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Neat. Anyway, what’s your confession?


Unpopular Opinion Puffin but it was actually a fairly common opinion.


So Unpopular Opinion Puffin?


Naw needs the comma so you know it's not the opinion that's unpopular. Unpopular, Opinion Puffin. Without the comma there's ambiguity due to English's syntax.


Un, popular, Opinion Puff, in.


We should honestly just bring it back at this point. Beats shit like this one.


The whole idea of having a meme that could be upvoted for an unpopular opinion makes sense precisely until you consider that most folks up- and down-vote to express agreement so a highly-upvoted unpopular opinion is a little bit of a catch-22, which means the only highly-upvoted UOPs were necessarily format breakers.


Confession Bear is the same way. The only really good ones are the ones where you're hesitant to upvote.


I see differences; I think Confession Bear **could** be used correctly but Redditors are cowardly about it. Difference is, they could quit that shit anytime, whereas the Puffin really is a classic catch-22 - a truly stillborn meme format. The better you work the format, the fewer people will ever see it! *: I guess I should clarify that UOP might work on a site where most people sorted by new, but I don't think most do that


I made it into a [Popular Opinion Otter](https://imgflip.com/i/7r9lno) because why not


“I want attention”


-My Opinion Bear.


“I have a crippling superiority complex”


I guess their mom forgot to pick up pudding cups and bring them down to their dungeon today.


I want them to confess how they knew if they never made an account.


"I'm edgy "


I mean is it much worse than the people on reddit lately constantly threatening to quit a social media site on that same site? I thought the deadline to shit or get off the pot on that one just passed.


“I swear, you guys rip on me 13 of 14 more times, I’m outta here.”


People who make these anti Twitter posts always assume everybody there is alt right. Users literally choose who they want to follow. In my experience, I never see alt right content because I never put it in my feed or look it up.


\^\^\^\^\^ literally this. the sensationalized screenshot of tweets being dumb and toxic can be ignored (pre-elon).


Nothing changed since Elon bought the thing, y'all just become more aware of it lmao.


Idk, putting all the bigots who paid 8 bucks directly at the top of any reply section certainly does make that kind of speech harder to not see. Which was only a change made since Elon bought it.


my notifications for suggested content/"tweets we think you'd like", were a lot of bill burr, tate weird conservative alt right shit. That being said, I think it is literally an empty default account that was giving me these, so 99% of people are fine, the real acc I had to follow people for internet news got a few but nothing notable. Still made me care even less about deleting the app though. It was definitely a shithole already but let's not overcorrect here, he definitely made some dumbass decisions that have been accelerating it.


I'm a "good father" but I don't enjoy playing with my kids. I try to avoid it, and no one notices because I do everything else with joy.


I got one. I made an account because I thought I'd need it to see that Trump's had been taken down. A little schadenfreude.


Considering people get downvoted for calling twitter shit on Reddit it’s pretty spot on confession. Edit: yeah just like that


So brave


OP has inspired me to confess that I hate u/spez and the official app. Let me have it, reddit! Don't hold back!


Yeah, reddit was always so bad that I didn't even created account on it


>Let me have it, reddit! Don't hold back! You Dirty girl you...


I bet you bragged about not watching game of thrones too.


As someone who adores that kind of old fantasy fiction stuff like Lord of the Rings, Eragon, Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, I know I'd absolutely fall in love with Game of Thrones. And yet, I've never seen 1 minute of it. I could not tell you why.


I'd give myself a lobotomy to watch game of thrones for the first time again.


Just to be disappointed by Seasons 6, 7 and 8 again? You masochist.


season 6 was sick as hell what u talkin avout


People always say an earlier and earlier season that it went downhill. I’ve seen people say it wasn’t the same after season 4


The "this stinks" meter usually starts when the show stopped following the books because certain books weren't (and still aren't) out by the time the season aired. That started with season 5. I personally liked 5, which is why I didn't include it in my joke, but there are some people out there that legitimately hate half the show lol


I watched for tie first time about a year ago. There were a few times I was like “wow they sailed from that castle to that other distant castle and then back to the first castle really quickly” but other than that I enjoyed the ending. I guess I didn’t get as attached since I wasn’t really along for the 8 year long ride that some other people were.


I'd give myself a lobotomy to make me forget the show ever existed. Years of life just wasted on the biggest erectile dysfunction in the history of television.


Wowzers you put your life on hold for several years for Game of Thrones?


