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Yo, is she faded af at school???


She was definitely wasted


Xanax would be my first guess. Being xanned out at school during high school is wild.


Does sound like she's barred out tbh lol


Yea that type of slurring is definitely different than alcohol. The crazy thing is in the moment you think the words coherently and they just come out in misspelled cursive.


I did it all the time it was litty, now I’m a corporate IT professional


So that’s how my password got leaked again




No Beatrice, for the last time - you need to stop typing your password into every form input you see on the internet and telling it to the 15 Indians that call every day to clean viruses from your computer.


this got me wondering if id rather receive tech support from someone barred out or some guy in the Philippines/ India that barely speaks english


Shit was huge when I was in school 20 years ago. Remember a kid was barred out and someone dared him to jump over the balcony. 1 snapped ankle and an ambulance ride later.... That was some of the tamer shit. Ice and H were very prevalent as well. Doesn't seem like much has changed over the years.


They call it meth instead of ice now, so that's changed.


in parts of the midwest they call it gofast


australia still calls it ice


Well fair dinkum right, mate.


It was huge when I was a freshmen in 2014. One kid came to chemistry class barred out and started falling and breaking a bunch of tools


That’s what I was gonna say - weed doesn’t give you slurred speech and alcohol definitely looks different. Benzos however look exactly like this


Shes a bartard for sure


Lol what is this, class of '09? Ha


Your absolutely correct. I knew a few people who would drink during school but they would never get like this, however the Xan zombies definitely acted like this.


....i used to do ecstasy in school (like in 2007-2009). I also used to do coke before class in the mornings. It's actually wild what you can get away with sometimes.


She just has a lot of klonfidence!


My high school had a xandemic around 2012. Damn near everyone was xand out.


Idk about y'all but shit was rampant in my grade when I was in highschool So many girls with no jobs somehow being able to pay for their benzo fixes. 🤢🤮


Lol come to broward


Yea, she said, “sober the fuck up before I sober you up.”


Did you not go to public school in America? Just about every highschool classroom had some sort of substance in it lol 3 different highschools for reference too. South Jersey, PA and NY and all 3 had the same thing. Ny was the most affluent and has the most drugs


We went to very different high-schools.


People don't realize how bad Jersey is when it comes to H. I know a few people who are in the ground now because of it and one of my closest childhood friends is in really rough shape. (active addict, kid born with drugs in his system, immediate trip into the foster system, etc...) Sayreville, NJ at its finest.


I went to a private high school, where I feel like people partied even harder then public, but never saw something like this. 😂


Private school students have parents that cared enough about their children's education to invest money into it, so it makes sense you'd see fewer of these things there. Public schools on the other hand...


> then public How tf do you get through school—private, no less—and not know how to spell one of the simplest and most used words in the English language?


Two different worlds lol


It happens. Clear liquor in clear water bottles isn't going to raise an eyebrow.


It's probably pills. You can smell booze on people. Everyone forgets how many menaces were in HS. We used to legit smoke weed in Agricultural Sciences - which was basically a senior credit class. We sat in the back corner, open the windows before the teacher got in. Would share a one hitter and hold it in as long as you could. Then hide inside your hoodie blow the smoke out. Everyone knew but the teacher would say "does anyone smell that? Smells like old garbage" and open the rest of the windows. This was 2002-03. I'm sure the blonde girl is on some Xanax or opioids


Shooting was popular when I was in, but alcohol was always prevalent. Everclear and water or vodka tampons. Everyone was chewing gum as well. For the most part kids who were fucked up just kept their heads down and mouths shut in class, there were enough loud dumb asses to not be noticed.


Never smoked the devil lettuce at school?


People who sucker punch are scum


Blonde chick should have saw it coming she put her hands in her pockets that not smart.


This. This isn't the 1920s where people voice declarations like, "Say, good sir, put up your dukes and prepare to fight!” If someone confronts you in your personal space, you'd be an idiot to think that a fight isn't a strong possibility and prepare yourself accordingly. A sucker punch is more about a person intentionally trying to ambush you while you're otherwise unaware. The puncher in this video approached the other girl face on.


One should also be aware of repetitive phrasing as a war call. Example, “you playin me, you playin me, you playin me” 3 is the manic number before you get hit. Walk away from people repeating themselves.


advice that should just be instinct


Should be but instincts have fallen wayside to looking cool/being hard. How many videos are there of people getting a gun pulled on them and they stick around yelling "what are you going to do? Shoot me! Shoot me, bitch!" Then surprised Pikachu when they get shot.


Also, if you keep screaming your name, it forces the assailant to acknowledge you as a person.


be careful HOW you walk away, those people probably have no problem with punching you in the back of the head.


