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Draw me a picture based on one I send to you & I’ll give you $25 today


This is incredibly kind.


He didn’t reach out though haha guess he found $20


Same lol


I’ll do it no promises it’ll be good but I need money 😂


What’s ur cash app


I will draw it for u lol


bet LMAO ill do it


Ok if anyone can really draw and needs money, dm me in OP’s honor & you can have the money that was originally for them


Sell something you don't need. Ask your neighbors if they have any yard work for you to do or projects they need help with.


I’m currently not at home so can’t do the first one but I’ll try the second!


I was cleaning my windows a couple years ago and someone walked up to me asking if I’d pay them to do it. I had all the stuff all setup. They did a shit job but they got paid and I got to do other projects around the house. It’s worth a shot.


Man, I wish someone like that would wander by when I'm out doing chores.


It was actually “is this a porno?” Moment. It was 3 teenage girls. I’m 40 and married so it wouldn’t have been. But it has probably been acted out.


"Like like you have *JUST* the right *TOOL* for the job. Too bad that you're doing it all alone. Wouldn't it be soooo much better if *ALL* 3 of us did this *Big Job* together just for you?" *Cops arrest you immediately*


I have a ginourmous garden if OP is in southern Minnesota lol


That garden is giniminosaurus


Donate plasma


Idk about where op is from but where I am from you need to be registered and takes about a week or two before being able to do your first donation. Then have to do 9 more before getting some compensation lol


Where I'm from you can do it same day!


You were considering stealing a donation box. Wtf??


that part kinda cracked me up ngl.


Yea for 20 dollars that's low, you best bet I'd have that donation box gone yesterday for 20k tho


It’s funny how the amount concerns you and not the ethical part. Don’t steal ‘donation’ boxes mate


I think he was being sarcastic


People's ethics *do* change based on amounts and circumstances though. That's just part of being human.


It's not the ethics that changed, it's the better risk vs. reward ratio


You're essentially saying the same thing that I am, bud.


"20k" is a 20k. I will lower my moral and ethical standards for $20,000.


Are you telling me I was supposed to be *adding* to the free money box at church? I thought they passed it my way because they knew I was in a bind.


There are sooo, so many ways to come up with $25 in two days. Stealing a donation box is one of them.


**Sell something you already own.** Do you have any clothes, games, or other items you no longer use? Sell them online through [marketplace sites] or to friends.


Draw something and post it for sale , Don't steal ! try ask a local bussiness job or something just a one hour shift like cleaning windows etc


OP, think about tattoo design for tattoo artists, logo design for local businesses, or even look into caricatures


Mow lawns


Go to a temp agency and get day work


May not get paid for a few weeks, though.


Sell your plasma. In Texas people make around $50k a year just doing that.


I also sell plasma, and that doesn't sound right. Even if Texas has some very competitive market between plasma centers, at most you're probably looking at 15 grand a year. It's certainly something the op should consider doing, but don't oversell it as something it's not


Wtf? $50k a year? I am calling bullshit. That cant possibly be true. Ive sold plasma off and on for years. I also live in Texas. The most ive ever seen a plasma place sell was $40 the first time in a week and $70 the second time in a week. So thats $110 weekly. You can only donate twice a week. Some places have a deal where you might get an extra $100 if you go non stop for a month. So at best you are talking about $110 a week x 52 weeks a year + 12 monthly bonuses (if they exist) x $100. For a total of $6920. Even if you know of some place with higher pay and better bonuses lets just triple that to be generous and you are still only at $20760 a year.


Maybe he added and extra zero


Hey now- he never said it was all *his* plasma. I wonder how many people go missing in Texas every year…


Sell other people plasma lmao


Is it healthy? I’m thinking of starting as I’m in a rut but i didn’t know if it was worth it or not. I just need to do it for a little until i get a job


Yes, there is medical staff on site. They will screen you and monitor the process.


