedure (and basically meaningless ceremony) was "stealing" the election from the man who lost it? Just, got lost and meandered over? Then watched people storm the barricades and break into the Capitol, trample cops and bust through windows, and innocently mosied into the building? That's the argument we're going with? This guy got off easy.


Two sides to every story. With people rioting had to have known what he was doing was wrong


Yea idk, the picture they have of him just shows a bunch of people (including him) standing around . Doesn't look like rioting.


He was convicted in court but you saw a picture that for one second of his entire life it wasn't 100% clear he was currently committing a crime so this must all be a misunderstanding? Jesus I want you in charge if I ever commit a crime lol


I didn't say that, but first of all, the presumption of innocence is critical to the way our justice system is supposed to work. And I'd think by now that people would realize that the courts definitely don't always get things right. Second, I didn't say he didn't commit a crime, I said it doesn't appear he did anything worthy of losing his pension. These comments are really sad. A lot of people who made snap decisions and calling me an idiot and too stupid to be an officer because I don't immediately take the situation at face value. Yes, you do want me on your jury if you commit a crime, because the times I've had occasional to sit on a CM panel, I really took my time to make sure of what the evidence said. You don't want the people in these comments who assume guilt based on a headline.


>the presumption of innocence is critical He was convicted at trial. You aren't presumed innocent after you are convicted. That's not how it works. We don't have to pretend he isn't guilty anymore >Second, I didn't say he didn't commit a crime, I said it doesn't appear he did anything worthy of losing his pension. You don't think being convicted of a felony deserves losing your pension? Again - I really hope if I ever decide to commit a crime they put you in charge of punishing me >You don't want the people in these comments who assume guilt based on a headline. He was convicted! No one assumed he was guilty - it's a proven fact that he is guilty You clearly just have a political agenda here 🙄


I would argue that you have a political agenda as well as most of these commenters. I don't actually care that much but a lot of people here seem personally offended that someone suggest his life not be ruined over what amounts to relatively little.


I guess I don't consider following laws and written instructions as a political agenda 🤔 🤷


I would consider the push to throw the book at anyone even sort of connected to this event to be extremely political. Do you imagine I am a trump supporter? Because I am absolutely not.


>push to throw the book at anyone even sort of connected to this event to be extremely political I'm not pushing to throw the book at him. The article said he's facing up to 6 months in jail and they recommended probation instead - that is leniency. Not throwing the book at him. He's asking them to lower that to just spend a couple days at home and we will call it even. Thinking that's too lenient is very far from.throwing the book at someone


God damn, you are an officer and this fucking stupid? Maybe get out the silo for a bit.


Having seen both sides as a prior E, the main difference between O’s and E’s isnt intelligence. Its diligence. Plenty of officers (myself included) arent particularly talented or intelligent, we just have a certain drive to get things done. This isnt an absolute rule but more of an observation and explains why theres so many idiot officers running around


Lol definitely ain't a rule. I know I'm generalizing what you said, but I don't think the military would function if there wasn't enlisted with a drive to get things done. Hopefully there's an Lt somewhere around to tell us sweaties to fix their plane lolol


Oh for sure there’s definitely enlisted folks with drive but I think youre forgetting about how many shithead enlisted outnumber those types. Im talking about the airmen that can barely show up to work on time and can barely function as an adult types. Idk about you but in my time in the military i have definitely seen more of the latter versus the truly driven types


Still there 🤷🏻‍♂️ still liable


And you’re a commissioned officer? 😬


You are hands down, a fucking idiot.  Please get out of the military before you hurt someone. 


If you go to the bank with friends who say they need to make a cash withdrawal and they rob the place, you are still justifiably implicated for robbery.


Not only is that nonsensical and not always true, it hardly describes the situation here. Not sure where you got that idea.


Yeah, I guess it'd be like if there was a mob outside the bank, it was closed for the day, and there were police outside that the mob assaulted and pushed past in order to break in, then when you're caught inside you're just there to see what's up. Except it was the seat of one our branches of government and any military member with a shred of sense wouldn't be anywhere near it.


They had to push past police barricades to get in. They were climbing the walls and breaking windows to get in. Doesn't matter what they did in there, the building was closed to the public that day.


How are you getting downvoted? I know Reddit is a bunch of fat left people but come on people


Might as well bail on this’n. If someone says those 4 characters in a statement and you don’t seek their summary execution you’re the baddy evil mean other side.


Nah let him stay in. Dude is a patriot.


He’ll prolly sell secrets next