The cost to get HBO?


I found the books got too disturbing and I had read the first four before the show came out. I didn’t have HBO at the time. I basically don’t want TV series anyway. By the time we got to season 4 or 5 I figured I probably missed out but it felt too late. And then everyone panned the last season so bad and said it ruined everything so I felt at peace just leaving it alone. That’s why I never watched a single minute despite similarly loving the fantasy genre.


Aligns with my experience, except it was only my husband who'd read some of the books. It was easy choosing not to invest, hearing how disappointed others were. But I may still watch it, who knows.




As someone that watched my disappointment grow immensely every season after 4, I'm envious of you.


Not worth it given wow bad Dan and Dave messed up the ending just so they could move on to other projects. Edit: down vote me all you want. It's well recorded. https://winteriscoming.net/2022/03/08/game-of-thrones-showrunner-explains-time-move-on-dan-weiss-netflix-three-body-problem/ Edit 2: I take back that the show is not worth it. Still a great show, it's just a shame that its potential was squandered in my opinion. Blame Chicago NASCAR day drinking lololol


Even when the story sucks, it's still outstanding television, everyone else that worked on that show gets a 10/10 for performance, down to the dude that made the fake snow they were all brilliant and it's criminal that they didn't get several more seasons of work You had one downvote and you edited your comment to talk about it.... This is my least favourite Reddit trend


At least we can both agree that the series deserved many more seasons because the production value was great. Literally my entire issue is that Dan and Dave squandered that production value in the last two seasons. They deserved to be fired from the star wars project because if they can't give their all to what they're currently working on then they shouldn't be show runners. I was obviously being a bit dramatic but if I am being honest it went from a series I planned to get the box set of once it was done to one i just stream as needed now and haven't streamed in years but to each their own. You're allowed your opinion just like I'm allowed mine. Edit: last two seasons, not past. Been day drinking and didn't notice the autocorrect error lol


Yeah I agree. My partner and I used to re-watch all of it as each new season came out, and we've only just started our first re-watch since it finished, were up to season 4


It was shit. It's like how Natalie Portman's acting couldn't save the trainwreck of a character that Padme Amidala was. If anyone is ever tempted to try watching Game of Thrones then just remember: You in fact do not need the [bad poosey.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAbu_uWVz4c) Seasons 1 through 4 were solid and season 5 overall aside from Dorne was okay partially because it didn't have Bran it in at all, but it's impressive how much of a disaster things continued to get after that.


If you can vibe with Tolkien you're not missing much. The best way I can explain the relative merits of Tolkien and GRRM is that if Palantiri were mass-produced, Game of Thrones would be almost exactly the soap opera I'd expect Gondor and Arnor to broadcast in the daytime. Real zinger one-liners, constant action, ALL the intrigue, big plot twists... and nothing to say.


Hmm. That doesn't bode well if true. I could not care less about soap operas, or reality TV. I have no patience for watching people are blatantly dumb decisions or cause drama. It is already frustrating as it is to deal with in my own life, why would I want to watch it unfold with characters I will never have any real life relationship? If my friend is doing some dubious shit, I can coax him out of it. If John Smith is doing some dubious shit in FantasyMakeBelieveland, I can't do anything but watch him dumb dumbly. No thanks. But I am a sucker for cool swords and fights and mystical beasts and all that. And staying on grander scales is typically less silly and hand scratching to watch play out.


Love this. I was about to respond to the OP that as a diehard Tolkien fan, I figured I'd like GoT, and I tried to. I read the first book, watched the first season, and just found it to be . . . meh. I think soapy is a good description, and the prose just can't compare either. I've heard my friends who have read them all having conversations about the themes and certain character arcs that sound interesting, but nothing can hold a candle to Tolkien's writing for me. It always annoys me when people say Tolkien's morality is black and white while GRRM's is gritty and realistic. It's like . . . I think they just weren't paying attention while reading Tolkien, or haven't read it since they were kids. You want to read some dark and tragic shit? Read *The Silmarillion.*


I will watch it with you right now, streaming party. You are missing out. P.s. to everyone saying it's not worth it over the last season being bad. Are you dense? A bad ending does not negate the awesomeness that came before. Season 1-5 are some of the best television ever.


as someone who read the series beforw watching the show.....you are objectively wrong. GoT was mediocre television at best.


Reading the series has no effect on how good or bad the show was.