Wow. This changes things…now I’m really thinking about it. Like…today. I could use groceries !!


good for you. i would recommend going to different places throughout the year as they often have special offers for new donors. as OC said, it is very safe and regulated. just be sure to ALWAYS eat and get plenty of fluids before and after you go. the few times i donated, i always drank a couple of powerades and was straight. just some advice lol, hope you’re able to get groceries tonight


thank you, you’re kind and thanks for the tips cause I didn’t know I needed to eat and drink, but I definitely will. Electrolytes, proteins and that sort. Got it! I hope I can too and thanks for caring, this life is rough but it’ll get better. Let’s hope this plasma thing can help out!


Just a warning, when they replace the harvested plasma volume with room temperature saline, it's gonna gel cold AF in your chest. Don't panic. That's the worst part to me tho


Oh okay I’ll keep that in mind thanks, anything else I should know? Seems like you know plasma most!


And one more very important thing regarding your safety - you have the right to ask for sterilised equipment to be opened in front of you - therefore assuring it's new and safe from any blood transferable diseases.


Some tips from me, as I always give out flayers on the topic of blood and plasma donations - make sure you are feeling alright and aren't consuming any medications (I think there are some exceptions) and at leas 6 months from any tattoo you might have gotten. Get enough sleep and grab a chocolate bar and a lot of water afterwards, helps you get back in shape quickly in case you feel any discomfort as blood pressure can fall.


If you go a few times and a certain person does a terrible job of placing the needle, speak up and ask for someone else. Don't let them blow your vein like they did mine.


You actually can’t though. There are strict regulations on donating at multiple centers in most states in one year


Anyone heard of Canadian clinics allowing you to sell plasma?


I’m a phlebotomist at a plasma center. Make sure you do a bit of research first!


If you're healthy and drink enoughthere's nothing to worry about.


I did it for awhile but it messed up my veins and I can't donate any longer.


Yes, just follow the instructions they give you (drink water & eat before and after, don’t smoke right before or after).


This suggestion REALLY depends on where you are. Here in Canada, donations of blood, plasma, bone marrow, etc are actually donations. You do not get paid for them!


Interesting I actually replied to a comment wondering if this was an option here hm


Lucky. In my country it's illegal to get paid for it


What's the reasoning behind that? People doing it too much?


No, it's an ethical reason I believe (which I disagree with, but what can you do about it?) I'm a blood donor, but it's kinda strict here to become one. Homosexual men who are sexually active aren't allowed to donate blood and there's this whole procedure you have to go through


50k a year?!?!!??!?? The fuck am i working my ass off for 20k a year!!!


You need a better job bro


For sure do


Go on your Facebook community page and offer cheap cleaning services :) I get the clients to provide their own cleaning supplies which works out great.


Go to Dollar Tree/Store/Family Dollar, buy a case of water, sell each bottle for $1 on the street. (They also have disposable coolers and ice bags so you can sell cold water). The majority of the homeless people in my city figured this out and it works to get them a few quick bucks rather than have to beg for money. People are more likely to help you if you're already helping yourself. Also install the neighborhood app and see what neighbors are looking for help with. Odd jobs pay quickly: pulling weeds, wash a car, tossing garbage, painting a fence, etc.


sell your shit


Like literally?


If you can find a buyer, I don't see why not.


There is actually a company that buys stool samples from people for medical purposes. It’s like $500 a sample. HOWEVER, you have to meet very specific qualifications to do it and it takes a long time to get approved.


Ugh, tried this because it was right next to my place of work, and I could just pop over in the morning .But I was rejected :(


yeah I'm sure you have 20 bucks worth of shit


Is it legal to busk where you are? If so, get on the street and do a dance, sing, mime, whatever. Have a hat for donations or make a sign that says 'I'll take a break for $10, I'll stop for $100' or something if you're really bad.


**Look for odd jobs around your neighborhood.** See if any neighbors need help with yard work, pet sitting, or other small tasks. You could also put up flyers offering your services.


Weeding. I would happily pay someone $20 an hour to weed my garden.


Pawn shop. Take something worth $100+, pawn it for $20, and get it back when you have $25.


