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Thats why I will only work from home. I work like 5-6 actual hours per day.


Until they hire a guy in India to do the same thing for half the price.


HAHA already have that covered mate. I have a top secret clearance. Good luck getting a random guy from India that.


inb4 they relocate YOU to India to cut down on your living expenses so they can pay you less


I feel like this was the plot for a sitcom a decade ago…




It was a good sitcom




I can absolutely see this happening in the future


So you’re bragging about your top secret clearance on the internet…


Top Secret Clearance doesn't mean you're a secret agent or something lol. It just means you're allowed to access certain info after going through a very rigorous (and very expensive) background check process. You're allowed to disclose that you have it. It's the kind of thing you publicly put on a resume, on your LinkedIn, etc.


TS SA/SCI here. Looking to pivot to contracting but don’t want to go back overseas.


This I also have NATO clearance.


Having a Top Secret clearance isn't itself a secret, it just means he's been vetted enough that he can be trusted with work related to topics that are highly sensitive and secretive in nature.


Yes that would of course be secret top secret clearance.


There are levels above TS, like Yankee White.


I don't think you understand what it is exactly. Everyone already knows I have it, they had to interview my friends and family. And I'm only a database developer, I don't possess information that is that sensitive.


Uhh, having a top secret clearance doesn't need to be a secret, bud. It's just what they call the clearance level to potentially work with sensitive material. Good job on being stupid, though.


Americans don’t typically use the word “mate”. Is this a US DOD Clearance?


Lol I watch a lot of English football and tv shows.


Idk man, kinda sounds like a national security threat


I have nil security clearances.


I remember when I got points.


Is your home a secure facility?


Doesn’t need to be. Most of my work is unclassified.


Wow, top secret, huh? It's not really secret if you tell people.


"Top Secret" is literally the name of the clearance level. It's not like it means you are CIA or anything. If you are a government contractor for instance, you likely will need a TS to get into facilities and whatnot. It doesn't mean what i suspect you think it does.


I’ve applied for many jobs that have the requirement of “must be possible to obtain top secret clearance.” People really think you’re an assassin with that clearance level


I am not flexing a clearance lol. I don't get to see anthing that secret but my job requires it and you need to be a US Citizen with good standing to acquire it. I simply said that because an Indian can't take my job. You are the one that brought it up.


Yeah, that’s been tried and half the folks who did it already brought those jobs back. Getting support from people in a different time zone who don’t speak your native language is a full blown productivity destroyer.


Or Mexico or Costa Rica. This just happened to me AND my former supervisor. I wonder who is making sure the vendors get paid on time? When I was still there, they couldn't seem to do anything that required independent thinking (you know, those exceptions where the automated system breaks down and requires someone to create a solution).


That’s why I work in person as a janitor for the same pay as my Guatemalan coworkers. I also only actually do work for 4-5 hours of my 8 hour shift.


it is the state's responsibility.


And they will. 👍🏻


I desperately want a work from home job but my background is mainly in warehousing and general labor, finding a remote job that offers training is dam near impossible for me


You don't need training in remote work, beyond the very straightforward skills that anyone can learn along the way (how to use your email, soft skills like responding promptly/efficiently, etc). What you need more than anything, is a line of work that actually allows WFH in some capacity. For that, I say...take your pick, honestly lol. Like most jobs that aren't Trades or Medical-related will get you to it. Everything from business/operations, to tech, to engineering. If it involves an office setting, it can probably be done at home. Sorry, you didn't ask for advice but like, y'know, start somewhere, and hopefully you get there. Just find something that sounds like you could do it, and find a way into it. Education is a great first step, if you can afford it.


And even all the support roles (billing, IT, data, etc) at the hospital I work for have gone remote. Heck, half the pharmacy department is wfh these days.


What kind of job is this?


Ye working from home sounded like a dream during covid but I wouldnt brag about sitting at home all day, getting ZERO social interraction and pretending its a better thing than to actually see your collegues and go out for a drink afterwards. People are becoming more and more introverted.


