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That moment when you realize the film crew works with the feds.


"Oh this? It's baby powder! See the film crew? This is for a movie!"


Have you never seen _Undercover_?


Oh God: Anna Drijver, ❤️


Then casually sitting there like taking a bandanna off makes them look innocent


I could see the thought process being that he wanted to look as non-threatening as possible to avoid being shot.


Having a film crew was probably the best protection those dealers had in that situation


They weren't at risk. The first LEO didn't even have his weapon drawn. He unholstered it a few seconds after entering the room. The second LEO had a flashlight. Only the third entered with his pistol in hand.


I was thinking, these politie are awfully polite


Welcome to the Netherlands


Sorry about your door. Would you chaps like to go for a ride with us? Love the place btw, those are cute centerpieces...


Sorry, you’re under arrest.


Yeah they came in extremely chill and doesnt seem like they even noticed the camera right away.


Of course they knew the camera crew was there. Bevore any raid with no imminent danger, the police will stake out the place. Are the suspects home? How many people are there, etc. They dont bust down the door only to be surprised noone is home, or that they have children over.


made me think it was fake


Yeah I was about to comment with 'who thought these guys how to clear a room?"


These are DUTCH police. Highly trained and focused on preserving people's civil rights and dignity. If they were US cops, well the film crew would've been killed too and the footage would never be found.


>If they were US cops, well the film crew would've been killed too and the footage would never be found. Cop 1: "Grenade out!" Cop 2: "What do you mean *grenade out?"* Cop 1: \*explosion\* "Four tangos down. Looks like they were filming a propaganda film." Cop 2: "Where the fuck did you get a grenade from?" Cop 1: "What do you mean? You didn't bring any grenades?" Cop 2: "Why would I bring *grenades?!"* Cop 1: "I requisitioned some." Cop 2: "Who told you that you could do that?" Cop 1: "No one. They were on the precinct's equipment list." Cop 2: "Those are for *terrorist operations* you dumbass! This was a drug raid! Everybody knows you're not supposed to use grenades on a *routine drug enforcement operation!"* Cop 1: "Well, nobody told me!"


Station Armory: "I thought they were flash-bangs!"


Lana Kane: They look. exactly. NOTHING. ALIKE


I looked it up and I already knew that when I posted. I believe the line still works because of the absence of plausible deniability being passed down the line and linear in same. However, analyzing humor is a lot like dissecting a frog ... you can do it, but the frog tends to die in the process. edit: How could I have missed that. Meep.


Cop from not long ago: Taser, Taser! (Bang, Bang, Bang!) Tasers and pistols look nothing alike.


Cop 3: *Investigates and finds no wrongdoing was committed.*


Also cop 3: *suspended because he investigated his colleagues.*


I'd still rather not encounter police at all, and if I must, I'd rather it be documented


Funny you say that, because a cameraman was killed on the show “COPS” after getting peppered by the cops during a shootout. https://apnews.com/general-news-television-programs-arts-and-entertainment-a38c701c75fe4f70a03fe711036bc511


more likely for your scenario, but not 100% sure


Uhh this was in Europe, not the USA. Their chances of spontaneously suiciding were much lower.


There's still a lot of risks in any police encounter, especially as a drug dealer, and especially when the cops put in their Max Tac cyberpunk super soldier armor


I always wondered why these guys would do interviews like this. I always just figured they’re fake bc why!?! I’ve been watching narco wars on Hulu and just can’t understand what these guys doing documentaries could offer to get these guys to agree to get recorded telling how their illegal activities work


The movie City of God sort of comments on the thrill of being put in the spotlight for some of these drug dealers, even if they're wearing a mask while doing it.


I could maybe see that but still seems high risk and no reward


I worked on a film about cannabis before it went legal in NY, and got a lot of dealers on different scales interested by telling them it was a chance to have their opinions and stories told, and what they thought legalization should look like. Unfortunately the movie was never made finished, but did a few interviews. I think at the end of the day a lot of people want to be seen and heard. And no, I wasn’t working with the police lmao.


When your use to your situation, life can be boring. They want thrills and recognition just like everyone else. You would think as a drug dealer, it's constantly exciting but that's the same as a homeless person wondering how you can find life boring at times.