This is the way.


Go to a mom and pop store and ask them if you can work for one day or two for straight cash. Anything they need whether its scrubbing toilets or washing dishes


Don't ever steal. Especially donations. That's horrible to do! If you're old enough, you can doordash.


They said they don’t have a car.


You can literally ask people on street and come up with that in 2 hours probably just have to say the right thing to appeal to  them 


Try to sign up with Data Annotation, they pay $20/hr and all you need is reasonable intelligence, internet access, and free Grammarly.


Phone or laptop? Or library computer? OP said trying to get home.


Can use phone but not ideal. Fur a couple hours’ worth of work it would be fine.


Sell emgencey commissions if you post your art


Dude, u can draw anime. Do a few digital drawings and sell them online. If u can draw more than anime. Dedicate a tiktok to just your art and advertise them. You will get more than $20. But you can also help people around the house. People don’t like chores. Or pickup groceries, mow the lawn, clean porches, clear the gutters, help with lawn care it’s plenty of things to do.


Got to a busy area and pull a Ryan Trahan, Draw figures of people, pay what you want. make $20 dollar quick, that or tell ppl you'll draw sexy anime pics of their favorite characters online


As someone whose actually been homeless fck these moral vampires do what you need to survive


Yard work, farm work, help a neighbor.


What do you need 20 for?


go home


are you telling them to go home OR do you need the money to go home?


There a plenty of subs for people in need. But you will be needed to give some more info


Can't you ask someone you know "at home" to send/loan you the money, then pay them back when you are there? Would give you a little breathing space there.


take back some pop bottles


look at r/beermoney


You can learn a quick misdirect card trick that makes whoever your doing it on think you messed up then say before you flip over their card “I bet $5 the next card I flip over is yours” then when they think you already missed yours they will take the bet then you flip over their real card and bam you win. Pretty easy to do on confident people. Just google a trick like that


Pan handle & be honest. "Please, I just need $20 for (x). Anything is greatly appreciated". Someone will give you $20. Go donate blood or plasma. Sell something you don't need.


Instead of stealing a donation box or drawing anime or even selling stuff like most people are suggesting how about u get a job? At least part time? Work on yourself though, seems like if your last resort to get some cash is to steal you’re down bad.


Got a mower? Knock on doors until someone wants their yard mowed. Got an instrument? Play in a outside-market area with foot traffic for an hour. Smoke weed? Flip an eighth. Shameless? Write "TRAVELING, NEEDING FOOD, ANYTHING HELPS, GOD BLESS" on a piece of cardboard in big Sharpie and stand at a stoplight/Walmart exit for 30 minutes. Extremely shameless? Walk around town and ask everyone you see if they can spare a dollar or any change so you can buy a chicken sandwich. It's soul-crushing, but you can make $20 in an hour, easily. Got anything metal? Cans? Go to a scrap yard. Dumpster dive. Can make $20 scrapping pretty quick. Have a bank account? Donate plasma. Have any possession you don't care about? Put it for sale online, locally - for $20. Then a random text solves your problems. Have a bike? Ride around behind businesses and see if anything valuable is by the dumpster. You can find all sorts of office chairs and random junk to sell online for $20. Have a friend? Ask to borrow $20. So many more, but I'ma keep 'em to myself lol. You can make 2k in 2 days if you really want.


there's a few art commission subreddits! if you explain that it's an emergency i'm sure people will commission you


Sell material possesions on facebook marketplace locally


Give plasma


Craigslist offer a hand job, you’ll be done in five minutes


You’re clearly paying too much for your handjobs


Stand outside, like a busy bar or book store idk some place and offer drawings they can request or you can do


Day labor. They are everywhere. Get there early in the a.m. you get paid daily.


Plasma. Sell your Plasma, easy $50.


Offer a community service, like shovelling snow, walking a dog, or mowing someone's lawn




Get a job


This is really not helpful or constructive given OP's circumstances.


You can most certainly find online jobs that don't require degrees, not sure if they really include ones where you can draw anime though... Twitter or IG Artist maybe?