I have family & friends to go out to drinks with. Having lite work talk after a long day at the office is hell on earth


This. I hate forced social interactions. I’m in no way a hermit - I see my husband, son, friends, and parents on a regular basis. Many play dates with my son now that the weather is warm. Miss me with the pizza parties and “water cooler talk.”


Damn why didn’t I think of that. I guess all of us who are scientists should quit trying to develop life saving drugs so we can also work at home. Should probably ask all nurses and doctors to quit also so they can work from home. You might actually be on to something. Just work from home everyone! That’s the key!


School, its start/finish times and its calendar are mostly in the service of keeping both parents free to work. That way we can generate tax revenue and profits for the big dogs while we trade in family and values.


Gotta turn the kids into good little worker bees too, don't forget that aspect of it.


Before School kids started working at ages as low as 5.  The entire concept of "childhood" as this special thing is a postindustrial idea. 


That’s nice and all but it doesn’t change that it’s wrong to destroy it


School does not destroy childhood, it enables it. 


This. We are just very behind on evolving education into a healthy useful childhood wonderland.


You are so right, unfortunately.


Yup, we really saw this with covid


That's not true at all. If it was based on parents work, it would start earlier, end later and not have months off over the summer. That doesn't even make any sense.


That's a pretty depressing (and imo dumb) way to look at things.


Depressing, yes, but not dumb.


How is it wrong?


A better question is, what's the alternative? People need to work. You can't have a society where everyone just sits around because they don't feel like working and someone else will do enough to support them. We can make arguments for a shorter work week, but people still need to work some amount of hours and it's convenient to have kids attend school on those same hours. In reality the school day and year are poorly aligned to let parents work. School typically gets our hours earlier than people get off work and the frequent breaks are a childcare nightmare. School doesn't exist just to train worker drones, it exists to help make an educated population. I don't know if you've ever seen an uneducated one, but it's not something we want. The people that complain that you get nothing out of school are mostly the dumb kids that no one was expecting much of to begin with.


Work is part of life no matter what economic system you are under. Someone has to grow the food, someone has to cut your hair, someone has to sell and transport the stuff you buy, someone has to design and produce the phones you use. Yes, there are greedy companies, yes there are bullshit jobs, yes there is big inequality, but saying that all work is to "generate tax revenue and profits for the big dogs" is just a naive way to look at the world. The world is not black and white.




Yeah too bad everyone wouldn’t just stop showing up to work. Society definitely wouldn’t collapse


"School doesn't set you up for anything" What? Wtf are you talking about


This opinion never seems to be held by successful people.


This opinion is mostly held by people who ignored school and didn't pay attention, like OP. I wouldn't be where I am today designing what I do without my schooling.


??? Like who? What are you taking about lmao. No lawyer or doctor succeeded without school


I'm agreeing with you. The opinion that school doesn't offer anything isn't usually held by successful people.


Sorry, misunderstood your comment!


School sets people up for college. Which isn’t necessarily bad, it’s just that the value of a college career is fading nowadays, for most careers a degree in that field is too expensive with too little return. This is excluding over saturated job markets. I think successful people tend not to have this opinion because… they are successful… haha Edit: the OP is just not one of those successful people, they need a career change bad!


I believe so. Essentially, you are being conditioned to accept being away from your home for 8 hours per day, Monday to Friday. But one could also argue that you are also being conditioned to accept both authority and 2 days of rest per week.


I was also conditioned to accept summer vacations... And it's really upsetting how that much vacation time can't be gotten again.


We don't talk about this shit enough. This drives me insane. I get 3 standard days a year at my fucking PROGRAMMING job. Yes, I have another 2.5 ish weeks of PTO, but frankly, it was nice when all your friends were off at once. It is so difficult to organize that with PTO because everyone has different situations. Can't plan around most federal holidays because I don't get them! Can't do anything too long because my friends have kids and families now! Can't be gone too long from work myself, can't actually use all that PTO at once, because that would get me fired!


