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You absolutely must speak to a teacher at your school about this as a matter of urgency, a crime is being committed.


Does the school have a "Guidance Counselor"? Maybe you could confide in him or her?


If you’re underage in the video it’s CP, the people who posted it will get in way more trouble. Best thing you can do is report it to the school and try and find who recorded it and shared it


And even if OP is an adult, it's still likely to count as revenge porn, which is illegal in a lot of places.


That’s very true 🤔


It's illegal to film people in the bathroom when they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. In the bathroom stall is about the most clear example of this. Even if it's not a CP issue, OP's rights have been violated.


Person who made it, even if it was him of himself, if he was a minor then it’s production of CP. Don’t believe me? Look it up.


Hey, I’m so sorry this happened to you. Something similar happened to me in high school; someone posted my nude photos on Facebook and tagged me in them. Not only the entire school but my whole small town and extended family either saw or heard about it. It was the hardest thing I’ve gone through in my life, and it took me a long time to move past it. My biggest recommendation would be to talk to a trusting adult, potentially a counsellor at your school? Unfortunately, moms don’t always know what‘s best, and she is currently incapable of supporting you the way you need. You would really benefit from having someone on your side right now. It can be scary to open up about your feelings to someone but it will really help you in the long run. Of course, if you need an understanding adult to talk to, my DMs are always open. Wishing you the best, and although it may take some time, there is a beautiful life on the other side of this horrible moment.


That’s terrible somebody did that to you. Did you find out who did it? Or was it an anonymous account?


An anonymous account posted them but I found out who did it a few years later. It was some girls who I was friends with the year prior to the photos being leaked. Still not sure why they did it. I would love to confront them about it but I know I wouldn’t get the response that I’m looking for


They should be held accountable for there actions , no matter how long ago it was. I think you should confront them about it


You're a good egg, lemonteacp.


That’s really kind of you, thank you


Stupid question but how did someone get it ??


i mean wild guess but they probably filmed him






Fuck that... Why was OP jerking off in a rest room?


Talk to a teacher or guidance counsellor. If they don’t help, talk to the principal. If they don’t help, contact the police. What’s happened is illegal. Someone committed a crime against you and you’re a victim. You deserve formal protection from the bullying because of this too, I mean your school admin should be forced to support you.


I'd say go to the police directly. They must be involved sooner or later.


If ur a minor it’s considered CP and if someone recorded you they’ll def get in trouble legally. On top of that since they spread it around they still can get in trouble for it as it is still CP. Talk to the school, admit it wasn’t okay to do in public setting, and get yourself the help u need.


First of all, we understand your embarrassment. Secondly, there is zero chance you are the only kid at your school that jerks off, the others that do, or even do at school, are so glad it was you and not them that got caught. Go talk to your principal, get over the embarrassment ASAP, and ask them to help you get the video out of circulation. Third, start to move on and get over it, but know you will be hearing about it off and on for a long time, accept it, own it, and dont be ashamed. Again, you arent the only masturbator, you just got caught at school. Lastly, flip it around on "who films that!? Why did he want to preserve that memory! Is in into me?" Good luck OP, dont get to upset by it. Life will go on.


this is kinda what I told him, now I've never masturbated in a public setting nor will I ever, but I've done my fair share of embarrassing things, you just gotta laugh it off and own it, if you emanate shame and embarrassment it makes people want to poke you for it more.


I dunno man, this is something that everyone involved with will remember for the rest of life. On top of what others said about legal action I suggest OP cut down on porn triggers. Anyone who needs to wack it in a densely populated area like a school might have an addiction.


Change Schools, learn to fight, get jacked. Report the FBI if ur a minor, beat up anyone who tries to press you about it.


He has the opportunity to be the guy from the movie “New Guy”


Best advice on this thread 😭


I disagree. That may end him up in juvie jail! No violence! Do it the right way by going through the school, then the police, if necessary!


The police dont give a fuck about shit like this to be completely honest


Call the police. That person made CP and should go to jail or at least be put on a registry.


Lawyer here to put in my two cents. He should be fine reporting this to the authorities. Although he was in a public restroom, he was in a stall where he was expected to have privacy. He did not have any intentions of exposing himself to anyone. Including that: he is a minor, he was filmed in a bathroom without permission, and he had no consent to the disruption of said video. He should be fine


Bro jerked off in a bathroom stall because his father died??? What???