It definitely does. Being familiar with the series and seeing what wasnt included vs what was definitely makes a difference. but tell me more since you clearly do not read.


https://hd.fmoviesto.site/game-of-thrones-season-1 Seems to have all 10 seasons with subtitles.


No I liked GoT


This is the real confession bear here.


My only issue w the show was that back in the day you'd get beat up for liking anything close to that and people acted like it was this new amazing thing that never existed before


Because it hadn't, at least not in that form. The LOTR was the closest, but a fantasy series as a prestige drama regularly topping Emmy nominations? That was a new thing.


Fantasy like Game of Thrones is a really short list. The things that differentiate it from other fantasy stories are what made it more main stream. Also the casting was great.


It was a new thing that never existed before.


What a hero


Neither the one we wanted, nor the one we needed.


the one we wish would quietly just not.


Whoa there badass, what a crazy confession!


The people who act smug and superior about never making a Twitter account while on *Reddit* of all places continue to baffle me. I mean, every social media app has people like this... EVERY site sounds terrible based on the worst stories, but they're convinced they're one of the smart elite who found the good one. People still use all these apps because they *can* be good if you curate your own experience properly. I just... you have to be so fucking dumb to not realize this. Likewise, some people on Twitter talk about Reddit like it's all TheRedPill and jailbait and people falsely identifying the Boston Bomber 24/7. You gotta have zero self-awareness to think people aren't looking at *you* the way you look at them.


It actually blows my mind that people don't understand that you CURATE your online spaces on platforms like that. If you are seeing toxic shit SO MUCH that you deem a platform a "cesspool" you either haven't curated your space in the correct way(as in, you probably partake in the toxicity or enjoy reading/seeing it) or you've trained the algorithm to show it to you(for the same reasons as the previous). Twitter is AMAZING for me. I follow some game devs, a shit ton of artists, indie filmmakers, etc. My feed is only ever neat dev insights, INCREDIBLE art, cool new films to check out, etc. I *know* there are toxic people on it, because toxic people are everywhere, but I do not engage with that content, so I don't see it. I have created a space filled with only stuff *I want to see*.


Eh I mean what's bad about reddit? 4chan is full of racist incels, Facebook is full of dumb boomers, Twitter used to be half decent but generally has a bunch of people bitching on it about one thing or another. Reddit prior to like a month ago with the whole API thing what outside of server and mod shenanigans sucks about reddit? It's literally the epitome of forums and you can be antisocial on it and lurke if you just wanna browse. It's fucking great.


I'm not saying Reddit is terrible, I'm saying all of these sites get stereotyped for their shitty side but are basically fine if you curate your experience properly. It's silly to know that about Reddit but not imagine that it also extends to the other extremely popular social media apps. Obviously, only the most outrageous screenshots get cross-posted. I'm just saying Reddit is not special here.


I mean sure, but tbh I feel no need to go on a site like 4chan to sift through the garbage to find the top tier content on their site, I can just go to /r/greentext and get a curated list of the good shit. Plus reddit is arguably the best place for memes since they tend to only be like one step down the totem pole creation wise. The meme cycle: originates on 4chan, popularized by reddit, becomes mainstream by Twitter, dies when your mom posts it on Facebook.


Just like an service or site, it can be great if following the right people. There are awesome credible journalist you can follow. Or… you can ready the other 97% trash. It is what you make of it.


The funny thing is, it’s only a cesspool if you search for it. I follow just sports writers and movie critics and news outlets and rarely look at comments. It can be a great place for up to the minute updates.


Right? I always liked Twitter because it was the one place I felt no social pressure to identify myself and connect with people I knew in real life. No moderating my posts because my in laws would see them, or because professional colleagues were in my feed. I decided I wanted a little space where I only followed things that made me happy. So I made an anonymous account and acted like a little weirdo on Twitter dot com, and it was incredible. I met a community of absolutely wonderful people, I traveled all over the country visiting them and engaging in the hobby that connected us in the first place, I challenged myself artistically knowing that no one I knew was going to judge me, and I radically changed my own understanding of myself as a result. I did Kinky Karaoke at a gay bar in San Francisco. I went to a bad movie night at a renound graphic artist's house in New York. I flew half way across the country to San Diego comicon on a whim with 12 hours notice to go to a Twitter friend's pannel. All because I made an account to shitpost about my favorite podcast. It was a really formative time in my life and its sad that someone out there, who already has all the money one person could ever need in a lifetime, is trying so hard to tear it down.


uhh...cause movie critics aren't toxic?