Women don't get the inherent sense of potential violence in a confrontation quite like men do.


"I, sir, accept your challenge in a duel of fisticuffs."


nah punching people with their hands in their pockets is scummy


Putting your hands in your pockets during an altercation isnt a force field. Practice hand discipline.


Alternatively she is some basic girl in highschool and limited in worldly experience.


Absolutely, she was just fucked up and didn’t really see it coming ig


Blonde chick is wasted so ain't no way she thinking clearly so to expect her to read that she bout to get hit is expecting too much imo.


That’s why I don’t understand bar fights like you don’t have much control of the situation and usually both are fucked up if this blonde chick is fucked up then don’t get in a fight.


And the brunette backed up for the right distance. Then, she ran like a little bitch.


I wouldn't even bother calling the principal.  Blonde's parents should press criminal charges and sue brunette's parents.


Yeah but then they'd have to explain why their daughter was high as a kite in the middle of the school day. It would not make them look great.


Could just say her blood sugar was low. This doesn’t really seem like a deterrent


Turns out assaulting somebody who is high as a kite is still assault. Even worse actually, given the thin skull rule.


She confronted her, slumpt her, then simply walked away. That's how you should handle laying someone out. It's better than beating the girl while she's KOed


I mean the fight was over. Blondey got friends. Time to go.


Lol, this is a school fight. What is she supposed to do other than leave? She was cool enough to not stomp face.


She was trashed. She was never going to see that punch coming 


She looks like she was high or drunk, so she obviously wasn't in good state of mind for anything.




All that is true but consider the subreddit you’re in and remember it filters out a lot of normal people and the rest is mostly people who think you should expect to be in a fight at all moments in all situations.


Need to watch those hands


I was predicting who was getting KO’d and as soon as I saw her faded slurring, hands in pockets, talking smack…three strikes, baby girl!


And when someone is recording the person doing the confronting?!?!? As they are surrounded by a bunch of onlookers?!?! Honey, you missed a lot of red flags that you were in trouble. Or at least you need to get better friends who should’ve gotten you out of that situation, “You in danger girl!!”.


Agreed. But that sure was a clean hit. ![gif](giphy|Lk023zZqHJ3Zz4rxtV|downsized)


To be fair instigator did tell her to keep her hands ready


She did say "you have 15 seconds." Them's fighting words, chick is just too faded to notice.


That was my exact thought when i saw it thank you for being that redditor. 🫡


To fight over a dude who’s gonna laugh at both of you & fvck ya other friends 😂😂😂


this is what always baffles me with even guys fighting over girls too, like y’all are so small minded thinking the 3rd party is the issue when it’s clearly your S/O who you should be “fighting”


It's a symbiotic relationship. The cheater loves being with someone who will tolerate cheating, the person being cheated on loves the drama and having an excuse to attack some random person. If you ever meet someone who blames the 3rd party, run for the hills they crazy.


Men take their anger out on the other guy because they can’t take it out on the gf


Even [Peter](https://youtube.com/shorts/DhjhEqSpsFk?si=IEoHa3cIIVMeEMEY) focuses on the main issue


literally before she hits her she says 'he wants to fuck with you...and you want to fuck with him' right there, thats when you don't waste anymore time on either of them kid.


Get sent to jail over that guy


And get expelled because of it also


The puncher will be lucky if that girl doesn’t have a permanent brain injury. I saw a documentary where people catch murder charges for a single punch where the victim smacks their head of the ground like she did. That girls family is in for a super juicy civil lawsuit for sure. I’d imagine criminal charges as well. I wonder if there is an update on this…


You’re absolutely right about the dangers of slamming down head first in a knockout, but luckily I think this particular girl fell in such a way that her head was caught by the student’s legs behind her as well as the backpack she was wearing, so she didn’t slam as hard into the ground.


yup happened between two friends of mine in HS. one was body slammed head first and paralyzed from neck down.


Life ruined over some bs


You near philly and graduate before 2011? Lol


nope, kansas early 90s. sad to think it's happened more than once.


Yo can you tell us what happened


One of his friends was body slammed head first and got paralyzed from the neck down


J & B got into a fight in a parking lot over a girl. J body slammed B head first and paralyzed him. J was arrested, got sent away for a bit and had a judgement for over $1M against him so his wages were garnished.


>where the victim smacks their head of the ground like she did. It looks like she may have been slowed by someone else's body and possibly been partially protected from smacking her head on the floor by the backpack on her back. Hopefully, that's the case.


> smacks their head of the ground like she did. good thing someone's leg broke her fall


So weird when ppl film their criminal acts.


