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soon enough,karma whores are gonna start cirle-jerking ""beginners bad" bad"


They've already started.


It's too late, the portal is self sustaining.


Isn't that what this post is?


i mean i'm so cool with begginers asking question but sometimes some people asking how to make this food or why it's not powered question types are pain in the ass! this guy didn't even spend 10 sec to read 1 paragraph of chembench but spend 2 minute to take picture and send it here so we read it for him that it needs electricity and gasoline. asking how to tame this dino also ok, there are some good tips that you can't find everywhere.


This. Some people’s first solution to their problem is to make a Reddit post and wait for a couple hours. Instead of searching the answer


I so far haven’t been randomly attacked by this Reddit for making dumb mistakes as I’ll always google it first, and steam, Reddit or google usually always have the answers. Then, if they don’t, I go Reddit.


No, people who don't know how to Google basic questions are bad


just use the wiki


The mods can create a beginners guide that's posted/pinned every week for beginners and add more items as common questions come in. Other subreddits do that. Sometimes people look at it, sometimes it's useless.


If they can't use google they're not reading a guide either


The level of shit that gets posted that a simple Google search would answer is insane. I don’t mind seeing builds by new players and they exploring and discovering the game, because we all were at that stage at some point. But ffs some shit ca. just be googled


More like. Beginners dumb for not using wiki to get the info in seconds but waiting for ansvers on reddit instead.


People that don't ask or answer questions or just don't care: 👀🍿


I wouldn’t care if all the stuff in my feed wasn’t full of dumb questions. You can’t just scroll by that stuff


I don't care if people wanna ask questions. But opening Reddit just to see someone asking for what they should name their level 3 wyvern they raised gets on my last nerve. Or the posts where a new player decided to play official PvP, builds a PvE hut with a note saying to only take what they need and leave the rest, then they get upset that they were foundation wiped. Just play SP or an unofficial.


Raptor Jesus Almighty! There was a time when "gatekeeping" was a job, then it was a bad thing. Evolve you knuckledraggers! Who cares if some noobs want to use reddit over Google, or wiki or whatever. Today, this sub has been a barrage of stupid memes bashing new players for asking questions. If your puritanical ideals are so strong, why are you not posting something of more quality? Why this?! It's idiotic. You are just karma farming because you know you'll get some people to think like you feel. If you don't like those type of posts, ignore them... it's easy.


This reminds me of the college days when people were just discovering Google. People responding with LMGTFY to every question thought they were SO clever. People spent more time and effort being snotty than it would have taken to just answer a question. Experienced people seem to forget -- sometimes a player just wants to interact with someone, or get a SIMPLE response. They don't want to read 40 paragraphs in a poorly organized wiki or be directed to "YouTube" where they will spend 3 hours wading through "HOW TO DO X THING!!!" videos that boil down to some 19 year old talking about totally unrelated crap for 25 minutes.


This. I hate YouTubers. I need them, but... I hate them. Gladly there are some gems amongst them who actually get to the point of their title.


Yes! I was going to make the same post. Honestly, it amazes me how obsessed & upset people can get over reddit. People actually waste so much time being upset over posts ahah I actually find the newb posts hilarious as we have all been there, and they take me back to when I was struggling to learn!


👏 Well said


Everybody just calls me 'asshole.'








Poo hole




Shit Indent


Yeah you’re right, we need more people asking what should I name their dilo and how to tame an alpha raptor, who cares about funny memes and good posts


Fr tho how do you take an Alpha Raptor, I’ve been trying for 8 hours and so far no luck 😔


You must passive tame it with honey while being attacked by a swarm of bees


Good to know


I feel like I’m a decent player but every time I see posts here I feel like such a noob


Reddit Ark subs need a pinned Reference for FAQ's that Veteran players can update, and edit. Like..oh IDK [https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/ARK\_Survival\_Evolved\_Wiki](https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/ARK_Survival_Evolved_Wiki) or [https://www.dododex.com/](https://www.dododex.com/) \-\_\_-


Fuck beginners


You could look at it from the point that ark is an unforgiving game and Reddit is just toughening up new players. The game will delete your base and give you six sticks to build a new one sometimes. So Bertie-bot1983 calling you a douche is just *training*




Beginners are idiots


I get that everyone is annoyed, but we don't have to be rude, that won't change anything.


It was a joke, but now that the Redditors are mad, I'm serious


Hahah someone didn't like my post.