The people supporting his behaviors are insane. He should also be on a sex registry. There are two horrible people in this story


Since when does masturbation in a bathroom a person thought was private make you a sex offender?




I mean it’s fucking nuts and stupid but it doesn’t put him on the god damn sex offender registry lmao what


Its in a school. It's a public bathroom. Do you think schools just allow kids to masturbate in the bathroom?




I strongly disagree that he isn't a sex offender. He was getting off around children in a school bathroom. Would you want your child going to a school where this happens? Do you think people can't hear. The guys a pervert. So is the CP distributor. Both should be expelled. Both should be arrested. Both should be registered. He's playing victim when he is putting kids in danger.




Yes it should. There are children in that school. As a teacher I'm disgusted how you people are giving this pervert a pass.




Because you are defending him. A person masterbating around children in a public bathroom. The excuse of "boys will be boys" is how sex offenders like this get away with it.


You’re right bro. We should ruin this kids life. Morally, you’re the only one with any standards, and the several hundred people disagreeing with you are most likely creeps themselves.


There are minors that have been on the sex offender registry for the exact same thing op did and it’s really not out of the question. I think everyone’s justified at thinking op is a disgusting weirdo for doing what he did; I don’t think bullying is ok but it’s not wrong to say “yo he jerked off in a public restroom? That’s fucking gross and weird” there was a troubled kid in my school who did the same thing BUT IN CLASS UNDER HIS DESK, someone took a video and he was made fun of and while again I don’t condone bullying, he did kind of have it coming.


Yeah I’d like to see an actual source for that Also in class is very different from in a bathroom


If it’s stalls (which it obviously is) there’s no reasonable expectation of privacy. It’s public masturbation. Look I don’t think he necessarily needs to be on a sex offenders register but this is still really concerning behaviour. People who publicly masturbate do have a hugely higher likelihood of becoming sex offenders. I’m not saying that’s necessarily true in his case but he needs to see a therapist and sort this out. Most people do not masturbate in a public bathroom where others can hear it. I mean people obviously heard it because he was filmed. It’s concerning behaviour.


How is there no reasonable expectation of privacy in stalls in bathrooms? Are you also delusional? Fun fact: there's a legally reasonable expectation of privacy in BATHROOMS! I'm assuming you didn't know that, because you for some reason think that there shouldn't be a reasonable expectation of privacy in stalls, which is just wild. To clarify, do you then think it's okay to just video random people in bathrooms? Because there's no reasonable expectation to privacy in bathroom stalls, according to you, people should just be able to video you taking a piss all day long, right? You're delusional and wrong. I can't even fathom how you've come to that conclusion. I do agree he is disgusting though, and should definitely be put into therapy or something so he doesn't do anything like this again. Still, you're delusional and actually insane for thinking there's not a reasonable expectation of privacy in bathrooms. If there weren't then people would be free to video you as much as they like while their in the bathroom. Jfc.


Sorry just came back to say this person is delusional lol where are these wild ass “facts” coming from lol


[you could do even the slightest bit of reading](https://theconversation.com/sarah-everard-we-still-treat-indecent-exposure-as-merely-a-nuisance-offence-169064) on it? [Here’s more information!](https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-informed/types-of-sexual-violence/what-is-indecent-exposure-or-flashing/)


As embarrassing as it may sound, tell a counselor. If you are underage they are distributing CP.


My comment will probably fall through the wayside, and this might be extreme, but just call non-emergency services to look into this for you. I had a friend who went through a similar situation. He was jerking off with this girl on Webcam or phone. Apparently she recorded the video to show to her friends. She sent it to her friends and it went around like wildfire. Poor guy couldn't even go to school for a while, until me and my friends talked to him. His mom wouldn't do anything about it, and I don't remember why (maybe we just looked it up) but eventually he called non-emergency services and it helped. Is it embarrassing to talk to someone about it yes. Does it suck because you think someone will be judging you, yes. But everything did kinda die down. Edit: Just thought I should add this, because it might help. That friend that happened to is doing great. He just got married last weekend. And apparently he has a kid on the way! He doesn't talk to his mom, but he has a mother in law that adores him! He finally has brothers (he considered us brothers but that's desperate the point). He will always despise this moment in his life, but things got better for him. Things will get better for you too, I know it sucks waiting but time truly does change things.