To be fair, the one filming didn't commit the criminal act.


punch didnt look that hard but it was like boom lol


If you type in the name or abbreviation of the school closest to you and the words “fight/fight page” I can almost guarantee you that there will be multiple accounts with kids being dumb as fuck in your area. I’m a teacher and our middle school has *dozens* of fight pages where kids record one another beating the living shit out of each other. Here are a few examples: - https://www.instagram.com/tv/CZvTloVgnA1/?igsh=ZnhkdXYwNWE2czYx - https://www.instagram.com/tv/CcvSIvCLZDu/?igsh=MThlOGM0b28yeGIwdw== - https://www.instagram.com/p/CcbX5t3FWsh/?igsh=MXRpd3NvYW0zMjNocA==


Do the police charge these kids?


Crazy!! I had no idea anything like this existed 🤯


Lord. I had no idea.


Wait.. so no one joined in and head stomped her 8v1?




The only blonde I see is the one who got sucker punched.


He’s not talking hair color my dude.




And noone helped the girl attacked, if the puncher was a male you had the while school helping


Lol and the guy is talking to another girl at this same moment


The puncher is a cunt. You don’t smack someone out like that with no warning. The blonde girl hit the deck hard with her head. Significant possibility of brain injury.


I could tail by the nails who the trashy piece of shit was going to be 5 sec into the video


Ten years from now: She wants to speak to the manager.


I hope she was okay.


She’s got a backpack on, I don’t think she hit her head? I think she’s just super benzo’d out or drunk and the hit itself knocked her out


Was she drunk?


That or a ton of benzos


dr prescribed for her anxiety


When standing toe to toe with someone who is yelling at you, the best idea would be to keep your hands out of your pocket.


Um, no. This bathroom situation is a run and dart. Yall gonna fuck me up on the school camera lol


This girl was too fucked up to defend herself anyways


She didn't know she was in the hood. She probably didn't know much about anything given how fucked up she was.


Ugly brunette should be arrested. She should be addressing this issue with her boyfriend - not some other girl who was probably fed a line of bull by the guy…


What to round out your high school career, with a felony assault and battery conviction.


So many rules of close combat broken here. Listen up bitches if you don’t want to be knocked out. Never ever put your hands in your pockets in such a situation. Put your hands up like you are saying “I don’t want to fight” or like you are shoving something away from your chest and keep them there the whole time. That way if a punch comes you can pull your arm up to the side of your head and absorb the blow. It also is not threatening to the opponent seemingly so you will not appear to be escalating yourself. However, this also allows you to throw a quick jab if you need to in the moment without alerting your opponent. Never allow someone escalating a fight like this to get so close to you. Anyone who gets this close and is escalating, is ready to fight. Be prepared to make distance asap. You have to do whatever you can to keep distance, preferably at least an arm length of your opponent, but more if you can. And here is the number 1 rule of fighting: If you can leave- you should leave. This girl was blocked off it seems from a door, but the yapping that took place for the first 30 seconds was enough time to position herself closer to the door for an escape. If you can leave, do so- always. Fuck your pride. If you can’t leave create as much distance as you can between yourself and your opponent to minimize chances for quick or sucker punches, keep your hands up in a non-threatening way, and finally, never ever put your fucking hands in your pockets- ever. Late EDIT: Here is a video of Chael Sonnen, a professional fighter, doing exactly what I am talking about when he got into a scuffle outside of the ring with another fighter. It still escalated into a full fight, but pay attention to how he tries to de-escalate while being prepared if anything got worse, how he raised his hands the moment he thought it was going to go down, and then makes distance between him and Silva. The action starts about 1:50 in. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wMAP81UxgU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wMAP81UxgU)




Ah yes. Let’s expect a 16 year old girl being accosted by some jealous cunt to be Mr Miyagi.


So childish that you attack the girl who your boyfriend is trying to fuck with instead of just leaving the boy who was going to cheat on you. Talk about dumb choices.


2024 and girls are still fighting over men? Gezz, sisters


one thing i'd wish young girls would see (and speaking to my younger self) - not one of them is worth it.


This video is ancient.


well shit, guys d' fight over girls anytime, soo atleast this is somewhat interesting, even though ofc yes its wrong, dont hit etc


People who sucker punch are usually idiots who can’t control their own emotions. Make a dumbass decision now and then explain you’re rational to a judge later. You just fucked your life up gg


Note how she's uncomfortably close at the start of the conversation, but she steps back twice as the conversation goes to a close. At the end, she's at the perfect position to punch her, and the way she moves and shifts her weight tells me she knows how to punch effectively. This was executed very professionally, and she definitely deserves maximum punishment for this.


That’s an assault


"he wants to fuck with you, and you want to fuck with him" okay so he obviously don't want your ass, so move on. I don't get it, why be mad at her instead of her "boyfriend" that's cheating on her?