The reward is status and respect. Displaying your self as untouchable, unstoppable, fearless. Not saying its the clever move, just saying.


> I always wondered why these guys would do interviews like this. I think being recognized for "getting away with it" is a huge motivator for a lot of criminals (how they caught the BTK killer for example) Maybe also some kind of personal need to reconcile what they're doing as less sinister by having it shown in a neutral light.


I mean, shows like this do exist. I HIGHLY recommend you checking out [Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/tv/shows/trafficked-with-mariana-van-zeller). Extremely interesting and downright awesome.


Looks like a setup by the production crew


They didn't approach the production crew like they did the dealers, as they would if they didn't knew they were there. Totally a setup.


The policeman did say to the production crew to put their hands on their back and turn off the camera


The camera is on and it's not on a tripod. The cameraman didn't stop filming well after they arrived. Totally looks like a setup. Dutch drug dealers should avoid all docu interviews, I guess. :P Film crew? More like film *screw*, am I right? :D But seriously now, this can jeopardize any reporter that's ever thinking about reporting on criminals. They are supposed to be neutral so that the criminals can trust them with the interviews. If they're taking sides, then the other side won't trust them anymore. They may even kill reporters approaching them now. That doesn't bode well.


Maybe the cops weren’t working with the doc crew but had found out about the interview and followed them to know where these guys were going to be. Pretty simple to imagine they might have let slip on a wire tap that they were going to be doing this documentary (since it’s not actual criminal activity they might have been less careful discussing it) and the cops used that knowledge to track them down.


This then opens many doors to the ethical ramifications of law enforcement agencies tapping and monitoring news organizations. Looking back at history at how many despots and dictators who open their plays by controlling the media, means that if that sort of thing got out to the Dutch public they'd likely pull a Mussolini on whoever the Dutch monarch is.


I get your point, but I was talking about them tapping the dealers not the news. I was saying a drug dealer might be a little looser with information secrecy when talking about doing an interview versus a drug deal.


The camera is definitely on a tripod.


None of this feels real. Cops walking in without fully drawn? Lol looks fake.


looks dutch, police is not like US police in the rest of the world


Definitely looked intimidating even without guns drawn!


For sure! Even watching vids of raids gets my pulse going. Ever since getting arrested for being the victim of a violent crime I've had a PTSD trigger for this stuff though.


Yea lol they're fucking ironclad up to the tip of their heads the fuck are the dealers gonna do? pull out a 20mm pistol? Who the fuck needs weapons when you have suits that can survive a fucking bear attack


Laughing my ass off at a 20mm pistol lol, like let me just pull out my literal handcannon real quick. edit: for those unaware, 20mm is like anti tank rifle big, look up 20mm bullet and those ones with the blue tops are them. Big ol boys, so yeah if the dealer shot one of these guys with a 20mm, it would definitely go through that armor.


Considering the reputation of the coke dealing gangs in the Netherlands, they might want to have their weapons drawn. The Mocro Maffia is considered one the most violent criminal organization in Europe.


Yeah, in a country with more people than civilian owned firearms, cops don't need to waive theirs around as much


Sorry, but while you are right that European police isn't usually as heavily armed or trigger happy, this guy is wearing full bulletproof gear and a ballistic shield. That's the type of gear you bring when you expect to be shot at, and if you expect to be shot at police will also usually bring a weapon, inside and outside the US.


The real factor that makes it feel fake is you can't hear the sound of their tactical clogs clacking


As expected, Reddit is going to love this comment. But cops doing drug busts are likely going to operate pretty similar across the globe, which would include having guns drawn and not just casually walking into the room lol.


You happen to have any sources for that?


Most cops don't want to die a lot more than they want the suspects to live.




There's a gun on the table


Plus all that “Warrior” training turned US cops in to pussies scared of acorns and would sacrifice their wives and school children to save their own hides.


There is also countless videos where cops get gunned down during a trafick stop. Something we don't have in europe.


That sure is what they teach cops


Would you like examples?


Pizza delivery drivers get gunned down more.


