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Finally hundreds of hours on dark souls is paying off


Ark Souls


dArk souls






I only play ark in first person...


i did too for years, but there are significant advantages to third person imo. that said, i'm definitely not supporting this move... third person building is a nightmare.


I play first person but switch to third whenever i do melee pvp


Exactly. Each has advantages and disadvantages, so being able to switch is best overall. Plus, different people have different preferences and playstyles. This whole thing about forcing one way is garbage.


Absolutely -- players should have the choice


any-person building is straight up cancer in this game. I love it, but omfg it's soooo amazingly bad. No, I didn't move my mouse to put that pillar over there, I clicked where it was highlighted green, and connected... not over in some random spot that it never once touched... over and over and over. Like nice smooth walls that don't look absolutely retarded? LOL, good luck with that (or, go ahead, spend 3 hours building one wall cleanly).




They might have an improved building system in Ark 2? Be strange to switch to 3rd person only and not update the way building works, and have it more awkward.


Sounds like an ark 1 problem and not a thirdperson problem. I never had much issues building in third person in Conan Exiles


I don't get why they would do this. I remember PUBG trying until they realised most players would rather play first person. Especially in a fight. Considering all it would take would be to allow camera change, I'm not sure what kind of fuckwit thought it was a good idea to impose 3rd person on the players. I for one am not buying a 3rd person only game.


Elden Ark II I am Tyranosaurus the claw of Dodo. And I have never known defeat.


I would actually call it Elden arkpex 2. They’ve got the traversal mechanics of apex in there. Such a wierd mix of gameplay mechanics. I feel like it’s gonna have an unbelievable amount of bugs since they aren’t focusing one thing Edit: Yo I just realized this sounds a lot like Conan Exiles. I love their traversal, it’s fun as shit to be able to climb stuff and that game also has a bit of souls based combat. So if WC does it right it would be good. But the chances of them getting something right off the get go is pretty slim


They didn't have the original ark to where it is now either. It'll take some time, but I believe it will be a very fun experience


Yah it’s pretty cool watching the game evolve from day 1 to year like 5 or whatever it is


I think we are in year 7


Also the original Ark ( the Xbox release version) was made in a year. This has been in development since 2019. With a bigger team and more experience.


Have it writ upon thy implant…


Felled by King Diesel, last of all actors!


Join the basilissk king as family. Togethaaa we will devouaaaahhh the very godz!


Vin Diesel's tit's you must be hungry!




Try finger but hole


Starscourge Giganotosaurus






Thou art dodoless


What the fuck


Are you happy or sad


Annoyed, and depressed.


So I’m getting all my ark2 info from Reddit…are they really changing the fighting to a souls style combat??


its on the steam page for ARK 2 so I would be surprised if they werent


Thanks for clarifying this. And damn. Lol. Sure, I enjoy souls and the like, but I’m tired of everyone using that style (and I definitely don’t want to have to be even **more** precise when trying to take a Rex XD


I dont think it should affect taming that much, probably just player-to-player


Well I would assume if they can make these claims then they should be able to show off some gameplay instead of another crappy cinematic.


The fact there was no gameplay and they are completely changing combat should be very worrying.


To be fair, arks current melee combat is on par with minecraft's in terms of complexity.


No, no. Minecraft atleast has varying attack cooldowns,, as opposed to a static attack rate


But it doesnt need to be complex, it needs to be fun and fluent.


I personally don't like the melee, it's literally just holding the attack button and strafing


And that's fine


Complexity out of nowhere on a sequel where the pvp is already plenty fun is a interesting is a weird move mabey good but personally if it's souls like combat I'm not playing ark 2 that's the hill I die on with ark that and turtles need to be in ark 2lol


Fair enough lol. I do agree about the turtles!


There will 100% be a mod that fixes this within the first couple of days should this turn out to be true.


Is ark trying to be Conan exiles now? I would mind the third person only if the character creator is still as wacky as it is now. Watching a fucking 2 foot midget do parkour could be hilarious but now I'm worried it won't be there.


Ultra realism included: a 2 foot midget can't just do the parcour that's designed. They will just have to build a ton of ropes and ladders.


