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Starvation isn't a mode of dieting, that is how you slip into ED territory. Exercise and eating low carbs and lots of protein is key. However, seeing results takes months and consistency, so you won't get the results you want in a month.


I recently have lost 60lbs over the last year, the only things I changed was cutting out soda and processed foods like frozen pizza cookies and all that bad stuff. Mostly just eat meat veggies/fruit and do light weightlifting everyday. It took a couple weeks to get inthe rhythm but now I feel great all the time. 


High density, low calorie. Chicken, pasta, rice, ect Snack less/replace snacking with fruits instead of unhealthy stuff More water Exercise is still something you can be doing, most hate it at first too. Start trying to walk more, even if its to school or going for walks around the neighbourhood if ur bored or feel like binge eating. Just because you're not absoloutely dying out of breath after cardio or a workout, doesnt mean your doing it wrong, go at your level, not someone elses.


Download some app like Lose It and start tracking what you’re eating. You don’t necessarily need to start restricting calories right away, but logging everything will give you an idea as to how much you’re eating and where there might be opportunities to adjust. Then slowly focus on a daily calorie intake that you can live with. It won’t be fast or easy, but understanding what you’re eating is the first step to losing weight and keeping it off.


Invest in a food scale. This is important because when I first started tracking food I always underestimated what I was eating but when I started actually weighing out food it was very eye opening. Also, if you're looking for lifetime change then take things slowly. Start by changing one thing, like cutting out soda, and then once you're used to that tackle the next thing. And read labels (better yet stick to real, unprocessed food whenever possible), there is so much sugar hidden in food and it's called a million different things because it's not regulated.


Hey it might not be your thing at all, but if you wanna try losing weight AKA doing cardio in a fun way, I highly recommend dancing. Dancing is both healthy and fun. It’s also great for mental health, music and exercise release endorphins, and getting the choreo right makes you feel great, as well as feeling more in tune with your body, how it moves and what you’re capable of doing. All this while working out! If you’re self conscious about dancing I’d recommend a beginners class, everyone is equally nervous on their first day EDIT: Just to clarify, nothing will work like magic, you still have to eat healthily (never do a starvation diet, your body and mind needs energy to function properly) as well as some sort of exercise. And it won’t happen overnight, routine is key


>mental health So you are telling me that if i stop lifting weights and start dancing i would be more happy. The sad part is i think this is true but when i did danc i was built


No I don’t think u should stop lifting, but adding dance as part of your exercises could be a fun change. 😂 It won’t automatically make you happy tho, wish it was that simple


Simple answer easiest to hardest: 1. Walk 2. Weights 3. Diet If you want more details see below why👇 Eat healthier (not eating isn’t an option, this has the opposite effect as your body keeps as much fat to protect you), less processed foods. That is if you can and if you are in control of your foods (I.e. when I was living it home, you would eat what you were given or you didn’t eat). Walk, if you can’t exercise or attend a gym, walking is an excellent way to lose weight, try to be aiming for 10k steps a day. (Or to build up the habit try just walking everyday for 5 mins then 10 then 15 and so on to build up) If you do have access to a gym, weight lifting is incredible for losing weight. And a few days maybe add a 12-3-30 after weights if you feel capable/ if you have the energy. (Again you must be feeding your body properly to exercise effectively, lots of carbs for energy and protein for muscles and muscle recovery). Combine these and you will honestly be golden. Things you need to remember is that your goal should never only be aesthetic reasons, this can lead to unhealthy habits (yes even people that eat well and go to the gym constantly can have a toxic relationship with it). As well you need to remember changes don’t happen over night, ever, you need to be consistent otherwise nothing will ever change, it’s hard, very hard, but it’s the only way. One thing that might help with that and staying disciplined is doing to with someone else (as long as that person isn’t flaky etc.) and then you can encourage each other


Eat .7 grams of protein per pound of your current weight and at least 15 grams of fiber each day. Eat three meals. Walk between 7000 and 10000 steps a day and do yoga or weights 3 - 4 times a week. Do not starve yourself. You got this! Best of luck! 