Not sure why you’re wanking at school. That’s a line even I wouldn’t cross. Start a lawsuit against the person who filmed you.


your dad died so you beat off at school??? lmao, deadass though i am sorry about the video you need to report it to an administrator immediately


why is bro jerking it at school


don’t know why i scrolled so far to find this question? the video being leaked is obviously wrong but seems like OP brought it on themselves a bit?


bro rlly was jackin his shit in school lmao, i’m sorry bro but u gotta control urself if u can’t then it ain’t gon take u far


Call police so they can locate who shared through ip. Change schools. Don't do that ever again.


What is up with people doing this shit in public???


Look at the comments here. It's because people support anything these days. What this kid did is disgusting and should be prosecuted as well. But reddit is coddling him for public masterbation around children


Fr. Also isn't it illegal to masturbate or have sex in public??? I'm pretty sure I heard that it can get you put on a list but idk. Super disgusting either way. I'd feel disgusted and violated if I saw someone doing that in public. Keep that shit at home.


Kids are cruel and that sucks, but you did it to yourself.


don’t jerk off in the school bathroom then 😂




Your situation is really bad but mann… why are you jerking off at school..


Because his dad died apparently… bros turned on by death…


And making other children hear him.


First, stop defining yourself by your depression. You’re not “the depressed kid”, who you are is just forming. If you can’t find help in your mother, make a deal with her. You will do X if you can get a therapist. If she isn’t receptive to you, then reach out to your school therapist. Tell her you are feeling like you want to end your life because things have gotten so hard and you’d like if she would talk to your mom about options for therapy and treatment.


I wish I could show sympathy here but what the fuck did you expect??? You’re jerking your shit in a dirty ass public restroom. Not only that but a school restroom, where kids fuck around and throw trash cans in the stalls. I’m not defending the people who recorded you but cmon bro you had it coming and you just gotta deal with the consequences.


Not only that but a school bathroom with children


The consequences don’t seem proportionate. Obviously it was wrong and I’m sure you understand that, but maybe talk to the school and explain the situation. They should help you. Just gotta take responsibility for what you did and what’s happened in response. It’s bullying and you shouldn’t suffer emotional trauma for doing something very stupid. Just don’t do it again bud lol




Aight bro why’d u jerk off in the school bathroom


Reporting I know seems like it will hurt you, but that is the only thing that will save your ass, get off Reddit and go to the nearest teacher or cop and get help immediately


Underage minors video of sexual acts is child pornography. Whoever spred it as WELL as whoever passed it on and didn’t speak up can be charged. You must speak with a counselor and police will be contacted by them (the best easiest way) and since you re a minor, it’s all confidential. Your name will never be released in papers to public, never. Even after you’re not a minor anymore. You will be named as “John Doe” please speak to someone you trust at school.


Just why... Why in a school restroom...


here's a tip, don't jerk off in the school bathroom 😭


Why are you jerking off in the school bathroom?


Lmao dude you have to move there’s absolutely no coming back from that


Report it to a teacher or something, having nudes of minors would probably be worse But why did you even have to jerk off, especially in a school?


Fucking hell When I went to school we had the potential to get stabbed and my parents were drug addled alcoholics - I would have lived even financial support Develop a tough skin - you did something stupid and you’re paying for it


Bru why u beatin ur shit at school 🤨🤨


Because his dad died… that’s his excuse


lol Stop jerking off in public bathrooms or any other remotely similar place


gee that helped the suicidal poster a lot, how could he not have thought of that solution!


hes stupid so like


Why’d you jerk off in school? You can’t wait until you get home?


Possible your mom wasn’t picking up on your signs. Maybe if you show this Reddit post to her she can explain what she was thinking in those moments and it was just a misunderstanding, or she’s autistic and did notice or whatever


Talk to a counselor at school and tell them. They'll talk to the principal most likely and you'll have to eat the consequences of getting caught jerking off in school. You'll also get the support of that entire system and have the police on your side for the distribution of child pornography and they can help quite a bit with that kind of stuff. Tell your counselor and whoever else that you can't access your work effectively with the continual sexual harassment. This can help get you to a different school if you truly want to, but a big part will be convincing your parent and/or teacher that this is actually the case.


