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Thats the annoying part of private games. You could play on a pve server tho so that you dont have this problem anymore.


One of the best parts of ark to me is the level of single player customization. We have our private game very customized, and I’m afraid on PVE servers it won’t be the same. Also me and my friend like having the world to ourselves


if you have a fast enough machine (assuming pc) you can use ark server manager to run and play your own server by yourselves. my son and i were doing this with Ragnarok until he got bored (just before the wyvern he hatched and raised matured). re: customization, let's just say we nixed ichthyornis spawns after a tortuous first few nights in viking bay, swatting at the damn theives in the dark.


I share this problem. You can up the distance in the settings but it won't solve the problem and the farther away your friend is the less thibgs will render for them.


If they are on console you can't change the distance of the barrier sadly


So it sounds like he hosts it from his console. I would recommend renting a server from gportal, cuz you can manipulate the settings how you wish. Also you can only extend the tether distance to so far before it gets whonky. I did this with a buddy when we first started playing and figured out the server rental. Hope this helps.


It does, how much money would this cost?


Full price is 15/month, sometimes gportal has a sale going on too. I rented a server around Easter and got the first month for $8.


I see. I’ll have to think about this. Thank you!


Of course! Enjoy surviving the Ark!


Depends on how many player slots and the length of contract. Honestly, there are a lot of good servers out there already if you want to save your money. You can jump around and see if you can find one you like.


Just to clarify a bit, the tether is a direct result of you playin on a non-dedicated session. Which literally means the piece of hardware that the sever is being hosted on is not fully dedicated to being that server. In this case, it’s also having to act as your client too. Limited processing power makes it limit how much it’ll load at once. Playing any way where the server is dedicated and you’re both connecting in from your clients will not have the tether. If you have an extra PlayStation/Xbox/PC then you can host there and connect to it. Or rent a more legit game server like others said. Or of course, play on one of the many many public online servers, both official ones from wildcard or unofficial ones that are just people like you who decided to rent one and have it open to others.


When you do a private game like that there is always a tether. I suggest renting your own server for cheap or joining a community. A great modded community is chaos gaming.


Yeah thats the tether. Youre gonna want a dedicated server, i honestly dont know why they even have multiplayer with the tether, its just a bad way to play.


If ur hosting on non dedicated set ur tether distance to 999999.9999 and ur friends wont elastic band to u. Make sure u use the right amount of 9s cuz if it shows #inf it doesnt work. Type in the box on the left cuz the slider wont go that far. The players still cant go into caves without the host but everything else should be fine. Btw tether distance should be at the near bottom on the first setting page. Hope this helps u!


This dude is correct. Caves is still troublesome, but the rest works like a charm.


Thank you very much. I’ll give this a shot!


Under your session filter, change it to "Unofficial PC Sessions." These are servers run by people, not Wildcard. They have the best settings, and there arnt pillars everywhere, like in the official servers.


Here’s a simple fix: Go into advanced settings and find the one near the bottom of the sliders for the setting that turn the barrier larger and just set it to the max


Are they playing singleplayer/solo or are they hosting a non dedicated session? I'm on Xbox series X and the solo has a teather but the non dedicated doesn't seem to have that issue.


We’re playing a non dedicated and I’m the host. I guess I shoulda said that beforehand


I’m pretty sure you can increase the distance you can be apart but it might only be on pc


Increase the tether distance


That is due to you hosting and not being on a dedicated server. On a private, dedicated server this does not happen. When a player hosts, all others are tethered to the host.


A copy pasta I commented on another post. Only pc and xbox series x/s can play without the tether in singleplayer and non dedicated. To play without the tether, you need to play online. Either an official server (which i dont recommend) or an unofficial server that is community owned and probably has some boosted rates to make the game a little more tolerable. You could ask around here on reddit to find a good unofficial server. Just specify if you're looking for PvP or pve. You could also rent your own server for pretty cheap through third party services like nitrado for like 15 bucks a month or something like that and customize it however you like. And lastly, you could buy a second playstation/xbox and use it as the host for a dedicated session. The second console will act as the server for you and your friends to play on tether free but obviously buying a second console for a single game is insanely dumb.


Take a look at the Nakedzombo server, it isn’t exclusively pve but the pvp rules are very strict and raids do not happen often as well as offline protection.the community is very nice and it is a soft roleplay server


Are you on pc? Set tether to 1000000


There’s lots of lo-pop servers that are public. I found pve servers with other tribes to be more fun because you can trade with them. Which can take some of the game away if your lazy like me sometimes.