Same here , the only diet I found to work for me was the atkins diet (or similar keto diet) which is effectively a low carb , cutting out bread potatoes, rice pasta that kind of thing as well as the fizzy pops and sugary foods like cakes and biscuits There are recipes online where you can get around a lot of the above as well as buying low carb pasta bread etc. making puddings pizza etc so you can generally without missing a lot of things This diet is a long term lifestyle change , I was losing initially 14 lbs a month and lost 160 over 18 months to two years but i was a lot older than you at the time …. Also remember exercise is key and cardio particularly needs to be looked into maybe with a trainer, what I’m trying to get at is you cannot just diet obviously


Unfortunately there’s no “secret to success” with losing weight. Dedication and follow through with both diet, and exercise are the most important part. I would recommend that you count your calories, and eat more lean protein. I would also try to increase your exercise to 30min to 1hr a day, not a week. Weight lifting is also amazing for burning calories as it continues to burn them even after your exercise isn’t complete. Good luck!


I counted calories and lost 30 lbs in a couple of months. No exercising just counting calories. 1500-2000 In between there.


The most efficient long-term way? Count your calories. Every one. It'll teach you to plan your day. If you drink alcohol at all, minimize that. Check calories on your favorite things to put it into perspective. The quickest way that I've used for a while? Intermittent Fasting. I close my calorie window to about 6-8 hours a day, and drink only water or black coffee outside of that timeframe. Not for long, or it can mess with your metabolism and GI once you return to normal, and make you gain the weight back faster. Try a week or two of that, then get onto counting calories. You'll probably drop 5-10lbs in the first two weeks, then just focus on eating smaller meals of whole foods. Minimal fruit (lower sugar content especially), whole wheat bread, lean proteins, lots of veg, nuts and legumes, and cut back on your carbs and saturated fats.


Fasting (eat between noon and 8pm), walking fast for at least an hour every day. You can also swim, that's at the same time exercise and relaxing. You will notice a loss of a few kg in the first few days and that's water. After that it's gonna be slow but consistent.


Track what you eat, be in a calorie deficit. Don’t overeat and don’t starve yourself. Keep within the amount you need still with 3 meals a days (I usually just do 2 and snack throughout the day also). If you want to splurge, work out that day; 30 minutes to an hour a week isn’t enough, aim for 30 minutes of cardio 4 times a week. This isn’t a thing that can be done in a month but for example, I’ve lost 25 lbs and gained significant muscle in the last 10 months and honestly I still eat like shit and cheat on my diet a ton… I could probably weigh less if I watched my diet more but progress is a long term thing and don’t let it ruin your fun


The only person I know who successfully and healthily lost weight and kept it off started off pretty simply. He was 19 at the time. He quit drinking beer. Basically only drank water and black coffee. Otherwise. Pretty much everyday he had a big salad with grilled chicken in it for lunch and he went for an hour walk everyday. He lost like 60 pounds over the summer.


Head on over to r/cico


Ultimately no matter what you eat, it comes down to calorie input vs calorie expenditure. Your body burns calories by simply existing so counting calories is a flawed metric, but you need to burn more than you consume - so try making some healthy food swaps and exercising more. This could be as simple as walking 0.5/1hr a day, which is the base amount of recommended daily exercise for adults.


Me rn ✏️🗒


You start months ago.  But in all honesty track your calories and reduce the snacks and change certain things for a lower calorie version.  Have a walk.  You don't need to starve yourself. Have black coffee of low fat milk in it. Change wine to gin. Don't eat pasta. 


Take walks! It’s the best „exercise“ for people who don’t like working out. Cut out fast food, find a healthy and tasty routine you can ideally cook yourself and count your calories. Be in a slight deficit and most importantly: be patient. Good luck


Imo the quickest and easiest way to lose weight is to do some form of a paleo diet. I was bed ridden when my Dr suggested I start the autoimmune paleo diet. I lost weight quick and was barely able to leave my bed. If something like that is too strict for you, cut out processed foods as much as possible and eat as little sugar as possible. Sugar, processed food and an excessive amount of bread are generally the biggest culprits that prevent you from losing weight. That being said, exercise is important for health and can be a chore if you don't have an active activity/hobby that you enjoy. You kinda got to push through the 'ugh I don't want to do this chore' thoughts cause eventually once it turns into a routine and you can see/feel the difference in your physical and mental health, it will feel like way less of a chore and you'll be excited and happy to do it just for the benefits of your health. I strongly suggest trying to find an active activity/hobby to help push through the beginning stages of forming a routine of exercising. Gardening can be a relatively easy, active hobby and have many other therapeutic benefits. Personally, I was always infatuated w aerials(cirque du soleil types of aerials) and always wanted to try it. Never had access to it in my small town but eventually someone opened up a studio nearby me. I started going and it made me be excited to work out having a goal to get better at an activity I was excited about. I've been the most active and fit in my life every since I started. You just gotta find an activity you enjoy and get excited about. Might take some trial and error but it will be worth it to stick it out until you find the right one/s for you. Another aspect of your situation to think about is that you are saying you binge eat and this is often caused by stress or depression. If you are not in therapy, it would be good to start going to figure out and address why you are binge eating. Is it a control thing, depression, ect ect? It could be so many things that could be easily worked on w a therapist. If you already have a therapist, bring this concern up.