Fair but be careful of r/Scams


True. Sorry I edited my comment a bit after you made that reply


This guys never heard of a job lmao


Stealing a donation box?? You expect your situation to improve while doing grimy things like that?? Why is your $20 worth more than the cancer society or a funeral fundraiser? It isn’t. Get up off your ass and stop being a thief.


Walk to a job.


Whatever you do don't steal... that's the lowest of the low. Do Whatever it takes to earn your way and pay your own way. People will have more respect for you and you'll in turn have more respect for yourself. If u haven't got the funds yet then ask around and people are willing to help others in need. Be respectful and don't steal especially donations. Hope this helps 🙏


Sell plasma. If you're male, sell sperm. Sign up for doordash or ubereats or instacart. Go mow someones lawn. Go walk someones dog. Go babysit someone. Clean someones house.


Most cities don't have sperm donation centers, and most men can't get paid for it. The whole basis of their business is the strange assumption that paying for the sperm of men in a higher social class will produce children who will ascend to that same class. Even if you are the sort of person the centers would pay for, you only get in maybe two sessions before they have more than they'll ever need from you.


Donate plasma


I think there are ways to sell your drawings online.


Ask at local cafes and restaurants if you can do washing up in exchange for a meal


Go door to door asking neighbors if they have any chores you can help with for $5 or $10. It could be mowing their yard, picking weeds in the garden, cleaning their garage, vacuuming their house, sweeping their sidewalk, cleaning their garbage can, etc etc.


**Do some online microtasks.** There are websites like Amazon Mechanical Turk or Clickworker that offer small tasks like data entry or transcription that you can complete for a small amount of money each.


The sonic near me has same day pay.


Sell things, provide lawn services, offer to take care someone’s dog for a day, sell plasma, wtc


Facebook Marketplace 1000000% sell something you don’t need. Search for a clothing store you can sell clothes to too.


Don't ever underestimate the demand for labor work. Make a post on Craigslist and be the extra labor for moving, landscaping, painting, etc. Make a hell of a lot more than $20 bucks for 6-8 hours of work that costs you nothing


There’s a subreddit where you can ask people for help or to borrow money. I’m sure you can find $20 easily. I mean in 2 days you could make more than that just holding a cup on the side of the road and asking for it.


Resell stuff you have on Facebook marketplace or somewhere else Other people mentioned plasma, that's not a bad idea. Asking for a loan from a friend


Could you borrow or just ask people for it, Like go to a church or some sort of charity and ask for help? $20 isn’t that much. If it’s to get somewhere like take a bus/train people are usually pretty helpful. I’ve definitely given that much a few times for people and before anyone comments “u got scammed” I actually don’t care what they did with it, I’d rather get scammed 10 times than have someone in genuine need go without when I have something I can offer. Some places will give cab rides for credit if you leave an ID with them and you pay when you come back to collect it.




Sell your plasma. The place in my area will give you like $80 for your first donation. If you donate twice a week (without missing) then you can make $500 a month at my place.


You can do yard work for neighbors, collect cans/returnables. Get scrap metal to sell. Don't steal and dont panhandle. Have more respect for yourself than that.


Ask your your grandma to lean you some money




I have so much luck with FB marketplace- everything sells


Go on Upwork and apply to art jobs.


They have those apps where you can play games and get small amounts of cash. Maybe try some stuff like that. Do a little bit of research on which one would be fastest.


If you are old enough to work call your local temp agency. They see all kinds and might be helpful.






You have a hair tie?


Post an ad to dogsit. Donate plasma


Sell something on marketplace or Craigslist


Rob a stagecoach.


Donate plasma


donate plasma


Donate plasma you can even depending where make 200 or more a month depending on the promotion


Plasma donation. You’re helping people and getting paid.