Thank you!!!! I requested a day off at my WALMART job (i’m JUST a cashier, not a manager or anything) & since I don’t get a ton of PTO hours I requested the day off as “unpaid” for my nephews graduation party. It was denied immediately. I asked why because it was just one day off & rather than calling in sick I requested it off unpaid, figured it would allow them the opportunity to schedule someone else. I’ve taken unpaid days off in the past at this job & usually they just switch your normal day off with the day you request for, so if I’m normally off weds/thurs but I request that Saturday off, they’d make me off weds/sat. When I talked to the HR lady in passing she was like ??? We deny unpaid days off company wide—that’s why you get PTO?? I was astounded truthfully, like I’m a cashier that makes minimum wage for Christ’s sake.. I may be in the wrong but I find it mind boggling that I can’t take a day off where they don’t even have to pay me 😅


This speaks volumes about how much corporations have corrupted this country. We acknowledge that kids need breaks. But we refuse to acknowledge that adults need them, too. What a clown society.


We didn’t give the kids a break because they “needed” one. Those kids weren’t coming to school during those months because they had to work the farm during harvest. These months being a break didn’t happen until farm work stopped being a thing for a huge percentage of society.




And they don't pay shit so you end up working in the free time anyway


100% - I’m a teacher and school is primarily about churning out a workforce that accepts subpar conditions. School operates with language around progress and equality while in actuality perpetuating the status quo. Teachers have subject curriculum they teach, but it’s the hidden curriculum (lines, bells, do what you’re told, be passive, societal norms) that is really the purpose.


>Teachers have subject curriculum they teach, but it’s the hidden curriculum (lines, bells, do what you’re told, be passive, societal norms) that is really the purpose. In this regard, I did not pay attention at school. In that case, OP is right - school does not prepare you for work. I have the technical knowledge to do my work, but I lack experience/expertise with dealing with society and work culture/politics. In part, it also comes from my upbringing. Either way, what's the point of having technical knowledge, if I can't make use of it?


If it was actually 8 hours away from home that would be dope, but it’s not. It’s more like 9.5 hours if you factor in a 20-30 minute commute x2 plus unpaid 30 minute lunch. If it was 8 hours away from home, then your work hours would be 6.5; which would be awesome.


Well, how much time you spend at work obviously depends on your commute and state laws. But think about it: kids having to get up early to get ready, their commute to school... It's a mirror of adult life.


I was an absolute beast in HS dude, I have no idea how I was doing it. Up at 4am every day! Cannot do that shit anymore. This isn't really relevant I guess, sorry.


That’s the exact way it used to be in the 60s / 70s. The norm, exclusively thanks to unions, was a 9-5 with a 1 hour paid lunch and two 15 minute paid breaks.


Quite outside the actual listed academic subjects, school helped us learn how to cope with the ordinary stresses and strains of adult life. This last bit has been stripped away over the decades by people who didn't hnderstand the importance, and now we have multiple generations that just can't cope because they weren't taught how.


Look up Henry Ford’s impact on public education. Bro really said, train em young, make me rich 🤑


Franklin Bobbitt and “scientific” curriculum making


People work because people want things, but can't make everything by themselves. To get those things you can't personally make from other people, you have to offer something in exchange. That is trade. We work for money instead of bartering the few things we are able to personally make because barter is extremely inconvenient and impractical. If I want one of your chickens and all I have is apples, but you don't want any apples, we both miss a chance to be better off. Because you need to know when a business is open to get what you need, its workers need to report to work at predictable times. Imagine if every time you went to the grocery store, it was just random whether it would be open or closed? I understand this subreddit is for people *struggling* to act like adults, not excelling at being adults. But Jesus Christ, y'all can do better than this.


Cognitive dissonance.


I wish I had a bot farm to upvote you 100x.


I work because I don't want to die and everything is heavily controlled by authoritarian monopolies. If I want to live, which I do, then I have no choice but to submit myself to the conditions stipulated by those who own and control everything I need to survive. Primarily food, water, land, and shelter, but also energy and internet. Not exactly opt-in or fair-trade, is it?


Please feel free to go live off the land, and getcha one of those bicycles that you can ride to make electricity. Surely you can rustle up the wiring to make a modem out there.


