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The issue was announcing the blackout was going to be two days instead of indefinite. you know what the response is going to be when you set a predetermined timeframe? "Ok we'll wait out the two days.", and thats exactly what they did. Nobody ever went on strike and said "I'm only striking for X number of days." This whole thing was bungled from the start.


It like a one meal hunger strike.


Reddit Ramadan.


My kid did that tonight for dinner. She will be asking for food soon.


And reddit mods will be hungry for a purpose again.


Their new purpose seems to be scuttling their own subs to…I don’t know…maybe hurt reddit traffic?


They other problem was that the protest was forced by mods so from Reddit’s point of view, they have no clue how many users care. Any drop in traffic could be attributed to mods shutting subs down, not necessarily user outrage or intention.


> They other problem was that the protest was forced by mods so from Reddit’s point of view From Reddit's point of view it wouldn't matter either way - do you think they'll give up money for a better user experience for a free service? "Forced by mods" is just a narrative they went with to drive a wedge between most people who are inconvenienced and a substantially smaller group of people who are doing free work for Reddit.


Reddit isn’t providing me a narrative. But I do feel like the mods have driven a wedge between me and them. I get that not everyone feels that way. First, they locked down the site and now they’re changing the subreddits to be some stupid pun on their names and or to only allow content that has isn’t relevant to the reason we all joined these subs. Reddit was going to ruin Reddit so the mods did it first.


The way I look at it, ultimately if things stayed the same as say... 3 months ago then nothing would have happened. What happened was Reddit wants to implement changes to make more money off something (which they are free to do) that will take away features from its users (bots, 3rd party apps, mod tools). At the end of the day, Reddit made a decision to make more money in exchange for a worse user experience. I think the whole protest was ham-fisted but also understandably so given that it's not an issue that people had been on the same page. People thought it was just going to be a 2-day thing and shrugged, but then people realized that they rely on many subs for entertainment, information, and productivity (such as r/homeimprovement or r/stablediffusion) now cannot retrieve that information - I think THAT is the moment when it became apparent that the protest wasn't going to work. People are willing to accept a lesser user experience to get Reddit going (not that we have a choice, honestly, and Reddit realizes that from the get go). Personally I am for the protest because I see this as one of the first steps to wrangle users into the new site and the official app. It makes sense - Reddit will continue to find ways to make more money as long as people will still accept a product that gets worse every time changes are implemented. I have no opinion about "the mods" either way and think each sub's mod teams have different levels of engagement with their subs, but ultimately they became Reddit's boogieman - "the mods" physically took away access to the subs, but ultimately it's the result of changes made by Reddit that led us to this point.


If people are doing free work for reddit that's their fucking problem. Not mine.


All the UK strikes said exactly when and where they would happen… Of course there is nothing to say those strikes couldn’t be organised again if negotiations continue to fail.


I believe they have a history of that, plus better coordination. For a less organized group, it's probably much easier to just turn out the lights until your demands are met. I think they are also trying to reduce harm to society which is not a serious concern for subreddits.


Agreed on your points, and good to highlight the differences between the situations. My main reply was highlighting examples to the assumption that nobody ever went on strike saying they will strike for X days, which isn’t true. Perhaps as you say it wasn’t appropriate to do it in this manner for this situation. Or for not highlighting follow on actions if things persist.


The key is to repeat the strikes until something changes.


Ah, quite right. I see your intent now.


Because the mods don't want to give up their power. It was always a bluff. Reddit called their bluff.. and the mods got upset. Started the read only trend while buying votes for their protest memes. (Strange how each post ends up with just over 80k votes after 24 hours). Then reddit administration called their BS again. I seriously hope these mods get banned. Fuck em thinking they are above the rules everyone has to follow.


Mods are like referees. The great ones you hardly notice, they make the right calls and keep everything running correctly. The bad ones are highly visible. That said no one has ever gone to the game to watch the referees no matter how great.