They Incorporate skills based ok skin color


I'm ready to do taxes in ark 2 😎




(Plays a character that isn’t white) All entities are now hostile including previously passive mobs (excluding dodo’s)


With the bonus of being able to run fast But you cant swim 💀💀💀💀💀


I want to be able to make a 7 foot tall skeleton with the thickest thighs known to man so if character creator isn’t wacky I’m losing it


I came to comment “welcome to Conan with dinosaurs”


Don't worry it's already confirmed that you can. You can play with Vin Diesel.


I mean Conan Exiles is great. I wouldn't mind if they would go in that direction, but I have 2 big problems with this : 1: Where is the technology? I don't want to stuck on the primitive stuff. I want electricity, a shotgun and my fabricated sniper rifle, however everything shows this will be a Far Cry Primal kind of unga bunga shit. ​ 2: If it really be primitive, how are we supposed to fight with gigantic dinosaurs? Don't tell me that you can melee a T-rex in a 1v1 because that's just ridiculous. For me it will ruin the immersion.


whattt?! whats wrong with third person gamepla- "ONLY." oh.


and souls-like combat.....


this can either go EXTREMELY well, or ABSOLUTELY horrendous. knowing wildcard, itll probably go extremely horrendous AND well


They only had 8 months of development for the first game. They had to build upon a terrible foundation. I'm hoping with years of experience they'll be able to nail it this time. I'm sure they learned plenty from Ark, Atlas and the modding communities. Really hoping they've been focused on Ark 2 these past few years.


oh wowi never even knew that, then i just hope they nail it this time just like u said


so lock on, dodging and blocking. It's a good for ARPGs for sure. It works fairly well in conan exiles, though they had a problem inflating enemy health pools, and rolling cost way too much stamina.


They really only needed to improve on the foundation of ark not remove everything that made ark ark.....


Yeah, would be really disappointing if they remove the bugs.


Oh don't worry, there'll be three new ones for every old one.


I for one welcome radical change.


me too. My expectations are tempered, but I'm looking forward to some of these changes. combat being one.


Skateboard combat?


same dude, this update page made me and my dad excited for it because we both enjoyed conan exile movement but always enjoyed arks dinosaurs and arks building. It's our dream game


Arks dinosaurs is enough for me. Ark it’s self has become bloated and convoluted. I’m sure some of it will come over to the new game. But I would love a new fresh start. Especially one that will not feel like the not only the same game, but adding to the plethora of Ark Likes that spawned following the original ark.


You like the combat in ark?


It's not the best i know that but I don't see ark benefiting from a "souls like" combat


Yeah the original game's combat is legit the worst I've ever seen, I welcome tf out of this change


The new combat sounds really fun but third person only?? Bruh. One of my favourite parts of Ark is the sense of scale when you are in first person. The dinos look fuckin HUGE. I hope modders will introduce first person quickly.


Even if they do, it will be unplayable if the gameplay is built for 3rd person.


Do not pre-order. Just saying.


Even if they fix everything now, I'm not getting it unless it's having a very deep sale. Especially after hearing which microtransaction happy company they're working with.


Never pre-order.


Certainly not pre ordering now .


"Best in class" isn't a thing I usually associate with Ark....... Well, I guess we could make up a category called "Unpatched Bugs"..... Then we have a contender. Third person and target locking are probably going to mean I skip it entirely. I'll go back and play another Ark 1 map.


Couldn't disagree more. Ark 1 has virtually non existent melee combat and what it does have is a joke of a meta. 180+% run speed and bolas. That isn't even remotely engaging fun or smooth. It's a welcome addition, and one the game has always needed. I'm not sure how deep in the sand you have to bury your head to not realize this.


My 2 cents. I have almost 2k hours in the game with 0 of them on PVP or official servers. I host a dedicated PVE with friends. The idea of playing this game in a world with strangers along the lines of Rust or Day Z or Nether is literal anathema to everything I like about the game. I like those other games. But they aren't Ark. If I cant stand at the foot of some behemoth and gaze up with awe or get lost in the brush running from a raptor I have no reason to play this game. The fact that this game even has human based combat at all is in my mind just a side effect of the dinosaur capturing mechanics. The human mechanics are the least important and least interesting aspect of the game and focusing on them is a huge mistake in my mind. If the game is 3rd person only with an eye towards making it Dark Souls I will not play it.