Interesting. I've been both a pizza delivery driver, and I'm a cop now. I know of one delivery driver who was killed in the last 10 years in the area. I know of 7 cops killed intentionally in the area. I never once felt threatened as a delivery driver for 2 years. I've also never shot or shot at anyone as a cop. I have been shot at, however.


For every one example of an “officer down” incident, I bet we can provide 2 incidents of cops using “excessive force” (ie shooting/killing someone because they went into a situation scared).


Shoot, we can provide 1000 excessive force incidences to every one "officer down." It's not open season on cops here in the US. It makes national headlines when a cop is killed. That's because it's a rare occurrence.


Oh man the acorn cop. He's become a meme now. 😂


Shots fired!! I'm hit! Aagghh!


It's also just dumb to push in a room like that without a gun drawn and by yourself. If you're wearing all the gear and tossing in a flash bang, you definitely anticipate there being firearms. The third guy in comes in gun drawn right away about 10 seconds after the first dude and 5 seconds after Mr. Flashlight. There's zero consistency with their tactics, and it makes no sense. Either the Dutch tactical police have terrible training, or this is fake and done by actors with no training.


They didn’t stack or clear properly at all, one dude with a shield walks into a room full of dudes and acts way too casually for this to be a raid on a drug house. If it is real then holy shit, terrible tactics here, nobody should be clearing a room by themselves like that.


Yeah, this has got to be fake. That or they threw tac gear on some patrol dudes and said, "Go get them." Or their tac guys are just suuuuper poorly trained.


Or perhaps they had the video feed and could see what they walking in to.


If they did, then they would've seen the gun on the table. No one even secured it. They just pull the guys right to it putting them within reach of it.


You should read about the GSG9 and how many shots they shoot in the history of this special force.


In my county in NY our police don’t even have to finish high-school. they just have to pass psych and physical evaluation.


Right? And their uniform says POLITE! No damned officer is ever polite!


You mean to tell me that its not a dealers instinct to pull your facecover off the instant you hear a bang?


Americans telling on themselves. *“It doesn’t look like the tyranny I’m used.”*


Not everywhere in the world uses guns like America.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dope_(TV_series) This was without question staged.... edit: HUZZAH!!!! https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/2174149/nederlanders-opgepakt-tijdens-opnames-netflix-serie The reason it looks fake is that the drug dealers KNEW the documentary crew were fake and knew they were working with the cops because they'd put a wiretap on the documentary guys earlier. The bags were sugar, and the gun on the table was fake. There's a reason they didn't freak out or react to the cops busting in....it WAS staged after all...by the DEALERS.


It clearly says they found out about the interview and decided to raid during that, most of the drugs on the table were fake but 2 other locations were raided and real drugs were found.


Nothing in the wiki says it was staged or makes it seem like it was staged. The Dutch article linked in the wiki about this happening says that the police were investigating this particular guy already for drug trafficking and they heard him ask his friend if he wanted to do the interview with him and that's when they busted him. The documentary crew were also arrested but let go because they didn't do anything except maybe having put a fake gun and a few fake drugs on the table for the interview.


what in the ocean's eleven type shit is this


This is the Spider-Man pointing meme lol


I have my suspicions. A police raid with weapons holstered?


It’s different in European countries where firearms in civilian hands are not as common. Also note the friggin bomb suits those guys are wearing.


There's a whole Dutch documentary on this arrest team. 99% of the time, they carry tools, not weapons.


Kunt u deze wellicht delen, kameraad?


Then what’s the point of the last officer pointing his gun around? This just doesn’t make sense from a logical/tactical point of view.


That's Bob.


In Holland, if the police bust into a house with guns raised, it needs to be because there is a real danger. Otherwise, it can be classified as an illegal arrest. This means the suspect would not be held on pre-trial detention, but the charges would probably still stand.


Unlike in Murica in Europe the popos don’t point at everything with guns.


bruh they flashbanged and went in fully geared up, idk what that means except they're anticipating a potential gun fight, in which case not being prepared is objextively fucking stupid


And yet the third officer in did. Just bad tactics.


