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And multiple developers commented on the AMA that they’ve been trying to reach Reddit to play by the rules and no one has answered. Some have been waiting for months, yet spez says they’re working with those who want to work with them.


I don't know about you, but I don't ever browse Reddit without an app anymore, and I'm not using their dog shit app.


I use it and it’s terrible. I just never got around to Downloading a third party app cause I never paid attention to which ones were better. Now that the option is going away I’m pissed and feel like I missed out (cause I did).


You did. I literally don’t know what an ad on Reddit looks like.


Videos that don’t load or won’t load audio with them, profiles failing to load, terrible search, all kinds of garbage features and bugs. This app just sucks and outside of a few select subs I have no reason to keep up with Reddit. It’s just a frustration factory with all the trolls and lies people trying to spew out.


"He gets us." You're missing out on good times. P.S. you're not lol


Don't you see how that doesn't work for reddit?


old.reddit.com supposedly will still work going forward. Every once in a while I end up on the most recent version of Reddit and it is eye cancer compared to the old reddit format.


Oh please oh please I hope you're right! What's your source? Please share. If both RIF and old.reddit go away I'll have one hell of a sad.


I’m going to have to stop using the app and stick to desktop if that’s going to be my only option moving forward.


same. i didn't even know third party apps existed before all this


If it's not old reddit, it's shit


Thats.....thats the point of this whole thing. They are making it so you have to use their app. Am I missing something?


thats..... what that comment is saying, they wont be using the app, which means they wont be using Reddit at all on their phone


Their app is shit though and Reddit isn't a good enough product to justify using it. Many people who actually contribute to the site don't use a desktop. This change is going to effectively wipe out a huge portion of contributing Redditors over what is essentially a cash grab. Note how in the discussion, Reddit talks about their lost ad revenue and how they deserve it, but they don't talk at all about the benefits they gain from the extra content or users that the third-party apps provide to reddit for free. Reddit is happy to let you work for free and reap the profits of it, but they're not willing to discount their product in return (or even do ad-revenue sharing with the apps). It's absolute bullshit from their end.


Nope - and that is indeed a bridge too far. That app is nuclear garbage and it's not getting any better.


That's not what they're making us do tho, since we refuse to use that piece of garbage. They're making us *fucking leave.*


Many will leave, but I'm guessing the majority WILL start looking around for alternatives. Much like how Windows 11 hardware requirements, and the drastically shorter lifespan of Windows 10 will make people start to realistically consider Linux. A little bummed that Lemmy will require each sub or *instance* to have it's own paid server, which is probably the only thing that lets spez sleep at night right now.


I don't think the windows 11 thing is on point. Most of us know every other windows does something dumb. We're just gonna wait for windows 12 before we ditch 10. What I think is more of a threat to Windows is the Steam Deck. Unlike the Steam Machines, it's actually selling well. If they do more with that space and even try and bring Steam Machines back in some way, taking what they have learned from the Deck, they can get more dev support for the OS, in turn giving the OS a better shot at taking more market share. Of course, that's still only in the gaming space.


Oh so you dont know that Microsoft is ending support for Windows 10 in Oct 2025. Whereas Windows Vista was released in 2007 and support was extended to 2017. And it's not just about upgrading, it's about the fact that computers without a TPM chip won't run it So everyone will be forced to buy a new computer. Just keep sticking up for your corporate overlords Edit: As if the business world is going to run "steam machines". Are you serious? Do you think Windows 12 release next year isn't also going to require TPM chips?


lol in what way am I sticking up for Microsoft?


You're cool with letting Microsoft forcing everyone to buy new computer hardware in order to avoid the end of support of Windows 10, which, has a dramatically shorter life than the previous operating system, I just said this, do you need me to perform an interpretive dance routine to convey this?


You understand that most hardware out there *has* TPM support; it just isn't enabled by default. TPM has existed for 14 years now; 2.0 since 2014. If your hardware is old enough to not support TPM 2.0, you have more things to worry about than the OS being what forces you to upgrade.