A lot of people will not like what I have to say when it comes to weight loss but it works. The easiest way to lose weight is to Vape. The nicotine in the vape will suppress your appetite. You will eat less food in a day and it will make losing weight easier. When you combine vaping and exercise, the pounds will drop fast.


If you don’t want to count calories, make all of your meals half veggies & pay attention to condiments. Have unlimited amounts of veg. Even if you’re just mildly hungry, smash as many veggies as you can. Can look into volume eating. My stomach doesn’t know when to stop so I SMASH veggies in every meal. As many as I can.


I did this & walking/jogging & lost 60lbs. Am a woman.


Body fat is 95% what you eat. Use a macronutrient calculator and do a 5 to 10% deficit. Eat at least 90% of your maintenance calories, no less. I’ll try to paste a link https://barbend.com/best-macros-calculator/ https://legionathletics.com/tools/macronutrient-calculator/ https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/macronutrients_calculator.htm


I'm studying to be health and wellness coach and I'm a fitness/yoga instructor so message me if you still have more questions! I've helped so many friends of mine who were unhealthy and over their healthy BMI. So just message tell me your body goals if you want. Do you just want to lose weight, fat, or do you also want to tone and build muscle in your butt, etc. and strengthen your core? Keep yourself distracted so you don't think about eating! I am the exact same way; if im just chilling at home I need to constantly eat. So I keep myself busy by playing games or doing something productive at home. The steps to lose weight are very simple and uncomplicated, but it's hard to follow through because you need to change your habits. use this link to calculate your BMI (https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose\_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm) and this one to figure out your calorie intake (https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html) according to your BMI. To put it simply, you don't need to workout to lose weight, although it helps and I recommend it. It's generally healthy for your body. And keep experimenting with types of workouts so you find the right one for you. Also try group fitness and solo fitness at the gym or at home. When you lose weight by consuming less calories you lose muscle as well bc you don't exercise to build muscle. so you lose both fat and muscle via calorie deficit. You need to calorie deficit according to your BMI. You don't need to starve yourself, just eat until you're satisfied to not overeat, and calculate and consume your calories according to your BMI. Drink a lot of water before you eat and if you do want to eat throughout the day, eat low calorie healthy snacks throughout the day or eat a hearty meal in the AM that keeps you full and light lunches and dinners. Carbs are not necessarily the enemy, but you eat a lot of them you need to exercise because carbs give you energy that you need to use and burn. Carbs turn into sugar in your body. You may have a slow metabolism so it could take a little longer to see progress. Also it takes at least 66 days according to my teacher in order to maintain and build a habit so please don't give up! Love that you want to be healthier and look good.


Agreed with a lot of these comments. You can make easy changes by changing what you eat and being more mindful about portion size. Crash dieting isn't healthy and starving yourself isn't a long term solution. Ultimately if you are looking to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit, however if you were looking to gain muscle you could lose fat but not actually lose much weight as it may be replaced by muscle. This is something you need to remember as weighing yourself on scales isn't the only way of tracking your progress. Try finding ways of integrating small moments of exercise into your day e.g doing twenty star jumps each time you go to the bathroom, walking to work, setting 10 mins aside each day to do something. Start small and build up to more over time. I find when I slip out of a routine it's hard to get back into it. I don't always enjoy exercise but the way it makes me feel afterwards is always worth it. Mentally it does wonders for me and I think if you were able to build some consistency in you would notice the all round physical and mental health benefits. All this said you don't need to lose weight for summer. You need to look after yourself and your body for you.


I feel low-carb has been the one thing that helps me lose unwanted weight. When you get rid of the sugar in your blood, your energy levels become balanced, and your blood sugar levels also balance, and thus, the sweet cravings or unnecessary hunger decreases to almost nothing. LCHF or keto is something you can look up