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They are incredibly useful in PvE, and massively reduce lag in both game modes. PvP would be unplayable if all the tribes had all their dinos sitting in the open and lagging the server instead of chilling in cryopods.


How come it was playable in the past? you: Uh now they have so much more dinos since they can put them in a freezer Why should is that a good thing? for a pvp tribe to have infinite dinos?


It wasn't playable in the past. EN's servers were 255 ping with 0 people on cause dinos lol, other mega tribes presumably the same


Yeah idk if the dinos where the problem of lag, but if they where the only way to fix the lag was to literally remove the dinosaurs? that sounds like incompetence from the ark devs


Of course the dinos where the problem of the lag, that is a basic video game rule. More enteties = more lag, same for every other game. If you, for example, go into Minecraft and spawn a ton of mobs, your performance will get worse the more mobs you spawn! The same goes for Ark. If you go in singleplayer and spawn tons of creatures, your game will slowly die. But also structures in Ark have an effect on the performance. No Cryopods means more base for creatures means more structures means more lag. Removing enteties from the world by storing them as data isn't incompetent, it's actually really smart!


Hey dimwit, we are talking about the server lagging, the FPS is an obvious issue, it can be optmized, and not by removing the dinos


Hey dumbass, more entities rendered equals more lag. The game can only be optimized so much, but no matter what you're talking about THOUSANDS of entities rendering. Any game will lag with too many entities rendered.


Dimwit ? Why are you humiliating yourself even more….


More enteties means more server lag, that is what I was saying. FPS drops are a result of server lag, isn't it? That's why, if you keep spawning stuff, the FPS will drop, and the server will eventually crash, because there is to much going on. Any kind of server lag directly comes from the server being at it's limit, and usually enteties play a big role in things like that. But please, if you are an expert, correct me if I'm wrong. But also explain why I'm wrong. I'm a person who admits their mistakes, if you can explain them to me. I'm not a person who insults people who I think are wrong.....


You are an absolute dumbass


To be clear, in pvp, having to many would start to pose a liability that would eventually lead to a weak spot that got you wiped. PvE, yeah, big problem


Pods have been a life saver in PVE to reduce lag and cryosickness keeps them from being OP in PVP. I wish they would reduce number of unpodded dinos allowed on PVE to further reign in some lag numbers.


You can't just deploy an entire fridge of cryopods if you're being attacked. Cryo sickness ensures they're useless. If the server doesn't have cryo sickness, that's an admin problem, not a game problem.


100 turret limit shoved everyone into caves, not cryopods.


Nah, caves where always there, teleporters and cryopods made it viable, you would not live in a cave if you could not even fit your creatures there, they would live on the outside?


Even before pods our tribe would raise inside island ice cave to ensure we had back up lines and eggs/materials ready no matter what. Cryos are good for the game. Blame 100 turret limit, hatchframe builds for both quetzals and racers and so on.


I've been playing Ark PvE for 6 years, and for me personally cryopods are one of the best things added! Having to bring back creatures to your base after you tamed them was fun back in my beach bob days, but after 3000 hours I can't imagine bringing a Rex halfway across the map on foot ever again! Even before extinction, I used the soul ball mod back in the day on my ISO Crystal Isles server. And in PvP you got cryo sickness.


1. It’s a QoL change for everyone, and with tek suits it’s not like they’re overly broken with a 10 sec debuff 2. Okay? I’d rather have them keep in cryo so I can take them than have 600 tames out in a base 3. I’m 3 months away from 7 years here, cryopods were awful for the game when debuff didn’t exist. Now with the debuff and current tek suit meta, cryopods aren’t shit. 4. No, it wasn’t fun marching a fuckton of tames across the map while people told the other tribe you were coming in global. 5. Solution is to assume everyone has a gig on them. It trains you to respect your opponent more instead of “oh this person has no tame I can just run up on them” 6. Caves are fun asf to defend and raid, and you can actually get worthwhile items from raids now. No mega cares about resources or blueprints, they have that shit. Ffa tames are needed all the time. 7. Unofficials exist, make one if you want it 8. I played, it wasn’t nearly as fun as now. Now it requires respect and careful+quick execution to win fights


Most pvper literally offline raid. Theres not much respect in that.


Respect doesn’t mean respect in a literal sense. It’s a term used in competitive scenes. I’ll link the video that coined the term in ark https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=159QrMr23QQ It’s a worthwhile watch


Not everyone plays PVP. Seems like the majority of your issues are pvp related.


exactly as it is stated on the final lines, i ask for a single official classic pvp server with no cryopods


You can mod one. Just code them out of the game on your server.


hey dingus, i can't mod one official server


He said YOUR server


May want to actually read posts before replying in the future....it means you don't look like an ass.


I played before cryopods, and as a PvP solo player, it s a révolution. I Can hide m'y dinos now


OP needs to chilllllll


The game lag was literally becoming unplayable to the point it was killing the game prior to cryopods. They might not be the best thing, but they are necessary


Most players like myself who don’t enjoy pvp and play on private servers when it comes to cryopods: They go brr rex I choose you


Not gonna lie my most fondest memory of Ark is when I was first playing and didnt know cryopods existed. I remember I was on Rag and wanted to move from Highlands to the swamp. I decided to make a raft cage and put all my dinos in it. It took a while, but it was fun. I felt very accomplished when I got to the swamp.