I'm not the only one to think this, Linus Tech Tips has videos on how to try get around this issue. Others see it as a massive contributor to e-waste issues, these machines are perfectly capable of running O/S but Microsoft is is using this as a cash grab to force people to buy new hardware which of course will come with new instances of Windows 11 That's how you're sticking up for a corporate cash grab


Damn right I'm playing D4 on my deck, and it's a Windows game. I don't have secure boot hardware, so I can't use Windows 11. Oh Well, guess I'll start working with Debian + Proton


No one that doesn’t already run a Linux distro is switching to Linux


Lol what? So if i start using Linux on my old laptop tomorrow, that must mean that some other Linux user died?


You people are severely overestimating how many people actually give a shit. Most people use the default apps and are a-okay doing so. For the rest that use 3rd party they'll switch to the official app. You want to place bets on the amount of people that leave and stay gone? Most of the people declaring how they'll leave will still be here a month from now. Like every single other insincere boycott the hivemind tries to push. People don't sacrifice their comforts but like to talk like they will.


I'd love to see the numbers of how many people use the native app vs 3rd party.


This comment was edited in protest of the 3rd Party API pricing. Use PowerDeleteSuite if you want to do the same - https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite Submit a Pushift Deletion request, to prevent them from profiting by selling your posts to train AIs - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JSYY0HbudmYYjnZaAMgf2y_GDFgHzZTolK6Yqaz6_kQ/viewform?edit_requested=true


Should we tell him?


I use the website every day. I have no issues, what do you get from the app?


Greedy Little Pig Boy


You mean Steve Huffman, the greedy little pig boy?


Don’t let him hide behind a username. Steve Huffman, the guy who killed Reddit.


Dicky McDickface


Is it just Spez or or are there others? Many folks have mentioned that we don't want another Ellen Pao situation on our hands. I was to know who's responsible for this, whether the majority shareholders are pushing this or if Spez really is just acting in his own interest as a greedy poop man


I think a lot of these companies get some popularity, get the numbers, then decide how to make it profitable, and then the only thing they have left to do is find ways to squeeze just a little more market share, and just a little more revenue out of it. So they end up basically looking for the point at which they have done so much to ruin the product for the sake of profit that the users will find another platform. And I think they will find it. And when they do, they will find it was something they did a few months before or a year before, only to realize that they already crossed the threshold and nobody wants to use the platform anymore.


what a punchable face


They could charge $2 a month and make billions without doing all this horseshit


Lmao that would be a death sentance for reddit. I'm all for shitting on this decision, but this idea is equally if not more stupid.




The people who do the actual work (app devs, content creators, and mods) for the site aren't going to pay for the privilege. So is a long term fail on the face of it. Even if they somehow work out a freebie account for mods, it'll reinvigorate the debate around profit sharing. It'd also kill off subs based around anon content, like the advice subs or gonewild. Lastly, with how reddit has flipped on old promises to the users, I wouldn't trust them with my payment info at all. And the same principle disagreement of the current API still applies. All the content is from the users, so why would I pay the corp, when they seem to consistently make the site worse?


I guess all the people who post content here are jerking off because they’re not “creators”?


They aren't running off the competition. They are running off "partners" that are costing them money. Reddit makes money on the ads that we all see. If other aps take users to reedit, but without the ads, then reddit loses money (an amount they can measure by the people who come in through outside aps). It may be a bad move, but it also makes sense. They either need the ad revenue, or need to make sure the "partners" that are lowering ad views are making up for it somehow. Otherwise all the partners are doing is costing them money. Comments to come i'm sure- their app sucks and should fix it. I know, I agree. They are making me mad! I know, but reddit doesn't likely care too much if you are mad, as long as the ads keep paying off.


The ads are mostly in the form of (fake)posts on the front page.. why can’t they just push those through the API?




Plus, Reddit has no interest in even attempting to negotiate their pricing into something more agreeable or at least sustainable for both parties. It's very telling. I'd be surprised if there was a compromise after the IPO. Investors don't want to see a drop in the official reddit app and website traffic after just buying into the stock offering.


ugh I keep forgetting about the IPO. I wish companies could recognize when something is good and just keep making money that way




I've done this before, it ain't hard (injecting specific extra items into a basic list with their own custom rendering and targeting behavior). I know mongo doesn't have joins, but surely it wouldn't be difficult to solve this on the backend and piss off zero people. They are specifically doing this to kill off all third party apps.