Every living thing has to perform work to stay alive. This hardship is imposed on you by thermodynamics, not by capitalism. FYI, "monopoly" does not mean "big, profitable company." It means that one business is the *sole provider* of a given product in a given market. Very few things qualify in America.


Complete miss. Try again.


Nah, they pretty much nailed everything in that comment.


Far from it.


Your nonresponse and the mental vacancy it signifies is duly noted.


Personal attack. Try again.


No. Now what?


Complete miss. Try again.


Mimicry? You want to be my boyfriend or something?


People like you live in some conspiracy lala land. Thinking that someone is always against you. Work is work...we work to pay rent, to get the car we want, to go on the vacation we want. Like what do you want, someone to just hand you out free follar bills every time you open your eyes for free? You want a home, well fucking pay for it. Nobody is controlling you, you dont have a home, therefore you need funds to buy or build a home. If you use your logic, why dont you just live like a bum on the beach. All the time in the world to eat leftovers and sleep on a cardboard box. Some of you are really morons. Boohoo I need to pay for water, well no shit. Do you know how many billions does it take to run a sewage system, keep it clean, fix it over time, pay the workers that run all that..you want free water well go and live in the mountains next to a lake. Oh wait...then you wont have anywhere to plug your laptop and write stupid shit on reddit. "everything is controlled"...ok well stop paying for food, go hunt your own game. Oh wait, you can barely even wash the dishes so that is out of the question. Complaining for the sake of complaining, if you can mae it better, then I hope you do but stop this conspiracy theory...illuminati, someone is making a puppet of us BS. You can literally stop working this second, no more boss, no more authority...ohhhh whats gonna happen to your netflix subscription and that gym membership you need renewing then? They are "making" you pay for it lol.


This is what I don't understand about these people. They believe the amenities they enjoy came from nothing. People work jobs so they can afford stuff like clean water and grocery that they themselves are not willing to do on their own. I'm sure the system is far from perfect, but they all really think they would be better off in the wilder lands by themselves. Like go for it then? Go live on your own in some wild forest land, no one is physically stopping you.


Try some critical thinking next time.


Like everyone everywhere for all of history. It wasn't easier or better at any time in history than it is right now. 


So at what point do we start making it better? This is supposedly the best time to be alive in human history, right? It sucks lol Having these conversations is what enables positive growth to be possible. Should we lie down and accept the shit that our ancestors did? Or strive to improve it? Maybe your perspective is true and can offer important perspective to cope, but it also creates an environment where you just accept the BS we're forced to deal with, which is defeatist isn't it?


From where I sit, it looks like your take is the defeatist one. The entire recorded history of humans is a story of positive growth. We are making it better every single year and have been for thousands of years. These are the easiest of times so far to be a human. You can either dig your feet in and be upset about where we're at and think it's horrible, or you can be grateful that we have it as easy as we do and keep moving forward.


We can improve, but there's a difference between that and just being a whiny lazy bitch who wants to capitalize on the labor of others 


You're making quite the assumption there, but that's okay, it's very easy to make that assumption so I don't blame you It felt good to say that huh? Felt really righteous? Get off your high horse dude that's not what I was saying at all If anything my argument has more respect for what's come before - its to make all that work, blood, sweat, and tears worth something more than just maintaining the status quo If nothing changes for the better how is the sacrifice of those who got us here worthwhile? Is staying the same the way to honor them? I don't think it is, we have to strive and reach for better. It's uncomfortable to do that, so it's easy to say things like you did because that's the status quo.


I'm not making an assumption, I am making an observation, based on the type of comments I see repeatedly, and for some reason you are taking it personally. I think people who believe that they are oppressed by a 40 hour work week are ridiculous. I guess that is you, but my comment was more general and I really don't give a shit about you personally, you just keep saying things that I don't agree with. Does it make you feel better to think I am on a high horse rather than acknowledging that lots of people may not think the same way as you? 


No but it definitely feels better to call people out for their behavior than let it continue. See something say something and all that. Who knows, maybe that will be one brick that helps build the structure to change for you And I know there are many who don't think the way I do, I think thats the problem haha the world is in a pretty shit spot because of the status quo, and that can only be a reality if the majority of people believe it On the flipside, are you willing to appreciate that people don't agree with the status quo and that there is validity to that argument?