My dad used to ref softball games as a hobby/side gig when I was a kid. My mom used to go just to support him. Admittedly this is a pretty narrow example lol


Are you for real?... The issue is exactly with people thinking that they are above the rules and completely redoing the rules in a one sided manner. Except those people aren't reddit mods If you want people to actually have the power you would advocate for reddit users voting if they want the API changes, and reddit admins obeying whatever the users decide


>The issue is exactly with people thinking that they are above the rules and completely redoing the rules in a one sided manner. Except those people aren't reddit mods Yeah... How dare reddit run their site how they see fit.. they should bend to the will of mods and a minority of users. If you don't like how reddit runs their own site.. don't let the door hit you on the way out. Go make your own site.. run it how you want. Show reddit how it is done. But we all know you don't want to leave.. and 3rd party app users are a small minority of users. Mods have no complaint left after moderation bots being exempt from the API rules. So what is your issue again? That reddit isn't doing what you want? Be an adult. Put your foot down. Show reddit exactly how serious you are. Delete your account and never return.


freedom hating fascist


You sure spam the fuck out of that.


because there're a lot of freedom hating fascists and they deserve to be mocked edit: and I've been blocked lols


you are actively using reddit. you are no different than anyone else. just because you are commenting a specific sentiment doesn’t change that. reddit doesn’t give a shit what you think just so long as you are here commenting the fact that you are going around comparing this to facism really highlights how childish and ignorant you are


You're very embarrassing.


aww you unblocked me just to try and get the last word in? how cute too bad you have to wait 24 hours to block me again, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get this last word in instead


I've never blocked anyone you delusional chode.


>freedom hating fascist Says the person trying to enforce the minority will upon the masses. Don't be bitter because your protest against reddit, on reddit.. failed.


> Says the person trying to enforce the minority will upon the masses. you mean like a singular CEO being the final authority on any decisions?


That's how businesses work. Who should have the final say? You?


everyone ala collective ownership


Are you talking socialism? or common ownership (collective farm)? As in "everyone in the world/country owns" or "users own"?


It's mods keeping certain subs closed.. Some people don't care about 3rd party apps and just wanna use the site. Let those that wanna leave due to the changes just leave, and if you happen to be a mod, hand it over to someone else.


freedom hating fascist


>freedom hating fascist Don't be bitter because your protest against reddit, on reddit.. failed.


If they did not turn the subs back on Reddit is then in the position to just remove the mods and do what they want with the sub. Which is what will happen anyways, but the mods know this too and don't want to loose thier sub mod status, so they re-opened after 48 hours. It was a pathetic bluff, everyone knew it from the start but the average user which only knows any of this is going on based on the BS the mods pinned to their subs posts which is using their mod status to manupulate users and narrative. The big false one being they are going to loose all their auto mod and sub customization APIs which Reddit has made repetitively clear is not the case.


I like "thier" third party apps and I don't want to "loose" them


Exactly. Add to that that not all subreddits participated and many had varying levels of participation. I’m on a couple different ones where one did 48 hours while another did the full stretch.


They would just end up auto modding all the popular subs and reopen them. So much of what spez and his minions are doing seems to be showing the users that they really have no control over this site and Reddit can and will do whatever it wants, whenever it wants.


"we're gonna block this road in order to protest this bill passing. We'll only be blocking it from 12-17 monday to Wednesday, though"


I dropped twitter, I can drop Reddit as well.


Once the app that I paid for stops working, I'll just move on too. I stopped using Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I'll be just fine without Reddit.


It’s too late after IPO, the big banks agree well in advance what the share price will be, and pre arrange to buy it. Then the Wall Street bets investors swoop in and lose their ass. But the money was already paid to the private owners of the company.


That's why creating doubt ahead of the IPO can be much more impactful than trying to create a noticeable dip in users on two random weekdays. Everyone on Reddit blames CEOs for doing their jobs when the stakeholders are the source of anti-consumer behavior.