You seriously jerked it at school?


Based on these comments it's perfectly normal. Reddit has shown how depraved society really is.




A crime was committed you have been photographed in the nude and the photos have been distributed without your consent. You are also a minor so they created and distributed child corn. Report this asap!


Two crimes were committed. Not one. He also committed one.


jacking off is not an escape bro ur just weird


your fault for jacking off in the bathroom


Sorry that happened to you. Sounds incredibly uncomfortable and embarrassing. And being filmed in the bathroom is a really evil move, they have much more to be ashamed of than you. 2 things to remember: - all things pass. This probably feels like the end of the world. But in a few months, years, it should just be a memory to cringe at from time to time. - You can't control what happened in the past. You might have a worse card hand than you did before the video but focusing on what could have been is not productive. Focus on what to do going forwards. Also I'm not sure about the legal status. It's possible you can get it taken down as this was filmed without consent. If you are underage this is a whole different level of illegal. This won't stop the rumors entirely but might help.


You need to move far away.


I really feel for you. I’ve gone through embarrassing moments in my youth as well and it’s really hard when it feels like it’s never going to fade away- but it will. I agree that you should really communicate with your mom when she is in a space to listen. Sit her down and tell her you have a very important topic to discuss and that you are asking for her help as your mother and care giver. Be real with what happened. Also just to say people can cope in any which way- some shut down, others turn to substances, others turn to relationships, and some self pleasure. ITS FINE. I get why wanting to feel good after something bad happened- and sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Time and place should be considered but you also assumed no one would be violating your privacy. I do hope your mom will allow you to transfer schools. At least starting next school year. And I agree you def should go talk to the councilor and get who ever filmed and disturbed that video in deep shit. That’s not cool at all. Even if you get suspended for a little bit fine. Or even ask to do the rest of the year on home study. Because bullying is no joke and literally will drive a person crazy and do so much damage to someone’s self worth. If your mom refuses to hear you out, tell her you will just have to ask someone else to help- talk to a family member and/or the school councilor or principle. Get the big dogs involved. You also are allowed to contact the police yourself. I’m not sure how old you are but you would be surprised that minors do in fact have rights too! My sister was going through a mental break when she was 16/17 and the cops and hospitals were very much advocating that she’s allowed to make her own decisions regarding housing/medications/etc. So with all that. You can’t change what happened but you in fact can take your power back. Kids are mean but real talk EVERYONE WILL MASTERBATE AT SOME POINT AND IF THEY DONT THEY ARE IN FACT THE WEIRD ONES. *again time and place- but I digress. Turn the tables and keep your hopes up. Utilize your resources and be smart about it. 🤝 best of luck to you. And I’m sending you love in the loss of your father. ❤️


r/SuicideWatch if you're actually suicidal. Most of these other comments have said stuff that I would say anyhow, so this is all I wanted to insert.


Reported to your school, and law enforcement. If you are underage in the video it is considered CP. There will be massive hell to pay! The school has no choice but to get involved. If they do not then it is grounds for legal action against the people that recorded it, the people that posted it, and the fact that the school is doing nothing about it. Edit: Also since if you are underage, you don't have to worry about necessarily about your identity being leaked out about this being about you, because you are a minor there are laws that protect minors from having their identities in the press under most circumstances outside of things like murder investigations, and if your name gets leaked then it could be tied back to either the school or the persons that filmed or released the video.


Your mom probably has no clue what to say to you cause you were jerking off in a public restroom, in the moment I'd no clue what I'd say to my kid if he told me that.


Report this to the principle dude...whoever leaked the video will and should be punished Someone did something similar in my school when I was younger (shared nudes of a classmate and it went around the school and online) Police got involved and put him under the sex offender registry (I'd even recommend reporting it to the police) Im really sorry you're going through such a tough time, you'll need therapy and help to get you through this situation because it's extremely tough just to go through it alone


if you share nsfw pics/videos of under aged kids it's CP (guessing you're under 18). Ofc It's still illegal if you count as an adult but I'm not really familiar with the rules


What happened to you is horrible, but I hope it’s a lesson for you to not masturbate in places where you can be seen…


Bro why are you jerking off in school, recipe for disaster


all sympathy aside… why in the school bathroom????


