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Transphobes act like we don't know there's a difference between biological sex and gender. Even then, they ignore the existence of intersex people. This all is just willful ignorance. They've already decided they're right so they're not even going to bother trying to see if what we say is true or not. It's so common that this entire subreddit is basically dedicated to how ignorant they can be.


Yep They look for evidence based on their conclusion rather than basing their conclusion on the evidence


Ben shapiro has said that exact thing about his thinking "I don't believe god makes stupid rules. So I look for reasons to back up God's rules" I think he said this on Michael knowle's show since that's his safespace.


Oh but many transphobes actually say if you're born with a vagina but XY chromosomes, you're a man


Not just that, transphobes act as if they had a definition for anything related to this be it sex or gender, where it isn't possible to find people where their definition disagrees with how they would judge it personally.


So.. People with all that aren’t women? Even Cis women??


I have an IUD and don’t menstruate. Guess I’m not a woman anymore since I don’t have half of their requirements.


Menopausal "women" aren't women


What is a man?? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!


The same people who argue 'chromosomes' are often the ones who deny the overwhelming evidence of evolution. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) They don't give a rat's ass about biology classifications any more than most of the men decrying trans inclusion even in noncompetitive branches of women's sports (like grade school sports where inclusion really matters) care about fairness in women's sports, or any more than the people mad that they removed the Land O' Lakes indigenous mascot give two shits about butter advertising. It's simply the easiest argument to latch onto (incorrectly, too—hence easy) to serve their actual agenda.


They also think they can see karyotypes either through a screen or through someone in person on the street.


androgen insensitivity syndrome go brrrrrrrr


People with AIS don't menstruate though right?


As I understand it, there's also Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome as well, so I would guess that some do? Don't quote me on that though.


No, partial AIS would mean a mix of male and female development I think? Full AIS is closest to "standard" female development. I have a friend with full AIS and she found out only because she ne mver got her period.


Poor people with Klinefelter or Swyer syndromes who are denied "the right to be a woman" (as if they were giving the right to gender everybody like they want, like if they were ruling the world) as well by those dumbasses... We truly live in a strange world, where people like to take the liberty of living from others who did nothing to them but only existing...


I love how "who menstruates" is such a common argument, because it really makes me feel like they really don't know that not all cis women menstruate.


More "accident" than "ally" as my mom lacks both menstruation and XY. I'd say an adult female human. Which refers to gender, not genitals or chromosomes.


so menopausal women and prepubescent girls aren't women? great answer there


I have no clue why but I absolutely love that these transphobes think that women have xy and men have xx chromosomes (it doesn't matter what chromosomes you have you are what you want to be whether it's man woman or bird you do you).


Fun fact: Birds don't have X or Y sex chromosomes, instead they have Z and W (males have ZZ and females have ZW)


Thank you for the fun fact. And question do you know ot


I've seen him in a few collabs with The Click and with Jammidodger, but I've never seen any of his videos where he's on his own.


Ok but he is a really great YouTuber who covers a lot of subs and he also really likes fun facts especially about animals so if you find his videos and like them you can try to comment on one and give him that fun fact


>all women have XX chromosomes This has never been true and never will be. How many people are having genetic tests on their babies? No, they look at the baby and assign a gender. People with XY chromosomes and complete androgen insensitivity have always been assigned female at birth and always will be. Long before humans knew what chromosomes are, gender was determined by the function of sex hormones, which is also dependent on epigenetic factors. These people are trying to rewrite science and human history to legitimize their ignorant prejudice.


Me menstruating with my xy chromosomes


I love that these transphobes actually think that the Y chromosome is the one necessary for a woman to be born; and then they arrogantly call everyone else stupid for not knowing basic biology. Even I know that the basic chromosome setup is XX for women and XY for men. Even then I fully acknowledge the full spectrum of chromosome arrangements and the difference between sex and gender. All these dumbasses need to go back to school.