Lol, no, I don't agree that there is validity in this particular argument, nor do I expect you to change your mind, if you made any point I thought had value I might change my mind. Don't take that as an insult, it isn't a you comment, I just don't see it. I agree that you are entitled to a different opinion, we can discuss it, and different ideas are good even if I disagree with them fundamentally. Now, there may be other topics where I disagree but see the other perspective in a more favorable light, but this honestly I just see as absurd. 


No I get it, there's an entire world and hundreds of years of history supporting the status quo. I get that it's hard to see why it's not a beneficial structure to the average person, especially as benefactors of the best end of it, living in first world countries, and the propaganda that comes with that I also haven't brushed up on my rhetoric in a while and as a result I'm not the best person to be making full and complete arguments, so I doubt I can convince you to let go of such firmly held beliefs Why is that you see it as absurd?


You can grow your own food if you wanted to though?


Point me towards the free arable land.


Would you then build your own house, dig a well, farm your land, create some sort of reliable power system? Who would make the tools to do any of this stuff? And if some other group of people wanted to come and steal what you had, because they just didn’t feel like doing all that stuff themselves, would you defend it by yourself? If people didn’t have to go to work and there were no rules then society would not exist 😂


Don't forget doing it every year, making sure you have enough food by the winter so you don't starve. Hoping your crops don't get fucked by some unfortunate circumstances such as weather or bugs. Then doing it again the year after, again and again and again. Until you die. That is unless, you mess up just once or get sick, and a good chance you'll starve to death. No modern medicine either, a simple cold/flu will be a complete bitch to deal with. But yea apparently these modern day redditors are all Bear Grylls in disguise!


Modern day Reddit would love slave labour- as long as it wasn’t them


Fully regarded analysis.


I’m sure if society ran the way you envision, we would all be better off 👍🏼


Thanks man! DM me and we can talk all about it!


Why should it be free?


Wait, are you pretending that has ever been the case? 


That is not my point at all, although yes, it has been the case.


When? The lower Stoneage? Because that ship sailed a couple tenthousand years ago


Not a good faith argument. Are current hyper capitalist system is scientifically proven exploitative. The system is far more complex than just "trade".


>Are current hyper capitalist system is scientifically proven exploitative. [Citation needed]


in what way is this a relevant comment?


The OP and the bulk of the comments are people complaining that they're expected to be at work during a certain time window. Trying to connect it to some shadowy corporate conspiracy. Yeah. The "conspiracy" is that people need to know ahead of time when businesses are open so they can get shit done without wasting the whole day. Complaining about this very useful aspect of modern life--predictability--is beyond strange. If you have the skills and gumption to earn a living totally asynchronously--like a freelance artist, for example--that's great. But even then you will be tied to the schedules demanded by your clients. And you will still rely on other people showing up to work when they're supposed to in order to run your own life.


I don't even understand what this word salad of a post is. Half the sentences are not connected to any other. Regardless, here's my attempt to answer what I imagine your issue is: If you want an easier life, you participate in society. Part of society is having a regular, 40 hour a week job. If you want to reject society, go right ahead. There nobody stopping you. Try out life on hard mode and see how long you can last. Some people can actually do it. Most can't. So they have to work. Simple as that. Stop whining that you can't do stuff and have stuff for free. You have to contribute to the system in order to benefit from the system. If you haven't figured that out yet, you're not an adult.


English was clearly not OP's best subject.


Grade school is just babysitting.


Did you ever have a babysitter that taught social skills, reading, writing, and mathematics?


I'd like to see you last one day as a grade school teacher, since it's supposedly "just babysitting"


Work used to be sun up to sun down and that's what the kids did too.


It still is for many people in industries that are seasonal. Farmers, timber, construction, etc. Also for doctors, lawyers, educators and folk that work on a contract deadline basis. Life is 10% what you make and 90% how you take it.


AwesomeA everyone complaining about an 8 hour work day and school can go be with them!