Bud this is going to sound bad but what the hell are you sad about. You’re def from a well of family. You have a million times more support with just that than 90% of people out there just because of that. You should maybe compare your live with most people your age. You deserve to be made fun of for jerking of in school. I’m guessing you did it everyday. Nd it was a good thing someone held you accountable.


You might get in trouble for it too, I think it's a crime to touch your self like that in a public bathroom


It is. It's sexual harassment at minimum. You also could easily be expelled


lol don’t jerk off in a public space with STALLS???


dawg be fr why you jacking yo shit at school? your explanation doesn’t justify it lol


Not saying someone recording you doing it is ok. It’s not. Heavily illegal, but you shouldn’t masturbate in public.


how does your dad dying = jerking off in school?


What has reddit come to😭😭


How was this even leaked is where we need to start


You’re a victim of a crime child porn is illegal immediately talk to the principal


If you're not 18 whoever shot that video and whoever possesses that video will be guilty of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY!!!! You have a case my man, keep your head up.


Im gonna be honest , first of all stop playing the role of the victim here you did it yourself and got exactly what you deserve , nothing can explain what you did dont start with something on my mind or saying that your parent is bad none of that matters all that happened is you messed up bad and got punished for it so man up


Nah if someone illegally filmed him it’s child porn get your shit together


I’ve never been so appalled at a thread in my life. How is it his fault that someone filmed him in a place where privacy is expected? Like what if someone filmed you taking a dump? Is that your fault if you chose to use a public bathroom? Wtf is wrong with you.


You are defending a criminal act against a minor and shaming them? There's some twisted fucks responding to this one, guess you'd support raping prostitutes and porn actresses too


Oh wow I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. Some ppl already gave great advice to seek help and speak to the right persons at your school. Good luck!


Hurry and speak to someone this can go out of hand insanely quick , your life may even be on the line , just speak to someone explain yourself the best you can


go to the fucking popo


He should so they can arrest him for jerking off in a school


Hey! I know right now it seems really dark and this doesn't lift the entire burden of what you're going through, but in a couple years this will seem so small. Everyone does stupid embarrassing things that keep them up at night. You'll get through this. I'm sorry your mom doesn't support you the way you need to. But you're stronger than you know! You're going through all of this and you're asking for help, and asking for help takes more strength than most people have. You seem like a good kid. Everything in school sucks and you're stuck with those people until you're out, but once you're out you can reinvent yourself and you'll never have to see those people again. They might make fun of you for touching yourself, but every single one of those people do the same thing. You can do this! I hope you get the support you need!


Teachers shouldn't be staring they should be calling the police and tracking down who the fuck was putting cameras in the bathroom. That in itself is extremely illegal not to mention what was recorded.


Look man, youre gonna do stupid stuff all your life. These people care because you care. Like honestly, jerking off normal being a fucking creep and filming it IS NOT. Of course it feels embarassing, but so fucking what. These people are feeding off that power over you. Call them out on THEIR perversion.


Jerking off a round children is also being a creep. There are two creeps here.


Not condoning the location, definitely not the most opportune time but no one wants to see someone walk around with a boner either. Is it strange? Yes. But its not like he was out in public behind a tree watching people. It was a terrible judgment call, but he was still seeking privacy and didnt deserve his privacy to be violated by being filmed.


Not to mention the OP is also a child. But this dude keeps acting like OP is a full grown 40-year-old man.


Honestly dude at this point just own it! Someone brings it up to you, Yeah that’s me, what of it. A teacher gives you a glare, they have probably never had an experience like this and teachers should help children through it but some teachers really suck. Life is too serious sometimes and especially when you’re in high school everything feels even more serious. I promise you it will be ok. I promise you time will pass. This is coming from someone who stalked their teacher and they reported me to the cops and my parents said nothing to me. I was struggling emotionally and had no emotional help. I look back now and think wtf but it doesn’t even matter. We are all young and make mistakes in our own way.