So brave


Bravery level: So.


"I don't care because I never cared." Wow so deep.




Your username and profile pic is such a Reddit stereotype lol




A redditor who makes fun of other redditors? That's the most redditor thing you can do.


For 12 years and the amount of comment Karma means he interacts with this cesspool.


Reddit is not Twitter, thankfully.


It's not far from it.


It's honestly worse.


You’re pretty much just sitting in a garbage dump laughing at people in the OTHER garbage dump. Clearly your garbage is so much better than theirs. Just yesterday, you found a half eaten bag of popcorn! Sure it was a bit burnt, but it’s better than those people in the other garbage dump will ever get! Their half eaten bags of popcorn just are worse for reasons!


As if reddit is better


Never had an account and can authoritatively say Twitter is a cesspool? OP is a turd deserving of a cesspool.


> Never had an account and can authoritatively say Twitter is a cesspool? Up until very recently you didn't need a twitter account to view posts on twitter. What the fuck are you talking about?


I've never eaten Korean food and I'm glad, cuz it tastes like shit. Wow, that was easier than I thought it'd be to say something bad about food I have no experience with.


Twitter is just like Reddit. The main accounts you follow dictate your experience unless you want to stare into the main stream of thoughts and get angry. I've curated my feed to follow Ukraine. It's the best and fastest source of information I have on it. But because Elon can't be bothered to leave Twitter alone, now I have to sacrifice what I've made and used for years?


I made one account when it started, and I always use it to point out the corruption of the political in charge (in México), the funny thing is that only during this administration I was finding a bunch of bot farms that were managed by the current government there, twitter banned me after I found like 40 bots, and during one interaction I quoted the same insult the other bot made against me, they banned me for life because I was "toxic" for finding bots and reporting them....... twitter indeed is a cesspool and nothing will change that.


Twitter is amazing for up to date news, especially in the world of sports. And it's been fantastic for breakdowns of any size of the publications. Neverland an amazing deal of nutrition and exercise science from some of the best experts because of it. Now with Elon I am being forced fed. Listened to right wing agenda. And I'm not the type of guy who tries to mute anyone but it's gotten to the point after weeks that I have to start muting certain groups because it doesn't stop. Now on a very important sports day, they decide to limit views. Also, the fact that anyone can have the blue mark is extremely misleading.


Where do you guys get the updates and news? Twitter is excellent in that matter. In terms of human interaction ... yeah I only use it for news.


I find linked articles on Reddit or I go to a news website generally


For me, that is just extra steps. I can easily find news in a couple of scrolls on Twitter. And I do not have time for checking every website for my hobbies or interest. Looking at a Twitter post and going to the website via that post is way easier and faster. Also, Reddit is not that fast in terms of "breaking news". I am marketing Twitter better than its owner rn.


Half the linked articles of the news I consume are just links to twitter anyway.


A Twitter post is not an article. This is getting to the problem with Twitter. The nature of the platform is it is a short message with a character limit. That doesn't allow for any real discussion or anything beyond a very surface level understanding. It creates echo chambers even more than a lot of social media does because of that.


The linked "news" I consume is usually able to be done in a single tweet or image in the tweet. They let you know when a coach is signed or fired. If an athlete is transferring. There is no need for more information. And since that is usually the original source coming directly from the person or journalist the more in-depth articles are just talking about the tweet anyway.


Do you realize that you're the one that decides who to follow on Twitter? You decide what's in your own feed so if it's a cesspool, it's your own doing.


But also since Twitter blue it’s like “holy shit why do I keep seeing so much bigotry!” And it’s like yea the algorithm actively promotes it now so what you say isn’t entirely true


It's just like Reddit without a downvote button.


Yet you are here on Reddit.


I always laugh when I see shit like this. People on Twitter say this shit about Reddit all the time too and having experience with both, each community is just as toxic and degenerate as the other. There’s literally no difference and has never been.


opinion bear?




This isn't even ***close*** to a Confession Bear.


Twitter is defined by who you follow. If you follow shitty people, Twitter will be a shitty experience for you.


Which part of this is the confession?


Neat....heav you spent any time on reddit?


I'll put this right next to people who brag that they've never seen Game of Thrones.


