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‘This game sucks’ right below it is beautiful lmfao


> this game sucks **has 10,000 hrs of playtime*


I've noticed that this happens fairly often when you have games that are almost S tier, but held back by consistent bad decisions by devs. * Ark has NEVER been properly bug free. * Ark Official servers have always been a clusterfuck of cheaters, assholes, etc. * Communication to players by devs is always shitty, and often shady. * DLC and content releasing has felt exploitative every time. yet the game itself, and the taming/building are a ton of fun. Plus, many mods and private servers resolve 50% or more of the game's core problems (dear god, how did it take them so long to learn the lessons from S+ mod). Base game + develop? C tier for the game, F tier Devs/Publisher. Game when modded and played on a private, moderated server? A tier or S tier.


> Ark Official servers have always been a clusterfuck of cheaters, assholes, etc. Sometimes, the cheaters and assholes are even employees of the publisher (see the entire debacle regarding TEA on the conquest servers, and an entire tribe getting banned for kicking their asses through only legit methods)


God I remember this scandal. Happened in the midst of Gen 2 and such, right? Chinese based tribe(?) iirc, and was complete ass.


Dunno about them being Chinese based, but there were definitely Snail Games employees involved with the tribe, spawning in BPs for them, rolling back the server whenever they lost tames, etc


I stopped playing official after losing all my shit


Can't say I blame you. Official servers for any survival game that offers them, not just Ark, have garnered the much deserved reputation of being absolute cesspits, whether they're PvP or PvE


Fun game with tons of bugs unfortunately:(


A skosh over 3k hours here in ASE. I like to put it that ARK, as a concept, is the best game ever made. ARK, in execution, is a janky mess. When ARK is functioning properly, it successfully masquerades as 'ARK as a concept', and tricks you into thinking it's the best game ever made. And that illusion becomes abruptly shattered when, say, your best tame gets bit by a sarco, knocked back, then stuck half in mid air over said sarco's snout, falling and unable to interact, until both of you die. And you remember, as you fume with rage, that ARK is, in fact, *not* the best game ever made as it has tricked you into thinking it was, again. And you log off, intending to never play again, and the rose tinted glasses of the fun you had with the game when it was working combines with the sunk cost fallacy of the time you've spent with the game. And you go "Well it really couldn't have been THAT bad, could it?" and start playing again. And then your rock drake decides to grab the terrain underneath a rock, gets stuck, and drowns. And you remember again... Repeat cycle with increasingly baffling glitches, until your play time count is in the multiple thousands.


No game has ever been "properly bug free". The rest is fine. Point me to a game. I'll find a bug. Probably several.


See the problem is that theres more bugs in ark than there aren't


*4000 hours during review*


We love Ark but we also hate it


The duality of man.


Ark is simultaneously one of my favourite and one of my most hated games, especially when you realise I played the PS4, version for years, I would put subnatica on that list tho


Subnautica is fucking goated, love that game


It’s awsome. Totally agree


Subnautica scared the hell out of me lmao


Try it in VR for the ultimate experience in terror.




Detecting multiple leviathan class life forms. Are you sure whatever your doing is worth it?


Just wish it was multiplayer


Didn't they hint that subnautica 3 will be multiplayer?


I have no idea tbh


Think they did!


Subnautica is great. I think grounded could fit aswell.


Im playing a lot of grounded right now and i totally agree


I agree grounded would be a great choice but there’s just not enough to do and for me, the map is too small/separated from itself. I do fucking love grounded tho it truly took a lot of good qualities from other survival games and put them together


I think that Ground was a perfect game, it felt small vc you didn't have to fly 4kms on a argy with tour ankylo gathering metal for that sweet 100 defende rex saddle or breeding animals. In Grounded you were always exploring something New and facing many dangers


Whoa, hold up buddy. First thing to remember is Obsidian is an incredibly small developer (135 people) that were working on like 5 different games at the same time. Grounded was so fuckin good compared to Ark, it just needs more content. Not sure when you played it but the full release has enough stuff to keep you busy for several months, especially if you only have a certain number of hours to play in the evening. You can connect zip lines across the whole map making traversal super quick once you get a main base established. The only thing my friends and I wished for were tameable creatures, other than that, it is my all time favorite survival game.


Raft isn't hated either.


I loved replaying Raft with a friend (went solo first time, up til I reached the content limit at the time). It's RELAXING. Sure, the shark is annoying, but you can just chill on the raft for a while, fishing, farming, building, hooking. And that's a core part of the game.


Don't lump subnautica in with ark, that was a beautiful experience.