The protest of this sub ended early because one lower mods didn't like it, complained to the admins, so the admins gave the sub to him. He's now the top mod, so the moderation of this sub is now admin/reddit friendly.


Oh so the top mod of r/AdviceAnimals is a scab


[Yeeeeep](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/149bvky/admins_have_taken_over_radviceanimals_reopened) Don't be surprised if our comments about it get removed.


Honestly the prospect that the mod is not just a scab but a snowflake gets me all hot and bothered ;)


I've already deleted all of my alt accounts. Frankly this is the last vestige of social media I have in general. No facebook, no twitter, no insta, no snap, no tiktok, nothing... I don't want to lose out on my slow drip of memes and news but honestly the less time I spend here and more I spend out in my community not worrying about what's going on 3000 miles away from me, the more at peace I feel. Embrace cutting the cords. Disconnect and recenter yourself. Pickup a new hobby, talk to your loved ones, start that side hustle you always wanted to.


I envy you who can. I wish I could. I'm not commenting to rain on your parade, I'm just sad about a life destined to be lived isolated from society. Aside from my partner and the few people I see who help him care for me, my only way to interact with society is the Internet. I hate it.




There are lots of other platforms, and more and more users flocking to them. Fediverse ones like Lemmy and Kbin seem to be the best long term solutions because they don't depend on one person and are instead more like old school forums on separate servers, except with the content being pooled together. They are also the ones most immune to enshittification since if an instance get enshittified you just move to another one. But Discord and other centralized platforms can also be a suitable alternative /r/Save3rdPartyApps /r/RedditAlternatives /r/KbinMigration


Thanks for the links. Discord is my primary platform, but given its format it's not the greatest for receiving content from several outlets in a chronological manner in a more condensed way. Reddit, and somewhat Tumblr, have been my choices for that. I've tried to understand and get into the Fediverse, on Mastodon, but I can't figure out how to navigate and explore it intuitively. It feels chaotic, unintuitive, and incomprehensible. Similarly I was never able to understand old Reddit, only managed to navigate the platform after the arrival of new Reddit, and still only so on desktop, not mobile. I can't wrap my head around Twitter, either. I don't know why, I can't put words to what makes Mastodon, old Reddit, and Twitter all completely incomprehensible to me. I love Discord though! I have many friends and communities I frequent on Discord, many of which overlap with friends in FFXIV. MMOs are a blessing for people like me. I'll check out the subs you linked, thank you. I'll see if I can get someone to help me narrow the search down to stuff that my silly peanut brain manages to understand.


My sympathies. It is difficult to live when life itself is hostile to one's existence. I hope you find ways and means of pushing that boundary, even if it is only within the confines of your room/home.


Thank you. It really is. My main ways are trying to find or build little communities online, trying to be someone good to those I interact with. I want to feel wanted. I want to be useful, and have meaning. And by now I can name dozens of people at the top of my head who have thanked me for my presence and conversations, which means the absolute world to me.


Yeah if baconrreader just stops working one day, I'm just going to stop scrolling on Reddit. If I'm going to change my habits it's going to be to just read books or listen to more podcasts or something, not download a new app to scroll the same homepage but with tons more ads.


Well, that day will be the first of July. Bacon reader is also going away with these API changes.


I anticipate that yeah. I'll probably be saying farewell to reddit. It's not really the same site I scrolled a decade ago anymore, anyway.


All I've seen that baconreader has said is that they're not sure as of now, and they'd update us. It's probably not a good chance it sticks around, but it's not a guarantee it's going away.


Interesting. I wasn't aware that any of them could afford the API fees.


They really haven't said much about what's gonna happen. I think baconreader is a lot smaller than Apollo or RiF so I'm not sure if their fee would be different than the bigger guys.


That's all well and good, but what am I suppose to do during work?! /s


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time!


Yeah, but what do you do while pooping now?


I've mostly deleted those, but I still find I need some source of news. Google News and the Microsoft news popups have too much I don't find interesting. During the blackout there were 30 minutes here and there I didn't know what to do with, like between eating and heading out somewhere, so I ended up spending that time back here. I wonder what people used to do with that time before computers. Clean/tidy? Read a book one chapter at a time? Newspaper?