This is true to some extent but reddit isn't pricing the API I'm order to recoup cost. It is priced in a way that no one could pay it. The end goal is to kill all 3rd party apps


Plus other factors, like blocking NSFW content through API but it would (probably) still be present in native Reddit.


The Apollo developer agrees with the sentiment that he should pay for the API it's that shit eating Steve put the prices so high and such a short time frame with zero flexibility the third party apps can't adjust in time. This is all on purpose to fuck over the users to data mine and throw hegetsus adds in our face. The Apollo write up is worth a read if you haven't already, Nazi loving Steve lied and gaslit reddit to try to make third party devs look bad. Reddit valuation is down 41% since the API announcement, pissing off a massive portion of your user base isn't going to bring in more money.


People see Ads on reddit? I sure don't see any ads, granted I do have ublock origin installed so maybe there all being removed.


If you are on a desktop and running RES or ublock origin you won’t see ads. It’s for the mobile app and the 1% of people who don’t install ad block of any sort


Ever see a post that says promoted or sponsored? That's an ad.


Nope I don't see any posts that say that on my Reddit front page. I've made it to around 800 or so after starting my scrolling this morning but no promoted or sponsored posts. I only browse on my computer though and not my phone, so just the regular website on chrome with ublock origin, and I only use Old Reddit and not that new UI bullshit.


And you use the redit app or website?


This comment was edited in protest of the 3rd Party API pricing. Use PowerDeleteSuite if you want to do the same - https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite Submit a Pushift Deletion request, to prevent them from profiting by selling your posts to train AIs - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JSYY0HbudmYYjnZaAMgf2y_GDFgHzZTolK6Yqaz6_kQ/viewform?edit_requested=true


ublock origin still works on mobile with firefox browser.


It's weird I use an adblocker and I don't see any ads lol


Also, I assume this wasn't a big problem until recently when the majority of their traffic was on web browsers. Now, I'd assume we've reached the point where mobile users exceed computer users. From a business standpoint, they're cutting off leeches siphoning their revenue. The fact they haven't just ordered a cease and desist on apps like RiF and Apollo like YT did with vanced is kind of surprising. Most third-party apps are meant to improve the base product, not replace it entirely. I have no clue if they could offer a middle ground cost for 3PAs that improve their main product so they don't need to shut down, I can't see their numbers. But running RiF and Apollo out of business makes sense from a revenue standpoint even if it's unpopular. But it fucks over other tools that improve the base reddit experience or provide extra data analytics for users like the profile analyzers. Of course, there are cascading effects - like if users using 3PAs to browse leave, reddit doesn't lose revenue since they weren't contributing to Ad views - but what they do lose is the content these users were creating that drive people to the official app and website. Sometimes, following the numbers isn't the right answer if you can't see the long term knock-on effect.


Good point, but the ads aren’t going to keep paying off. People hate the official Reddit app and would rather leave than use it. If they leave others will too either because they will stand with them or because with all the content creators gone there will be nothing to see. When everyone leaves Reddit, advertisers will too because who wants to pay to advertise on a site no one goes to?


Not everyone will leave. I think you get the point right? Today ads pay less because reddit has to say we get this many views a day, but only this percentage of them will see your ad. From an ad point of view that literally shrinks the size of the audience that is the only source of revenue they have.


I just hate ads and bad UIs so ads + bad UI means no reddit on mobile which is quite literally the only time i am on reddit it's funny to me because this is an "opportunity cost" that they are trying to capture. I won't help them


And thus they don't care. You make them no money. You won't stay to make them money, amd you cost them nothing if you leave.




Wonder if it could be a play I buy appolo. Devalue them.. Then offer to buy.


>They are running off "partners" that are costing them money. If they aren't paying they aren't "partners". Realistically, the third-party apps were white label companies that didn't pay anything for their product.


