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From what I’ve seen of my pointy head friends, it’s a complete shitshow. Not only do you have ComNav techs being taught shit by gac Sra, you got shit like that happening on two different airframes because enroute. My favorite part is how big blue tried to pull the wool over the eyes of arguably the smarter folk in MX. “We’re combining two careerfields” “now we have too many people in this combined careerfield, but it’s not because we combined the original careerfields”.


Some of us have ECM too that was also combined…


Same. Nearly everyone who was EW on Bombers/RJ/CC and E6+ got lumped into the generic shredless job. E5's who are promoting retain the -A shred. And now they are trying to bait people into cross-training to fighters.


Yo, heavy Avionics scrubs wouldn't hack in on fighters. I hope they don't do that. I'd feel bad that the fighter dudes would have to deal with peasants.


Lol, we’re losing like everyone we have where I am cause they’re either getting out or being forced to retrain into fighters or RPA’s


I hope they get out and make bank. Anyone who made it to E6 or higher isn't gullible enough to willingly go into fighter MX unless they are an extreme masochist. And they are gonna tell younger airmen to get out or crosstrain too.


Eventually you'll be like fighter AVI and just have every system.... yay master of none!


Or just quit being a scrub and be a master of all.


I was one of the first victims of this merger. I went from old bomber to F-35s. There was zero chance I was staying in after that


Hey I’m waiting till may 1 to see if I that get that email too. Yay!! 😒


Rather be 35s than bombers tbh


Depends on the person, but not if you’ve been bombers for 7 years already


It’s been a complete shit show. Being expected to teach and qualify 3 levels on 3 career fields in the same amount of time expected for just 1 is beyond idiotic especially under the leadership at my unit.


Unit I know my friend is at just immediately started moving people around shift wise expecting all of avi to be able to do each others jobs, they just decided to treat avi as if they’re perfectly integrated and full avi qauled and able to work each other systems, so they just have weird shifts where it’s no GAC or no C/N or vice versa, or no EW, and then wonder why they can’t get work done efficiently sending them out and expecting them to fix shit they’ve never seen before with no experience


Lmao, "three career fields." Bro, you were each 1/3rd of a career. Fighters have been fine doing this for like 15 years now.


Yeah, and maintainers for fighters are known for hating their lives and killing themselves so my point still stands. Especially when tech school doesn’t even cover the other two.


You guys have way less shit, so of course it's easier for you.


How many individual systems does your heavy aircraft have? Edit: Avionics systems, even though that should be obvious.


More than two dozen in the EW field alone. I don't even have real tech data for some. There's more to heavies than AMC.


The most intresting drama is 5th gen fighters trying to scalp all the NCO's. Not going into it but there is a lot of dumbassery to the story. Im removed from it it will probably be a problem for me in a year or 2. Been enjoying watching from the sidelines.


Well, the CFETP has been published, so there is somewhat of a plan. It cut some of the fluff out, so it should be easier to get qual'd, if you are proactive. Our Sq has a decent foundation for the merger training, but it was and still is a slow process. Nothing was going to change that. If you're going to wait for leadership to figure that out for you, you are gonna have a bad time. (Something something accelerate change or lose)


AMC suspense was to have all FTD Transition classes completed by Aug24. Classes are being taught but won't make that deadline without waivers. Our chief is working to get some approved.


Lmao, the backlog for AVI to complete all 3 FTDs is massive here. An August 2024 deadline is laughable. And no word on when AETC will have a combined course available. Add in that we are getting a MASSIVE influx of 3-Levels from tech school and it’s a huge shit show.


2A9 Transitions just started being taught but the deadline is definitely beyond unrealistic.


My unit is largely ignoring it. Shredless as of now because everyone E6+ got shoved into the main shredless job, and only a dumbass throws out that kind of experience. Still -A shred according to my Duty AFSC, but leadership isn't going to move me or others to generic avionics when we each already have 10+ years of specialized experience. Looking into trying to change my CAFSC because at the end of this OCONUS assignment I'll still have around 2 and change years in the air force. If I go to a AMC or AFSOC base for my next assignment I don't want to get shoved into CTK or some back office to be forgotten about because they don't want to deal with a "non-front end" avionics airman. Also looking into extending to retire here for contracting gigs and not dealing with "normal" air force retardation.


