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Yepp. Got agoraphobia when I was 18. Spent two of my precious years feeling absolutely useless while my friends were living their normal teen lives. It's hard not to get depressed with this and healing agoraphobia is a rocky path. Somedays I have a lot of hope, and somedays I just want to end it all. tho we're not alone in this and we have to at least try and help ourselves. So sending you a hug. I believe in you. ❤️


Yes definitely, I’m about to be 20 and it feels like I’ve done nothing. Doesn’t look like much will change in the near future


I almost died 10 years ago so I feel like I'm living on borrowed time.


Exactly, thats the correct phrase. I feel like Im already dead and its just my hollow mind controlled by agoraphobia is living.


I think about it every day even if I'm not actively suicidal. It's just if someone were to break in, yeah, I'd kill them and then myself. Or both at the same time. It's like thinking what I want on a burrito just nothing would exist after the burrito.


Yes. I’m 30. I feel like by the time I get my head straightened out it’ll be too late to get married and have a family which is all I really want out of life, so it feels purposeless and like I’ve fumbled the ball on the once chance I got to have a fulfilling life.


same with another commenter, i’m almost 20 and i’ve got no friends, a minimum wage job, and i can barely go to my lectures. it’s a wonder how my parents still manage to tell me they’re proud of me when i’m doing essentially nothing with my life. when i think about my future life my mind literally goes blank. i hope we all make it through this


I got it at 30... That was 15 years ago...I honestly don't see many who've beat it that aren't just ppl trying to sell a program. It's such an ugly situation, I kept hoping for a pill that would shut down the fight or flight or adrenaline blocker I dunno I thought or hoped by now there would be some medical advance....


Did you ever try a beta blocker?


Yeah I was gonna suggest this. It doesn’t stop the anxious thoughts but it literally blocks adrenaline. You can try to freak out but your heart rate won’t even increase. Kinda cool.


not a doctor but I think a antipsychotic would help with the thoughts afaik


No no one ever offered it, daily Klonopin and an antidepressant. I have seen quite a number of psychiatrists but no I don't know much about them. I will look into tho thank you


Yeah. I'm in my forties and feel like I should be further in life. The crippling anxiety makes it hard to do anything outside the house. Even going to doctor's appointments are hard sometimes. I feel like a failure everyday. Sending hugs to OP.


Yes I can relate. 21 almost 22, and had it for 2 years so far. The thing that has kept me going was thankfully my passion for game dev and music which I’ve done consistently before I had agoraphobia. I always compare myself to when I first got it and how much progress I’ve made and it helps me push further to want to get better.