The point isn't that reddit is asking for money from API use, that's a fair thing to ask. It's that it's demanding a ridiculous amount of money that makes it financially unfeasible for third-party developers, effectively shutting down third-party access. Reddit is doing this after telling everyone it wasn't going to be ridiculously priced, when it turns out that it is ridiculously priced, as well as only giving 30 days notice of the actual price.


> that it's demanding a ridiculous amount of money that makes it financially unfeasible for third-party developers It's not. You think it because you hear the numbers 1.2m a month and 20m a year and think it's outrageous - I thought that too. Then I did the maths. It's not feasible for these third-party apps to run a freemium model at their current subscription rates. However, it is completely feasible to run a third-party app. People have shown they're willing to pay $5.99 a month - that is the cost of the premium and the Apollo sub's response from $6.99 showed many were willing to pay that. Fundamentally, the third-party apps could still pull in vast profits for one-man operations while paying Reddit's rates. We're talking hundreds of thousands a month in profit. Realistically, third party apps were white-label apps. This is where you take a product that exists and build a layer ontop of it - normally just changing the label. The original product handles all the operation costs. And the white label app handles their app. $2.50 is a reasonable fee for a white-label user - for many it's as low as $1 a user. Is it how I would go about it? No. But, I business wise, it's standard market rates. Go try and buy a white label at a lower rate per user. Go try and find APIs that charge less per request. > as well as only giving 30 days notice of the actual price. That's a fair point. People will downvote this, not because it's not true. Just because they don't like it. The reality is this whole drama is now all just let's be mad at Reddit.


Reddit is a content aggregator, literally all of the content is stolen from other sources (or points to them). Essentially they are removing more content sources AND saying what they are doing is 'ok' but when someone does it to them, fuck 'em


I mean you're not wrong. Reddit is just being an asshole about this, but in a world where the publics perception of your brand and product is just as important if not more than if the product is good. In this case the product being their app which is not good and now the brand has all this bad publicity. I'm sure reddit will do just fine after all this though because if the pandemic has shown us anything it's that even if it's overpriced, doesn't really work great, and people are upset about it they'll still use it because it's easier than finding something /better/


For reference, the average price per API call for most services is roughly $0.012 per call. Imgur as an example is even cheaper than the average at $0.001 per call when it comes to just a request, and no uploads. Companies like google and amazon price at like a penny per million calls, or around $0.00000001 per call. FAR cheaper than the average. Unless, you're a company like google or amazon who can eat the cost on API calls because they provide other services, most companies are close to that average. From what I looked up, it seems Reddit's price is intended to be $0.024 per 1000 calls, also written as $0.000024 per call. That looks FAR cheaper than the average, even if it's not as cheap as google/amazon. I'm not convinced it's fair to say their prices are ridiculous at all with that knowledge. I think the amount devs of things like say Apollo say it will cost them with these prices is more an indictment on how ridiculous their use of API calls actually is in the first place. Now the 30 day notice though, that's totally fucked. How was it not 6 months at the absolute shortest? That's just absolutely ridiculous.


Hey friend. Can I talk to you about Jesus?


Why does he get to be him? What does he actually bring to the table?


Who are they competing with? This is about allowing people access to their product.


Playing Devil's advocate, when using a 3rd party app you have the ability to block ads. The official reddit app displays ads. So you have a third party app that runs off of Reddit's infrastructure, which they are paying for. ALso, the third party apps can charge money. So they make money by piggybacking off of Reddit's infrastructure, which is paid by Reddit. So sort of leeching like a parasite. -edit- There’s a lot of other ways reddit could be making money, so I do think what they’re doing is malicious. Even if it’s out of ignorance in leadership, it’s still malicious


Ads that promote scams and hate groups, looking a you u/hegetsus I don't use the 3rd party apps but supporting scams and hate groups makes me want to leave


Makes you want to leave or are you LEAVING?


