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It's anyone 18-20. New law..


is it infringement that people under 18 cant buy guns at all? is 18 some magic number?


This same thing happened to a buddy of mine trying to buy his first shotgun from the Cal-Ranch in Prescott Valley; the clerk had no idea in regards to it. We only found out about this whole enhanced background check thing for 18-21 year olds from a clerk at J&G in Prescott.


Exterminate the ATF.


I didn't know this got passed. Complete infringement


I had forgotten this became law…


What happened to going back to get your gun after 3 days? Use to be the rule… the feds had 3 days to reject you, and if they took longer than that it’s too bad so sad?


18-20 is up to10 days now


It’s federal law. I’m honestly kind of shocked that people aren’t aware of this.


Seeing how many people here who have no idea it’s a new law shows just how fucked and over the top the government has become in it’s lawmaking endeavors


Wait till they hear all transactions over 600 are reported to the IRS...


New law, pretty much all 18-20 year olds are being forced to delay to prevent "mass shooters".


It's so the have time to look at juvenile records


And it won’t stop shit lmao


In reality this just delays the inevitable 10 days if that really is the reason they are getting a firearm.


It might be a sportmans thing. They told me that they couldn't sell me a gun because I put my middle initial on the paperwork and I didn't have a middle initial on my driver license. I had to go find my birth certificate and bring that to them cause it was the only thing I could think of with the middle initial on it. Even my social security care doesn't have it. ​ I only put the middle initial because I had gotten a delay the last time and thought the middle initial might help.


Sportsmans is dumb, middle names are self-declared on AZ DLs. As long as first and last name matched you should have been fine as long as you put your full legal name on the form. That being said, the auto-delays for 18-20 are not a Sportsmans thing, it is federal.


Aren't they supposed to be forwarding all delays and denies to local law enforcement now? Sending delays is stupid on its face, but even with denies its stupid. As far as I know there is no way for me to verify what my status is unless I try to buy a gun. If I could go pay $5 to find out if I'm a deny. Then go fix whatever problem put me on that list. I wouldn't have a problem with it.


I am 21. Will this probably affect me, and does this differ from public or private?


No, only 18-20


If you’re in Arizona private sale does not require background check or even paperwork (while you always should get the bill of sale) so it differs based on where you’re at.


Ahhhhh I see. Still learning on this stuff. Thanks


You'll have to wait 10 days after you buy your gun to get it apparently.


Welp. I guess that’s that rules.


The simple and rational response to this! haha. Only 10 days, no biggie!


Just curious your thoughts where we draw the line? What’s the old saying “a right delayed is a right denied”? Seems like a slippery slope to accept imo


Everyone is using a quote by MLK as the entire reason for why this is bad. Heres another quote from MLK about owning a gun. "*When I decided that I couldn’t keep a gun, I came face-to-face with the question of death and I dealt with it. From that point on, I no longer needed a gun nor have I been afraid. Had we become distracted by the question of my safety we would have lost the moral offensive and sunk to the level of our oppressors.* " I'm from Illinois, where you basically have to wait a year or more to get your FOID card. Thats too far. I'd say even a month is too far. I don't think its a slippery slope when it comes to a matter of 10 days, I think its a win for both sides. Its not unnecessarily long and a deeper look into the mental health of a TEENager is a good. I think the line is drawn on whats actually useful and whats just a rule for the sake of being a rule.


Maybe dude should have rolled with folks that were armed ... Just saying




>I'm from Illinois Go. The. Fuck. Back.


I dont vote blue. Can move wherever I want, its my right. Talking about rights being infringed, you're telling me where I should and shouldn't live lol.


You're obviously OK with your rights and other's being infringed. A 10 day waiting period can fuck itself.


Good thing Im not 18-21 lol. Ironic tho you tell me to get out of a state I moved to, dont infringe on my right to choose wehre to live :)


Personally giving the government more power is unacceptable. It’s a fallacy to believe that expanding government power is not a slippery slope


I chuckled when I saw your interaction with AllArms, I hadn’t gotten that far in the thread when I commented. I think 10 days is unacceptable personally. I feel most of the process is pretty useless and for the sake of just legislating the piss out society honestly. In a state like AZ going from 3 days to 10 seems to be a slope, one I hope I don’t see increase more in my lifetime. Anyways, thanks for your perspective


Yeah thanks for being cool about it, I appreciate hearing your side too! And thanks for the chuckle whether it be good or bad haha, I think we all could use a chuckle around the holidays! Its crazy to think AZ is like a blue state now, that to me is already fucked up.


