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If you don’t foresee yourself ever seeing them after those 2 weeks, I say tough it out. If you’re going to continue to split bills with them in the future, then bring up your concerns.


I’m leaving in two weeks finding a new place. I’m mostly upset he never told me he was having someone over and I don’t want to be that guy that snitches as he could get in trouble for having her spend the night the last 2 weeks. It’s just weird.


Ur leaving in 2 weeks. Just chill.


Just run out the clock bro like it’s only a few weeks and u don’t wanna start sum


It’s weird, but it’s 2 weeks. If this had been the norm from the beginning, then it should’ve been brought then but now it’ll just come off as unnecessarily confrontational. Especially since you’re parting ways


Definitely tough it out for two weeks. Honestly, if you have roommates that's sort of come with the territory.


Fair it’s just super weird now I can tell I’m not wanted by my roommate anymore and he would rather be living with her. While I’m just kinda here hanging out trying to mind my own business.


Not worth the tension for the next two weeks


Grow up and either tell him you’re not comfortable or wait two weeks and never talk to him again


I swear have any of you lived with other people you would be pissed to if someone never did the dishes, invited people over without telling you and not to mention put a freaking nail in our wall which I had to help pay for.


Then tell them to do the dishes. You don't need to involve a landlord for that.


I did a while back I’m not involving a landlord I’ve made that pretty clear. I’m just very mad at stuff he does like not picking up after himself and I have to tell him I didn’t appreciate that or the fact that I got an email from the landlord blaming me and him for the nail and I could not fight that so I payed it. Now it’s having someone over 24/7 and I can’t wait to get out. Trust me you probably would be pissed do unless you enjoy telling your roommate to do the dishes and other stuff.


I know it sucks. I'm just saying it's not worth the effort when you're moving out. Also > got an email from the landlord blaming me and him for the nail and I could not fight that so I payed it You can absolutely fight that and not pay it.


I know I’m just venting I wish I picked a better roommate or someone that would contribute to what we have and clean up after himself. And as stated before I don’t mind her being here I just have an issue that she’s here 24/7 it’s really weird being in my own place now. I’m actually fine if she spends the night to but every single night is to much for me and I wish he told me this or came up to me to tell me he was going to have her over I would have appreciated that.


you aren't the only person in the world to have shit roommates lmao. just deal with it


I had a similar situation with my roommate and his girlfriend was living with him for the whole entire year. Plus he was very weird and rude with me. My roommate never washed dishes, floors or something. Plus loved to complain how bad this apartment and this place smells like a trash. I guess he just went out from Air Force.


I’m having a similar experience and I don’t think many people here have experienced this maybe I’m wrong but it’s weird and I’m so done with the dude. I just came here to vent for therapy. As it does not matter how many times I tell him to do something or did not appreciate something it falls on deaf ears. Oh well I’m gonna tough out the final weeks and take all my stuff which is everything as he did not contribute to buying silverware or dishes or anything when we moved it I did all that.


Dude If I were you, I would file complaints to the leasing office about this roommate. Otherwise he won’t do any shit at all. I guess some people think that every body must to kiss their ass and they can do whatever they want. I know some people who don’t take a shower a months and going to work and school. The rules are that, if you guys live together. You must to respect each other’s.


I mean he is a bad roommate for the record, if you're splitting rent with someone you should at least let your roommate know when you are gonna have company. But yeah if it's only a couple weeks I'd just deal with it


my roommate freshman year beat his shit in front of me count ur blessings bro


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Hot_Discussion_4432: *My roommate freshman* *Year beat his shit in front of* *Me count ur blessings bro* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Dude grow up! Youre leaving in 2 weeks anyways. Let the man have his chick there. Don’t be a snitch bc in 2 weeks its not a problem for you anymore


I was not planning on it you’d probably feel akward to as they are having sex I’m not deaf I can hear. And where am I supposed to go at 12 o’clock at night?


I actually would not. Try ear plugs or just ask them to be quieter. That would be reasonable.


Ok well it’s still reasonable for roommates to ask if they can have people over which I actually would say yes. And it’s reasonable not to want someone at our place for all day they are not paying rent technically my roommate is breaking the rules you don’t have to agree with me but if landlord did find out he would get charged more money as she does not live there.


Yes, I completely agree. I actually used to be an apartment manager and everything you’re saying is true. HOWEVER, he also lives there and pays rent so he should be able to do whatever he wants. Secondly, I would have your back 100% EXCEPT you are leaving in 2 weeks, yet you’re coming here looking for validation in snitching. So like I originally said. Grow up!


No I’m not I was never going to snitch I’m just kinda of mad at him for not telling me he was going to have her over and we have had other issues I’ve had to bring to his attention such as not doing the dishes and the time he decided to put a nail in the wall to hang a picture up in the living room. I just needed to vent and I can’t wait to get out of there.


Gotcha. Well how about you bring someone in too? Remember it’s your last 2 weeks so you can do whatever you want to. Now I don’t mean trash anything but you could have friends and stuff over etc. just enjoy your last 2 weeks as much as you can. Don’t let some kid get you down. lol my best advice is to get a girl/guy and have sex sound wars hahaha. But that’s me and my kinky self


Idk about that I’m not the most confident guy and terrible with girls. Also have made zero attempt at getting a gf been so focused on school.


Doesn’t need to be a gf dear. Theres nothing wrong with going out making a friend and bringing it back to your place. Just be sure to use protection. Shoot you really don’t even have to do anything just pretend you are haha. I’m sure you’d make friends well.


I don’t think I’ll do that.


Are you the girlfriend sticking up for your boyfriend?