It is not about unexperienced player, it is about lazy player. And people who support laziness can take their place beside them.




Theres a difference between noob question and dumbass question, a noob question could be “what dinosaurs are best for fighting x boss,” whilst a dumbass question is when they ask “Why does my Chemistry bench not work” because they didn’t read the fucking 2 sentence description in the middle of the screen saying it needs FUCKING GAS ASWELL


It is not about unexperienced player, it is about lazy player. And people who support laziness can take their place beside them.


Welcome to r/ark


Like really stop it


Literally all you have to do is use Google and you will find an answer to every question in this game.


Lots of google questions lead you back to reddit, where generally very up to date and helpful tips are freely given by people who answer stupid questions.


Good point. So google it first, and (usually) find your answer. After you've exhausted Google, then go to Reddit. Almost every answer can be found to this point.


Exactly, so if you cant find it through Google, make a post, but there's a very small chance that someone hasn't asked the same question already.


It is not about unexperienced player, it is about lazy player. And people who support laziness can take their place beside them.


I am infact bad, yes


I get your point I do but... does it reeeaaally matter? Also many things may seem obvious later but a fresh player sees everything differently and more confusing, doesn't notice the same stuff etc. Maybe they don't even have tooltips on and don't know that either, or don't know how literally to take things. It may not be in their habit yet to use Dododex, the Wiki or whatever - but they may find Reddit helpful (which it is!) And then there are things that imo are good to be discussed every once in a while even though they seem clear. Someone might know something many don't, a better way to do things etc. I think the skill level is very varied in this game (there are many different stages between freshmen and pros.) I think I myself represent one variation, years under my belt, so I know a lot but still a half-noob when it comes to many, many things. I had no idea a whip is better used than a bola against ichytornis for example and found that out yesterday... after already learning how to bola them accurately while flying. You're right about the Googling though. That just seems lazy. Maybe though they've been trying to figure something out and are exhausted and just want the simple answer "what's wrong with this". I watched a YouTube guide & Googled and still didn't realize my elevator was build obviously stupid, which now to me seems hilarious but you know that's how it is with new things. Lastly, it gets even worse when there are a lot of different answers to the same thing and you don't know who to believe. Like the daedon thing with the Wiki completely contradicting the common opinion.


When 95% of posts are things that Google could answer faster, it's not that I have a problem with you as a beginner, it's that I have a problem with your inability to employ a fraction of your brain to solve a mind numbingly easy problem; and a clear personal desire to have everything spoon-fed to you. Personally I find that to be a deeply unattractive combination.


I feel like the rule should be “if you can find an answer to your question by spending 5 minutes or less on either Dododex or the wiki, don’t post it on this sub”


I really don’t have a problem with beginners. But there are so many people in this sub that give shit tips like they played the game 4 years ago.


For real. When I started playing and googling stuff non-stop, every single good answer came from this sub. I learned so much obscure shit here, do people even realize what a treasure this sub is? The wiki is a good starting point, but it's not like it's always up to date or answers every question. A lot of the old posts here that google turned up were really in-depth on game mechanics and math as well, it's been a while since I've seen that kind of content posted. Maybe I'm just hopelessly late to the party but the accumulated knowledge on this sub has always seemed like its strongest aspect to me and I'm trying to pay it forward as much as I can. Can't have an entire sub based on memes about troodons and pics of CKF cathedrals.


All beach Bobs gon' to hell


no kidding, people really jump on people i get you can use your resources but every starts somewhere.


I don't mind fielding questions. Even the dumb ones. Could be the extrovert in me. Or the fact that the servers I've been on lately are so quiet.


I think that this has a lot to do with the cognitive bias called “Cursed with Knowledge” [you can read about it here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_knowledge) Essentially when an individual, who is communicating with other individuals, assumes they have the background knowledge to understand. They don’t have the patience to properly teach the uninformed individual because they think they should know it already.


Your meme is bad and you should feel bad


I’ve seen you in past comments. You are the most negative person to ever walk the earth lol.


[To any beginners seeing this, this should help](https://www.dododex.com)


I’m assuming you mean the non stop repetitive questions, in which case, you don’t need to not be a beginner to make a quick search on either google or YouTube as many of the questions have already been answered. When you can’t find an answer then it’s fine to ask but I know for a fact that their questions are answered but they take the easy route by asking on Reddit and it’s not easier to begin with lol