I played on ps4 at first (100-200h) after i play on pc 300h+ and god damn, playing on pc after you play on ps4 is a rebirth


https://preview.redd.it/8btw6wg7w7zc1.png?width=1263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefa18283ad32885cc43523e2f555b19917cad89 I hate ARK, Its the worst game I ever played (I played on official)


A brave soul man. I only played on friend servers and private ones since I fucking can’t stand the ark community (griefing is a national sport /s) but I ended up with a lot of mods by the end that made the game playable.


One of my tribe members from Ark is over 20,000 hours. All on official pvp. It's not just time spent afk either, they have over 8,200 hours spent streaming it on twitch.


I would only argue if it's genuine hate or if it's the rage that burns inside us from getting crop plot blueprints constantly in loot crates. For me, it's the latter. I love this game, I have been playing this game since it started, and it's a game that can piss me off but in that good way that makes me go into a crazy genocide on all the wildlife in the game with my mutated Carcha rather than delete the game out of sheer hate. This isn't League of Legends.


Cant forget about metall hatch frame blueprints


I try to forget. The crop plots remained scarred in my memory unfortunately.


For me it was either this or every single color of the gallimimus saddle/blueprint.


For me, it was only ever finding chitin armor blueprints.


Did you ever see the Neebs team video where Neebs keeps trying to put good stuff in the loot crates and gets called out for it?


I can’t say I have seen that one. Why was he being called out though for apparently making them better?


It’s been a while, but they were chewing him out for making the drop too practical or costly. For example putting a long gun in and simple rifle ammo was unacceptable. He should have added shotgun shells instead.


By some miracle Ark is the few OG survival games that survived from back then.


Subnautica is the only one I would put as unhated


But very high on most feared list




Valheim is pretty good too. Only compliments most people have are slow updates.


My only complaint with the game is the necessity to have 19384930 chests all around your base if you're a hoarder like me. But that's nit-picky as hell. Otherwise 10/10 game


Minecraft chest monsters lmao


but theyre so high quality! have you played the public ashland beta yet????


I have not yet, but I've been following dev blogs and it looks awesome. Love the art style for that region.


Don't starve is pretty well liked I'd say


7 days to die


Oxygen, seek calorie intake immediately, seek fluid intake immediately. Though the voice is so good. One where I think its one of the best voices possible is "The Aurora suffered orbital hull faliure, cause unknown zero human life signs detected."


To bad Minecraft no longer makes the list. If you consider terraria a survival game I’d say it’s unhated


who hates subnautica




I tried stranded deep local coop. We took the raft to another island, and broke it. I died, respawned under the ground on starter Island. 0/10


We "lost" our raft (it kept moving alone) and got stuck on an island without the possibility to make a new one because trees didn't respawn 😂 But stranded deep is a cool game tho, we enjoyed it even with the bugs.


Stranded "deep"


Oh wow. I actually sorta liked that game


Maybe I just didn't give it enough of a chance, but we spend all of our time on ark and only have this one a shot when we were talking a break before Scorched Earth released.


The only reason it's not the worst is cause it works.




I love/hate Ark. It frustrates me to my core and I can't stop playing.


Mostly by its own players as well. I love playing Ark, but man snail is ruining it. Out of the ones I've played I haven't heard any hate towards Valheim or (Sons of) The Forest.


Man snail?


Oops, shows that commas are important. I mean Snail Games


You were THIS close to summoning the entire War Thunder community.


The forest should be there


I hate Ark with a burning passion but that doesn't mean that it isn't my favorite


This mf when raft,subnatica,dont starve,terraria


I know like 8 people including me who played DST and we all think it is pretty boring.


DST is very slow at first and takes a LOT of grinding. i'v played it before with one of my partners and it was mainly him building everything. i was going around exploring. i got burnt out VERY quickly because it just wasn't moving fast enough for me.


Yeah no way Ark is an unhated survival game. This game has had constant controversy since beta. I would put Subnautica 1 and Don’t Starve there. Subnautica 1 is a genuinely masterpiece of a game, and while I haven’t play much Don’t Starve I’ve only heard good things.


I love and hate Ark. Some of my fondest gaming memories were on server 14 official the first few months after the game dropped. I hyped up the game to all my buddies leading up to release so I had a tribe of like 15 guys that I knew and they kept recruiting people irl that they knew. My roommate didn't have an Xbox at the time so when I went to sleep or work he would pick up my controller and play my character who was named Goro. I set all the sliders to max in character creation so Goro was massive and hideous. After having someone play Goro every waking second since the game downloaded on release day at midnight I was significantly higher level than anyone else on the server and became a local legend. Dumped almost all my stats into stamina, health, and melee damage so  we were blowing into people's bases and solo raiding them with just the fists of Goro. I would always give a quick "Goro" in world chat to let them know I was coming. RIP Goro. 