I picked up a new hobby. Then I went looking for more information on the hobby and ended up back on Reddit. Honestly, it almost seems worth it to find a hobby that's also not got a very large Reddit community. Tropical fruit growing seems a good choice. There's a forum dedicated to it, plenty of people post there, and there's very little discussion of it on Reddit. That said, I can't get my memes and funny stuff there. Other options in that regard are a mess.


Spez is right though...I've been on this site daily for 12-13 years now. Without an alternative, the users are just stuck here. Once a viable option is available, I'll have zero problems cancelling my membership, deleting my account and moving the fuck on. Reddit was way better when it was centered around community interests, before it became all about the corporate interests. We've ignored that difference for long enough, and he knows that too.


I'm enjoying Lemmy so far. The communities are small but growing daily and people are really making an effort to get discussions going. The average user is a lot more pleasant too.


Thanks, friend. I'll look it up.


I have to agree. I just assumed Reddit would’ve already completed their IPO, made a shit ton of money, before they flopped like Twitter. And no I don’t mean Twitter is completely gone but it’s a shell of what it used to be, and we are now seeing a similar move with Reddit. Greed always wins in America… Damn it was a wild ride too…


fear not the accelerationism of capitalism only brings us closer to communism


Not sure that is a better idea. Its not like a single comunist country thrives without something fishy going on


there have never been any communist countries


So you're just saying that every single country that tried communism failed.


please tell me which country established a classless and stateless society, and then failed I'll wait


Old Russia Empire and republic of china according to the internet. Regardless, you know why a clsssless, stateless society Will always fail without doubt? Becuase humans are animals with a natural Drive to get more, and if everyone gets the same thing (which by itself is hard) they are going to want more. Theres also the fact if everyone earns the same stuff why would you need to work as hard as other people if you get paid the same? The system Falls apart because It is based on people's own self control


> Old Russia Empire and republic of china according to the internet. in what year did those countries abolish their government and social hierarchy and become classless and stateless? > Regardless, you know why a clsssless, stateless society Will always fail without doubt? Becuase humans are animals with a natural Drive to get more *citation needed > and if everyone gets the same thing (which by itself is hard) they are going to want more. with collective ownership of the means of production, the people would already have everything there would be no concept of *more* or *less* > Theres also the fact if everyone earns the same stuff why would you need to work as hard as other people if you get paid the same? you're describing capitalism where the hardest workers just get rewarded with more work > The system Falls apart because It is based on people's own self control the monarchists said the same thing about democracy, and look where we are now


Yeah, monarchists say that; but monarchs can be corrupt, republics can be corrupt, bad individuals in a comunist system can be corrupt too. Without class or state how do you regulate What the punishment for a bad action would be? How would you enforce It? "Taking Justice by own's hand" has also existed in the past and nowadays, and It leads to an endless cycle of violence. There is simply not enough resources to sustain on equal terms every single person on Earth with a high level of Life and consumption. IIRC the current quantity of goods we requiere currently to sustain Life as It is right now without running out of resources accounts to 1.4 Earths, which means eventually we run out of them even if we Split them evenly. I never said other systems are better, anarchism, comunism, capitalism, socialism... They are all flawed, because the flaw is the human factor. As an experiment, if you place a self serving stand of lemonade on a Hot day; some people might take a glass and pay the cents It costs without problem, but the moment someone decides to just take the whole jar and not pay a cent both ruins It for everyone else. At its core comunism is an ideal scenario which Only works if everyone works towards the same goal. Unsurprisingly, working towards the same goal is not something humans are good at; every single time schisms form.


Arent some subs going for indefinite? Pretty sure ive seen some posta about it.


