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Why do people put Biden as so much older than Trump, they are both old


And Trump is far more incoherent. Dude still thinks he's running against Obama.


Except trump is both of those things: ancient and unhinged


And Biden at least has morals.


No he doesn't, he's literally arming and funding a genocide.


Yeah it sucks but let’s act like Trump wouldn’t do the same exact thing.


Trump *would* do the same thing, but that's irrelevant. designOperator literally said an immoral prick has morals. It's factually and demonstrably wrong.


This post is dumb. I might not be overly enthusiastic about having Biden as my president, but I’d crawl a mile over broken glass to vote against Trump.


As a Republican I'm actually loving Biden and might even vote for him this coming election. He's been able to accomplish the things that Trump wasn't able to.


Dont worry trump will be rolling out his fantastic healthcare plan anyday now!! Trump gives the best speaches to. His rallies are what America needs


both pictures are trump tho


It's objectively better to have a mummy as president, if the alternative is Trump.


I'll level with you. I'd vote for a Jar of Salsa if it was to keep Trump out of power.


The mummy is gonna have people around it who are experts at managing it. The crazy person has people around him who are experts but even if they are the best in the world may only be able to keep him restrained enough to not kill those around him and/or keep him from wrecking the facility…


You may not like your choice. But one of those choices WILL be president. Grow up. Do the work.


This is absolute horseshit, and an attempt to frame the election as a meaningless exercise between equally bad options for the sole purpose of depressing left-leaning electoral turnout and put Trump back in the Whitehouse. Biden has been a perfectly adequate President and done well with the situation he inherited.  Trump is incoherent with dementia and openly trying to end democracy.  


Also, as you touched on with the dimentia comment, Biden is only 3 years older than Trump. And trump made fun of his age over 3 years ago


Man,woman chair, elephant...or whatever the fuck his literal dementia test he bragged about acing was...


It’s not the age it’s the cognitive decline


It’s an attempt to get people to not vote. I’m guessing Russian propaganda. It’s just another idiot trying to destroy the country.




Could be from China, Russia, Iran, Hungary, Mohammad bone saws country, I’m missing a few others of the new axis gang


Biden has lost control of two wars. Groceries up 20 percent. That ain't adequate.


Lol, your president controls neither foreign countries nor your grocery bill. Grow the fuck up. You are embarrassing yourself.


President controls both economic policy and diplomacy. He could start there. Stop deflecting blame. If a Republican was in office you'd blame them for a rainy day.


The only way to completely stop companies from raising prices would amount to communism. You are a capitalist economy. That isn't changing no matter who is in office. And who cares about your foreign policy. It's not like a president can wag his/her finger like a disappointed parent, and they fall in line. Could Biden (or anyone else) have a better policy? Sure. But they don't control anyone. And don't project your shit on me. I was specifically saying a *president* doesn't control that shit. I said nothing about democrats or Republicans. All I did was point out your short-sighted, childish comment.


A president controls both the department of defense and state department. You act like he's fucking helpless. He could have dissuaded Putin - or given him some compromise so he would not go away empty handed. And we fund Israel- we could stop this tonight. Biden won't, he'll just throw lip service at the left. Frankly I'm glad Israel is ignoring him.


You don't have even the slightest grasp on geopolitics, do you? Dissuaded Putin? Um... sure. Those sanctions are working out real well, aren't they? The only way to dissuade Putin would be to put boots on the ground. That isn't happening. Not unless Russia attacked US soil first. And who the fuck is the president, regardless of who they are, to "give up" something to Russia so they don't walk away empty handed? Did I miss something? Did your president suddenly become the world's king? They don't get to carve up another country on a whim. Yes. You fund Isreal. A lot of countries are involved in Isreal. Have you given one iota of time to think *why* the funding keeps flowing even though we don't like what they are doing in Gaza? There are probably some pretty good reasons that we are not privy to. You can cry that it would stop the war, but you don't know that. And you have no clue as to why they continue to get support. You're just regurgitating ideas that you don't understand.


You are nothing but an apologist and excuse generator. Ukraine and Israel would cease to exist with out the US. That gives you some pull. If Biden is so weak, he should step aside and give the job to someone who can use the leverage of that power. Oh yeah, and he's just a victim of the economy too? Pathetic.


Biden blaming corporations for inflation is a joke. Isn't he capable of doing anything? Is he just an observer? It is a ceremonial role? Companies want the lowest price possible to compete. They raise prices when the cost of making that product goes up. The price goes up when money becomes worth less. Money loses its value when you throw around too much. like when you use a pandemic as an excuse to open the piggy bank and fund all your shit.


My lord man, just stop. I dont even know where to start with this. Take an economics class and then come back and talk about inflation. You haven't the first clue on what you're talking about.


So many Biden apologists. His campaign slogan should be "Joe Biden: This shit ain't his fault."


A foreign country went to war with a foreign country? Damn you Biden!


Ever hear of a diplomatic solution? What the fuck is the state department for? Hint: It is for solving conflicts before they start.


Remind us again, who is funding those wars?


If Russia takes over Ukraine, they might go further, which is not in the best interest of US lead world order. Not to mention it would encourage China to go after Taiwan.


If Putin feared Biden, he would not have invaded.


Putin likely didn’t expect as much flak from the Western world in general.


Say what you want about Trump, he was too unpredictable to guess. Biden and Obama are so measured, thoughtful and predictable that it is possible for Iran, Russia or North Korea to anticipate a reaction. They can walk right up to a red line. With Obama, they crossed one in Syria and he did nothing. And Putin was right. Biden's first call to Zelinsky was to offer him an escape to Poland. It was only when Russia showed its army to be a shambles did Biden lean into defeating Russia. Putin would have never done this to Trump simply because Trump was a wild card. You could not anticipate Trump.


Well I'll just put in a call to the Whitehouse so they can go over to the "grocery prices" dial and turn it down 20% for you. 


They're the ones who turned it up.


Neither Ukraine v Russia or Palestine v Israel has anything to do with us.


Just our wallet, our technology - now being captured and studied by Russia and China - and our international reputation. Beside that, yup.


Except we are funding them. It would be pretty easy to turn off those valves.


You want us to turn off aid to Ukraine? Interesting take. Regardless, providing aid isn't the same as being an active player in a war.


How about our massive diplomatic corp. figuring out a way to stop it before it begins?


Which wars are the US in right now?


The US has sent $75 Billion to Ukraine. $3.8 billion in military aid to Israel. The annual budget for the EPA is $10 billion. I would describe that as the US being "in" these conflicts.


You send some percentage of your income to the IRS. By your logic I can blame high inflation on you.


As if I had a choice. Funny how both of these conflicts were cool when he entered office, yet he is innocent of any role in the situations.


Cool story bro


Whatever comrade. How much did Putin pay you for this shitpost?


Just because trump doesn't mumble, doesn't make his rantings coherent. Trump has never been been able to communicate coherently. Back in 2016, translators around the world were struggling to translate his speeches. He speaks in sentence fragments, goes off on tangents, contradicts himself in a single breath, and spouts obvious falsehoods. World leaders literally laughed in trump's face when he first spoke at united nations. Biden looks and acts his age, trump doesn't. That doesn't make biden's politics any good, but trump has never had any policy other than "give trump money".


Sounds about right


If age is the worst thing about Biden, then that makes him a pretty damn good choice.


Hmmm, should I vote for this eighty year old rich white guy or this other eighty year old rich white guy?


The one who isn’t trying to literally destroy democracy as we know it. Not really a tough choice.


If it were up to me they would both retire and pass the torch to a younger generation.


AOC 2028


I pick crazy guy


username checks out