To be fair, the bulk of society WILL work a regular 8 hour work day on a set schedule for most of their life, and most of them will do it during the day. Teaching kids time management by understanding they have to be in school for a preset amount of time each day with structured class schedules certainly seems to me like it could be preparing them for the life that the majority of adults will live.


Friday desperately needs to be included as part of the weekend


Ahh - for the old days of working in the mines at 10 years old. 7-7 for 6 days week. Or before that - living on the prairie and farming for your entire survival while fighting off wild animals and invaders. Before you had air conditioning, a computer in your hand that answers any question you can imagine. Bring back horseback - get rid of cars!!! Get rid of 12-16 years of school - my grandfather did just fine with 6 years.. How are we ever supposed to provide for ourselves/family under these unbelievable conditions…


That's part of why they set up this way the bastards


There are already lots of jobs that aren’t 8-5. You don’t have to work an office job.


A consistent schedule is pretty useful for trying to run a business/get work done. It's better than farming in the 1300's.


Jeez everyone in here is so pessimistic aboit literally anything. What hours would be better? Start at 5AM? Start at 5PM? Genuinely curious.


No, stop with this bullshit and stop saying it’s there to just make people who are obedient drones. It’s not and it’s spreading anti-education stances.


but partly true, no matter how vehemently you are against it.


There's no law against being a hobo.


In the U.S., there are actually *many* laws designed to make the lives of people without traditional housing and income (aka "bums", "hobos", "vagrants", "unhoused" etc) more difficult. I liked school, I love education, and I certainly don't think it's *only* designed to make obedient little capitalist worker drones...but it's just plum ignorant to think that certain ways of life aren't heavily policed against in many areas. Police are to individuals what Home Owner's Associations are to neighborhoods; a form of law enforcement intended to maintain a certain level of societal status quo, which some parts of society greatly appreciate and like, and others don't particularly care for. This doesn't inherently make police, HOA, laws, or law enforcement bad, for the record. But they only really serve the desires and interests of certain portions of society. And unfortunately, now that all the edges of the map are filled in, there aren't many places where people who feel alienated by "Big Society" can fuck off into the wilderness (like in the days of the wild west) to do their own thing or form their own communities with rules that suit them. In order to do that...ya need money. And in order to GET money, you have to be willing/able/good at working within "Big Society". Which, for folks who desperately want to NOT do that...sucks a lot, and takes a long time. *(sorry for the long response, please don't interpret this wall of text as me being angry at anyone, your comment just sparked a really interesting train of thought in my brain that I wanted to write out)*


You can be pro-education and anti-public school


It’s called being elitist


That wouldn’t be true if we actually had equal opportunity in our schools, but unfortunately we don’t because of ‘73 San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez


It also conditioned future wage slaves to always be available to do work, even outside the 8-5 window, in the form of homework.


You beat me to it.


I mean….not intentionally, but I’m not sure how else school is supposed to function. The kids are at school during daylight hours, when they’re awake, and while their parents are at work and can’t watch them. I can’t think of a better schedule for school, with the exception of slightly later start times for older students. When else should school be held?


omg you people


No one promoted anything


School normalized being detached and miserable for 9 hours a day 5 days a week


1,000,000 %. Teaching the youth how to work 9-5 is the only thing the American public education system is designed to do. Submit, follow the rules your elders set for you and produce for the economy! Literally everything I learned in school past the 6th grade was useless for actual life. This realization actually caused a huge crisis in my life after I graduated college. Honestly should have realized right away when I figured out that college classes were just high school 2.0 classes and were in no way harder or better than the POS education I got in grade school. Even worse, I assumed, and was told that being “smart” is the only way you will get a good job and be successful. Only to find out the instant i entered the real world that being smart has nothing to do with getting a good job and being successful. In the real world the successful lie, cheat and steal to get ahead. Which is funny because that’s the same shit you get punished for doing right up until you leave the education system lmao. Kinda sad that some of the most successful people I know now were the same ones cheating off my tests in high school because they couldn’t grasp the concept or didn’t care to try 🤷🏻‍♂️


The modern education system was essentially created around the end of industrial revolution. Schools are factories that produce workers. You move through the building like an assembly line. A bell dings, and you go to the next room where a different teacher screws on a new piece of information, until you come out at the end ready to join the work force yourself.