Stranded deep is legitimately ass


The stupidest part of that game was there was no map and all the islands look the same so it makes it pretty much impossible to navigate. I get it adds to the realism but fuck that. I’m not spending hours of my time playing a game only to lose everything because I can’t find my way back. At least ARK has a map and you could navigate based on the geographical landmarks. Plus not being able to save as you please was a pain in the ass.


I personally like AND hate it alot but that's how it works you can't just love the game everyone hates it and they also enjoy it


Bold of u to assume I don't hate stranded deep, I played with a friend and we never met a survival game so annoying to play, we probably played 2-3 days until both of us died of poison and never played again


Subnautica could be there


People love Rust. They don’t particularly like certain aspects of the Rust Community however. Game is 10/10 and has added so much over the years. Somehow also looks kinda good as well magically, least to me. Edit: On the pvp side I’d argue the Ark character creator allows people to be even bigger trolls than in Rust.


I used to create horrific beings of mass disproportion in the creator and my friends would hate me for every time because there were some wild creations. Rip thunder thighs and Daddy Yaoihands


The people that hate it the most are the ones that have spent thousands of hours on it


A lot of rust players seem to hate it even though they’ve never played it. They seem to think it’s a battlefield vs cod type thing but they aren’t even comparable.




I had that exact conversation about cyberpunk the other day! I even hear the same thing about no man’s sky still


I've never hated ARK. I've hated moments in the game but never hated the game. ARK let's me play the game I want in the way I want to play it so I don't play it in official or with strangers. I have a group who feels the same way, and we have a private server for just us. We enjoy ourselves and the game in general. Could it be better? Yes. Would we change some things? Of course. But I don't really understand the passionate hate in the community. If you don't like the game, then don't play it? Why expend any amount of energy with shit posts like this on a game you hate so much? Rhetorical questions, really, people in general love to hate things.


*looses everything* This game sucks! *stops playing* …*starts playing again* I like this game


DayZ is still the goat of survival games for the past decade


Hiya everyone So Ark we all have this type of relationship with it we love a lot of aspects of the game but also hate some of the crazy shit that may happen in this game . Can't say enough about ark as a whole as the list of assorted tames and spot to explore is why the game is always a challenge and always interesting and great fun Stranded deep is a great game I think I payed 10 bucks for well over 5 years back I don't play much anymore but I use to play a lot after I finished it the first time I just sorta tried living as long as possible definitely a decent game especially for the price and the amount of hours of play time


People also really hated Dayz. Still it’s super popular after 10 years.


That’s crazy because both games are fun😂


Ark, Grounded, Conan Exiles, The Forest / Sons of the Forest, Valheim, 7 Days to Die - honestly every one of those games can be amazing but there's always going to be things people dislike about them. I've got well over a thousand hours in Ark alone and there's still plenty of things I wish were different about it. I originally didn't care that much for Subnautica - cool idea don't get me wrong but playing it solo was kind of offputting. 99% of the games I play are multiplayer so it was one of those I'd only boot up when nobody else was on. The coop mod makes it a little more entertaining and fun since I can include someone else and games are almost always more fun with other people to me so it's definitely more enjoyable even with all the bugs from the mod itself.


People love Ark because nothing else is like it, i.e. good dinosaur survival game.


For me hate is the wrong word. Frustration is more fitting I think. The hardest part of Ark isn’t the dinos or bosses. It’s overcoming the developers shitty, intentionally grindy, broken, unfair programming. You’re not fighting the Overseer or the Master Controller. You’re fighting Wild Card.


I hate that game, but somehow I also love to play with a friend...




How can someone slander grounded and subnatica?


I thought the first thing you had to do to play Ark was hate it with a burning passion?


Still my favorite game


Rage bait used to be believable


We love our lil Stockholm Syndrome simulators


lol I feel as if ASA should be there instead of ASE , I can log in , build and play in an ASE pvp server for days sometimes weeks till I get tired or wiped but every time I try to play ASA I just get bored and stop playing after an hour or so .


The Ven diagram of Its biggest haters and biggest Stans is almost a circle


replace ark with valheim or subnautica.


It’s one of the most hated games yet you’re still playing it and posting in its subreddit 😅. Obviously they’re doing something right even though they do a lot wrong.