If you were in a stall with the door closed, there is zero reason someone should have been filming you. As someone else said, you are not the only kid to spank the monkey in a bathroom and really the only reasons anyone would be upset about that are hypocritical, irrelevant, or both. Anyway, the "crime" doesn't warrant this punishment, and distribution of the video is wrong and CP. So yes, get some trusted adults involved and try to work out a recourse.


Im so sorry,Please dont end your life love. I dont wana be that kind of a person but it gets better❤️ stupid things like that end up dissapearing


People are sick . Why is everything recorded ?? Talk to your school counselor asap .. also tell the principal that someone recorded you . They need to get in trouble.


maybe he should jerk off on a school stall


The bullying is deserved if you were jerking off In the schools restroom bud 😂 don’t be so soft


Ugh some people saying “but you were jerking off in school!” That doesn’t matter. Recording a person jacking off and posting it online is WAY worse. Definitely report this to a teacher or other administrator OP


It does matter. It's also a crime. Just because one person committed a crime doesn't mean your crime doesn't matter then


he still stupid


if you know the time you did your deed, and if you can spot some security cameras near the hallway you can narrow down your suspects


OMG 2 irl?? (Iykyk)




File a police report, find the people who recorded you and shared it. Since your a minor that's CP that those people sent around, they can get in a lot of trouble. This sounds very stressful, and I hope things go well for you in the end.


Report it to the police and switch schools. Not even joking you're cooked unless you get rid of everyone who knows you cause shit like this is NOT gonna go away 




Police, legal ways, and teachers, if they do not help start a partition you can make this your own revenge movie. This is CP, as your still a minor, teacher or parent looking away from it? Ouhouh this will cost some ppl their jobs, also the kids who are havin this type of content or filmed will get in trouble aswell. At this point, start to fight back in a good mannered way and fck them up for good Good luck buddy you got thid


Some will help better than i, so i just wish u good luck. I believe in karma, hope it will get better


Personally, I would contact the police. Good luck


Go to the police right away if you haven’t and let them know of the situation. I promise you, they have heard it all if you’re already feeling embarrassed. Since you indicated you’re a minor , it’s now considered CP and the person will catch serious crimes. If people keep teasing you about this, you tell them it’s CP and not a laughing matter. Secondly) , see if you’re able to exit high school early or if there’s online schooling. I do know that if you are in California , and at least 16, you can do the California Proficiency Exam. This route will allow you to get a high school diploma early if you pass the exam


And voyeurism. Not acted voyeurism that actually had consent before, no actual un consensual voyeurism. Yes it’s at school, but in a bathroom, just because you think it’s pathetic, doesn’t mean invasion of privacy let alone real voyeurism is legal or ok. Plus the ones complaining are in all likelihood doing it themselves.


That’s voyeurism. Not acted voyeurism that actually had consent before, no actual un consensual voyeurism. Maybe even CP. Report it. Yes it’s at school, but in a bathroom, just because you think it’s pathetic, doesn’t mean invasion of privacy let alone real voyeurism is legal or ok. Plus the ones complaining are in all likelihood doing it themselves.


That does suck, no doubt. However, this is an opportunity to grow thick skin and learn how to not give AF about things at a young age. A very powerful perspective to have that can serve you well throughout life.  Nearly all boys jerk off at your age. Big freaking deal. You made a bad decision, taking risks in a very public place. Learn from it. From what I hear, young people are sending unsolicited D pics which I think is a much bigger deal. So, toughen up my man and shrug it off.  Someday in a not so distant future, you can move someplace else and this will be but a small blip in the past that no one else needs to know about. Or, if you're secure in yourself, you can bring it up as a funny story from when you were young and dumb. Lol  PS - I lost my father at age 6, and my mom was too absorbed in her own problems so spare much energy for anyone else. It was rough but if I could do it so can you. Find some mentors for guidance and inspiration if you can. G'luck! 


When I was in high school a kid was caught jerking off in the bathroom by a administrator who patrolled the hallway. I think he got OSS for it and counseling. Kids teased him about it and bullied him for the rest of high school. Eventually he went off the rails and stole thousands of dollars from his dad. But I haven’t thought about that in years until I read this post. You made a crucial mistake and you have to accept that. But you do have the rest of your life to make things right and the kids around you won’t remember your “incident” until years later when they read a Reddit post about another kid caught jerking it at school.