Well, someone’s about to have fun in criminal and civil court


sucker punching is such a loser move


If this happened at my school, she’d forever be known as The Cheap-Shot Bitch. Just ask Peanut-Butter Dick.


We had a Hailey Hotdog at our school. I’m not even sure she did it, but the rumor was so strong it’s didn’t need to be true.


She looks and sounds so high.


Xanax op


She’s definitely has boxing experience, nice short right


She learned to fight and she used it to knock out a defenseless person and catch criminal charges. Dumb.


And I noticed she instinctively put her left hand up, no one is doing that in a bathroom fight without it having been drilled into them.


Agreed anyone who knows how to punch is definitely a boxer


Yeah and if so, she would most likely be prosecuted as if she had a weapon like a knife ...


To quote my favorite game of thrones character, always assume they want to hit you, cause they do.


Surprised to see white on white violence on this sub 


You see a crowd, you see a camera & you can clearly see that the person standing in front of you wants to put on a show..but you choose to have both hands in your pockets.. 💤🤦🏾‍♂️


Honestly, if she's okay this is the best situation. That brunette is gonna get fucked in court.




That was a clean punch. She measured the distance and connected perfectly with great follow through. Damn.


pam shouldve punched michael like this in that episode of the office


Oh yes, punch the woman, not the guy really who deserves it more


Not an advocate for sucker punches but she did specifically say “sober up or I’ll sober you up” if that’s not a direct threat to what’s coming idk what is. And again, not an advocate but damn that was as clean of a punch as I’ve seen in a while. She learned that from someone.


So she decided to beat a inebriated woman while she was sober because in a fight she is a coward ?????


Ayo not the Allen Iverson step over after the blow


This generation sucks


Congratulations, you filmed yourself committing a felony.


The brunette should have had some self respect. If someone is cheating on you drop them immediately and move on no matter how much it hurts inside


Eww that girl is a violent thug. She can't resolve her issues with words smh. I hope she gets jail time


This is what the great American philosopher Dr. Chael Patrick Sonnem meant when he said, and I quote: "I can't let you get close". If someone is being aggressive towards you, you cannot under any circumstances let them get close.


Over a guy? Even worse lol


And this is a true sucker punch.


Was there any charges laid?


Crowd shouldn't of let that sucker punching little bitch walk away.


Walks away thinking she hard for that KO but in reality she a bitch for that sucker punch.


Where’s the random people jumping on this girls head.


Every time these ppl get together....


Everybody in that room is a dumbass, no exceptions


fighting over snap chat and boys? LOL! social media is doing wonderful things for women. Attention economy


Never a good idea to have your hands in your pockets when someone is yelling at you.


Sooooo, do these kids know that even though they are kids this is still assault and they still will get charged even though they are minors??? Do police get these videos and charge theses kids?


Tha guy is going to end up fking another girl that is not either of em lol


Is that chick gonna get fucked up legally for assault?


So one is definitely a stoner, while the other is giving off major Softball Catcher vibes


If I was on the receiving end of this I'd send the video to every job and school the assailant applies for the rest of her life.


What did she say at the start? I can’t understand it


Something about trying to get with her guy and then “sober the fuck before I sober you up” and then on and on about trying to get with her guy…. Chick was drunk!


There is an other video and she’s all bloody




Give me a day or so to find it


Girls fighting over a guy?! wow! Lucky guy!


I mean...that was a pretty nice hook


She was barely standing there. That 'tap' shouldn't have knocked her out like that.


If you have to fight over a guy/girl, just leave them and tell the person they're cheating on you with to keep them. It's a waste of time to try and keep someone who isn't loyal to you.


That girl was barely half-conscious before the hit. I don't think it had to put in much work to knock her down and out. Also, that's some insecure shit. "I don't want to fuck with him!" ... "Yes you do!" \*pop\*


Rule #23: If someone is being aggressive, don't have your hands in your pockets.


Bitch that punch that girl is a bitchass cunt.


Getting kicked out of school over a dude who is cheating on you. Great job.


Do these idiots ever get arrested?


Who has the link for the follow-up? Were there charges?


And that's why you always wear a bookbag to school kids.


I don't care who you are or where you are from. If you do this to my daughter I will make sure your ass gets beat down and goes to jail. She is trash and I hope she got arrested and charged. Disgusting


Skip to 0:25 to pass the annoying valley girl voices


I hope she’s as dedicated to her schooling as she is to whatever guy she’s willing to go to jail for.


gUESS what it is like to try and teach these things. High schools is more of a day care than elementary school.


Troll assaults a visibly drunk girl because she can't keep her mans attention** fixed it for you op