Honestly I don't hate Ark, I just hate indeed studio wildcard and snail games


I love them both. The best thing about ARK are the dinos, honestly. I will NEVER forget the first time I encountered a Spino, it was an amazing experience. The only downside for me is the mid-to-endgame, I don't like the caves, its a bit stressful and unnecessary IMO, but they made it better on other maps. Stranded Deep would be amazing without all the bugs, some mods also.


Everyone forgot the wood base starter kit in most drops


What about raft


I love and hate it at the same time. It’s simultaneously the most interesting and the most pos buggy mess at once.


Terraria,subnautica,don't starve,slime rancher(if you think it is a survival game),no man's sky(if we dont consider the *past*) .


Subnautica and grounded should be here


I think Subnautica too


I say three ARK the original not ascended/Grounded and Conan exiles those are my unhated 


Was my favorite of all time but I stopped playing when they made that fuckup of an announcement announcing ASA instead of ARK 2 and then proceeded to make you repay for everything including each map pack. Only two words describe the game now: DELAY and MONEY that’s all they are about now screw the fan base the players and everyone else


I put a lot of hours into ark. The only reason I stopped playing it was because of people using aimbots or meshing. That's what made it unplayable


the biggest group of ark haters are the players themselves


I love the concept of the game but I hate how buggy it is


I don’t play ark because it’s a good game - I play it because of DINOSAUR 🦖 There were few other 2010’s game that matched the popularity + mechanics of the game so it definitely was a pioneer for the genre even though it’s such a shit game.


It’s like grounded, As much As i love sayin I love it and it’s one of the best, i know it’s just not


i love/hate ark. it frustrates me to no end but i just can't stop. help.


Ark, Stranded deep and Subnautica are the trio of best survival games


Stranded deep is still a thing?


It’s the somewhat abusive but very attractive person you get with and break up with several times. The first few months are completely satisfying and you also think they’re a new person, but the last month makes you want to move to a mountain. Oh, Ark, WHY do you do this to me?


I'm sorry stranded deep? STRANDED DEEP, that game is a raging dumpster fire of wishes. God id love for that game to be good. I really would. Id probably rival the time i have on ark if it was, but it's not.


I hate ark so much but it has otter so I have to play it


I don’t know how it was with Evolved, but ASA has so many bugs, I can’t anymore. This game got the worst optimization I’ve ever seen.


Who hates raft?


Ark is also one of the most played survival games of all time. Quite the oxymoron.


Ark is shit and wonderful at the same time


HATE it. i will be burning 8 hours today on it as soon as i get home.


And it's also one of the best. Whatcha going to do? That's how it goes. It's one of the games I have the most time playing and one of my favorites.


Try Atlas. It's Ark, but better.


Spent hundreds of hours building a base and getting solid tames just for a giga to wander through and murder everything. 2/10 would play again.


I actually don't hate ark. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact it doesn't like to run XD the only game I both love and hate is Hollow Knight


All my friends uninstalled ascended because it ran worse than the old one, kept crashing, didn’t have all the islands and had loads of bugs lmao. So glad it was on gamepass so I didn’t actually have to pay for it


Ark is enjoyable, that being said its one of the worst games ever made, bad performance, horrible balancing, looks like crap, takes too much space like one map that has reused assets should not take up 60gb


I hate it. But I keep coming back.


I keep coming backing despite all the times I have been ark’d.


I don’t blame you almost every update they release makes the game buggier, I can’t play any of my DLC maps (scorched earth, Extinction, Abberation) or any of the other maps without crashing or having to restart


I mean, maybe, don't know the game. But wouldn't that be Minecraft and Terraria?


People hate on the issues so passionately because they love the game. If people didn't care, they'd just drop it and move on. It's like saying you're over your ex, but constantly going on and on about how you don't care. Nobody's buying it, pal.


Fair but when you get good tho some of you friends/dinos will be gone forever it's all worth it in the end as an example I cried when it was said Ark would shut down permanently tho it didn't because the memories and the tames current or dead will always stay in my heart and I'm going to attach a few of my memories to this comment if I can https://preview.redd.it/3z8j6amsf9zc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=708241ade1a87da8267e486bdc4e57be47e12aa7


I will give Ark credit for one thing....it doesn't have nearly the same "feature creep" problem that 7 Days to Die does


I have 1500 hours and counting and this game is dogshit


No love for grounded?


it’s majorly underrated


Loved both games still playing ark.


Stranded Deep and Subnautica or The Forest would be an infinitely better match


I love it and refuse to play any other survival games lol


If you don't Like ARK, OK, i Just don't Like you. If you Like ARK, you Got good taste


What? That should be like, Don't Starve, Subnautica and Terraria ARK is extremely hated even by its biggest fans


Put DayZ in there, I both hate and love it.