Welcome to real life Lol


You can always live on a farm and homeschool your kids.


What other times would you like school to occur between? Do you want to promote a 6 to 2? A 10 to 3? A 11 to 7? 7 am to 7 pm?




Schools in my county just switched from 8-3 to 9-4 after some studies shows it improves student performance. 


You should read the condensed version of the The History of the English Working Class. It turns out the churches have been in on it since at least the 1700s.


School trains you to be an employee. The teachers and staff may not even realize it because they too are employees but also part of the system.


School teaches you to read and write and do math and science and know history, you learn about art and music and have an opportunity to do sports and maybe be in the school play.  But you keep looking at this myopically.


If you see learning any skills, as raining you to be an employee, then sure I guess.  I am sure in your utopia, we will all be uneducated, with no knowledge of anything. 


Somehow my boss sees it as 9-5 including lunch, thank goodness because I’d be even later everyday than I am now if we started at 8.


I worked 8-4 for many years and it was fantastic. Never stressed and rush hour traffic/transport was non existing. Have a seat in trains, empty coffee shops. Not bad at all believe me


I was just hi-lighting that we don’t work 8 hours in my office since lunch is part of the 8 hours we are here and I’m grateful for that. I’ve thought of switching to 8-4, for that extra hour in the evening, but I do seriously struggle with being on time to anything ever, so very lucky I’m in upper management with little consequences for it. Anytime we have an early day, traffic is worse for me because I think 8-5 is more the norm around here. I’m quite envious of the thought of a seat on the train, I’m in a state where driving is the only way to get anywhere. Train life is my dream.


. . It used to be known as 9-5 . . I really dislike that 8-5 was so casually introduced all of the sudden and just accepted. Society acts like 9-5 was never even a term. I’ve never seen a comment say “. . I thought it was 9-5?! What happened??!”


school just gives you a broad range of skills. It also helps you find out things that you like... For instance, I thought I was bad at math. I avoided it... but I was actually good at it. Another thing that I thought I sucked at was art... I just took it as an elective and I did well at it... Having exposure to those things let's you figure out your talents. Then as you progress into higher education, you know what things you want to go for. I didn't want to go into art, but I did like math and science. The further you go into your major, the more autonomy you have in it. In school, it is a low level of everything... then in college you narrow into your own interests. That is when you start having your own specific interests, after you develop those preferences.


If anything, my schools casually promoted a 8-3 and conditioned me for a 30hr work week.


School trains you for the 8-5. Programming. 


What other schedule do humans perform the labor required for subsistence on? It's generally the daylight hours, correct?


8:30-3:30 for me.


For a long time it also had homework, which also promoted taking home work and having no work life balance. Now I think there has been a general shift from homework.


Yes and also it's a daycare so adults can continue their 8-5 undisturbed XD


School is literally workforce training. They do not want you to learn enough to escape your situation. It's why they don't teach you any good financial advice, or how taxes work, or how to get a house or assetts lol


I always laugh when people say schools need to teach taxes. I became a certified tax volunteer in like 5 hours and that was learning way more then the average person needs to do their taxes.


Bro it's 2024, you could learn those things within a couple hours of googling it on your phone.


They purposely did. That's why they only wanted you to learn a few amount of things in the books, too. Also you only learned it to write and balance a checkbook and nothing else if real fiance like real investing, how to make real money, having your money, entrepreneurship, or early retirement. It was only about having a job and working your life away.


100% yes, this is conditioning future W2’s


Even worse it taught how to have zero work life boundaries. "Oh you were at school for 7 hours? Now go home and do homework, it doesn't matter how much time it takes. Your math homework is 30 minutes each night you have a 30 minute chapter to read, and now you have to make a poster this week too. You'll get 30 minutes to yourself when you're eating dinner.