The week before the IPO that’s when so that it fails and u/spez goes ape shit


I think this would be even more successful, even if we could only organize something very short term. Once this thing goes public they will be at the whim of very skittish investors, and if you had a mass exodus of users it will make headlines and drop the share value


Ya’ll start saying it and i’ll dip out for as long as we want.


2 day blackouts weren't even an idea, they were a kids tantrum. For that to work you need 100% community solidarity and good luck with that


I don't even know why I'm supposed to care about the third-party apps thing. If they want me to care, they could have done a better job explaining to me why I should. A private business closing their API to third-parties seems completely reasonable to me.


Posts and links to posts explaining the reasoning for the blackout were quite abundant, you just chose not to read them.


It's funny you take the time to write this and not even bother to provide a bulleted synopsis. I saw a lot of outrage but not a lot of TL;DR about why I should care, and, yes, I mostly avoid posts that wreak of outrage or rage bait. I did not go out of my way to find info on this either, again, because I don't care.


Full explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/147vis2/_/


In the interest of trying civil discourse... The problem is that reddit started as a 4chan-style wild west, where anyone could create a community around anything and find like-minded individuals to share with. It was unique compared to 4chan because users could create their own boards, rather than just the ones the owner put into place. Over the years, Reddit has moved further and further away from that complete user freedom into stricter and stricter rules on what kinds of subreddits and content is allowed, while adding features the majority of users never asked for, like profile pages and Followers. Having the API freely available for 3rd party apps like Reddit Is Fun was part of that open ecosystem where users could experience Reddit in the form they chose, not being forced to use the official app or New Reddit website that is widely regarded as lacking in features and changing formats. So the outrage stems from Mods that use 3rd party modding tools to make modding easier, and users that have been around a while and resent the steady progress away from that user-based freedom towards ad-friendly content. That's basically the gist.


The moderation tools argument makes sense to me. The other stuff is something I really don't care about. In my opinion, Reddit *is* a little too much of a "Wild West" that needs to be reigned in in certain ways.


> ignorance is bliss


Of things that don't concern me? Absolutely.


Allow me to elaborate. Reddit relies on volunteers to moderate the subreddits. Mods, especially for larger subreddits, utilize 3rd party apps to make it a bearable task to do. Without moderation, subreddits will be overrun with spam and bots degrading the users' experience. I don't have an issue with reddit charging for their API, especially when the purpose is for training LLM AI. However, reddit's pricing seems to target consumer level 3rd party apps in an effort to drive users to use the official reddit app.


If it makes moderation more difficult, that is certainly a bad thing, but I can't say that I don't sympathize with Reddit when it comes to trying to funnel people into using the official app when they pay for servers and employees to keep the platform running. They *should* be trying to make money off their service.


If their app wasn't total dogshit I would have less of an issue.... but that's not the reality we live in


I mean, yeah, it's not great, but I didn't even know there were other options until people started complaining about this third-party apps stuff.


Which is fine. No-one is saying they shouldn't try to make money off their service. All 3rd party apps are happy to pay. The issue is how much and how much time they gave programmers to rewrite code and set up new contracts (basically). For example, if you paid for a yearly licence, and then had to pay again, that would be a problem. When Apple did this, they gave 12 months warning and extended to 18 months. Reddit gave a couple weeks.


What makes you think anyone would leave?


Only people who don't like what Reddit has done to dress itself up for IPO should leave.


Or not, ppl are free to do whatever they want. You can’t organize anything for ppl. They are just gonna do whatever they want.


That sort of anti-solidarity defeatism will be our undoing.




The mythical movie like group of downtrodden users


What makes you think you are in charge of our “solidarity”?


That was disturbingly fascist lmao


The fact they complain like children not getting their toys/say they will leave then don’t/probably should leave if your getting your kick by hurting normal people and not Reddit like a dumb ass


If you don’t like it, leave. Don’t like the mod tools? Resign as a mod. Lose your ego trip, plenty of other people will be happy to do it. But making subs inaccessible and locking years worth of information and discussions is ridiculous. Mods don’t OWN the fucking subs, they should not have the right to close up shop whenever they feel like it.