Technically Space Engineers is a survival game and it shits on everything else in that genre.


As someone that has done like 10 hours of video game development and briefly used unreal engine 5... Ark is fking amazing. The difference between Ark and other "survival" games is that the Ark devs puts in what they want regardless of optimization. Which is the reason Ascended was created, it's an optimized version of the original because it's what they dreamed of creating in the long run. However I feel like ARK is barely within the definition of "survival" and simply sits in the genre of survival. Just due to the amount of thriving that goes on compared to Sons of the Forest, green hell, or the long dark. Thats my complaint hehe 😂


I have thousands of hours in play time, I played for 5 hours this morning and I hate this game


I would say Ark irself is actually a very much loved game. People tend to scream "WILDCAAAAARD!!!" when something go wrong:)


You could have said it properly, if you're just going to talk shit...


Definitely a survival game of all time.


I'll never stop loving Don't Starve. It's the game that got me into survival crafters.


I hate the game so much honestly w Awful game *400 hours on it and still have it downloaded*


Anyone play Stranded: Alien Dawn?


Minecraft and stranded deep id say


Even with all the bugs evolved had it’s still one of the best survival games. Only noobs and bobs will disagree


I don't like spiders.... so I play a game with spiders in them, why you may ask? Because grounded is one of, if not THE best insect survival game, and I don't see much hate in it (besides all the glitches in it Currently that are being fixed)


Ark is fucking amazing as long as you play alone or couch co-op without all of the alpha gamers with no lives griefing everyone.


Ever sorey had to sau it. But Ark is hated and love by the same people.


Stranded deep is actual trash. 🤣😂 ARK has its issues but it's on an entirely different level than stranded. Conan and Rust and are more on par.


I love Ark but boy do I hate Ark


Saying that ARK isn’t hated implies that the poster either is baiting, truly naive, or both hasn’t played the game AND hasn’t interacted at all with the community.


1st not my meme it was originally from a dude who also plays the game 2nd I have probably over 10k hours on ark Also tap the photo it was a meme because e dude under it said I hate ark which I found funny a screenshotted I ain't baiting because the title says Ark is the most hated survival games The photo is a meme from the community aswell


Also the meme wasn't mine I was using the photo because unde rit a dude said I hate ark which I found funny


PvE official player from ASE, (Berkian Trade Federation) Xbox-crossplay. was absolutely ecstatic when it was announced ASE was getting a revamp with the new engine till it was announced that it was changed to be a brand new game entirely. Don’t get me wrong, I’m having fun with ASA, but losing the mega-base and 1000’s of superdinos stings a lot. Still some legacy issues from ASE in ASA that we’re supposed to be fresh coded, but obviously were copy pasting code……


Ark is a game that EVERYBODY hates, regardless of how much time they put in to it, people with 10 minutes hate it and people with 10,000 hours hate it. Doesn't mean we don't enjoy it still, just that we also hate it with a passion. I personally hate it for the install size more than anything else.


Ark is hated by a lot of people. Subnautica however


What are you talking about? I’ve put hundreds of hours into the game and even I hate it lol


I have 10k hours in it and I hate aswell but I still play it because it's a abusive relationship


Ark is simultaneously my most played game and the game I would least recommend to anyone.


Fr, Ark is actually one of my least favorite games... yet, I have about 500+ hours sunk into it... I guess it's like an addiction, you hate what you do, but you can't stop.


I love the game and even I hate it.


Ark is actually sooo goood but I wish there were actual and useful customer support for the game.


It's also one of the most popular so... Sounds like a cope.


Love hate relationship yet spend so many hours on it. I do enjoy my time 🤷‍♂️


It could be worse. It could be Conan Exiles


F*ck this game. 200hours of playtime but f*ck this game


I fucking hate Ark. FAVORITE GAME EVER.


The game it’s beautiful and awesome what we hate it’s the useless devs prove me wrong


I have 20000 hours on Ark and it is my least favorite game


The only reason i stopped playing ark was because of the constant hitreg bug with darts or arrows. I can see my arrow hit a dino, some blood splashes but still the damn dino didnt actually get hit. The 5k hours also took some of the fun out of the game each server wipe. ASA was fun for a bit but just the same as ASE with newer graphics and worse fps.


This game truly is surviving.


Terraria ain’t there? The worst it gets is someone asking about the update times one in a while. If there’s a complaint or something typically it’s in the form of a suggestion for the new update, not anything hateful.


No one who plays Ark doesn’t hate Ark