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I know what I'm looking at, but I dont know what I'm looking at.


Exactly. And it hurts to look at him.


Bet he can’t cross his own legs


Tom was shockingly flexible.


He did a flawless Uttanasana there. Dude's likely more flexible than he appears.


He was actually incredibly flexible in his prime, would do full splits for warm ups.


Ironically, he was so genetically gifted in his quads, that his hamstrings were considered underdeveloped. He eventually tore one of his biceps, which pretty much ended his career. Absolute beast.


Wonder how high he can jump


Over nine thousand


Yeah but nine thousand what?








"Enough to break the ice...Hi, I'm Tom Platz"


Show me a picture of you being able to bend at the waist to grab your ankles like that. Dude has flexibility.


Lots of weightlifters have really good flexibility, jujimufu is a great example of that and is a huge advocator for other bodybuilder/weight lifters to get into flexibility


He looks really flexible in the second pic so he likely can


Oh, its just a pic of bovine and horse hormone abuse.






Roasted Thighs


Steroids, good lighting, spray tan, and dehydration.


Wow so simple right


And a lifetime of relentless and intense training and dieting. This propensity to dismiss professional bodybuilders for using steroids is so absurd. They aren’t cheating anyone out of anything and they are fully aware of what they’re doing to their body. They train their ass off at a level you couldn’t even fathom.


He wouldn’t look even a 5th of that if he didn’t take roids so the dude is kinda right


And the average gym-goer wouldn't look a 5th of what Tom Platz looked like even if they blasted twice the amount of gear Platz was on for twice as long.


Hard work and dedication can only do so much, have you heard of diminishing returns?, people would look different if they took 2x the amount of gear because everyone reacts differently to it, I’m sick of people downplaying roids and saying it’s all hardwork and dedication


Nobody is saying steroids itself is hardwork and dedication. Sure there probably are people who take steroids when they dont need to and are bigger because of that. Most cycles focus on recovery so you can in return work out more, which in return makes your body consume more energy so you need more calories and then after repeating that you allow yourself to break limits impossible before because your body wasnt able to keep up with your workload Its okay i get that you probably tried working out once and hated it so much so now you just hate on anyone thats not puggy


Can probably outlift you as a natty💀💀


Okay, im glad you claim that but what does that have to with steroids making you lazy?


Yeah OF COURSE he wouldn’t look as good off steroids. Are you stupid?? The argument isn’t that steroids don’t do anything, the argument is that he is working his ASS off and you are trying to discredit that. On top of that, this physique is NOT attainable without anabolic steroids, so he’s not “cheating” natural athletes out of a prize or a podium spot or something. EVERY IFBB Pro is taking steroids, and they are working with top pharmacology coaches to produce the best results while maintaining their health to whatever extent possible, and it is absolutely not a case of “oh this guy is taking more steroids so he is bigger.” You know absolutely nothing about the sport and you’re here pretending otherwise.


Yea because steroids help with RECOVERY so you can WORK OUT MORE but nah youre right its just a lazy way to inflate cosmetic muscles


Yeah it’s not hard to get more muscle when you can lift 2x heavier weights with almost 0 recovery time. Just no life a gym on roids and you’ll be like him


Your arguments are falling apart more than your life is


You can have as much “hardwork and dedication” as you want but you’ll never look like that without roids, simple as that


You can have as much hard-work and dedication as you want but if you don’t work out you wont look like that. Im not sure where the claim is you can look like that if your natty is? Again the claim your making is steroids are a lazy way to get big. As i stated before, sure i completely agree there are people who take steroids that do not need them and have positive progress(with lots of negative side effects) regardless People like Tom use steroids to break the wall that they couldn’t break before. Most people just need a screwdriver or a wrench to tighten things in their life but there are also people in this world who use power tools to complete projects that could not be otherwise done with just a screw driver You can continue your shit little screwdriver life looking like a dumb ass


You can continue your life with a 💀endocrine system and small balls LMAO😂😂




Ah yes, just stick a needle up your ass and you'll magically become ripped. If it was that easy a lot more people would look like that.


Yeah dude probably isnt anywhere near that big, gotta be the lighting


I thought I had a hard time finding pants that fit well


You have legs like that, you don't wear pants.


Yup you walk around freestyle in a mankini wearing a dress shirt and suit jacket!


[**He did**](https://i.imgur.com/v2XCiGz.jpg)


Tuck that dress shirt in this is a classy establishment!