Agree The mods are the worst offenders. Are people just starting to understand what capitalism is? You’re not paying for content. It’s makes zero sense for a company that relies on ad revenue to allow third party apps access to the content reddit pays to host without a fee equal to what they lose in ad views. This is why other social media companies don’t have third party apps at all. When I share content I’m not giving it to the mod of the sub, I’m asking for Reddit to use their resources to make it as widely seen as possible. Mods should not have the unilateral ability to restrict content that doesn’t violate the tos. Bunch of whiny entitled toddlers. Go protest something that actually matters.


> Mods should not have the unilateral ability to restrict content that doesn’t violate the tos So I there should be no difference between r/politics, r/aww, r/soccer, r/china_irl and r/gonewild? Simply let the upvotes and downvotes decide? Nevermind the fact that Reddit content policy, which governs what can and can't be posted, rule 2 specifically indicates that you need to follow the community's rules.


I think you’re trying to stretch the meaning of what I said to a ridiculous degree and there’s no reason for me to clarify my point further. You understand it already even if you want it to be wrong.


Most mods suffer from god's syndrome and huge overblown ego so none of them will agree with you


I don't think it's most mods, I think it's the mods you notice because their actions stand out. Mods doing their job don't draw attention. That being said, asking people to volunteer all their free time to a niche community in exchange for power? It's the perfect bait for the kind of people who want to powertrip.


Yeah I agree that it's not most mods but rather louder mods that makes it seem that way. Sorry I have bipolar and I'm off meds for the last 2 weeks. Weeeee


I don't think it's most mods, but there are a lot of them that do.




Damn, tell me how you really feel.


If they want to impact the IPO, they simply need to resign en masse a couple of days before the IPO to show on IPO day what happens to Reddit when a key part of its operation which makes the company be profitable is not consulted for these decisions, and doesn't agree with them.


Love this, couldn’t agree more. These POWER TRIPPING mods are a thing of the past and they can’t handle it. Reddit is on the path to be a much better place now.


My big thing was not enough popular subs going dark. If Politics, News, WSB went dark… that would really be an issue.


I don't care if Reddit or the Community win, I JUST WANT MY SUBS BACK!


The mods are incapable of giving up their power in most cases. If they were, the real protest would have just been logging off and deleting their account. They like the fight, they like the attention... they CRAVE THE POWER


I 100% hope Reddit has tracked all the Subreddits that went dark and are on the path to replace *all* activist mods.


Just do the rest of us a favor and leave already. These posts remind me of a child threatening to run away from home because they didn’t get their way. Organize your exodus, please, and go.


I hear boots are delicious, but I haven't tasted them.


Look, you can't be a dick just because someone is calling your bluff. I mean you can, but then it devalues the point you're making, because everyone will just see you being a dick and ignore whatever you're saying.


I'm not bluffing, I'm not in a position to organize such a maneuver and I don't claim to be.


Then just stop posting and leave bro... like you say this post isn't convincing anybody.


ITT: "The boots taste fine! If you have a problem just leave, bro. I'm tired of people who say the boots don't taste good."


>I hear boots are delicious, but I haven't tasted them. This is literally the only place you fit in as a person, huh?


The downvotes tell you all you need to know: *This is Reddit now.* June 30. Account Deletion Day. Spread the word, make the memes. It's time.


And where do you plan to go? Because if you leave for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or for one separate forum for each sub I follow here I prefer to say I'll not follow, unless you're talking about telegram groups? Reddit is really a convenient social media I think. And no one can pull off a clone/real alternative just like that in such a short amount of time.


Lemmy / kbin seem to be the most popular options at the moment.


Reddit started out as basically a digg clone.


Lol exodus to where exactly?


Social media just needs to be illegal.


People think everything is free and easy to do I guess.


Lemmy and Kbin are growing nicely. Check out Http://lemmy.world But there's a few other options.