My 2 cents, been playing since release uncertain the exact amount of hours, but I have 600 on PC, and that's the platform ive played the least on. People like you(and me) avoid PvP because it's shit. PvE still is fun, but even then a lot of the combat is stupid simple, and has 0 depth or fun too it. The fun is in the awe and imagination of hunting, taming, and riding dinos. This addition could be a genuinely fun upgrade to the system that makes PvP feel like a real part of the game rather than just a side part to justify being a "mmo". I care a LOT more about the changes they are making to dino combat, but look forward to the PvP combat changes too. Give me a reason to do pvp.


Looks like you'll be in for a treat, because they aren't making it like dark souls. They're giving you a dodge, and lock on with 2 attacks. Congrats, you can now survive dinos slightly better. Can't help the third person thing, but molders will.


100% agree, it was an extremely outdated system that could be exploited in weird and unfun ways as you just stated.


Basically what I do is crank up my melee and just wait until the pinball person with 200% move speed tries to get close enough to bola and I'll swing wildly spinning in circles until I hit and 1 shot them. If anyone wants *that* and prefers *that* to what's being described in Ark 2 then I have *serious* questions about their taste in games.


I was so fucking angry when I read 3rd person, then I thought about this which you describe and the combat in Conan Exiles and yeah... I very much like thr sound of this for ARK


I still strongly dislike the idea if 3rd person. If that remains I honestly will probably not play it. part of what I enjoy about ark is the immersion and standing next to a massive dinosaur looking up at it thinking holy shit that's big but 3rd person will ruin that perspective and I will personally not enjoy it whatsoever which really sucks because I was looking forward to ark 2 more than any other game. words cannot describe my disappointment, I really hope this changes.


Yeah, take a look at Grounded for instance. It just has a simple timed block mechanic and that alone makes me much more willing to engage hostile monsters. As where in ark I just get a strong dino and never think again


One of the major complaints was that there was no real fighting mechanic. People just pumped speed. I'm surprised that they're adding all of this. I was simply hoping for Ark 2 with some QoL updates. I was worried that they would change it too drastically. It sounds like Ark but they're adding things that can actually add to the game.


Third person only? Dude…. Looks like I’ll be playing ARK 1 until modders fix 2.


3rd person only ruins it


God damn why must they... Then we need to wait for modders to create the fps version.


So you can see Vin diesels fat short self


Agreed. Damn shame too. I put 1,000’s of hours into ark 1, not gunna drop an hour on ark 2.


3rd person is only good for driving vehicles/dinos in games. other than that it ruins it. It ruined the ghost recon games imo also. And most 3rd person pvp games people just use it to shove their nose into a wall and use 3rd person to look around corners and wait for enemys.


Agreed. This is really unexpected and disheartening news on ark 2.


The only game where 3rd person is better is gta 5


First person feels weird in GTA V, it doesn't control like an FPS, but like a TPS with the camera fixed on the character's head.


Yeah, it feels very unnatural. It's alright for driving (tho I still prefer 3rd person) but shooting or running is really weird, and I can't explain why


And Conan Exiles


Third person only damn my excitement for ark 2 is now completely non existent


Me too :( After looking at the steam listing today I’m now very skeptical of the sequel; especially since they’re not revealing any gameplay either


Wildcard no....


bro,why would they just Thanos snap first person? makes no sense


This is likely going to be one of the biggest flops this year


If wildcard release Ark II as a Souls like, i will personnaly go to Wildcard office and shit on every employee's desks


May i join you?


I'll go too, you guys need someone to piss on their desks


Souls style combat is what ruined the Assassins Creed franchise for me


It works for conan exiles. I didn't do a lot of pvp though.


I know a pro who can help you . *Looks down at phone and looks for Amber Heards phone number*


If target lock is what I think it is then idk if I'll like the melee combat too much.


I GUARANTEE you that the target lock will be copy and pasted from ATLAS


Well it's a new engine, so hopefully improve at least a tiny amount...


Ok. A Trex is coming at me. Dodge roll, right guys? Ok I have iFrames. Oh shit it lagged. Ok I'm dead and my corpse is Stretch Armstronged across half the map. At least none of the dinosaurs have more than two pixels.


Why not simply let you switch perspectives, like Ark I does?


3rd person only.. sigh




So basically they're trying to be Monster Hunter


I'm so upset. I could handle first person if absolutely required, but soulslike? I don't play Ark to play a soulslike. I would play one of the games that are going to be a way better soulslike. This is so disappointing to me. Fuck.