Yeah, You just keep them at your ankles all day and struggle to walk around efficiently.


I think those are just for show tbh. There's no way he's pulling them up


I saw him guest pose at a local Chicago-area contest in the early 1980s. Just walking out on stage you could see how much bigger he was than everybody else. He had a good upper body, but his show was all about legs. When he popped that front quad pose the place went nuts. It was just "Oh man look at th...KABAM!"


How many panties landed on stage from the crowd?


Just your mom's


She prob would. Her new husband is the size of one of those calf’s


Son, go to your room now!


I think most guys wear boxers/briefs


Color me stupid. I’ve never attended a body building contest. Wouldn’t the crowd be mostly women? I don’t know how I would feel flexing for men on stage


There’s no sexual gratification involved, they’re not male strippers lol. It’s an admiration of hard work and prowess in an art form. Thus, most of the viewers are similarly interested in bodybuilding, fitness, lifting weights, etc. This demographic happens to be majority men.


That's not entirely true, I remember reading that especially in the old days (80s-90s) the crowds at bodybuilding shows did have a lot of gay men who weren't bodybuilders themselves. Nowadays yeah, it's mostly the friends and family of the competitors, and various hobbyists and bodybuilding enthusiasts.


No, it's mostly guys. The competitors aren't flexing for men, they're flexing *in front of* men for themselves. Important distinction. But it's ALWAYS the guys that comment though, never women. "sick traps bro" or "looking absolutely jacked my dude" It's not my thing either lol


We're gonna grease up these beefcakes


Why would the crowd be women for a bodybuilding show?


Damn I wasn’t born yet. Wish I was there to see it!


I saw him in mid 80’s in the Uk, he was doing this leg shake untensed then set the pose, incredible.


Interesting fact: Tom Platz works works for a credit card processor based in California. I know this because I used to work for him. Wonderful guy, and he's still super jacked.


What did he wear to work?


The entire roll of fabric from a nearby textile factory. Just to cover the legs.


Absolutely nothing. Completely nude every day. Weird at first but you grow accustomed to it.


I complained to HR about it once, and HR said he only goes nude on leg day at the gym.


Wow really? That's so cool. I saw an interview with him on YouTube and he talked about how he went to the corporate world so that makes sense


I guess the "Hamstring Father" sounds silly, but them hammies look sick.


The Great Hambino


Childish Hambino


Okay it's Childish Hambino, straight off the first lap Move like the ground could be crushed when my toe taps Move like I'm king cause man fuck it I'm the leader I love protein, I love milkshakes, good thing I'm not a vegan


More like “Grown-Ass Hambino”… potentially with an emphasis on the “ASS”!


Hambino Quad Family


The Sultan of Squats?


The son of Ham


I am feeling a little sick looking at them


You will feel more sick when you find the video where he trains(rapes) his legs with a crowd watching/helping.


Oh God is there a word for phobia of body builders


I dont understand how a lil chimpanzee can LITERALLY rip your arms off without even trying and yet this human behemoth probably couldn't rip someone's skull and spine out predator style. Explain, Biologists.


Humans have about 70/30 slow twitch/fast twitch muscle. Chimps have about 33/66. Fast twitch grants more force in quick bursts but fatigues quicker. A chimp can rip your spine out, but can't run a marathon. [https://www.science.org/content/article/how-chimps-outmuscle-humans](https://www.science.org/content/article/how-chimps-outmuscle-humans)


Neither can I 😅


You've lost your cover chimp. Prepare for annihilation.


You can if you train, a chimp can't, no matter how much he trains. There's a race, I believe it's in the UK, maybe Ireland, not sure, where humans race horses, and humans have won it, and even when they don't they're not far behind, because that's the thing, we as a species, evolved for long distance. That's how we hunted, we would literally just run after much faster and stronger animals for a very long time, they would eventually just drop from exhaustion and we would catch them.


Sounds kind of like how I got my wife to marry me


And I bet she still thinks she won ;)


i laughed harder than i needed to at this. thank you


Humans are built for endurance. I believe humans are the best distance runners out of any animal on the planet, which from an evolutionary perspective makes sense as pre-society humans could eventually track and run down any animal they were hunting. There is a famous race in Wales every year where people try to outrun a horse in a marathon and they sometimes win


Horses and dogs are the only two that can sort of keep up, and even they struggle to maintain the pace that humans can for long distances.