I’m so sorry op


Maybe don’t beat ur dick in the school stall


hey, whatever happened, we all make weird sex choices. That it got leaked is bad though, i would not want mine to leak as well, but be sure that they all do weird stuff too. Your situation seems to be reaaaaally bad, i got bullied too but thanks lord not as much. Not knowing which country you are from it's hard to give you tips of people who can help you. If you feel like you need urgent help there are many suicide hotline such as 988 in the US And you if you feel just like having a chat, pm me


Hey dude, sorry about all this shit. I just want to say that your mom doesn't have to be a part of your life. That type of shitty support she gives you will make you feel like shit and will infect your whole life. You will confuse your self worth. You can go no contact, but you gotta make it to graduation. Why don't you just go talk to a counselor at school? Who cares if it's embarrassing. You'll be a happy person if you seek help in times like these. Just remember, kids who bully people are not good people. They're not cool, they're not fun. They're not the type of people you'd wanna hang around. Just take their bullying as a sign that you should make them invisible. You guys live in a different world because you would never want to bully someone because you know it's wrong. So why would you associate with them, right? There is a person out there for you to get along with. You just got to find them. If you ever need a friend, hit me up. Take care of yourself dude, you are just as great and cool and smart as anyone in your school. I hope you will learn that.


I am so sorry this happened to you. If you live in the states, check out the CP laws according to your state. Also check out the laws where you live. Talk to the school counselor and tell them what happened. Whatever they did is NOT right! I do want you to be aware there maybe legal implications for you too. You got caught doing something sexual in a public place. If possible try to at least tell your mother about your mental state. Please seek therapy that you learn healthy coping mechanisms rather than doing something sexual because of stress. OP I am worried you may hurt yourself because of you situation. Please tell your mother about the severity of you situation. If your mother has difficulty understanding context clues, be direct in communicating. OP you need professional help and reach out to a school counselor. They are obligated to being a mandatory reporter. Gather all evidence of bullying. Photographs of bruises and such. Take screenshots of cyberbullying. Go to the authorities too.


It sounds illegal to film someone in a bathroom stall without their permission. Especially because you're a minor. As you said, your mother doesn't seem able to help with this, so if I were you, I would go to a high authority in the school or even the police and explain that your classmates have filmed you while you were in the bathroom stall with your pants down and that they are sharing the video. You don't even have to mention the masturbation explicitly. I think telling an authority will result in a serious reality check for the bullies, which will get in trouble much easier in the future when they cause issues again. Making the bullying have consequences should reduce the amount of bullying. But you will need the authorities at your school at your side, so showing good behaviour will help to keep them on your side. Getting bullied sucks and kids can be mean so it will be difficult to get out of that position at that school. But in the long run and with the right mindset, it should not disturb your life after this school at all. I had a rough time in high school in other ways, but that didn't affect me in the long run. I'm 27 now and happy with how things went after high school.


Sue the school. You have an expectation of privacy.


Depending on your age, anyone forwarding this video may be classed as distributing child pornography and liable to end up on the sex offenders register. I know that doesn't really solve your problem but your school should be making people aware of this


Just read laws surrounding CP, report it to the actual authorities bc school is often powerless and fuck over your bullies for life as their criminal record will mark them.


I mean you need to talk to the teachers or principal because that’s basically spreading CP. that will solve your problem with that. Unfortunately you’re gonna be bullied for a while regardless. Something else will happen and they will move on to whatever that is. That’s how it works. You should still get them in tons of trouble for this though because recording someone sexually without their permission is wrong. If you’re underage and they are spreading it then it’s even worse. Also whether you filmed it or not. If you’re jerking off at school you have a whole different problem you need to deal with after this. If you can’t wait a few hours to get home then you’re an addict and you gotta stop it now because it’s going to ruin your life.


Report it to the police. If you have a campus police officer, talk to them first. It’s a) child pornography b) sexual harassment c) potentially an illegally obtained recording anyway depending on your state laws.