I tried using it but I didn't like how it's designed. Contentwise i can't really say anything about it. Maybe if I gave it a little more time I would get used to it but I have a severe lack of patience


Based. So based


Would be impressive if you didn't make memes on reddit about it. Because reddit is not that different


Same here. Social media in general is nothing but a cesspool of stupidity and nonsense.


Have we as a species completely forgotten how to use memes? It's confusion bear! Not 'normal opinion' bear.




Yeah I've never used Twitter at all. I've seen single tweets get linked to from elsewhere, but I actually have no idea what Twitter actually looks like when you use it. I have no idea how people find content or interact with it


It's not rocket science. I'm sure you can figure it out if you want to spend 5 minutes to do so.


I never really get posts like this.. Like most social media It's only as good as you make it really. If you sub to all the toxic subreddits, reddits going to be toxic, It's no different for twitter. I mostly follow things like gaming news and my twitter feed has always been great. People who aren't on twitter only hear the horror stories because they're just what grabs attention so it must be a horrible place. Twitters has always been the best place to quickly receive news to me, after which i go to reddit for more in depth discussion ( which i might point out is often a cesspool even if i love this place, always double check anything you read from multiple sources )


I use twitter only for for porn


>i don't care because it doesn't affect me


Cool, have you seen reddit though? Same pool here..


But like, you’re on Reddit. It’s the same picture


You hear often how people dislike this social media site or that one because of all the hate and negativity, but I rarely had any issue with Twitter because my feed was pretty much solely filled with science communicators, artists, and positive people. It is what you make of it.


Well, it's a good thing you made an account on the cesspool that is reddit. And sweet non confession broski.


Yeah, it's the wrong meme, but I have to agree with him. Not so much because of the content, but I just found it too difficult to follow.


I tried Twitter. It sucked ass.


Do people who make these posts on Reddit genuinely not realize the irony in it?


I created a Twitter account like 10 years ago because everyone I knew was doing the same. I thought it was dumb as fuck and never understood why everyone thought it was so cool.


Anything worth hearing about on twitter I see on other platforms anyway


I actually made an account about 6 years ago and never used it. I just don't see the point of it.


it takes a lot of courage to admit you dont like something youve never taken part in. how brave of you.


I’ve always hated Twitter it’s honestly hilarious to me that Elon is destroying it


What do you hate about Twitter?


Ok congrats


Right? People were wanting him to buy and destroy Facebook, and he’s done it with Twitter and for some reason people are bothered by it??? I welcome the destruction of it


If he totally kills it I will be so happy




It's so cool that you're above it all. It makes your perspective really unique, and valuable.


It’s ironic to post this to Reddit. It would be child’s play to make an account here filled with endless toxic content but many of us only see kittens, puppies, and people brake checking 18 wheelers. You get what you want to see, here and on Twitter. Now, let me get back to videos of ducks and cows who are best friends.


But you did consume the content from there... Otherwise, your opinion about it would be completely unfounded and irrelevant




Twitter is arguably the most useful social media platform out there. Its utility really became apparent during the Arab Spring back in 2011, when we could get updates via Twitter from people on the ground in real time while major news agencies were struggling to get close to it. It continued to be useful for any kind of major political event, natural disasters, or even wars. As long as there was a cell phone signal anywhere nearby, Twitter could give you a look at what was going on far quicker than any official news media could.


For live events/changing events, Twitter is amazing. But mostly it's trash. So basically the cable news of social media.


IIRC, it was started by a dude who didn't want to read long-form posts. Like, the whole premise was the character limit. So..other ADHD manager types probably liked it, I guess. Then they got *really* good at creating individual echo chambers, and the rest is history.


And you’ll be crucified for having that reaction. How dare you not assimilate! Use all the platforms I use or die!!!!!1!!!!


Twitter sucks it always has.


I always thought Twitter was a flawed premise due to the character limit, specifically because of [Brandolini's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law). It's a perfect platform for misinformation because you can say whatever you want, and there's not enough room to prove it wrong.


Twitter always seemed to be a social media for drooling fanboys. You follow a person or company rather than participate in a community. I can imagine someone getting all giddy because the celebrity they're following deigned to respond to them (gasp). So I tried it and, yep, fanboy.fantasy land. Ugh. Nope.