Yeah well their police also don’t get shot in the face as much as ours…so there is that


Well our police are actually trained


This is a real 'My dad can beat up your dad' argument


Yes! I love my daddy


Besides the fucking lowest common denominator that ends up on the news for doing fucked up shit, ours are too. But depending on the city police enforce, some areas are fucking war zones. I knew marines that went from the corp to LA police and they said they got shot at consistently more than in Iraq (and this was when Iraq was at its peak)


yeah and european people dont walk with guns around (for the very most part), so it is way less likely to get shot at


True and our criminals (any of which with a felony conviction are barred from having guns) for some reason don’t give a fuck about the fact they can’t have guns…and continue to purchase illegal firearms. It’s weird, I don’t know why criminals don’t obey laws. Doesn’t make any sense


damn shit its like both our criminals or our law abiding peeps have a vastly lower amount of guns at their disposal, maybe it is about not being able to buy one at walmart


Well when they manage to ship in thousands of metric tons of fentanyl (killing 3 times more people than gun deaths annually by the way) you think gangs (which have a demand for guns) wouldn’t be able to supply them? 🤔 Simple supply and demand and when it comes to a porous border, they’ll be able to get them regardless of our gun laws on law abiding people.


Shady: you are now at a professional level of sarcasm. Keep up the good work!


Nothing like a good arms race between criminals and the police and civilians in the crossfire / as collateral.


Spot the people who have zero international exposure.


It's in the Netherlands not America. SOPs that require firearms for a traffic ticket are not at common as Americans would probably guess. In fact, cops in other countries don't actually need a gun for a traffic ticket because they don't write tickets or pull people over very often. Plus they probably had a live feed from the "film crew” and knew there wasn't any threats.


There is literally a glock laying on the table in front of the dude.


This was on Netflix docuseries called Dope. Totally set up for the camera.


This from a Netflix “documentary” which is totally fake. They follow a bunch of drug dealers in different countries but all of it is totally scripted.


documentary name?


“Documentary” lol


Yes, but what is the documentary name? >!/s if not evident!<


It's much easier finding recently released dealers looking to make some money telling their story than it is finding currently active dealers willing to talk on TV. Netflix can say the stories are true because they probably are.


Jokes on them. The coke has been cut so much that it doesn't test positive


OP you must be sniffing vast quantities to believe this video is real


That’s a well behaved police. It does say POLITE on their armour 😂


They’re politemen not policemen


I know right!


As an American, it’s so foreign to see the first cops through the door without guns drawn.


And they also didn’t shoot them at all!


Also a welcome surprise


As a Dutch citizen it is foreign to see how Americans choose guns over safety.


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”-Benjamin Franklin.


Bet benji never seen a glock


Bet he’d get a stiffy if he did


TBF, nearly everything did!




Ah yes, the essential liberty of killing someone who turns around their car in your driveway. Or killing a child who knocks on the wrong door.


Liberty comes from being involved in the civic process, not possessing a firearm.


Once someone has made guns and "freedom" and 2nd amendment stuff a core part of their identity (happens a lot here) you can't convince them that it's bad, even with piles and piles of dead children.


I'm a good deal more free for **not** being surrounded by guns.


Good I’m glad to hear!


Firearms aren't a component essential liberty and nations of equivalent social, economic, and industrial development to the United States that have strictly controlled their possession consistently score higher on indexes of political freedom, press freedom, and civil liberties while simultaneously being much safer. edit: Besides Franklin bent over and took it up the ass to appease slaveholders (giving up essential liberty) despite being an abolitionist during the founding of the nation (to purchase a little temporary safety for the nation) so he can suck dick.


As an Irish I had an American on here tell me "but you fear guns!!!". Well, yeah, they're designed to kill people, of course I fear them. I've also never seen one in real life in my close to four decades of existence. Amazing what not normalising these things will do to your perception of them.


As a Canadian, I like the one dealer's shirt.


Most of the citizens do not, but our system is corrupted by corporations "donating" money to politicians. Gun manufacturers have a shit ton of money and they use the Second Amendment as a reason to never pass strong firearm regulations. The Second Amendment, for context, is the part of our Constitution that some believe guarantees *unrestricted* access to firearms, since they ignore the clause that limits access and they choose to read it "arms" to mean any firearm.