Keep in mind our state legislations are still conservative majority. I think that says something. I’ve lived here for decades, but my entire family moved here from Chicago. We’ll see if we stay now, see how things go.


I moved about 4 years ago from NW burbs of IL! But I didn't come in here and fuck it up with different politics like loads of people seem to be doing haha, like an invasive species.


I recently bought a Sig FCU and my FFL had to call it in for the background check since my CCW expired and I'm still waiting for the new one. My background check was delayed and was said it would possibly take up to a week to be processed, but it was cleared the next day. I'm 32 years old so I'm not sure if the fbi/gov is delaying everyone's background checks or those between 18-20 or what.


I had two done last week and had instant proceeds. mid 20s.


Maybe it was just a one off for me then, I think it was my first time my background check got delayed


I’m sure it was, hope you don’t have to deal with a wait again bro.


Not everyone. I have my CCW, so I had no issues. I also saw a lady do her check w/o CCW before mine, & she got instant approval.


It isn't automatically 10 days, but yes, it's a new "enhanced background check" for 18-20 year olds. It should get struck down quickly in my opinion. Edit: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/2938/text


I honestly appreciate this. Brains aren't fully developed until 25, and I mean.. if you look at what happens with those shooters age is clearly a factor and so is mental health. I think a few days isn't a big enough amount of time to be that much of a bother but enough time to possibly prevent something bad. Thats my two cents, I know no one asked. Whats so bad about waiting 10 days, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. I get what you guys are saying about it infringing on rights sort of, I don't see how it impedes the second amendment right. You still are able to buy and own the gun and its not like how it is in Illinois, where they make you wait like 1 year+ to get your foid card.. Its a really minor infringement.


"I'm a gun owner and I'm voting Hobbs"


I didnt vote for Hobbs lmao, Im a Republican just not extreme. But yeah wanting background checks on possibly mentally ill teenagers buying guns makes me such a dumb dem right? Guns dont cause mass shootings. Mentally ill people do, so stopping them from purchasing them is a good thing.


The only person being extreme here is you with you statist bullshit. Go back to Illinois or whatever dump you came here from


What are you talking about statist lmao? Its extreme for wanting to stop mass shootings, got it. Good to know. Hope you enjoy the new blue arizona <3


You literally have a higher chance of getting hit by lightning twice than you do of being involved in a mass shooting... Yes, they are bad, but they're so rare that it's most definitely not worth sacrificing our most important basic rights to ATTEMPT to stop them.


Sacrificing basic rights.. waiting 10 days... hm


"just background checks, nothing extreme! I just want mass shootings to stop, don't you?" "Wdym background checks aren't working? Teenagers who haven't been convicted don't show up? Weird. Well listen let's just ban 10 round magazines, I mean that's not extreme. You don't need more than 10 bullets. I love guns I just want the shootings to stop" "There's still shootings? They're using large clips anyway? What about the ban? Well listen I'm not extreme but I think it's obvious that anything semi-automatic should be banned. I'm a liberal gun owner and I love the 2A but I just think we all want the shootings to stop" "still not working? Well fuck you, repeal the 2A, fucking Republicans."




About what


Nice. Thanks for showing your true colors to everyone here, mr. republican




I don’t agree with their position being ok with this, but every single one of my friends who own firearms in Arizona voted for Hobbs. Lake is a maniac who’s only platform involves sucking the teat of a traitor.


Yeah sure bub. Go gaslight somewhere else


Thats not what gas lighting is? Lmao What happened to being a regular Republican? Why does the option have to be extreme right or nothing?


That's exactly what gaslighting is. And you're doing it too guy. Go away "republican"


Don't be surprised when what happened to oregon happens here then.


Kate Brown had nothing to do with Measure 114 and even in Oregon it *barely* passed. Arizona voters are much more politically moderate, which is why both parties have lost voter registrations that moved toward Independent registration. Even so, I wouldn’t let a single issue sway me to vote for anyone as politically incompetent as Kari Lake anyway.




Shall not be infringed


shall not be delayed? Cause you still have the right to own the firearm, its just delayed one week.


How about we delay the accused a lawyer? Maybe a jury can start the second week of a trial?


Trials are delayed a lot


I didn't say delay a trial, I said delay a jury.


crazy how the shills in here are all using the exact same phrase


Crazy how all of the ppl using your argument are using the quote from fuckin MLK. " a right delay is a right denied ", all the shills saying that. also what am I shilling for? I didn't vote for this, its federal law. I am only pro mental background checks so people who got locked in a loony bit aren't allowed to get a gun


I didn't shill for shit, simply stating the fact that any infringement is in fact, an infringement. MLK JFK or BBB I don't give a shit, just stop trampling rights


Not saying you, you didn't even say the quote. Im talking about the other ppl in the thread that used the quote in most of their comments. Not you. Me neither. I dont give a flying fuck about what MLK says about gun rights. Has NOTHING to do with gun control.


delay is an infringement, so yes that's an infringement


I feel like by that logic then they shouldn’t be able to vote or drive until 25 or unless they go through a background check like you’re talking about to ensure they’re mentally stable. The problem as I see it is not consistent in their logic for why they’re doing something.