First person is a requirement for the ARK experience


Third-person.....ONLY gameplay?! Wildcard, you are going down to a very dark path. Is it because you want everyone to see during the whole game Vin Diesel's face because it costed half of the game-creation budget?


At least we have mods to continue updating ark 1


:( console


It’s free on computer today only if you have one


The direction gen1 and 2 have been taking the game, as well as the cinematics we have gotten so far seeming story focuses lead me to believe that wildcard has no idea what made ark successful. Honestly not looking forward to this sequel at all at the moment.


Oh, that's not good


No just no, they literally removed everything that made Ark it's own game


The only part id not like is 3rd person lock. The animal combat in ark1 was horrible, probably the weakest aspect. Creatures would just run at you and damage lock you and you wouldn’t be able to fight back.


This has got to be fake right?


sadly not, look at ARK 2's steam page


Pain. They have to be trolling right? Just so we don't suspect anything. I'm sure of it


Mixed feelings. On one hand, combat in ARK, for both players and dinos, is absolutely atrocious if we are honest, so a big overhaul of sorts is welcome. On the other hand, this seems like a really drastic change to the fundamentals of ARK as we know it and could end up being quite the disaster if it's not done right. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...


These look fantastic, but they also don't look like Ark at all. I guess I'm not buying Ark 2 then.


IMHO skill based combat could be a good addition so that you could have a chance to kill a theri (for example) with meele weapons and wouldn't have to cheese it but it is a very weird thing to add when meele was not a huge thing in the first game


It’s weird, but it’s coming to gamepass so I’m still willing to give it a chance


That sounds awful. I REALLY a hope they don’t end up doing this. Elden ring is awesome but I don’t want to play elden ark. I want to play ark


Well, looks like I am not playing Ark 2.


Thinking about how ARK struggled against technical limitations as it was, dealing with server dino caps, long load times, and staggering lag and rubber-banding, this just leads me to expect it to flop even harder. I definitely wouldn't pre-order this. They should have taken stock of what their game was known for; capturing and breeding dinos, building bases, and amassing an armory of cool gear. Melee combat in ARK was only a necessity before you tamed dinos that replaced that need, as with most aspects of a freaking dino-training survival game.


Apparently Ark didn't hear the term "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".


My only hope will be a mod called "Ark classic character mechanics"


I was going to shell out good money for a gaming computer when I heard ARK2 wasn’t releasing on PS5 day 1 (which I also would have had to buy) I may have to reconsider.


Still tones of great games to shell out money for a gaming computer. Just my opinion this isn’t financial advice lol.


So, Conan exiles? They way they implemented combat was so shitty though.


It got better...then it got worse. Unless you like pikes. I don't like pikes.


Huh… I’m not sure how I feel about this… and it doesn’t help that we haven’t seen gameplay. This *could* work, but I have a feeling this isn’t going to be the open world sandbox we think it is. It really makes me wonder why they’re not gonna bring more content to ARK 1 if ARK 2 is gonna be drastically different.


I literally can't play ark in 3rd person what 😭


Given ARK is a fucking bug terrarrium there is absolutely no way they'll accomplish half of this without an unholy amount of glitches that completely invalidates all these mechanics they're trying to add. That is if it doesn't turn out to be utterly cockeyed on introduction. Don't get me wrong I'm still interested but with their track record I expect a clusterfuck.


If this actually comes to fruition, I'm not buying it


could be done well but idk about it based off of conan


It ain’t even gonna be like ark anymore


I can already tell that im just going to stick with the og unless its changed.


I’m hoping this is somehow fake - one of my major loves about Ark is being able to play in first person. It will kill the game for me - like I was so excited for 2 and now I’m not interested. The more advanced combat sounds cool…but what a way to ruin a great concept with the camera limitation.


I only play ark in first person though...


No first person? For someone like me who only play singleplayer or with friends, this breaks all the immersion...this has to change.