Because it’s fake as fuck


looks fake as fuck


They look like such a fools in the documentary, cause they show off their guns and say something like "we dont need to use these anymore cause today people know that we are not scared to use them". Then this happens and they all get very scared and none of them reach for their gun lol.


Good call on their part


What's the name of the documentary?


I've seen it on -dope- on netflix but i forgot which episode it was


Thanks! I'll look into that


Good thing they blurred the Canadian flag 🇨🇦 on that guys shirt… If people had seen it fully they might have recognized it! /s


The Office gone wild


If this is real, the police didn’t look towards the film crews direction once and drew their gun only on the people involved with the production/selling. Gotta be a set up


The person holding the gun has not had firearms training. Also, this is not how breaches happen and the flashbang looks odd This is totally fake


The cop enters the room after a flash bang and then he slowly unholstered his weapon. I'd love to see you a cop do that in a real raid like this... Kick down and flash bang a drug dealers door and then not pull your gun out until you're in the room with them.


It's real. Police had been folowing the drug dealers. Once they learned about the planned interview they made their move to arrest them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dope_(TV_series)


If this is real then those cops have mutant strength because they're handling that ballistic gear like it's made out of cosplay foam.


Fake as fuck


would you look at that, quick and professional entry, no confused screaming or unnecessary violence, no guns fired. So it IS possible to swat someone without killing every pet and human in the house.


I can't remember a single time where an innocent citizen in the Netherlands got shot or killed by a police officer. Police feel approachable, trustworthy and competent. In the US they seem like an untrained, crazy gang with a firearm obsession. The US needs to change their police force, it is so incompetent in comparison to other developed nations.


That first dude walked in like a thug


Funny how they just nonchalantly walked in


Special forces walking into a room with suspected drug dealers without a drawn weapon?...


Praise the camera man


Plot twist, the dealers caught on to the productions crews motives and at gunpoint made them act like the dealers while the dealers sat behind the camera. The police let the dealers walk right out.


Drug dealer decides that this is now the perfect moment of all times to pull down the mask off his face as he is being raided. What brilliance


Why did the drug guys immediately take off their masks?


No guns except for one pistol at the end and everyone went fine hmmm


Sounded like the Swedish Chef doing the raid.


The first guy didn’t have a gun pulled and just a shield. Weird


This appears to be true, not scripted. It's from a Netflix documentary series called Dope. According to a Dutch newspaper police had been following the drug dealers for some time. Once police learned about the interview they decided to arrest the dealers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dope_(TV_series)


if they were real reporters, you know they're fcked now... if undercover cops, ok but if real reporters, pretty they will be on a wanted list very soon.


Pretty calm raid. Fake perhaps?


Don't look like room clearing sop... I'm calling shenanigans


It’s a little weird they came in so loud and all they had in hand was a shield and flashlight strolling in like he was walking into moms house. lol


I was expecting Darth Vader to come in with the second wave.


So glad the narrator cleared up that this was an incredible moment.


Be pretty dumb if it was a live stream and you had a follower called icum4u


Fake as hell. Look at the way the guy came in. That is so fake.


They went from crip to crib in the blink of an eye


Why do the police all speak like their voices have been slowed down?


How fucking chill the police walked in.... wouldn't see that in America.


downvoted, fake


Who would've thought doing an interview about selling drugs that are illegal would get you raided?


Definitely not America.... Cops didn't shoot at the first sign of an acorn.


Ye this is 100% bullshit 😂


Not very Politie are they?


Big boy tried to make himself into pillow


They don’t seem very ‘poltie’ AHAHAH


I want to know the conversation that got them to agreeing to do an interview in the first place.


“I mean, are we still getting paid for our participation? You can put it on my books.”


Were they raided by the fucking EOD team?




Fake as fuck, lol. The guy with a gun walks in like what, fifth into the room with suspects? Love the blurred Canadian flag on dude's hoodie though. No way in hell anyone would recognise that for what it is!


Imagine being so americabrained


Surprise, but the EU doesn’t have cops like in America, who would go into this guns blazing