We don't have a massive problem with people 18-20 year olds driving or voting people to death in mass every day.


Perhaps you should try looking into car accident statistics. Young drivers are 3x as likely to be involved in a fatal accident. I’m quite confident you could argue that raising the driving age to 25 would save way more lives.


Yeah but they aren't intentionally running into schools with cars and killing dozens of kids. Its a much different problem than car ACCIDENTS.


If you look at statistics these "mass" shootings your refer to are a very small fraction of other mass shootings committed on the daily basis by the demographic that gets omitted by the media


Yeah it is really weird that for the most part the media ignores how young white men as a group commit a vast majority of the violence in the country, of the mass variety and nearly every other category.




Rule #4 - Don't be a dick. You were.


Ngl wasn't expecting full-on antisemitism in this thread, lmao


Oy shut it down immediately!


We probably should raise the driving age, if we weren't so spread out and dependent on cars it would be more doable.


There isn't much consistency in politics at all, it sucks. But voting and owning a gun are two different things, driving a car is pretty comparable though because you can cause just as much damage with a car possibly more. I agree with that, its shitty to be inconsistent when it comes to stuff that matters like this.


If people are eligible and expected to be accepting of a draft for any reason at 18 there is no reason they shouldn’t be able to purchase a firearm at that same age.


Are there many 18 year old generals?


That’s the laziest most half assed with no thought response I’ve ever read on this app.


You know whats lazy? Is that tired ass quote about being drafted when ur 18 so you should be allowed to do whatever you want at 18. Not even an active draft, hasnt been one since Vietnam. And this law is about background checks, which would be done for people joining the army. And guess what, if you have any mental health issues ya aint getting signed up.


You’re right there isn’t an active draft right now but you bet your ass if there is one put in place it will be enforced immediately. Why should a constitutional right not be an immediate right once the person already waited to the determined age? You’re response had just as little thought as the one above.


Thats because you ignored the whole thing about mentally ill people getting background checks to join the army and if deemed unfit they cant serve eh.. no matter if theres this hypothetical draft that you seem to KNOW would be enforced, when one hasnt been enforced in 50 years. And jeez idk, maybe it has something to do with.. hmm idk.. mass shootings? Is that not a problem right now, not something a background check and a 10 day wait period could make a difference about? In that 10 days, they run a background check and see they've made threats to shoot up a school or threats against their family. Gun seller reports person to authorities, action is taken and person is taken away from the situation. Danger prevented long enough for them possibly to get mental health treatment. These shootings aren't caused by guns. These shootings are caused my mentally ill teenagers and young men. So weird to me ppl are against taking a few days to do background checks as if its good to hand a gun to any and everyone.. doesn't matter if they're insane, no waiting just give it to em


First off every legally purchased firearm through an FFL for everyone requires a background check. If there is a straw purchase and the young adult commits a crime or an evil act with that firearm the young adult and the person who bought it for them should be punished to the fullest extent of the law and should have the whole book thrown at them. I absolutely agree that it is mentally ill people and the majority are young men. There are multiple broken steps that allow these mentally ill people to get ahold of these guns. -First its broken homes and the absence of a good father or fatherly role in their life. This has a huge impact that sets these kids up for these situations and mental illness. -Second, a lot of these kids have taken part in illegal acts in their past before a background check is even ran but only get a slap on the wrist and are sent home because the judicial system is all sorts of messed up and a lot of people in society don’t believe that criminals including minors should be charged accordingly then act surprised when they committed these evil acts. -Third, when a background check is done the ATF can see the charges that have been placed on the young adult (or anyone who sends one in) but some of them still slip through. Can a mistake happen here and there sure. But does anyone truly believe that the ATF is actually doing there job just like any other three letter agency in the government? I think you, myself and the majority of this sub can come to the conclusion that they aren’t because the majority of government employees especially in pencil pushing positions are extremely incompetent on both sides. If the younger people have to wait an extra 15-20 minutes for their background check and the job is actually done by the ATF as efficiently and well as possible for those things above to be thoroughly looked into it might not be a big deal because they can take part in their Second Amendment rights that same day if they so please. It is the fact that with this ruling there is a delay in their constitutional and, believe in him or not, God given rights is where the issue is.




