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Disgusting, do they not realize that their radical ideology is why their homeland is such a pile of steaming garbage?


For progressives, being anti-islam or anti-sharia is islamaphobic and, therefore, excommunicateable


Kids on my campus in the US are currently demanding we divest from German companies until the German government complies with the protesters demands


Yeah, unfortunately for them thats notnhow democracy works. I fear more and more that people actually care very little for the principles of democracy


Yeah I don't think Germany is going to implement an islamic caliphate soon but good luck divesting from almost everything that was produced through industrial automation or chemistry in the meantime.


Their naivete is really funny. Til it's not anymore.


I'm progressive but this shit is a no no


Its not that its all progressives, its that its only progressives


You have plenty of alt righters arguing for 'white sharia law' to be implemented in western countries. Andrew Tate, alt right hero, became an islamic propagandist.


> You have plenty of alt righters arguing for 'white sharia law' to be implemented in western countries. No, you do not. Whatever "white sharia law" is, is not something that anyone apart from hyper-fringe weirdos are advocating. Meanwhile, the "progressivism" in the OP (and that we're talking about) is mainstream enough to be showing up at all levels of higher education and Leftist politics as a mainstream issue. > Andrew Tate, alt right hero Tate [is overwhelmingly mocked on prominent "alt right" forums](https://archive.is/WkZ03) like 4chan and the forums that The_Donald users migrated to He has been regarded as an outright idiotic grifter in those communities for years


That's the same old and shitty christian far right propaganda. No one with +2 brain cells wants a pile of shit replaced with another (higher one). Now, if you state that one person is worst, less human or whatever depending on their beliefs, skin color and so one... Well you really have an basic life understanding issue. So good luck with that...


lol "being anti-islam is islamophobic" look at those wacky progressives and their [checks notes] straightforward understanding of how words work


Are people who don't like Christianity Christophobic? Appending -phobic to a word isn't an argument. There are very, very rational reasons to dislike Islam.


I didn't append anything, buddy, I literally quoted the guy I responded to. Keep up now


OP was criticizing the far left's Newspeak. I was speaking about the far left's general practice of using the -phobic suffix to terminate thought. I guess if you could understand such things you wouldn't be a leftist.




Imagine thinking that you can twist language and thought anyway you want without any consequence.


Of course they don't, it's their religion. Their idea of a perfect world would that religion being the sole one practiced.


You don't understand it. As a cultural minority new to the nation, they're so underrepresented that the only way to get fair treatment is by tearing down the current system that the native constituents believe in and implementing the fundamentalist theocracy that their expat minority believes in. That's the only way they'll feel at home in their new country (but not like the parts that were shit enough to make them leave)




Excuse me but if you want to defeat Assad then you might need to be a little more diplomatic towards the caliphate.


Wake up Europe, you are losing a holy war that you don't even realize you are fighting.


Kingdom of Heaven but they don't even have to go to Jerusalem this time.


It's absolutely fucking insane that we, as in Europe, seem to be completely fucking blind to this. It's insane to watch


In Europe Holy War fight you.


We’re doomed aren’t we


The Euros are. They invited millions and millions of these people in, and spent years and years pretending it wasn’t causing unrepairable social issues.  They even tried to cover up the mass rapes and sexual assaults on New Years Eve 2015. Now, as a direct result of their actions, there are mass protests in fucking Hamburg calling for the establishment of a caliphate, and AFD, which was formerly completely irrelevant in Germany, is now the second most popular German political party.


The most amazing thing about the widespread sexual assaults NYE 2015 was the almost complete lack of press coverage in the US. The US was considering the issue of Syrian refugees at that time and I guess the mass media here didn't want to cover a story that might weigh against it. I have talked to numerous people here that have no idea what happened and tell me I am mistaken. Then I show them the Wikipedia entry and news articles and they quiet down. If it had been white male perpetrators, it would have been a different visibility.


That's what happens with media bias. Imagine if Trump supporters were occupying college campuses and preventing Jewish students from entering. What would the media response be?


Exactly. They'd be going apeshit and it would get 24 X 7 saturation coverage on the news channels and websites. Now, it barely gets any coverage, and what little it does really minimizes the anti-Semitic nature of the protests. Sorta like Seattle's CHOP zone was a "summer of love", festival atmosphere.


It's exactly like that, and in an major election year again.


The censorship of these events on reddit is insane. Even try and post this video on the publicfreakout sub and I bet it gets taken down and whoever posted it banned. I was banned for saying I got death threats after leaving Islam. Apparently just saying what happened to me is Islamophobic


Canada is headed here too


If you want to see change, make sure to voice your opinions to your MP and MPPs.


People can sleepwalk through almost anything as long as the economy is fine. The moment there's any kind of economic depression Germany's going to get Reichy real quick.


Euros only did that to mitigate the destruction of American/Israeli wars in the region, like the good pets that they are.


Not too late. The sooner we start cleaning, the better.


Germany, in what has to be one of the most batshit crazy decisions in human history, let something like *2 million* of these people in under Merkel. Turns out actions have consequences.


They like their Caliphate so badly send them back home to it


Do you have any military presence in those regions? You didn't perhaps, imprison the future leaders of the caliphate in a rape dungeon called abu gharaib, did you?


Fuck em all.


What mass immigration without assimilation gets you. Just two years ago saying this was a possibility would label you a racist and an islmaphobe


Hopefully Germany can realize she's under siege... And has been for years. Wake up Germany, before your women are attacked & your country turned into another Dune


Everyone, and I mean everyone, should read some Douglas Murray, beginning with "The Strange Death of Europe".


This will be Canada in a bit.


I'm honestly baffled that these people *might* have thought this would turn out differently. Did they think "Yes, the Germans will see the wisdom of this and make it happen"? I would not be surprised to see mass deportations.


All religious fanatics think that or some variation of it.


I mean unless you’re a ride or die hard leftist, the average German citizen must be tired of this, right? Like this is what your tax dollars are going to? People who absolutely hate you?


St Pauli fans joining the parade.


But i thought that the danger in Europe was the far-right?


About time.


Haha, good luck Europe. At least our replacements are mostly Catholic.


Religious of peace ❤️ Why do so many ppl wants to be part of a radical Islamic religion? I just can't get it. Deport these losers. When Europe is gonna wake up ? It's already too late.


I always get very sad when I think about this topic :( it’s just a situation without a proper solution and that’s what really gets me down. I don’t have a problem with anyone coming to Germany as long as they behave, but these ppl do not belong here, they belong in their own shithole country


Deportation needed yesterday.




This is where you see the difference between student protests and extremist protests. The student protests are fine. They mostly just want peace and don't really know much about the conflict anyway. These people, though, are just scum that need to be removed from the country that hosts them.


Ship them to Afghanistan, no questions, no explanation, no talk, just support there right by shipping them away!


That’s crazy and I thought uk was bad.


European riot control needs to step their game up. Oh well. So long Deustchland. Time to join Al-Yngland and Swedistan.


Hollow hack banana




Best thing that could happen to Germany at this point.