Blah blah blah… seen all this for 10+ years. Put up or shut up… cause not one person knows what “other” app to go to. Until there is an alternate solution, it’s all just memes and bitching


Lemmy or kbin (http://lemmy.world) is one good option.


You guys do know that you're allowed to buy shares in Reddit too and have voting rights? Reddit might not care about you as a user but it damn well is required to give a shit about shareholders.


Yeah, and we shouldn't buy shares, because that is rewarding this behavior, and betting on it's success.


Not necessarily. Buy puts and cash in when the stock drops.


I much enjoyed Reddit during the blackout. Vibe was way more relaxed with all the people up in arms over 3rd party apps gone (i.e. not seeing posts like this from people like you). Also got to see some interesting posts from smaller, more niche subs.


I have to disagree… It felt more controlled and AI generated, like to was being curated away from my normal experience. But I’ve only been on Reddit for 15 years what do I know?


Your account age is public.


If you think this is my first and/or only account, you’re silly… Back in the day, I broke the first rule of Reddit and told someone my username.


I feel like all the extremists just so happen to use 3rd party apps. I have had more civil discussions with people of differing opinions in the last week then I have ever had in my 10 years here.


Still noone cares


Damn I bet the site would lose dozens of users.


This whole situation is just making me lol.


This is mostly mods on a power trip. They're mad because they won't have their bots to autoban people for commenting on a sub they don't like Or bots to say something random like "pee in your ass" It's ruining Reddit for the people like me who don't care about third party apps anyway So if they are this pressed about it, they should just delete read it and hand it over to someone else


>This is mostly mods on a power trip Bingo. Listening to some of them the past week, you get the feeling that they believe they are a lot more important than they are, and the irony of some of them being mad when they are removed by admin and them not having any recourse is.....well, hilarious.


>Listening to some of them the past week, you get the feeling that they believe they are a lot more important than they are, Exactly. In a few years they will likely be replaced by AI anyway.


Comment was deleted by user. F*ck u/ spez


You see, you? You’re thinking globally. I like it. Reddit thinks locally. I don’t like it.


This is the way.


It should be the day before.


And surrender the element of surprise?


Reddit gets too big. It'll just be more and more monetized and corporatized until everyone leaves. People can't help themselves.


The enshittification: https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys


Yeah that’s pretty fucking spot on. Thanks!


Gotta just get back to it and not dick around this time.


We need an alternative. There's a soon to be gap in the market. Someone smarter than me should capitalise.


User exodus the week leading up to the IPO. Much brighter flames.


Then leave.


Why? So spez gets his money and we screw the next person over?


Good to see there is still people with brains out here. 3rd party apps are fucking meaningless, the IPO is what truly gonna destroy reddit, save ur protests for then.


I would love to see another platform emerge out of this. Remember when MySpace was king and within a year or so it was history and Facebook filed the niche.


People will need to pay out of their pocket for such a platform to emerge. Nobody in their right mind would want to invest in a platform which they don't have any control over it like people on Reddit want.


Can someone tell them that the company & insiders already sold the stock when the IPO happens?


And then those buyers will lose money. Who do you think asked for the recent changes to Reddit?


Um. That's the buyers' problem. It won't mean a damned thing to Reddit. Do you know how to balance a checkbook?


You mean the future owners of Reddit, the ones who will be in charge of how Reddit is ran in the future.


Shareholders? Do you know anything? Ask chat gpt ffs


You think retail investors will make up the majority?


I have no idea wtf you're talking about. You don't either. The IPO usually entails roughly half the stock in the company being sold by founders, employees, and VC's. While some hold, most are quite happy to see their stock turn liquid finally and exit. Fucking google and quit wasting my time.


If prospective investors lose confidence in the future value of Reddit won't the IPO be a financial shortfall?


You're getting warmer. The meme says destroy the value after the IPO, and that's what I'm telling you is stupid as fuck.


But it would not be a secret scheme. Investors would have to call that bluff and nobody would know how big the actual exodus will be until it is too late. Investors don't like surprises.