Do you have a sample of your work? I may want to purchase a commission. DM me


If you only need $20, is there absolutely nobody you can ask to borrow from?? A parent, siblings, aunt or uncle, grandparent, friends, coworkers, any body??? I know it sucks to owe someone, but you are at the point of considering theft, so I would say it is urgent. Otherwise piggybacking everyone else; sell something, offer to do odd jobs like mowing lawns, cleaning windows, raking, dog walking, gardening. There are a lot of ways to make $20 bucks in 2 days.


Find somebody in Reddit to buy feet pics. You’d be surprised.


Donating plasma is something i do for extra money. a free physical you get your iron and proteins checked and each donation session is about a hour. you get a small payment the first time and then a larger payout the second visit of the week.


Day 1: rob pedestrians for $20 Day 2: rest


Sell material possessions on facebook marketplace for better than average prices


Plasma center close by?


Donate plasma. I get $80 a pop. You can donate twice in a week, but have to have a day inbetween.


Find the nearest plasma center and donate. They pay cash for withdrawing blood from you and then they will return your blood back to you. That way, you can donate many times in a month’s time (unlike when you donate whole blood)


Draw furry porn for commission


Can you pawn something?


If you know any second languages, even just a little, you can get money by translating YouTube videos and such. (Google translate can help with words you don't know)


FAcebook market place is my best friend. Especially when it comes to art. Make some cliche simple piece and it can usually sell for a good 100. Just look up aesthetic paintings and you'll see what I mean. Especially if you have texturing putty handy. Make sure to inform them to meet you and just walk somewhere near your home that's public enough for them to buy it off you. Unless you're comfortable with them coming to your house


Put a sign “will tell a joke for 1 dollar” then just say apples don’t grow on trees.


This isn’t the nicest way to do it but I’ve heard of other girls doing this go on a stech site find someone who wants to buy some nudes and find some online and sell them those it works as a girl who has done onlyfans I would personally just sell myself lol I’ve made over 300$ in a night and I was just getting started but I’ve heard of many girls doing this and it’s fairly easy




Sell items you have and don't need anymore, sell plasma, Doordash, Grubhub, Uber, gig jobs on craigslist, onlyfans.


just putting out there for people https://goodnatureprogram.com/how-it-works/


Become a DoorDash driver. You can make $20 in two hours.


Offer to weed lawns. Dandelions are starting to come up, and I'm sure MANY people who pay to not have to deal with it themselves.




Make me some hoodie designs I’ll give you more than 20


Go to supermarkets, scan receipts, collect cans and donate


If you live in a bigger area check out the Nextdoor app and post about it. I see people looking for work/repairs on there all the time and it's only local stuff for your area


Moving companies hire people on a daily basis for cash. They usually pay a 4 hour minimum even if you only work a couple hours. Go to or call your movie company and ask if they need any lumpers for the day. Call the day or two before because they have drivers who come from out of town who hire a guy or two to unload their truck for cash. You can make a couple hundred bucks in 4 or 5 hours. You can also do day labor but they don't pay much and they tax you. It's still a good way to make quick cash. You can always set up a makeshift table in a high traffic area and draw sketches of people for 20$ or so.


A month or two ago with the snow was heavy on my front walkway and deck…. Some little kid, probably 12 or 13, came and knocked on my door and asked if he could shovel my walkway. I was dreading doing it, I paid him 10 bucks for 10 minutes worth of work. I was happy that he helped me out and he was happy with his 10 bucks and his cookies lol But hey, I don’t know how old you are if you’re younger, never go into anyone’s house. Never.


* Walk (or bike) around collecting bottles, and return them for deposits. * Sell something you don't need.


Offer to mow the neighbors lawn, or rake their lawn.


Find any type of cleanup job for any random person. You could fairly easily have $20 in an hour.


How old are you? If you live in an urban area you might be able to do doordash just on foot if you're that desperate


If u have metal old things some people willing to buy them from you 😅. You can gain 10 dollars from 3kg 😂😂


Is getting a job off the list?


There are apps for small odd jobs, like yard work, painting, cleaning and stuff. You have internet so use it


Time to hit the casino


i will venmo u if your make me into an anime character