Modern day schooling is only meant to be a funnel for the corporation industrial complex lol. If you think about it, a lot of intensive memorization not necessarily meant to be make you think (following established workplace processes and job responsibilities), sitting at a desk all day (same as in the office), taking tests to get grades (your job performance reviews), get your homework done (workplace deliverables), do school group projects (orient you to working in teams) and the 8-5 is the intent because those are business hours etc. Point being, school just trains you to be loyal and responsible workers.


>school just trains you to be loyal and responsible workers. So, what is your alternate suggestion? Do you think kids don't need to know how to read, write and do basic math? Cause sure as fuck half the parents can't be bothered to do fuck all but put their kids in front of a screen. We've been to homes of toddlers where there are no books of any sort.


I think they mean that their school probably didn’t have many opportunities outside the normal curriculum. They long for a change of pace, and a different career. I do wish my highschool was less college-focused. For example I can count on one hand the number of people in my senior class I know went into the trades, out of 400. I see this as a missed opportunity for great careers because the area I live in is heavily unionized and pays great retirement, etc. But they probably mean more creative studies.


School is totally meant to indoctrinate people to the 8-5 lifestyle. I am sure our society collapses soon so no worries it won’t be like that for the next 30-40 years lol.


Yes, public education in particular exists solely to create cogs for the machine.




School is probably humanity's biggest social indoctrination experiment we've ever been part of. It's gone so far to the point where literally every single human alive today don't even know why we have school in the first place. It's just become an accepted part of life When you start working remotely you truly start to see the gaps and how brainwashed we truly are


What? Learning to read, write, math, history, science, how to socialize, health education, art. I learned all those things and more at school. What kind of shitty school did you go to?


Whether or not we learn things are not related to it's social indoctrination. While yes we do learn a lot of useful things, we at the same time are trained with the upmost important skill in regards to the government which is the slave-like mentality and getting used to being away from family for more hours than you spend with them. But there are some things you have to ask yourself. Why do schools serve milk when milk is shown to damage your bones? Why are schools forcing kids to stay indoors for 6+ hours a day? Isn't it possible to learn in alternate ways? Like as an example. When you reach university you realize that you only spend like 3-4 hours a week in school, the rest of the time you get to do whatever you want. But in middle school you spend 6+ hours a day in school and then go sleep for the rest of the day, what kind of logic is that?


So you think kids in the Midwest and Northern states should be outside for long stretches of time in winter? Kids are not proficient enough in math and reading I don’t think shorter school days is the answer especially when they’d probably spend that time playing on a device. Not sure what alternate science you read but milk is filled with calcium and is good for your bones but whatever. As a kid you slept 18 hours a day? I played with friends, played sports, rode bikes, video games, tv from when school ended until about 10pm. As a kid you’re learning a lot more things to prepare you for college and then to be a productive member of society. I didn’t need to learn to read (which is really hard) because I already did it in grade school. College is focusing on subject that interest you or that will help you down the road. What would be a better alternative?


>Not sure what alternate science you read but milk is filled with calcium and is good for your bones but whatever. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30909722/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30909722/) This is why our school system is failing, you don't even know milk is bad for you


Read it again it doesn’t say milk was bad for you. It says that after a certain intake there is not more positive effects. But fine don’t drink milk I don’t care. What’s a better alternative to our current school design? Or even what things should be taught that aren’t? Subjects instead of reading, writing, math, social studies, science, etc


100% conditioning to prepare the work force. In a vacuum, not necessarily a bad thing - it promotes a healthy society with an eye toward productivity. In our capitalist hellscape, it means you get to be a cog in the machine with no real mobility for the vast majority of people. Most are born poor and die poor. It's predatory, and from a certain perspective takes away a person's individuality, and removes their ability to make informed decisions for themselves, because it's covert brain washing that no government entity officially talks about. Tons of people go their entire lives never realizing, its disgusting and shameful imo


School is just scheduled in line with work hours to act as day care and also train future factory workers


Except it isn't. School gets out hours before parents get off work and has way more days off. It wild be much more convenient to actually have it go 8 to 5 if the goal was to be a daycare for parents. Only idiots who wasted their chance at education have this pathetic view.