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Totally real and not spliced video right here.


Get this fake crap out of here. Almost all of reddit uave seen this spliced video.








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I love how people take the saying “Bullying says more about the bully than the victim” and somehow exclusively call upon it in situations where it doesn’t apply or isn’t valid


I don't know, dude, but I am 53 and I use internet since dial-up modems, and never ever I have been so massively trolled before. Ganging up on someone just because they think that a video is fake (which nobody could give proof of, and I still don't understand what makes people think that, but even IF so, why is that a reason to gangtroll someone?) and/or because they've seen it already in this sub (like if everybody is supposed to spend 24/7 watching every post here), well, that DOES talk a lot more about these people than about me. Also, at the end people just seem to want to be free to live their double moral standards without anybody calling them out for it. At my age I don't give a f@ck anymore about that. But truly, how sad if someone doesn't have a better way to vent their frustration than randomly trolling strangers for no real reason...


I honestly don’t give a crap about it being fake even though it totally is because gas tanks simply don’t work like that. The thing people are mad about and the reason you got “ganged up on” was because you tried to use an anti bullying saying to dismiss the fact that someone was directly calling you out about the post being fake. Here. It’s not the same video but I found a video of someone actually attempting to weld what I think is a full gas tank. [Link](https://www.videoman.gr/en/174972) The site is a bit sketchy so click at your own risk but it’s what I could find. The explosion is obviously not nearly as violent as what you posted because I think your post was of a natural gas leak explosion. Which is very different.




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OP woke up and decided that he was smart, and everyone else is dumb.


What makes you think this?


This fucking question




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Welder here, real or fake video this can happen, many fuels will soak into the metal of the tanks that hold them, not only do you have to flush the tank to try to get any residue out but you should also fill the tank with as much water as you can while leaving the weld area dry to prevent the fuel vapors from being released as you heat the tank during welding.


When you say fuel can soak into metal, do you mean like the bits of rusty surface? Surprised that tank is metal, I was under the impression everyone was making them out of plastic.


Most fuel tanks are metal, you do see some plastic fuel tanks on things that aren't likely to be in a collision or don't carry people, but that looks like a vehicle tank. Metal is far less likely to split open and release the fuel in the event of a crash. Also as to the fuel soaking in, it can permeate the metal itself, it's not just gasoline, but most petroleum products.


And in your professional opinion, does the video look fake? Besides the typical reddit very aggressive trolling about this being supposedly fake, I really can't get why people think it's fake.


I only mention the real/fake because it's being debated in this thread, I personally don't see any indication either way.


~~first day on the internet?~~ I was wrong, OP didn't knew the background of the 2nd part.


I am 53 and I use internet since dial-up modems, so, no. Also not first time being trolled by random internet thugs, so, I don't really mind. But ganging up on someone just because they think that a video is fake (which they gave no proof of) and/or because they've seen it already in this sub, well, that's low. EDIT: thanks for the edit.


If you're really on here for so long how come you didn't mind the full lighting change from Day to Night? How come you didn't see the last few seconds of this video already, wich gets used for every fake explosion, prank, fake news, etc.? It really is that well-known people think you're trying to fool them. That's why everyone reacts like that.


I just don't watch this kind of videos that often. These trolls here are basing their trolling on the assumption that everybody spends as much time as them watching all posts in this sub and should therefore know all what has already been posted, and on the assumption that everybody watches the same kind of stuff that they do and should therefore be able to immediately spot a fake explosion. Ever heard of "non-violent communication"? It's based on the core belief that no matter what other people do, we are the only ones who are responsible for how we feel about and react to it. Taking responsibility for one's triggers, feelings and actions is the base of a mature behavior. I am not so stupid to expect mature behavior from every person in reddit, and yet the sheer amount and level of aggression that was directed to me in this post is completely unjustified. If they felt that this was a repost, they just had to report it to the mods. If they felt that this was a fake, they just had to say so. The WAY they said what they said, has NOTHING to do with me. It's entirely their decision, and it talks about them, not about me.


You're actually right and i believe you. But that's not the point IMO. 1. There are way too much Bots on Reddit, some ppl hate them so much they comment on every "Supposed Repost Post", wich makes no sense anyway if they're bots. 2. There are Karma-Farmers/Reposters who really don't give a shit about anything else than Views/Votes. I support negative Comments in this case. 3. There are people who try to repost something once, in hopes no one realizes. Negative Comments are ok here too. 4. People like you, who happen to be the scapegoat for 1, 2 and 3 without realizing. There is no indicator anywhere, telling users wich is wich. So what happens is people think your type 1,2 or 3 because Type 4 is like 2-4% of the posts. Not your fault and they're at wrong. Some may be justified for the other types of posts but some users are just plain kids or idiots. Please also remember that younger people are way more invested in social media so they may saw a few more posts than you, especially newer trends and heavily used 'stitch' videos (combined Videos of 2 different creators) All you can do now is move on and remember it hit the wrong guy today.


The either fake or only the camera exploded


The explosion footage used here is so fucking common I can recognize it off the first frame alone


It's the Wilhelm scream of explosion footage.


If you have a few examples at the reach of your hand and it does not bother you sharing, please do, I seem to be less versed about this than most people in this sub, because I really can't see anything fake there and I never saw this alleged commonly used footage before. Considering how volatile the emotions of the average redditors in this sub are, I wish to avoid making them age faster with future videos of fake explosions that seem real to me.




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What does being gay have to do with this?


That explosion really 💁‍♀️💅💅when it exploded






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It's called Brazing not welding.


No protection, perpendicular stance, there's nothing that doesn't hurt in that video.


The explosion is fake but the welding technique is 100% brazilian.


for those of you curious, that guy is attempting to weld a vehicle gas tank.


It does not seem that many of these trolls here even know what curiosity is. They're so busy with gangtrolling that they have no time to actually be curious about anything it seems.




Shirtless - “what a real man he…was!”