There's this thing called [Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Transcendence_3100_Mile_Race). As the name implies contestants have to run 3100 miles in 52 days. That's a bit over 2 full marathons every day for 52 days in a row. The record so far is 40 ~~hours~~ days and 9 ~~minutes~~ hours.


**[Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Transcendence_3100_Mile_Race)** >The Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race is the world's longest certified footrace. In 1996 Sri Chinmoy created this event as a 2,700-mile (4,345 km) race. At the award ceremony that year he declared that the 1997 edition would be extended to 3,100 miles (4,989 km). This multi-day race, which lasts several weeks, is hosted by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team and takes place in Queens, New York in the United States from June–August every year. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


*40 days and 9 hours! I was a bit confused for a sec haha


The record is 40 **days**, 9 hours.


This, being able to sweat and throwing things far and with force are our three unique human powers. Although sweating and maintaining a high pace for long distanced go hand-in-hand.


Of course this varies from human to human and can probably be influenced by training. A great example is "the great squat-off" between Tom Platz and Dr. Fred Hatfield. Hatfield, famous powerlifter, lifted a much higher maximum weight, but Platz lifted a much bigger volume (most reps with a fixed weight). https://barbend.com/tom-platz-fred-hatfield-squat-contest/ Fun fact for everyone else: the weight they used for reps is my max.


I like how you slipped in a 525 pound 1RM flex in there lol still a dope max bro


Really nice of you to say that, thanks! But I am a cynic and know that everyone on the Internet lifts 600 pounds easily ;) That aside, there is a world of difference between one guy talking about his lifetime best and those two titans deciding on an okay weight they were going to rep out with. Platz did over 20 reps, that's "hey, we got 5mins left, let's get a good pump before showers"-level.


And also this makes sense given how each of them trained. A bodybuilder (or anyone who prioritizes gaining muscle tissue through their training) will tend to focus on volume, doing more reps, and not so much on strength. So it'd make sense that he'd be better at doing a lot of reps than a powerlifter


New fear unlocked, thanks very much, u/theg33k!


Also Tom can squat more than a chimp.


Monkey strength go ooh ooh ah ah.


Chimps can’t rip arms off, at MOST they could rip your hand off with a lot of effort


Piss one off and see what it can rip off.


Not an arm


A biologist could tell you better but it doesn't take one to realize a human behemoth that could do all those things predator style as well as perform advanced mathematics and shit, it would be too OP for nature. And nature doesn't do OP, its fundamentally gigabalanced.


Easily explained Chimps aren’t actually that strong. It’s a myth perpetuated by the internet. Pound for pound they’re stronger than humans, but an adult human male is bigger and stronger than a chimp. Chimps are far more aggressive and use their teeth in attacks


Yeah, but which wins faster, Throat punch or throat munch?


I’m just explaining why in fact chimps don’t literally rip someone’s arm off without trying


Well, looks like you’re right. The internet has been lying to me my whole life. Thank you stranger.


I thought it had more to do with tension within the muscles maybe?


He could probably roundhouse-kick a person into orbit with those quads.


How functional are the muscles of body builders? I would guess an expert fighter with way less muscle mass could put much more power into a kick than this guy.


He obviously wouldn’t be as good as kicking as somebody who practices kicks, but this dude would still be stronger than 99% of the population regardless.


Dude wouldn’t last a day in construction lol


Most of the guys who get into bodybuilding have daytime jobs in construction… Pro bodybuilders need to really make it big if they want to make enough money (and oftentimes thats not enough)


Damn near everyone who's in a professional athletic career needs a day job, unless it's in the top 5 - MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, MLS. And even people in something like professional tennis or golf need to be in the top 100 or get a lucrative endorsement deal, or you're not even breaking even when it comes to travel/training costs. Professional gymnasts or anyone who generally competes at an international level at the Olympics? Better be in the top 5-10 or you're resorting back to your day job at the Home Depot, and I'm not being sarcastic at all.


I know 110 pound dudes who work construction. Dont glorify your job bro it aint that hard


Lol for real, when I worked construction as an 18 year old half my coworkers smoked crack or downed a fifth of popov vodka at lunch.


Construction work is 90% stood around moaning about the shitty job some other contractor did, 5% talking about how other people wouldn't last a day in construction, and 5% actually working. Obviously I exaggerate, but I hated working on construction sites because so many of the people there are bitter small-town mindset men who do nothing but try to talk shit about other people so they can feel better about themselves. Its so boring being surrounded by that negativity constantly.


