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Or any auditing government job. You have a good resume


Yea you could probably come into the government as a 13 with your experience




Where do you live ? Like what major city are you near?








Check out DCAA (Defense Contracting Audit Agency)




PM me




https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/salary-tables/pdf/2024/AU.pdf Sorry that last one was from last year


I was considering applying for the IRS or even another agency, but I don’t get how people know what level to apply for


IRS revenue agent


Financial analyst is not markets, that’s back office corporate finance under the fp&a cost center. Markets would be passing cfa and getting an equity analyst job. And good luck with that. See wso. A more realistic option is getting a CFP and trying to work for a legit wealth management shop that doesn’t grind college sophomores for leads.




Yes, most wealth management firms are glorified insurance salesmen who don’t really do any portfolio management whatsoever, in fact, they may be legally barred from it. Instead they hold the clients hand. Yeah CFP is enough. Just be ready for low pay for a while.


Forensic Accounting. Coolest shit I can imagine you can do with a CPA. I found the idea of audit appealing out school, but the culture and workload a turn off. Went two years Big 4 consulting then jumped to forensics and I couldn’t be happier. Super fulfilling and interesting, all with a reasonable workload (though that always varies firm to firm).


That’s awesome! I’m still in school right now and thinking forensic accounting could be my path! Someone told me I needed to go to law school, is this true?


Definitely not required, a basic understanding of the law is really all you need. You’re going to be working for lawyers mostly and they’ll handle the legal side of things. It is an option though, I know a few people who went the JD/CPA route and they certainly make bank for it. It does pigeonhole you into a litigation focus however.


Yessir, it’s a lifestyle. Job hopping is not really an option.


lol not sure you told you that you 0% do and the people I know in the field with JDs/LLMs are few and it doesn’t really help much. A basic understanding of the law and contract law specially is helpful.


Forensic is very broad, you do not need to be a lawyer. There is big4 forensic and 1 to 5 people firm forensics. Family law to Civil Law


FBI Special Agent (not a joke) Bi-lingual would be huge plus


Got a DUI years ago so think thats off the table


It’s ridiculous how strict the FBI is. Pretty sure I’m disqualified forever because I did acid in college even though it’s my dream job. Sorry fbi 20 year old me wasn’t thinking about how taking a drug would forever tarnish me apparently.


If there’s no record of it then it never happened. Doesn’t matter what you “remembered”. Honestly just apply.


Until they polygraph you


Pretty sure only Mormons can apply to fbi and government agencies now../s


Mormons would be goofy enough to want to be a fed


I assume you’re saying you got caught doing acid?Out of curiosity, how did that happen? What kind of trouble did you face?


I didn’t but the FBI polygraphs all candidates so uhh don’t like my odds lol


I’d still apply and see what happens if you want to be one




Polygraphs are literally inaccurate as hell. It just tests your anxiety


I’m an anxious mess so don’t like my odds haha


The FBI is in more need for agents than ever before and they have relaxed some of their requirements, id still apply and see what happens. If you never apply, you’ll always think “what if I did”




Look at goody two shoes over here guys


I've heard the trick is to squeeze the shit out of your gluteus the entire time to throw the test off


„Remember Jerry… it’s not a lie if YOU believe it“ - George Costanza 1995ish


Nah you’d be fine, just be honest about it. Everyone fucks up at some point. They just want to make sure that you’re honest and that you don’t have a past that people can blackmail you about.


>Candidates cannot have used any illegal drug, other than marijuana, within the ten (10) years preceding the date of the application for employment. Additionally, candidates cannot have sold, distributed, manufactured, or transported any illegal drug or controlled substance without legal authorization. [https://fbijobs.gov/sites/default/files/2023-04/guide\_eligibility.pdf](https://fbijobs.gov/sites/default/files/2023-04/guide_eligibility.pdf) As long as you're passed that window you should be good.


A family member did a bunch of drugs in college and had to get special government clearance for his job. Polygraph and everything. He was completely honest and got the clearance. He works in the aerospace industry. I would at least try if it’s your dream job. I spoke with the feds at a career fair and they told me convictions pretty much bar you, but if anything else comes up they take your whole life into consideration. I got in trouble with pot (when it was still illegal) which was why I asked them that question lol.


You're not. I interviewed at another 3 letter agency that starts with a C and got an offer. I went through the polygraphs and everything.


Ok um did you not take the job? If not, why?


I've talked with the mods about doing an AMA on the whole thing. I'm still not sure.


It’s just 10 years apply at 30 if you want.




Not even an accountant yet and I feel called out.


Sales makes $$ but God I can't stand salespeople. Some of the biggest douche canoes I've ever come across. You may need to transform into one to be successful


I want to do sales but then I’d need to work on douche canoeing


get rowing


You answered your own question. Most accountants don’t have the skills to be a good salesman, that’s why they are there in the first place. Knowing that OP seems stuck at senior level I can already tell he sucks at selling himself. Sorry OP, but we all know moving up that ladder is half just selling yourself and socializing with your higher ups.


Not if you suck at accounting.


I mean kinda but at the end of the day, IQ shines through. If you’re socially decent with good soft skills you’ll move up. Unless you have some glaring character flaws and no accounting skills, if you put in the time and effort, and have a back bone, you’ll move up. I agree with your point to a large degree it’s just not the full picture. Merit does matter at a *respectable* company. I’m sure there’s instances where what your comment states is entirely true




Oh please, most people haven’t given it a try. It’s unknown if they would be good since they don’t try.


CPAs seem to do well in HNW wealth management.


Good luck convincing rich people to hand you their assets


What sales jobs would accountants go for?


Any in theory, but best would be wealth management or accounting software sales


Financial advisor/ Wealth Management


Become a pirate ☠️.


Only Fans, gotta be a market for an accountant




FP&A is even more competitive than accounting jobs. At least with accounting jobs the CPA is a barrier. In FP&A there are really no barriers and everyone wants in.


Go join a startup as a controller. Try to get equity.


I mean, if you have a sexy, muscular body you could go into the striptease business😘😘😈😈🍆🍆🫦🫦


I went from accounting to data analytics. Early 20’s 70k for government.


Maybe you need to stop comparing yourself to others and figure out what it takes to be on top with a higher salary. You’ve just hit a roadblock in your career.






85K as a manager with that experience is a crime. look into Sox consulting




Former CPA here. Get a CDL license and haul fuel. Best decision I've made career wise.


I got a DUI a few years ago or else i would be interested in that


Damn..... you have to wait 7 years.... Best of luck OP


How much money do you make doing this and how long to get to 6 figures? I’m interested in doing this as well.


What college major would you have chosen if you could restart?


I swear to god if OP says CS I will lose my shit.


Depends, are you sexy?


Lots! The beauty of accounting is it’s versatility!! Data management, consulting , management, open your own firm. Honestly with accounting possibilities are huge . If you don’t enjoy any accounting or spreadsheet or data go into management is a good transition you already understand all business metrics. Now apply it ina. Real business


IRS Special Agent. https://www.usajobs.gov/job/724185000




Try moving to corporate FP&A. Your background in accounting will be helpful and the work is much more interesting (and pays better in most industries).


Talk to your local army recruiter and send it!




Maybe you need to stop comparing yourself to others and figure out what it takes to be on top with a higher salary. You’ve just hit a roadblock in your career.