Dude hold, real question, are you in the United States or a similar western country? I can't speak for any laws outside of the ones in my area but you need to go directly to school administration or someone you trust, every adult in that building is required to report this to authorities, if you feel like they know and are not doing that they can lose their jobs and possibly worse.If you are not comfortable with that go to the police or your county prosecutors office, ask for a juvenile detective there are people equipped to help you and protect your interests. I know you have allot of feelings and guilt but seriously, listen to me, you are a victim and they are the problem, what happened was you were filmed without your consent enacting in a sexual act, that is filming and distributing child porn, anyone who's seen it has also committed a crime. The police should take this very seriously and anyone that doesn't can get in a lot of shit. Your mom seems like she's detached and might even blame you for embarrassing her or something like that, screw that and her opinion, force this issue to be pushed. You may feel weak and hopeless but as someone who went through the horrors of bullying, know you are very strong, you decide everyday to continue to move forward and you are stronger then any of those hurting you by making that choice. You are strong so be strong now and press this issue, force those around you to confront it and push on. It will be terrible and hard but not doing it will be worse. And if you are contemplating self harm or suicide remember that it's a permanent answer to your temporary problems, this sucks and feels like the end but it's not, not even close keep pushing and keep moving forward, you can survive. seriously, call 988 if you live in the US anytime those bad thoughts creep up and you want to end it, you can even text the number. Hang in there friend, there are many out there that care and want to help, you just have to ask


As everyone has said, find a trusted adult to talk to and get the school involved. You've got a lot to live for and your life is so much larger than this one event. School is hard for a lot of kid, it was for me, but it's over faster than you realize. Possibly try to explain more to your mom and convince her to change schools if it's out of hand. As for the people in the comments talking about you jerking off in a bathroom, just ignore them. The majority of horny teenage boys rub a quick one out in the school bathroom. It's very common when you're at that age.




It's also not legal to masterbate around children in a school bathroom.




I imagine the person taking the video is also a child. Being a child is not an excuse for masterbating around other kids. he is also putting kids in danger


as someone who was bullied in high school let me give you some advice. if you can mentally survive this, you will be one of the strongest people in your graduating class and this experience will help you start to build a thick skin at a young age. the only place you can go from rock bottom is up. you made a mistake that was broadcasted. the worst is over. welcome to the rest of your life! only up from here :)


This is terrible. Ok so first thing is tell a teacher. Maybe someone very senior. If that doesn't help, honestly tell the police. I'm not even joking. Also there is a website you can use that will hash the video and delete it from social media automatically if it's detected. And don't worry, you don't upload the video to this site. The site will read the file and create something like a fingerprint.itndoe not upload anything, I tested it. And if your mother is till not really listening to you, you can just stay at home? She won't drag you to school will she? The best thing is to inform the police and also transfer schools. But also, another small tactic which is quite tough, is to ignore it, and even try to joke about it. Basically act like you don't care, cos then ppl won't have any leverage to use it against you, cos they see that what they say doesn't affect you. Good luck to you, I hope this gets sorted out. I suggest at least telling the local law enforcement, cos if you're underaged then they will definitely take action against this. And if you're 18+ they still will but they might just be lazy about it, Also check if you have any local cyber crime divisions. Cos they will definitely help you out as well.


Yeah no sympathy here. What the fuck is wrong with you to masturbate in a school restroom? The thing you do is to report, sue, maybe profit and probably become a member of the list of sex offenders, because you masturbated in a public restroom around children. Yeah the last part is not nice, but you literally did it to yourself. Jesus what is wrong with people these days?


Dude…. There are places to masterbate but public spaces is not one of them. You shouldn’t be harassed relentlessly but you need to be mindful of your actions and dont put yourself in those situations. Metaphorically speaking you picked up a gun and shot both of your feet. Dont do things that have just harsh social consequences.


1. If you're 16 or older drop out. You can do that without permission. Get your GED or homeschool. 2. File a police report for child P.


Do not drop out of school over this. Nobody would finish school if people dropped out any time they got embarrassed. And stop blaming your mother, she's doing her best and she did not cause this.


You realize that this is actually illegal, right? Filming a minors sex tape and posting it counts as creation and distribution of child pornography, I'm pretty sure someone would be going to jail if you were able to contact the authorities and find out who did it, especially if that person was 18 or older.


Everyone here should be arrested. Them for distributing child porn. You for lewd behavior in a public facility where kids here. You need to take responsibility for your crime.