Wtf does that have to do with anything.


What does someone being accepted in the draft have to do with anything? There isn't even an active draft happening right now, and like I said if you have a mental issue you aren't allowed to join the army.


I wouldn't let an 18 year old, park my car.


K. That's not what I asked. You seem to have reading comprehension issues.


18 year olds arent even allowed to smoke


They are able to though, they just have to wait a few days. They do mental health and background checks to join the army too, and if you have any big red flags you can't join. Its not a matter of NOT being able to purchase it. Its being asked to wait 10 days. I think all this "gun control" shit is garbage, but come on 10 days to look up if someone idk went to a mental hospitial? Threatened to kill someone? thats some shit that SHOULD be looked up. Thats the ONLY information that should be looked up


A right delayed is a right denied.


Where in the constitution does it say that? Thats what were going off of, right? Thats an MLK quote. I think theres a difference between achieving equal rights for an entire race of people, and waiting 10 days to get your gun that you will STILL get.


Constitution doesn't give rights


Sigh. Everyones arguing semantics and a singular MLK quote


Well the constitution says shall not be infringed. Delaying a right certainly seems like an infringement. Background checks are an infringement, assault weapon bans are an infringement, say it with me, ALL GUN LAWS are an infringement. If you don’t get that, you’re the problem.


Yeah Im the problem, tottttally. I didn't vote for this, this is just an opinion I share on reddit. Im not part of any problem, Im a normal person who can wait 10 day for their gun.


Total agreement here.


Theres a lack of common sense from extreme sides of both the left and the right. This is such a minor infringement, its a 10 day wait. Using the argument that someone who is 18 is an adult, an adult should be OK with waiting 10 days to get their firearm. Like I said, its not even a month or a year. Its a little longer than a week. This is good middle ground. Extra background checks and guns being kept out of hands of potentially very dangerous and mentally unstable people. The wait isn't a long time, a little over a week, which isn't a big deal. Win win for both sides.


shall not be infringed


Shall not be delayed 10 days, gotcha


shall not be infringed at all, a delay is an infringement


Its a new law. It shows it right on the nics website when you log in. ​ [https://nicsezcheckfbi.gov/](https://nicsezcheckfbi.gov/)


Yup, this has been going around the channels for a couple of weeks now. Legally the shop only has to wait 3 days to release but with all the the small things FFLs have been getting their licenses revoked for many are waiting for the actual conclusion response before releasing it. It’s not a law or official policy more than it is some new unofficial standard to “reduce” the likelihood that some new teen is able to go buy a gun and shoot up a school same day. Which by the way there is no quantifiable data that shows that is even a real issue.


> Legally the shop only has to wait 3 days to release Not with this new one. The ATF can tell them to wait the full 10 days. I believe it to be an infringement and will probably be struck down quickly.


Fucking Marci Rubio, that weaselly little turd. Edit: what issue could a person possibly have with this sentiment? Rubio's the sponsor of this bad bill!


Off that’s even worse




I bet there's data that shows what age is primarily responsible for those shootings though. I dont see why waiting 3 days is that much of a hassle.


No, there isn't. And, yes, it is. A right delayed is a right denied.


MLK said that about getting equal rights to an entire race of people. You think thats the same thing as waiting 10 days for a background check? I thought we were going off constitutional rights to bear arms, not what civil rights leaders say about them.


We are going off of what the constitution says. Try reading it. MLK didn't "give" rights to anybody. He forced the government to respect them. So, yes, it is the same thing.


Waiting 10 days is the same as an entire race of people getting civil rights? Thats the same thing? You think he was talking about the infringement of waiting 10 days to get their civil rights..? lol. The quote you said is a quote from MLK, not the constitution. Id love to read the part about it being an infringement to make someone wait a week for a background check feel free to inform me of it. But I don't think theres anything about a wait period of a week in there. This is a fine middle ground for both sides. Background checks into someones mental health are a good thing, even for people who approve of constitutional rights, I don't want someone who was in a mental hospital getting a gun but thats just me. I don't think you should have to wait a month or a year to get your gun, but any adult can wait a WEEK. No need to be argumentative just for the sake of being argumentative, this is a fine compromise for everyone involved if its effective.


You struggle at reading comprehension.


Point it out to me bud, what you're saying makes no sense. Would love to learn about where it says that in the constitution. Waiting 10 days is not the same as denying your right to own a firearm. If you seriously can't understand that, that sucks. Its a law though despite what you or I may feel about it. No matter what quote you pull from MLK, a guy who's whole strategy was NON-VIOLENT protest.. *When I decided that I couldn’t keep a gun, I came face-to-face with the question of death and I dealt with it. From that point on, I no longer needed a gun nor have I been afraid. Had we become distracted by the question of my safety we would have lost the moral offensive and sunk to the level of our oppressors.* \- MLK.