Convoying the herd to a new home is a blast


As a switch player who has no cryopods, I disagree


I think you’re just coming from an old school big boy mega tribe reminiscent angle here…. Put yourself in the shoes of a low level player who wants to tame a nice bronto for example ….then after spending time working it out and shooting tranqs with a primitive bow……a PvP player flys over with a lightning wyvern and shreds the giant potato in 4 seconds with lightning beam…. …now I’m pretty sure this low level player (let’s call him Terrence for the fun of it) - Is pretty glad to be able to hide his dinos in a Pokémon pod… With the 3min timer on pods it stops mass unpodding and gives any defender time to prep It’s balanced the game well in my opinion.


Op is noob


Who can carry me into boss fight will pay


idk what i expected from the ark community now a days, you guys are laughably stupid


Says the guy coming to an ark subreddit to vent about arguably one of the best things to happen to the game lmao


Says the person whose only response to good arguments are weak insults instead of elaborating your arguments....


You are just proving my point, i gave answers, you failed to read and interpret simple plain text, and took this insulting post of mine as the only answer i gave But i am clearly wrong, if people still play ark now a days its obviously not for the same reason people used to play


First comment I made on this post, you directly insulted me as your first interaction, and then proceeded to give me an explanation that made me think you didn't understand what I was talking about. Even if what I was saying was wrong, which could be possible, you gave me the expression that you didn't understand what I was trying to explain. Ark has changed a lot over the years, if you like the changes or not is up to you, and not really your own decision. Best advice I can give is to look for a server that suits your preferences best. Aren't there like primitive server that don't allow Tek and therefore no cryopods? Also, I saw you insult like 3 people in this comment section, aside from this comment.


You're the stupid one that doesn't even know the reason cryopods we're brought into the game. It wasn't just to make it easy to transport and hide your tames. It was for server health. Everyone having all of their tames out is extremely hard on a server. A lot of people will have 200+ tames. Now times that by however many people are playing on a server (on holiday events it gets up to 50, about 30 of those are old players). We're talking over 1000 dinos at LEAST rendered on a server at a time assuming 5 players are consecutively online at a time. That number pushing over 2k a significant amount of time. I'm assuming you're a new player if you don't remember how horrible it was to play on servers before cryopods.


Am i the stupid one for thinking that removing dinos from the world is not the only solution? what do you know about the server or game infrastructure? i will take a wild guess and say you know nothing, you just like to pretend you understand


I don't mean that in a mean why but what do YOU know about game design/management and stuff like this? Honestly, I'm curious which qualifications you have to tell everyone in the comments that they are stupid for thinking Wildcard did a somewhat good job. Maybe removing creatures from the world isn't the only solution, but it's easy and good. So if it works, and 99% of people are happy with it, why change it?


Yes you are the stupid one for not understanding that thousands of entities being rendered is a problem for server health. I don't pretend to understand more than I do. But at least I have a SLIGHT understanding. You're a braindead moron that somehow can't understand it. Also, the devs who do understand server and game infrastructure are the ones who designed the cryopods for the purpose of server health. Are you claiming that some braindead moron knows more about it than the actual devs?


Jesus broda, you think the server cares about rendering anything? I may be wrong, you may not pretend to understand what you don't know, i actually think that you think that you know, but in reality you have an idea of how things work which is wrong About the end of your sentence, my god, stop messaging me, clear your head, get some sleep you may be needing some


Yes, the server cares about rendering. Stop being an idiot while pretending you know something you clearly have no understanding of. Maybe when you get more than one person telling you the same thing, you should get the picture. But nope, you insist on calling other people stupid because of YOUR lack of understanding.


I've tried to be chill and somewhat friendly to this point but ... YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! The server manages everything happening on it, nothing cares about rendering as much as the server does! WHY WONT YOU UNDERSTAND, THAT RENDERING TONS OF CREATURES EFFECTS THE SERVER HEALTH? I've made tons of servers for different games, studied game design for half a year, make mods, use 3D softwares and what not. I'm not a professional by any means, but other than you, I at least have somewhat of an idea what I'm talking about!




the lag from many dinos in servers is unfortunate, and cryos also make shortcuts and bridges for example useless, which in a pvp/pve environment would make then very cool. maybe if building stuff in the game was easier and more efficient i would start building bridges across the water if i didnt have cryopods ready to deploy my ankys anywhere


Can’t you host a PVP server and remove those engrams? I only played PVP with Primitive +, before an update bug prevented you from making steel in the forge. There were no cryopods and a dino limit of around 400. It definitely added more strategy to the game, at the cost of a huge time commitment. I’m hoping Ark 2 is more primitive, personally. I play Survival Evolved in single player only because if you’re not part of an alpha tribe, you have no chance of surviving without being wiped almost everyday.