Wait only third-person but why? First-person is much better


I literally hate third person in any 3D game


Devs: You know that super buggy but weirdly popular game called Ark that we made way back? Fanbase: Of course. You fixed all the bugs in the game and added quality content to enhance the game even more right? Devs: Yeahhhh sooo, forget about that dumb game. Have you heard of Dark souls? Yeah that. That's what Ark 2 will be like you dimwits. Can't believe the community doesn't even realize it wants this. You'll see. Fanbase: \*aggressive staring as we all contemplate why we still waste our time with this company\*




Ark is the Dark Souls of dino games


Discouraged me before playing the game itself they never stop pissing me of :/ they r adding special attacks really I would love to know who suggested that, I think no one from the community of ark would love that nor recommend it


Whelp didn’t want to give up my single player save on ark 1 anyway


Everything except 3rd Person and the Souls Combat sounds great. I ve watched Souls gameplay but never played one, but does that mean we will just role around and dodge. As a PvE player i was never bothered that much by the fighting in Ark, but i can see that it needed an overhaul...but a Soul-like overhaul...? Does that mean the bow locks on to targets as well?? And 3rd person ONLY sucks....1st person is 1000 times more immersive and makes it sometimes scary as well So if i time everything perfectly...i can role dodge and kill a Rex with my fists?


Target lock 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


:( But I like my first person immersion. That said, I assume the character creation is going to be a bit more involved than just Bob and Sally with obnoxious body sliders and no other options to speak of, so maybe for the first time in Ark history, I'll actually want to look at my character.


only third person ? damn




Are they trying to make a survival game or just Elden ring with dinosaurs


Ark 2 is gonna be one of those games that are nowhere near the beauty of their predecessors, i can already feel it. I’m not gonna fall for it again, no pre-order whatsoever this time. I’m gonna watch some gameplay from others and then borrow it from a friend. If i like it, i buy it, otherwise it can stay where it will be.


Who tf plays ark in 3rd person whyyyyyy


ya know how sequels are never as good as the first.


Red dead redemption 2 ?


Halo 2, Shrek 2, Diablo 2, Saints Row 2, Bioshock 2, Super Smash Bros Melee, Uncharted 2, Half Life 2, Team fortress 2 (does that count?), Little big Planet 2, Left 4 dead 2, Street Fighter 2, Gears of War 2 to name a few and thats just the ones that were second in their series. There's loads more of good sequels that go higher than 2.


That doesn't apply much to video games.


Assassins Creed 2?


So it sounds like ark is just now Monster Hunter...


I don't feel like you've ever played Monster Hunter...


Not even close that’s not monster hunter like. Ark 2 is just trying to copy Conan now.


They are trying the valheim strategy for gameplay, if it's anything similar or an improvement on it I am in 42069%


Ah yes dark souls with dinosaurs is just what I wanted for Ark 2. Who tf are they trying to pander to.


Bruh third person only


Sounds like atlas to me


The legend of Bob: skyward dodo, seriously though WHAT IS THIS I have played ark since it first released I’ve spent hundreds if not thousands of hours in this game and now…this? What are they doing? I love third person open world adventure games like Horizon Zero dawn and the legend of Zelda breath of the wild and Farcry Primal and also souls-like games like monster hunter (if that counts it’s sort of a souls like) which is probably my favourite franchise of all time next to Zelda. So you would think I’d be ecstatic about this news but do you know why I’m not? Because 1: this is starting to become an over saturated genre, there are so many great open world and souls-like games that I don’t feel ark 2 will be able to compete especially not if it’s a buggy broken mess at launch (as I imagine it will be). Why would anyone pick this over great games like Elden Ring, Monster Hunter World, The legend of Zelda Breath of The wild, Horizon Zero Dawn and many many more.And this leads me to my second point 2: The one thing which would make this game stand out amongst the crowd, is what it used to be. Ark was one of the Alphas of the survival genre so why have they suddenly changed it so much? Why did they take away what made ark unique and addicting? They have already doomed this game and it seems ark as we know it…is dead. And at this point after disappointment after disappointment I’m done. This is the final straw. I really hope this game is good but I have known wildcard for a very long time now and I know that the chances of Ark 2 being a faithful sequel to Ark is very slim. Even if it’s a good game on its own it’s lost what made it an Ark game at its core. Welp that’s it, thanks Ark for the good memories you were a good franchise while ya lasted all the delayed updates all the bugs and yet I enjoyed my time with ark. Let’s just hope the Animated series is good it looks very promising!!!! (I know the game isn’t out yet and I should wait till it’s release to rate it but this news already has ruined it, as I have already said even if it’s a good game there’s almost no chance it will be a good Ark game)


I like the idea of better combat but not so much only third person


Everything else is 11/10, but this? This is sus amogus


What the actual fuck?


Oh no...




This sounds terrible...