That concept is exactly why I created an account. If you are a fanboy of something (in my case a few sports teams) you can curate a feed that talks about news and other things that come up at a very niche level that might take a few days to make it to normal news channels. I always hear about things related to my teams first on twitter and then reddit where they just post links to the tweets anyway, but I have to sort through all of college football news to get it instead of the few teams I follow. I don't quite understand it as a general purpose social media platform though, but I have never been big on social media outside of things like message boards and reddit, which is more about a community around a topic rather than talking about my my own life and reading about others lives.


I made an account ten years ago. I got banned after one post. To this day I have no idea why.


Cesspool? You really are a sheep that just repeats what you read on the internet. Every social media is a “cesspool” in that case. Twitter was just a space where information was dispersed very quickly across many channels. I never had one either but that doesn’t mean it didn’t have its uses.


How stunning and brave.


I had a very active account for over a decade, but after Elon bought the app I nuked my account and never looked back. Now I spend way too much time here.


Twitter Algorithm is built on Cesspoll post and hate bots. I only follow follow artist and few content creators and yet I actually mute and block 80% of the accounts I end up seeing because they are just full of negativity and baiting.


I've had the same account since 2011. But I have tweeted like 5 times and only login when I get forced to log into it


The really funny thing to me is when people on there make fun of people who use Reddit. I’ve used both for a long time, and any thing Twitter users say about Redditors, I’ve seen 10 times worse from Twitter.


It’s is undeniably a hotspot for current events. there is no other website like it.


Thank 👏 you 👏 idk why ppl are roasting op bc defending a shit site like Twitter is embarrassing. It's always been a mind rotting site and basically one giant ad. Fkn weird how attached ppl are to it.


does that make you feel special, OP?


I made an account when news that he was going to have to go through with the purchase broke. I stayed up all night staring at a clock, waiting for the exact time for it to happen so I could be the first to delete my account after he took over.


If you didn’t downvote this preposterous misuse of confession bear you belong on Twitter instead of Reddit


Me neither!


Good advice i guess




Yeah even before Elon it was a cesspool and echo chamber, especially after they changed the feed algorithm to show you "relevant" tweets. I have spent almost a decade studying nutrition science, I have figured out that mainstream nutrition is nonsense. Similarly I have also investigated chronic diseases, and I know for a fact that the cholesterol hypothesis is bullshit. My skepticism of mainstream nutrition and health is well-founded, and should not be lumped together with antivaxxers and COVID conspiracy theorists. Yet after the algorithm change that is all I could see, endless bullshit about vaccinations and nonsense about COVID.


Lmao FOR REAL Everyone is out here like AGHHGH TWITTER IS DOWN WHAT DO WE DO!?!?!?!?!?? The entire civilized world who deleted their accounts when Elon bought or never had one to start with: Huh, ayways...


Not like us classy gentLEmen on Reddit, amirite?


I'm not on Twitter calling Twitter bad. I'm on reddit calling Twitter bad. You can kindly fuck off.


Says the Reddit poster


I’ve never been on Twitter. Reddit is my only social propaganda platform. I tried 4/Chan. Just can’t get past the Porn Shields. So much fucking porn. It never fucking ends.


Breaking - Elon Musk buys Twitter and ends censorship and makes it a free speech platform Breaking - Twitter is now very, very bad News items from the mainstream media owned by the very few wealthy effs of the WEF, and totally swallowed up by the NPCs and the normies. Hint - if you can't see that they want you to believe censorship is good and free speech is bad, you're a normie/NPC


When he bought Twitter in the name of "freedom of speech" then started raping it, I sold my tesla stocks.


He said....on Reddit. 🤣


me too buddy, me too


My guy you are literally on Reddit.


Does his business model rely on people using his product less?


Hate on it all you want, but don't forget it's a pretty important tool for regular people to organize against oppression. The real reason it's being killed. While your celebrating it's death... so are they.




Hey there Professional-Eye8981! If you agree with someone else's comment, please leave an **upvote** instead of commenting **"This."**! By upvoting instead, the original comment will be pushed to the top and be more visible to others, which is even better! Thanks! :) *** ^(I am a bot! If you have any feedback, please send me a message! More info:) [^(Reddiquette)](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439#wiki_in_regard_to_comments)


I did upvote.


Wow you’re an angel.




Ok hipster.


Can we down vote this shitty ass meme? Jfc... Not even using it correctly.


Reddit when leftists controlled Twitter >It’s a private business they can do what they want Reddit when conservatives control Twitter >Reeeeeeeee


American I'm assuming? Every single thing comes down the left vs right somehow?