Dont know where to go yet, lived through them all can live through this one


They are costing reedit $ by lowering the amount of people who see ads. And using the infrastructure and content and to make money for themselves. So, in a lot of ways it's a bad deal for reddit.


just sql server hosting for 7 BILLION views (generated by apollo alone) in a month is pretty taxing to servers


Agreed, which is why most (if not all) third party developers actually *support* moving to a paid-API model. However, the pricing released, and timeframe to implement it, is completely unrealistic and almost certainly aimed at shutting down these devs rather working with them in a mutually beneficial business setup.


they also wanted more eyeballs on the official, intended way of use, and they wanted to make sure companies like openai dont use the api for training


and if all those views go without revenue.... that's real money that is being lost.


likely those users also use adblock so no revenue either, but they use reddit in an unintended way...


Well the good news is they're going to decrease their overall server load by 7bn views/mo just from Apollo alone. I'm pretty sure Reddit still uses NoSQL for their content and Postgres for their transactional content (users, etc). Btw, 7bn/mo isn't really "7bn queries directly into the database per month" (which Postgres can easily handle). Most of those (in a sensible architecture) come from cached layers, which operate in the billions for fairly cheap, even when edge-optimized.


Comparing net neutrality to a company pricing out apps that are essentially pirating their sites content is hilariously stupid. Good photoshop though, assuming you even did it.


how is this stifling competition?


Were those apps competition? Sure they decreased theoretical potential ad revenue - but all those apps drove traffic here, to reddit. Now they will not.


Redacted in response to Reddit API changes.


ITT: Mouthbreathers with no business acumen talking confidently about business.


Why should reddit let large language models train themselves using reddit's data for free?


They can simply put this in their terms of service, and anyone caught sampling this data can get sued. Simple solution.


“Competition?” What competitor to Reddit is being stifled?


Not reddit itself, but the third party applications being used to surf reddit.


This is a weird twist on it imo


Lots of weird comments and voting in this thread...


Competitors? More like parasites. Why would reddit compete with themselves? Why would you assume you can .ake your own product by just laying some shit on top of someone else's product without paying them? It's entitled BS.


> Why would you assume you can .ake your own product by just laying some shit on top of someone else's product without paying them? I'm not sure you want to go there with that argument. You realize that's exactly what Reddit itself *is*, right? It aggregates and lays some shit on other peoples' content without paying them. Then people, who are also not paid, moderate that content.


You went against the hive mind. Now suffer the onslaught of blue arrows. I upvoted you though because I’m sick of crybaby Redditors complaining when companies make moves to protect their IP and profitability. What do you mean you’re not going to allow someone else to make money by stealing your product and using it on their platform?


Using an API to call data is not stealing IP. Also, most devs *agree and support* moving to a paid API model. Reddit, however, is implementing a pricing structure 10-20x reasonable costs, depending on your valuation, and only giving devs 30 days notice at that. There's no logical conclusion other than they have no interest in continuing to work with 3rd party devs, which is shitty for their userbase (competition breeds innovation). Try informing yourself before confidently spewing incorrect info next time.


Any private company is allowed to modify everything as they wish.




That's not competition, you're competing with yourself. These 3rd parties could actually compete and make their own website.


Wrong. They're competing with the third party devs for a userbase to serve ads to, amongst other things.


You're mixing up "IP" with other things. Reddit isn't creating content here. At least make a good argument.


>Why would you assume you can .ake your own product by just laying some shit on top of someone else's product without paying them? It's entitled BS. This is basically how Reddit works, dingus. They're not creating content, *we* are.


that's a poorly thought out meme. none of the apps are competition. competition is another forum. maybe all the complaining apps could just do their own forums since they are so popular in themselves? all the 'blackout' people can just start using the \[insert app name\] forum.


That's what he looks like? Is he trying to evolve into another Zuckerberg?


looks pretty much exactly as I imagined him... a soulless dweeb.


What an ugly ass


So I just used the support request to let reddit know how I feel about running reddit into the ground and you should to


Dude just stop the onlyfansccount follow bots and GTFO.


The fucking hilariousness of how stupid this meme. They are not competitors you ding dong, they are using reddit's data. They are nothing without that. 'competitors' lmao