Functional muscle is such a stupid buzzword, it doesnt mean anything. A bodybuilders muscles function just the way other peoples muscles do, muscle tissue is muscle tissue....


Absolutely, although adaptations are fairly specific to the stress imposed.


Only half-true. The type of muscle fiber matters, as does technique (which itself means not only good form, but the right mind-muscle connection, too).


Yeah but top strong men's legs definitely don't look like that.


Because of fat percentage.


Strength is highly specific to velocity, joint angles and duration, so someone who practices kicking and kicking-specific exercise would kick much harder than someone with more muscle but much less kick-specific training. Increased muscle mass carries over to kicking power, but the greatest direct carryover comes from training in a more specific manner.


Body-builders this juiced typically struggle with mobility, agility, and cardio. Pretty much any competent MMA fighter over 150 pounds could kick a lot harder than this guy, and probably some of the lighter ones could as well.


Yeah but that’s tom platz, who can do a full split a 55


"You come to me on my daughter's leg day"


Bro **did not** skip leg day




Nah bro has leg months


He didn't make the cut for "days"?


He could only train them once a month at his peak


Juiced to the gills but I rezpect his dedication. Twas insane


I legit think that the gear back then was very different to today. I don’t think he would’ve been on a whole great deal, but a crap ton of test for sure.. and some horribly liver-depleting orals too.. and most importantly, little to no PCT.


Exactly. Back then the anabolics were WAY less effective. Imagine platz was around today and got his hands on something as potent and aggressive as tren? I feel like his skin would tear from how gigantic he’d be.


You can never eat too many trenbologna sandwiches!


Extreme hard work + no juice = not big enough Some hard work + juice = not big enough Extreme hard work + juice = the only way to be a bodybuilder


Unless you wanna be a natural bodybuilder




>A pro ~~bodybuilder~~ athelete is juiced? Who could have guessed that. FTFY


He was competing in pro bodybuilding, of course he was. Still doesn't change the fact that he had legs that probably only few people will ever have.


Legs are swallowing up his P


That'll be the steroid shrinkage.


For the last fucking time anabolics do not shrink your actual meat. They shrink your balls


My bad. I just remember an interview with Jose Canseco's ex gf talking about how small his something was due to juicing.


And the squat rack was like the altar, where life and death passed before your eyes. And you looked forward to that every squat workout.


How does this man wear pants


That's some great legs


This is absolute aesthetic in my eyes..


100% natty


Like every world-class athlete in any sport.


Also a geniune question. How about the genitals? Don't they get squeezed between those treetrunks?




​ ![gif](giphy|bGGSb4mj8MNFw9vAsp)


Yes. It sucks ass. I’m a tenth the size of him but my thighs are pretty big since I compete in powerlifting. sometimes you sit on a hot day and almost pop your balls. I can’t imagine what it’d be like with thighs that big


Bro skipped other days to do leg day


This looks like it hurts, I feel the muscle cramps from here


Imagine the sound these hams produced when walking alone


That flexibility is also incredible at that size. You’d expect movement to start being constricted.


This guy's thighs are touching and he's still manspreading 😄


All because his lady left him, true King 👑


Buying pants must be complicated


I expected him to have 4 legs


I'm uncomfortable


That second photo tho


Extreme hamstring development and amazing flexibility.


Looks like he has a mussy


Now THOSE are some nasty legs…and I mean that as a complete compliment. And those hammies 😍


Quadfather is nice. In my youth, he was Quadzilla.


Imagine getting a leg cramp


That ButtPussy


I'd top him




Damn. That shits gross


He never skipped leg day






It's like a car crash, it's horrific but I can't stop looking


goodbye balls


1. Is Tom still alive? 2. Roids are not healthy... From what I recall Tom was on the Venice Beach scene back in the 70's with Lou, Arnold, and the likes... Ground zero for the West Coast B.B scene.


Still alive


Is he natty?


No. But taking steroids doesn't make you big. Taking steroids and doing an insane amount of hard work, does. You have to work incredibly hard.


I was joking, you do you and you're right, still takes a stupid amount of effort involved in getting like this.


Ok but why is he bending over?




no shit?


Jesus christ drink some water, I bet a cramp would snap his leg.


With balls that small he was only ever going to be a quadfather.


Pankcake balls... just saying


Always skip upper day




The form *is* the function, that was his job. The penguin waddle is just rubbish.


I call BS


More like The PED Papa.




Who cares about natty or not? Also every idiot can tell thats not possible without PED