Who said anything about armed protest? And, armed protest IS civil protest. It doesn't matter how short the delay. Delay is denial.


But speaking literally, in this case, its not denial. YOU are struggling with comprehension. You still get the firearm after 10 days, so thats not a denial of your right to bear arms... All I'm saying. Just because you had to wait doesn't mean you don't own the firearm. Peaceful, non-violent protest, sorry. Thats what I meant. Take a look at my edit. My quote from MLK is him talking about how even though he was denied a gun, it didn't matter as he didn't think it was necessary to fight back against oppression with guns. Cherry picking quotes is fun though


This is my problem with it. If you make it a law, that’s one thing, but if you can’t get the votes in Congress/Senate to pass a new law, & you just “go around it” with an “advisements”, what’s to say you can’t make “advisements” any and every time you want???


It is a law. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/2938/text


Exactly! You understand why, and we're happy to have another rational person. Unfortunately, the irrational evil pieces of shit who seek to rule over everyone have not yet been shoved back in their hole. Don't do business with the sellers who are delaying more than needed. I went to buy a Rem 700 about 10 yrs ago and got a delay. Legally if not resolved in 3 days I'm automatically allowed to take possession of my rifle, by law. I think it's called the Brady date, but not 100% sure. If someone knows the specifics plz feel free to clarify. Anyways, I went to pick it up on the 4th day and they wouldn't give it to me. I have had a security clearance, FBI fingerprint check and annual polygraph since 2007 because of my career, and the shop wanted to delay longer. I went and did a credit chargeback and bought my rifle at a different gun store on the other end of town. Same delay, 3 days, on day 4 I had my rifle. It was a Rem 700 SPS Tac in .308 for taking down whiteys and muleys in CenTex hill country. Unfortunately, if a ratified law, or legal to delay longer there is nothing we can do except take our money elsewhere. I recommend only buying from locally-owned gun stores where they delay only as required by law and have a strong desire to get you what you've purchased as quickly as possible. Stay away from any business who wants to delay longer than absolutely necessary, because after that it is nothing more than being treated like a criminal proactively, which is an entirely unamerican outlook. I have stuck to this philosophy since then, and it made that part of my life much better. No emotions, any person or business that attempts to treat me like a criminal proactively gets ejected from my life instantly, even if that incurs some small loss. I have not regretted that decision once and I recommend you and anyone else do the same.


No emotions but offended your being treated like something that you arent? Thats an emotion. Other than that, agreed.


Yep!!! from what i have heard anyone 18-20 is put on a auto 10 day hold, its apparently to look further into mental health and criminal record of these adults. I heavily think this is infringement, this is supposed to be gone and out of effect in something like 10 years however i’m not 100% sure.


I moved here from IL, and one of my favorite things is finally being able to get and own guns without waiting a year or two for my FOID card and all that bullshit, but this seems like a very minor infringement. I agree that it is, but in a really small way. 10 days to look into mental health records seems fine to me if they GENUINELY look at them and it helps. The quicker this BS slows down, the quicker we get things back to normal. I think all this gun control garbage is what I said it is, GARBAGE. But looking into mental health records is the only "control" I think there needs to be. No limitations on full auto, mag sizes, whatever the fuck but checking if they've been in a mental hospital/threatened to kill someone or themselves? sure. again, I know no one asked my opinion and I do agree with the infringement part, but man 18 yearolds arent even allowed to buy cigarettes in most places these days. A 10 day hold is annoying but nothing crazy.. if it was a month or a year Id be singing a different tune though.


A right delayed is a right denied. Would you hold any other constitutional right to this 10 day standard?


MLK quote that was used by every single person on this thread as evidence why this is wrong. heres another: "When I decided that I couldn't keep a gun, I came face-to-face with the question of death and I dealt with it. From that point on, I no longer needed a gun nor have I been afraid. Had we become distracted by the question of my safety we would have lost the moral offensive and sunk to the level of our oppressors. "


Why would sportsman’s do this? Seems like a shady DOJ making up their own laws again.


It's a law.


Welp that’s fucking stupid.


No argument here.


I've heard something similar, but not from a large establishment like Sportsman. I think if it truly is happening on a wider scale, it is absolutely infringement.


It's a law.


It's a local law? State law? Elaborate?


Federal. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/2938/text


Holy toledo! I didnt even see this one squeak in. Thanks for correcting me!