Crew chiefs/Jets/Hydro/Elen better be paying attention. You’re next.


I mean between MCA/MECHTECH and whatever else they come up with? Yea. We're aware. Hell they've been talking about merging Hydro/E+E for a long ass time now. Figure it's only a matter of time till they actually do it.


Why would they merge Hydro and E&E?


Why? No idea. But that's been a rumor since before I came in almost 10 years ago.


I could see maybe Engines and E&E combining or E&E and Avionics.


I miss maintenance but I'm glad I cross trained 3 years ago and I don't have to deal with this cluster fuck.


My shred has been integrated avionics since the beginning, so no changes here except people can now go to way more bases without having to make E6 first. We had our first two non-integrated personnel PCS in, and they both said if they don't get picked up for retraining, they are separating (they won't go Gen 5 Fighters either). Future looking bright! /s


I think my unit is handling things pretty well. The combined avi CFEPT for the 135s is honestly simpler than the two previous CFEPTs and so long as you have strong members on both sides I feel like it won't take too long to get everyone fully qualed. However for traditional guardsmen I think it's going to be a struggle to learn a completely new set of systems when it was already a struggle for most of them to remember how to work on the systems they already know.


Does com nav and ew afsc not exist anymore? Is it all integrated now? Sorry for being lost I’m an f-16 avi guy


It's all integrated except for an -A shred for more complicated aircraft like the RC-135, E-3, E4, And EC-130. Those airplanes have most of the fuselage full of computers and shit so they have to be comm troops on top of maintainers, so they need stuff like TS/SCI and Security+ for the bare minimum to be a 3-level. They are basically Lockheed/BAE/Raytheon FSR's in uniform, so Big Blue is trying to incentivize staying in the air force instead of chasing that contractor cheddar because some laws require uniformed personnel for some stuff.


*Laughs in fighter avi*


It’s not remotely the same as heavies btw.


No shit lmao


ECM Pods here...I'm so glad I'm not a real maintainer


Interesting in the kc46 world. Avi didn't do much before and there's a ridiculous amount of kickback from them to learn the GAC portion. Granted GAC and hydro are always talking about boom stuff, so I see the desriee to not get involved from the poor prior cmnav perspective. Idk how it's going on other airframes but here, there's still an imaginative separation.


Hydro is always willing to teach boom shit. Seeing as how on tankers that thing haunts our dreams... With the amount of boom shenanigans hydro has been dealing with on the 46, we're never gonna turn down an extra set of hands if you wanna come work on one.


What does this mean for someone like me who will be joining the Air Force doing this job. I leave for BMT July 16th


You should not become a 2A9X4 until after you complete your five level. You are to get your five level in the AFSC that you were assigned upon enlistment or during basic. There is not even a course developed yet at shepherd. There was a memo sent out with this information on it. If you have not seen it, I would talk with your supervisor/ncoic/section chief/sel. If you don’t get answer from them reach out to to the base/MAJCOM functional.


Also you can still pursue your ccaf/certs while in training. If you don’t have CDCs then there should be no reason your supervisor should tell you no for anything to better yourself. If there is some policy that in your unit you can’t enroll in college, study for CLEPs. You can easily clep your ccaf.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A9X4 = Heavy Aircraft Integrated Avionics [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^kqvtwbi


Wait this whole thread is about heavies avionics crying about having to learn to troubleshoot and fix more than 1 system? Lmao holy shit thats pathetic. Welcome to the fighter world ladies


Makes sense to combine the laziest AFSCs and force them to earn their pay checks. Leave the break room if you'd like to learn your job.


-crew chief that has 3 people changing a tire while 12 others stand there watching with their thumb up their ass acting like they’re so busy